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-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
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-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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--* TITLE: debug event mux
--* NAME: mmq_dbg.vhdl
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm,clib;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity mmq_dbg is
generic(thdid_width : integer := 4;
tlb_ways : natural := 4;
tlb_addr_width : natural := 7;
tlb_way_width : natural := 168;
tlb_word_width : natural := 84;
tlb_tag_width : natural := 110;
lru_width : natural := 16;
expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_sg_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_fce_2 : in std_ulogic;
tc_ac_ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic;
mmucr2 : in std_ulogic_vector(8 to 11);
pc_mm_trace_bus_enable : in std_ulogic;
pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
debug_bus_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
trace_triggers_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
debug_bus_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
debug_bus_out_int : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); -- internal replicate to iu_fetch
trace_triggers_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
----------- spr debug signals
spr_dbg_match_64b : in std_ulogic; -- these match sigs are spr_int phase
spr_dbg_match_any_mmu : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_any_mas : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_pid : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lpidr : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr1 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr2 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr3 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucfg : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lratcfg : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lratps : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_eptcfg : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lper : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lperu : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas0 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas1 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas2 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas2u : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas3 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas4 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas5 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas6 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas7 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas8 : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int : in std_ulogic; -- spr_int phase
spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out : in std_ulogic; -- spr_out phase
spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out : in std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
----------- mmq_inval debug signals
inval_dbg_seq_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
inval_dbg_seq_idle : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_seq_snoop_inprogress : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_seq_snoop_done : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_seq_local_done : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_seq_tlb0fi_done : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_ex6_valid : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_ex6_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
inval_dbg_ex6_ttype : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); -- encoded
inval_dbg_snoop_forme : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_snoop_local_reject : in std_ulogic;
inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q : in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 8); -- 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_addr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(22 to 63);
inval_dbg_snoop_valid_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
inval_dbg_snoop_ack_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 34);
inval_dbg_snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q : in std_ulogic_vector(18 to 19);
inval_dbg_snoop_vpn_q : in std_ulogic_vector(17 to 51);
inval_dbg_lsu_tokens_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
----------- tlb_req debug signals
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_valid_q : in std_ulogic;
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_state_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_inptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_outptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_valid_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_nonspec_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); -- encoded
tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_dup_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_valid_q : in std_ulogic;
tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_state_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_inptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_outptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_valid_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); -- encoded
tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_ttype_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_dup_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
----------- tlb_ctl debug signals
tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); -- tlb_seq_q
tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_idle : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_any_done_sig : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_abort : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_any_tlb_req_sig : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_any_req_taken_sig : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_valid : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_type : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); -- encoded
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_wq : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_gs : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_pr : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_atsel : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_valid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_ctl_dbg_set_resv : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_match_vec_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_ctl_dbg_any_tag_flush_sig : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_as_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_gs_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_as_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_epn_loc_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_epn_glob_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_as_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_gs_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_as_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_epn_loc_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_epn_glob_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_as_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_gs_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_as_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_epn_loc_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_epn_glob_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_as_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_gs_snoop_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_as_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_epn_loc_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_epn_glob_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_ctl_dbg_clr_resv_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- tag5
tlb_ctl_dbg_clr_resv_terms : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- tag5, threadwise condensed into to tlbivax, tlbilx, tlbwe, ptereload
----------- tlb_cmp debug signals
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_ways);
tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_addr_width-1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_way : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_way_width-1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_parerr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_lru_dataout_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to lru_width-5);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_tlb_datain_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_way_width-1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_datain_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to lru_width-5);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_write : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_any_exception : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_type_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_thdid_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_data : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 131);
tlb_cmp_dbg_erat_dup_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
tlb_cmp_dbg_addr_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
tlb_cmp_dbg_pgsize_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_class_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_extclass_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_state_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_thdid_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_pid_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_lpid_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_ind_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_iprot_enable : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_entry_v : in std_ulogic; -- these are tag3 versions
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_addr_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_pgsize_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_extclass_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_state_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_thdid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_iprot_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_addr_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_pgsize_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_extclass_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_state_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_thdid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_iprot_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_addr_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_pgsize_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_extclass_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_state_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_thdid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_iprot_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_addr_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_pgsize_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_class_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_extclass_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_state_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_thdid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_pid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_ind_match : in std_ulogic;
tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_iprot_match : in std_ulogic;
----------- lrat debug signals
lrat_dbg_tag1_addr_enable : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_tag2_matchline_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
lrat_dbg_entry0_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry0_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry0_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry0_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry0_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry1_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry1_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry1_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry1_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry1_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry2_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry2_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry2_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry2_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry2_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry3_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry3_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry3_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry3_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry3_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry4_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry4_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry4_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry4_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry4_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry5_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry5_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry5_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry5_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry5_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry6_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry6_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry6_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry6_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry6_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_dbg_entry7_addr_match : in std_ulogic; -- tag2
lrat_dbg_entry7_lpid_match : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry7_entry_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry7_entry_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_dbg_entry7_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
----------- mmq_htw debug signals
htw_dbg_seq_idle : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_seq_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_dbg_inptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_lsuptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_dbg_req_valid_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- tag4, threadwise condensed into to tlbivax, tlbilx, tlbwe, ptereload
htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q : in std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60);
htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- 4 beats of data per CL
htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q : in std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60);
htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- 4 beats of data per CL
htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 : in std_ulogic;
----------- lsu debug signals
mm_xu_lsu_req : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
-- 0=tlbivax_op, 1=tlbi_complete, 2=mmu read with core_tag=01100, 3=mmu read with core_tag=01101
mm_xu_lsu_ttype : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mm_xu_lsu_wimge : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mm_xu_lsu_u : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mm_xu_lsu_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(22 to 63);
mm_xu_lsu_lpid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); -- tlbivax data
mm_xu_lsu_gs : in std_ulogic; -- tlbivax data
mm_xu_lsu_ind : in std_ulogic; -- tlbivax data
mm_xu_lsu_lbit : in std_ulogic; -- -- tlbivax data, "L" bit, for large vs. small
xu_mm_lsu_token : in std_ulogic;
----------- misc top level debug signals
tlb_mas_tlbre : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_dtlb_error : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_itlb_error : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_mas_tlbre : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_tag3_hit_status : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- val,hit,multihit,inval_pgsize
lrat_tag3_hit_entry : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
tlb_seq_ierat_req : in std_ulogic;
tlb_seq_derat_req : in std_ulogic;
mm_xu_hold_req : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_mm_hold_ack : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mm_xu_hold_done : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mmucsr0_tlb0fi : in std_ulogic;
tlbwe_back_inv_valid : in std_ulogic;
tlbwe_back_inv_attr : in std_ulogic_vector(18 to 19);
xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty : in std_ulogic;
iu_mm_lmq_empty : in std_ulogic;
mm_xu_eratmiss_done : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mm_iu_barrier_done : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mm_xu_ex3_flush_req : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mm_xu_illeg_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_tag4_hit_status : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_tag4_hit_entry : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
mm_xu_cr0_eq : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- for record forms
mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); -- for record forms
tlb_htw_req_valid : in std_ulogic;
htw_lsu_req_valid : in std_ulogic;
htw_dbg_lsu_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_lsu_ttype : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
htw_lsu_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(22 to 63);
ptereload_req_taken : in std_ulogic;
ptereload_req_pte : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63) -- pte entry
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end mmq_dbg;
architecture mmq_dbg of mmq_dbg is
constant tagpos_epn : natural := 0;
constant tagpos_pid : natural := 52; -- 14 bits
constant tagpos_is : natural := 66;
constant tagpos_class : natural := 68;
constant tagpos_state : natural := 70; -- state: 0:pr 1:gs 2:as 3:cm
constant tagpos_thdid : natural := 74;
constant tagpos_size : natural := 78;
constant tagpos_type : natural := 82; -- derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
constant tagpos_lpid : natural := 90;
constant tagpos_ind : natural := 98;
constant tagpos_atsel : natural := 99;
constant tagpos_esel : natural := 100;
constant tagpos_hes : natural := 103;
constant tagpos_wq : natural := 104;
constant tagpos_lrat : natural := 106;
constant tagpos_pt : natural := 107;
constant tagpos_recform : natural := 108;
constant tagpos_endflag : natural := 109;
-- derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
constant tagpos_type_derat : natural := tagpos_type;
constant tagpos_type_ierat : natural := tagpos_type+1;
constant tagpos_type_tlbsx : natural := tagpos_type+2;
constant tagpos_type_tlbsrx : natural := tagpos_type+3;
constant tagpos_type_snoop : natural := tagpos_type+4;
constant tagpos_type_tlbre : natural := tagpos_type+5;
constant tagpos_type_tlbwe : natural := tagpos_type+6;
constant tagpos_type_ptereload : natural := tagpos_type+7;
-- state: 0:pr 1:gs 2:as 3:cm
constant tagpos_pr : natural := tagpos_state;
constant tagpos_gs : natural := tagpos_state+1;
constant tagpos_as : natural := tagpos_state+2;
constant tagpos_cm : natural := tagpos_state+3;
constant waypos_epn : natural := 0;
constant waypos_size : natural := 52;
constant waypos_thdid : natural := 56;
constant waypos_class : natural := 60;
constant waypos_extclass : natural := 62;
constant waypos_lpid : natural := 66;
constant waypos_xbit : natural := 84;
constant waypos_rpn : natural := 88;
constant waypos_rc : natural := 118;
constant waypos_wlc : natural := 120;
constant waypos_resvattr : natural := 122;
constant waypos_vf : natural := 123;
constant waypos_ind : natural := 124;
constant waypos_ubits : natural := 125;
constant waypos_wimge : natural := 129;
constant waypos_usxwr : natural := 134;
constant waypos_gs : natural := 140;
constant waypos_ts : natural := 141;
constant waypos_tid : natural := 144; -- 14 bits
constant eratpos_epn : natural := 0;
constant eratpos_x : natural := 52;
constant eratpos_size : natural := 53;
constant eratpos_v : natural := 56;
constant eratpos_thdid : natural := 57;
constant eratpos_class : natural := 61;
constant eratpos_extclass : natural := 63;
constant eratpos_wren : natural := 65;
constant eratpos_rpnrsvd : natural := 66;
constant eratpos_rpn : natural := 70;
constant eratpos_r : natural := 100;
constant eratpos_c : natural := 101;
constant eratpos_rsv : natural := 102;
constant eratpos_wlc : natural := 103;
constant eratpos_resvattr : natural := 105;
constant eratpos_vf : natural := 106;
constant eratpos_ubits : natural := 107;
constant eratpos_wimge : natural := 111;
constant eratpos_usxwr : natural := 116;
constant eratpos_gs : natural := 122;
constant eratpos_ts : natural := 123;
constant eratpos_tid : natural := 124; -- 8 bits
signal pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q : std_ulogic; -- input=>pc_mm_trace_bus_enable, sleep=>Y, needs_sreset=>0
signal pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15); -- input=>pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls, act=>pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q, sleep=>Y, needs_sreset=>0
signal pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_d, pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal trigger_data_out_d, trigger_data_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trace_data_out_d, trace_data_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal trace_data_out_int_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal debug_d, debug_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 371); -- act=>pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q, sleep=>Y, needs_sreset=>0, scan=>N
signal trigger_d, trigger_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 47); -- act=>pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q, sleep=>Y, needs_sreset=>0, scan=>N
signal debug_bus_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal trace_triggers_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
constant trace_bus_enable_offset : integer := 0;
constant debug_mux1_ctrls_offset : integer := trace_bus_enable_offset + 1;
constant debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset : integer := debug_mux1_ctrls_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q'length;
constant trigger_data_out_offset : natural := debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q'length;
constant trace_data_out_offset : natural := trigger_data_out_offset + trigger_data_out_q'length;
constant trace_data_out_int_offset : natural := trace_data_out_offset + trace_data_out_q'length;
constant scan_right : natural := trace_data_out_int_offset + trace_data_out_int_q'length-1;
signal dbg_group0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group5 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group6 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group7 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group8 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group9 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group10a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group11a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group12a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group13a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group14a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group15a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group10b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group11b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group12b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group13b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group14b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group15b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group10 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group11 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group12 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group13 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group14 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal dbg_group15 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
constant group12_offset : natural := 68;
constant group13_offset : natural := 112;
signal trg_group0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trg_group1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trg_group2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trg_group3a : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trg_group3b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trg_group3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal dbg_group0a : std_ulogic_vector(24 to 55);
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_valid : std_ulogic;
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_thdid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_wq : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_gs : std_ulogic;
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_pr : std_ulogic;
signal tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_atsel : std_ulogic;
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); -- encoded
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid : std_ulogic;
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_ways);
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_thdid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- encoded
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); -- encoded
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_class : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- what kind of derat is it?
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_val : std_ulogic; -- i or d
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_hit : std_ulogic; -- i or d
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 167);
signal tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal unused_dc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
-- Pervasive
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_sg_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_sg_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_fce_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_fce_0 : std_ulogic;
signal siv, sov : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
-- Logic
tidn <= '0';
tiup <= '1';
pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_d <= pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q; -- local timing latches
-- debug input signals from various logic entities
debug_d(12) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_valid;
debug_d(13 to 14) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_thdid(0 to 1);
debug_d(15 to 17) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_type(0 to 2);
debug_d(18 to 19) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_wq(0 to 1);
debug_d(20) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_gs;
debug_d(21) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_pr;
debug_d(22) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_atsel;
debug_d(23) <= '0';
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_valid <= debug_q(12);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_thdid(0 to 1) <= debug_q(13 to 14);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(0 to 2) <= debug_q(15 to 17);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_wq(0 to 1) <= debug_q(18 to 19);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_gs <= debug_q(20);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_pr <= debug_q(21);
tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_atsel <= debug_q(22);
-- tlb_low_data
-- [0:51] - EPN
-- [52:55] - SIZE (4b)
-- [56:59] - ThdID
-- [60:61] - Class
-- [62] - ExtClass
-- [63] - TID_NZ
-- [64:65] - reserved (2b)
-- [66:73] - 8b for LPID
-- [74:83] - parity 10bits
debug_d(192 to 275) <= TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4_WAY(0 to 83);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(0 to 83) <= debug_q(192 to 275);
-- tlb_high_data
-- [84] - [0] - X-bit
-- [85:87] - [1:3] - reserved (3b)
-- [88:117] - [4:33] - RPN (30b)
-- [118:119] - [34:35] - R,C
-- [120:121] - [36:37] - WLC (2b)
-- [122] - [38] - ResvAttr
-- [123] - [39] - VF
-- [124] - [40] - IND
-- [125:128] - [41:44] - U0-U3
-- [129:133] - [45:49] - WIMGE
-- [134:135] - [50:51] - UX,SX
-- [136:137] - [52:53] - UW,SW
-- [138:139] - [54:55] - UR,SR
-- [140] - [56] - GS
-- [141] - [57] - TS
-- [142:143] - [58:59] - reserved (2b)
-- [144:149] - [60:65] - 6b TID msbs
-- [150:157] - [66:73] - 8b TID lsbs
-- [158:167] - [74:83] - parity 10bits
debug_d(276 to 359) <= TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4_WAY(84 to 167);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(84 to 167) <= debug_q(276 to 359);
-- lru data format
-- [0:3] - valid(0:3)
-- [4:6] - LRU
-- [7] - parity
-- [8:11] - iprot(0:3)
-- [12:14] - reserved
-- [15] - parity
debug_d(360 to 371) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_lru_dataout_q(0 to 11);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(0 to 11) <= debug_q(360 to 371);
trigger_d(0 to 11) <= (others => '0');
trigger_d(12 to 23) <= (others => '0');
trigger_d(24 to 35) <= (others => '0');
trigger_d(36 to 47) <= (others => '0');
--group0 (slowspr interface)
dbg_group0(0) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int; -- spr_int phase
dbg_group0(1) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int;
dbg_group0(2 to 3) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int;
dbg_group0(4 to 13) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int;
dbg_group0(14) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out; -- spr_out phase
dbg_group0(15) <= spr_dbg_match_any_mmu; -- spr_int phase
dbg_group0(16) <= spr_dbg_match_any_mas;
dbg_group0(17) <= spr_dbg_match_pid;
dbg_group0(18) <= spr_dbg_match_lpidr;
dbg_group0(19) <= spr_dbg_match_mas2;
dbg_group0(20) <= spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b;
dbg_group0(21) <= spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b;
dbg_group0(22) <= spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b;
dbg_group0(23) <= spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b;
-- alternate bit muxes when 64b decodes 19:23=00000
dbg_group0a(24) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucr0;
dbg_group0a(25) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucr1;
dbg_group0a(26) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucr2;
dbg_group0a(27) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucr3;
dbg_group0a(28) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0;
dbg_group0a(29) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucfg;
dbg_group0a(30) <= spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg;
dbg_group0a(31) <= spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps;
dbg_group0a(32) <= spr_dbg_match_lratcfg;
dbg_group0a(33) <= spr_dbg_match_lratps;
dbg_group0a(34) <= spr_dbg_match_eptcfg;
dbg_group0a(35) <= spr_dbg_match_lper;
dbg_group0a(36) <= spr_dbg_match_lperu;
dbg_group0a(37) <= spr_dbg_match_mas0;
dbg_group0a(38) <= spr_dbg_match_mas1;
dbg_group0a(39) <= spr_dbg_match_mas2u;
dbg_group0a(40) <= spr_dbg_match_mas3;
dbg_group0a(41) <= spr_dbg_match_mas4;
dbg_group0a(42) <= spr_dbg_match_mas5;
dbg_group0a(43) <= spr_dbg_match_mas6;
dbg_group0a(44) <= spr_dbg_match_mas7;
dbg_group0a(45) <= spr_dbg_match_mas8;
dbg_group0a(46) <= tlb_mas_tlbre;
dbg_group0a(47) <= tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit;
dbg_group0a(48) <= tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss;
dbg_group0a(49) <= tlb_mas_dtlb_error;
dbg_group0a(50) <= tlb_mas_itlb_error;
dbg_group0a(51) <= tlb_mas_thdid(2) or tlb_mas_thdid(3); -- encoded
dbg_group0a(52) <= tlb_mas_thdid(1) or tlb_mas_thdid(3); -- encoded
dbg_group0a(53) <= lrat_mas_tlbre;
dbg_group0a(54) <= lrat_mas_thdid(2) or lrat_mas_thdid(3); -- encoded
dbg_group0a(55) <= lrat_mas_thdid(1) or lrat_mas_thdid(3); -- encoded
-- alternate bit muxes when 64b decodes 19:23/=00000
dbg_group0(24 to 55) <= ((24 to 55 => spr_dbg_match_64b) and spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out(0 to 31)) or
((24 to 55 => not(spr_dbg_match_64b)) and dbg_group0a(24 to 55));
dbg_group0(56 to 87) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out(32 to 63);
-- snoop_attr:
-- 0 -> Local
-- 1:3 -> IS/Class: 0=all, 1=tid, 2=gs, 3=epn, 4=class0, 5=class1, 6=class2, 7=class3
-- 4:5 -> GS/TS
-- 6:13 -> TID(6:13)
-- 14:17 -> Size
-- 18 -> reserved for tlb, extclass_enable(0) for erats
-- 19 -> mmucsr0.tlb0fi for tlb, or TID_NZ for erats
-- 20:25 -> TID(0:5)
-- 26:33 -> LPID
-- 34 -> IND
--group1 (invalidate, local generation)
dbg_group1(0 to 4) <= inval_dbg_seq_q(0 to 4);
dbg_group1(5) <= inval_dbg_ex6_valid;
dbg_group1(6 to 7) <= inval_dbg_ex6_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group1(8 to 9) <= inval_dbg_ex6_ttype(1 to 2); -- encoded
dbg_group1(10) <= htw_lsu_req_valid;
dbg_group1(11) <= mmucsr0_tlb0fi;
dbg_group1(12) <= tlbwe_back_inv_valid;
dbg_group1(13) <= inval_dbg_snoop_forme;
dbg_group1(14) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q(4); -- L bit
dbg_group1(15) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q(7); -- local bit
dbg_group1(16 to 50) <= inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q(0 to 34);
dbg_group1(51 to 52) <= inval_dbg_snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q(18 to 19);
dbg_group1(53 to 87) <= inval_dbg_snoop_vpn_q(17 to 51);
--group2 (invalidate, bus snoops)
dbg_group2(0 to 4) <= inval_dbg_seq_q(0 to 4);
dbg_group2(5) <= inval_dbg_snoop_forme;
dbg_group2(6) <= inval_dbg_snoop_local_reject;
dbg_group2(7 to 13) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q(2 to 8); -- 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
dbg_group2(14 to 21) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q(0 to 7);
dbg_group2(22 to 63) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_addr_q(22 to 63);
dbg_group2(64 to 66) <= inval_dbg_snoop_valid_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group2(67 to 87) <= inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q(0 to 19) & inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q(34);
--group3 (lsu interface)
dbg_group3(0 to 4) <= inval_dbg_seq_q(0 to 4);
dbg_group3(5) <= inval_dbg_ex6_valid;
dbg_group3(6 to 7) <= inval_dbg_ex6_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group3(8 to 9) <= inval_dbg_ex6_ttype(1 to 2); -- encoded
dbg_group3(10) <= inval_dbg_snoop_forme;
dbg_group3(11) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q(7); -- 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
dbg_group3(12) <= xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty;
dbg_group3(13) <= iu_mm_lmq_empty;
dbg_group3(14 to 15) <= htw_dbg_seq_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group3(16) <= htw_lsu_req_valid;
dbg_group3(17 to 18) <= htw_dbg_lsu_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group3(19 to 20) <= htw_lsu_ttype(0 to 1);
dbg_group3(21) <= xu_mm_lsu_token;
dbg_group3(22) <= inval_dbg_lsu_tokens_q(1);
dbg_group3(23) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_lsu_req);
dbg_group3(24 to 25) <= mm_xu_lsu_ttype; -- 0=tlbivax_op L=0, 1=tlbi_complete, 2=mmu read with core_tag=01100, 3=mmu read with core_tag=01101
dbg_group3(26 to 30) <= mm_xu_lsu_wimge;
dbg_group3(31) <= mm_xu_lsu_ind; -- tlbivax sec enc data
dbg_group3(32) <= mm_xu_lsu_gs; -- tlbivax sec enc data
dbg_group3(33) <= mm_xu_lsu_lbit; -- tlbivax sec enc data, "L" bit, for large vs. small
dbg_group3(34 to 37) <= mm_xu_lsu_u;
dbg_group3(38 to 45) <= mm_xu_lsu_lpid; -- tlbivax lpar id data
dbg_group3(46 to 87) <= mm_xu_lsu_addr(22 to 63);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_val <= or_reduce(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(0 to 3) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(5 to 8)); -- i or d
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_hit <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(4) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(9); -- i or d
--group4 (sequencers, the big picture)
dbg_group4(0 to 5) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_q(0 to 5); -- tlb_seq_q
dbg_group4(6 to 7) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group4(8 to 10) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_type(0 to 2); -- encoded
dbg_group4(11) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_any_tag_flush_sig;
dbg_group4(12 to 15) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(16 to 19) <= mm_xu_eratmiss_done(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(20 to 23) <= mm_iu_barrier_done(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(24 to 27) <= mm_xu_ex3_flush_req(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(28) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_val; -- i or d
dbg_group4(29) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_hit; -- i or d
dbg_group4(30 to 31) <= htw_dbg_seq_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group4(32 to 34) <= htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group4(35 to 37) <= htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group4(38 to 42) <= inval_dbg_seq_q(0 to 4);
dbg_group4(43) <= mmucsr0_tlb0fi;
dbg_group4(44) <= inval_dbg_ex6_valid;
dbg_group4(45 to 46) <= inval_dbg_ex6_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group4(47 to 49) <= inval_dbg_ex6_ttype(0 to 2); -- encoded tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax, csync, isync
dbg_group4(50) <= inval_dbg_snoop_forme;
dbg_group4(51 to 57) <= inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q(2 to 8); -- 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
dbg_group4(58) <= xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty;
dbg_group4(59) <= iu_mm_lmq_empty;
dbg_group4(60 to 63) <= mm_xu_hold_req(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(64 to 67) <= xu_mm_hold_ack(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(68 to 71) <= mm_xu_hold_done(0 to 3);
dbg_group4(72 to 74) <= inval_dbg_snoop_valid_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group4(75 to 77) <= inval_dbg_snoop_ack_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group4(78) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_lsu_req);
dbg_group4(79 to 80) <= mm_xu_lsu_ttype; -- 0=tlbivax_op L=0, 1=tlbi_complete, 2=mmu read with core_tag=01100, 3=mmu read with core_tag=01101
dbg_group4(81) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_illeg_instr);
dbg_group4(82 to 85) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_type_q(0 to 3); -- tag5 except valid/type, (hv_priv | lrat_miss | pt_fault | pt_inelig)
dbg_group4(86 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_thdid_q(0 to 1); -- tag5 encoded thdid
--group5 (tlb_req)
dbg_group5(0) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_valid_q;
dbg_group5(1 to 2) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group5(3 to 6) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_state_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(7) <= tlb_seq_ierat_req;
dbg_group5(8 to 9) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_inptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group5(10 to 11) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_outptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group5(12 to 15) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_valid_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(16 to 19) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_nonspec_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(20 to 27) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_thdid(0 to 7); -- encoded
dbg_group5(28 to 31) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_req_dup_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(32) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_valid_q;
dbg_group5(33 to 34) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group5(35 to 38) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_state_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(39) <= tlb_seq_derat_req;
dbg_group5(40 to 41) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_inptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group5(42 to 43) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_outptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group5(44 to 47) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_valid_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(48 to 55) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_thdid(0 to 7); -- encoded
dbg_group5(56 to 63) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_ttype_q(0 to 7);
dbg_group5(64 to 67) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_req_dup_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group5(68 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_erat_dup_q(0 to 19);
-- unused tag bits for certain ops are re-purposed as below:
-- unused tagpos_is def is mas1_v, mas1_iprot for tlbwe, and is pte.valid & 0 for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_pt, tagpos_recform def are mas8_tgs, mas1_ts for tlbwe
-- unused tagpos_atsel | tagpos_esel used as indirect entry's thdid to update tlb_entry.thdid for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_wq used as htw reserv write enab & dup bits (set in htw) for ptereloads
-- unused esel for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number (1 thru 5)
-- unused "is" for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number msb (9 thru 13, or 17 thru 21)
-- unused HES bit for snoops is used as mmucsr0.tlb0fi full invalidate of all non-protected entries
-- some encoding of debug sigs
-- ttype: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid <= or_reduce(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+3));
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(0) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_thdid+2) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_thdid+3)); -- encoded
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(1) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_thdid+1) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_thdid+3)); -- encoded
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(0) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_snoop) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbre) or
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbwe) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_ptereload)); -- encoded
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(1) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbsx) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbsrx) or
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbwe) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_ptereload)); -- encoded
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(2) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_ierat) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbsrx) or
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_tlbre) or tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_type_ptereload)); -- encoded
--group6 (general erat and search compare values, truncated epn)
dbg_group6(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid; -- or_reduce of thdid;
dbg_group6(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group6(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(0 to 2); -- encoded
dbg_group6(6 to 7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_class to tagpos_class+1);
dbg_group6(8 to 9) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1);
dbg_group6(10 to 12) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_esel to tagpos_esel+2);
dbg_group6(13) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_cm);
dbg_group6(14) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pr);
dbg_group6(15) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_ind);
dbg_group6(16) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_endflag);
dbg_group6(17 to 23) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4(0 to 6);
dbg_group6(24 to 27) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways-1);
dbg_group6(28) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_gs);
dbg_group6(29 to 36) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+7);
dbg_group6(37) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_as);
dbg_group6(38 to 51) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+13);
dbg_group6(52 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_epn+16 to tagpos_epn+51);
--group7 (detailed compare/match)
dbg_group7(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid;
dbg_group7(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group7(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group7(6 to 7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1);
dbg_group7(8 to 9) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_class to tagpos_class+1);
dbg_group7(10 to 12) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_esel to tagpos_esel+2);
dbg_group7(13 to 19) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4(0 to 6);
dbg_group7(20 to 23) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to 3);
debug_d(24 to 32) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_addr_enable(0 to 8); -- these are tag3 versions coming in
debug_d(33) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_pgsize_enable;
debug_d(34) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_class_enable;
debug_d(35 to 36) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_extclass_enable(0 to 1);
debug_d(37 to 38) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_state_enable(0 to 1);
debug_d(39) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_thdid_enable;
debug_d(40) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_pid_enable;
debug_d(41) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_lpid_enable;
debug_d(42) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_ind_enable;
debug_d(43) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_iprot_enable;
debug_d(44) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_entry_v;
debug_d(45) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_addr_match;
debug_d(46) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_pgsize_match;
debug_d(47) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_class_match;
debug_d(48) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_extclass_match;
debug_d(49) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_state_match;
debug_d(50) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_thdid_match;
debug_d(51) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_pid_match;
debug_d(52) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_lpid_match;
debug_d(53) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_ind_match;
debug_d(54) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way0_iprot_match;
debug_d(55) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_entry_v;
debug_d(56) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_addr_match;
debug_d(57) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_pgsize_match;
debug_d(58) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_class_match;
debug_d(59) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_extclass_match;
debug_d(60) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_state_match;
debug_d(61) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_thdid_match;
debug_d(62) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_pid_match;
debug_d(63) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_lpid_match;
debug_d(64) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_ind_match;
debug_d(65) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way1_iprot_match;
debug_d(66) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_entry_v;
debug_d(67) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_addr_match;
debug_d(68) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_pgsize_match;
debug_d(69) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_class_match;
debug_d(70) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_extclass_match;
debug_d(71) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_state_match;
debug_d(72) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_thdid_match;
debug_d(73) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_pid_match;
debug_d(74) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_lpid_match;
debug_d(75) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_ind_match;
debug_d(76) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way2_iprot_match;
debug_d(77) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_entry_v;
debug_d(78) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_addr_match;
debug_d(79) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_pgsize_match;
debug_d(80) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_class_match;
debug_d(81) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_extclass_match;
debug_d(82) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_state_match;
debug_d(83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_thdid_match;
debug_d(84) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_pid_match;
debug_d(85) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_lpid_match;
debug_d(86) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_ind_match;
debug_d(87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_way3_iprot_match;
dbg_group7(24 to 87) <= debug_q(24 to 87); -- tag4 phase, see below
-- unused tag bits for certain ops are re-purposed as below:
-- unused tagpos_is def is mas1_v, mas1_iprot for tlbwe, and is pte.valid & 0 for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_pt, tagpos_recform def are mas8_tgs, mas1_ts for tlbwe
-- unused tagpos_atsel | tagpos_esel used as indirect entry's thdid to update tlb_entry.thdid for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_wq used as htw reserv write enab & dup bits (set in htw) for ptereloads
-- unused esel for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number (1 thru 5)
-- unused "is" for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number msb (9 thru 13, or 17 thru 21)
-- unused HES bit for snoops is used as mmucsr0.tlb0fi full invalidate of all non-protected entries
-- unused class is derat ttype for derat miss, 0=load,1=store,2=epid load,3=epid store
--group8 (erat miss, tlbre, tlbsx mas updates and parerr)
dbg_group8(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid;
dbg_group8(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group8(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group8(6 to 7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_class to tagpos_class+1);
dbg_group8(8) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_cm);
dbg_group8(9) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_gs);
dbg_group8(10) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pr);
dbg_group8(11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_endflag);
dbg_group8(12) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_atsel);
dbg_group8(13 to 15) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_esel to tagpos_esel+2);
dbg_group8(16 to 19) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3);
dbg_group8(20 to 33) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+13);
dbg_group8(34 to 58) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_epn+27 to tagpos_epn+51);
dbg_group8(59 to 65) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4(0 to 6);
dbg_group8(66 to 69) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways-1);
dbg_group8(70) <= tlb_mas_dtlb_error;
dbg_group8(71) <= tlb_mas_itlb_error;
dbg_group8(72) <= tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit;
dbg_group8(73) <= tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss;
dbg_group8(74) <= tlb_mas_tlbre;
dbg_group8(75) <= lrat_mas_tlbre;
dbg_group8(76) <= lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit;
dbg_group8(77 ) <= lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss;
dbg_group8(78 to 80) <= lrat_tag4_hit_entry(0 to 2);
dbg_group8(81 to 85) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_parerr(0 to 4); -- way0 to 3, lru
dbg_group8(86) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid);
dbg_group8(87) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_cr0_eq and mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid);
--group9 (tlbwe, ptereload write control)
dbg_group9(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_valid;
dbg_group9(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group9(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group9(6) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_gs);
dbg_group9(7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pr);
dbg_group9(8) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_cm);
dbg_group9(9) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_hes);
dbg_group9(10 to 11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1);
dbg_group9(12) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_atsel);
dbg_group9(13 to 15) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_esel to tagpos_esel+2);
dbg_group9(16 to 17) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1);
dbg_group9(18) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_pt);
dbg_group9(19) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_recform);
dbg_group9(20) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_ind);
dbg_group9(21 to 27) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4(0 to 6);
dbg_group9(28 to 31) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways-1);
dbg_group9(32 to 43) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_lru_dataout_q(0 to 11); -- current valid. lru, iprot
dbg_group9(44 to 47) <= lrat_tag4_hit_status(0 to 3);
dbg_group9(48 to 50) <= lrat_tag4_hit_entry(0 to 2);
dbg_group9(51) <= or_reduce(mm_iu_barrier_done);
dbg_group9(52 to 55) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_valid(0 to 3);
dbg_group9(56 to 59) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_match_vec_q(0 to 3); -- tag4
dbg_group9(60 to 63) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(0 to 3); -- tag5
dbg_group9(64 to 75) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_datain_q(0 to 11); -- tag5
dbg_group9(76) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_write; -- all bits the same
dbg_group9(77) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_illeg_instr);
dbg_group9(78 to 81) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_type_q(0 to 3); -- tag5 except valid/type, (hv_priv | lrat_miss | pt_fault | pt_inelig)
dbg_group9(82 to 83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_except_thdid_q(0 to 1); -- tag5 encoded thdid
dbg_group9(84) <= tlbwe_back_inv_valid; -- valid
dbg_group9(85) <= tlbwe_back_inv_attr(18); -- not extclass enable
dbg_group9(86) <= tlbwe_back_inv_attr(19); -- tid_nz
dbg_group9(87) <= '0';
debug_d(0 to 1) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_thdid; -- tag5 thdid encoded
debug_d(2 to 4) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_type; -- tag5 type encoded
debug_d(5 to 6) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4(tagpos_class to tagpos_class+1); -- what kind of derat is it?
debug_d(7 to 11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_thdid(0 to 1) <= debug_q(0 to 1);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2) <= debug_q(2 to 4);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_class(0 to 1) <= debug_q(5 to 6);
tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0 to 4) <= debug_q(7 to 11);
--group10 (erat reload bus, epn) --------> can mux tlb_datain(0:83) epn for tlbwe/ptereload ops
dbg_group10a(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_val;
dbg_group10a(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group10a(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group10a(6 to 7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_class(0 to 1); -- what kind of derat is it?
dbg_group10a(8 to 11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways-1);
dbg_group10a(12 to 21) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(0 to 9);
dbg_group10a(22 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_data(eratpos_epn to eratpos_wren);
-- tlb_low_data
-- [0:51] - EPN
-- [52:55] - SIZE (4b)
-- [56:59] - ThdID
-- [60:61] - Class
-- [62] - ExtClass
-- [63] - TID_NZ
-- [64:65] - reserved (2b)
-- [66:73] - 8b for LPID
-- [74:83] - parity 10bits
dbg_group10b(0 to 83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_tlb_datain_q(0 to 83); -- tlb_datain epn
dbg_group10b(84) <= Eq(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2),"110") and or_reduce(tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q); -- tlbwe
dbg_group10b(85) <= Eq(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2),"111") and or_reduce(tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q); -- ptereload
dbg_group10b(86) <= (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(2) or tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(3));
dbg_group10b(87) <= (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(1) or tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(3));
dbg_group10 <= dbg_group10b when mmucr2(8)='1' else dbg_group10a;
--group11 (erat reload bus, rpn) --------> can mux tlb_datain(84:167) rpn for tlbwe/ptereload ops
dbg_group11a(0) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_iorderat_rel_val;
dbg_group11a(1 to 2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group11a(3 to 5) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group11a(6 to 7) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_class(0 to 1); -- what kind of derat is it?
dbg_group11a(8 to 11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0 to tlb_ways-1);
dbg_group11a(12 to 21) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_val(0 to 9);
dbg_group11a(22 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_erat_rel_data(eratpos_rpnrsvd to eratpos_tid+7);
-- tlb_high_data
-- [84] - [0] - X-bit
-- [85:87] - [1:3] - reserved (3b)
-- [88:117] - [4:33] - RPN (30b)
-- [118:119] - [34:35] - R,C
-- [120:121] - [36:37] - WLC (2b)
-- [122] - [38] - ResvAttr
-- [123] - [39] - VF
-- [124] - [40] - IND
-- [125:128] - [41:44] - U0-U3
-- [129:133] - [45:49] - WIMGE
-- [134:135] - [50:51] - UX,SX
-- [136:137] - [52:53] - UW,SW
-- [138:139] - [54:55] - UR,SR
-- [140] - [56] - GS
-- [141] - [57] - TS
-- [142:143] - [58:59] - reserved (2b)
-- [144:149] - [60:65] - 6b TID msbs
-- [150:157] - [66:73] - 8b TID lsbs
-- [158:167] - [74:83] - parity 10bits
dbg_group11b(0 to 83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_tlb_datain_q(84 to 167); -- tlb_datain rpn
dbg_group11b(84) <= Eq(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2),"110") and or_reduce(tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q); -- tlbwe
dbg_group11b(85) <= Eq(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_type(0 to 2),"111") and or_reduce(tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q); -- ptereload
dbg_group11b(86) <= (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(2) or tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(3));
dbg_group11b(87) <= (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(1) or tlb_ctl_dbg_tag5_tlb_write_q(3));
dbg_group11 <= dbg_group11b when mmucr2(8)='1' else dbg_group11a;
--group12 (reservations)
dbg_group12a(0) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_valid;
dbg_group12a(1 to 2) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group12a(3 to 5) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(0 to 2);
dbg_group12a(6 to 7) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_wq(0 to 1);
dbg_group12a(8 to 11) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_valid(0 to 3);
dbg_group12a(12 to 15) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_set_resv(0 to 3);
dbg_group12a(16 to 19) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv_match_vec_q(0 to 3); -- tag4
debug_d(group12_offset+20) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_lpid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+21) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_pid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+22) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_as_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+23) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_gs_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+24) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_as_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+25) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+26) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_ind_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+27) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_epn_loc_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+28) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_epn_glob_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+29) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv0_tag0_class_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+30) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_lpid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+31) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_pid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+32) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_as_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+33) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_gs_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+34) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_as_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+35) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+36) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_ind_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+37) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_epn_loc_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+38) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_epn_glob_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+39) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv1_tag0_class_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+40) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_lpid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+41) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_pid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+42) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_as_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+43) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_gs_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+44) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_as_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+45) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+46) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_ind_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+47) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_epn_loc_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+48) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_epn_glob_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+49) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv2_tag0_class_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+50) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_lpid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+51) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_pid_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+52) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_as_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+53) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_gs_snoop_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+54) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_as_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+55) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_gs_tlbwe_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+56) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_ind_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+57) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_epn_loc_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+58) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_epn_glob_match;
debug_d(group12_offset+59) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_resv3_tag0_class_match;
dbg_group12a(20 to 59) <= debug_q(group12_offset+20 to group12_offset+59); -- tag1
dbg_group12a(60 to 63) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_clr_resv_q(0 to 3); -- tag5
dbg_group12a(64 to 67) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_clr_resv_terms(0 to 3); -- tag5, threadwise condensed into to tlbivax, tlbilx, tlbwe, ptereload
dbg_group12a(68 to 71) <= htw_dbg_req_valid_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group12a(72 to 75) <= htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec(0 to 3);
dbg_group12a(76 to 79) <= htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q(0 to 3);
dbg_group12a(80 to 83) <= htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms(0 to 3); -- tag4, threadwise condensed into to tlbivax, tlbilx, tlbwe, ptereload
dbg_group12a(84 to 87) <= "0000";
-- tlb_low_data
-- [0:51] - EPN
-- [52:55] - SIZE (4b)
-- [56:59] - ThdID
-- [60:61] - Class
-- [62] - ExtClass
-- [63] - TID_NZ
-- [64:65] - reserved (2b)
-- [66:73] - 8b for LPID
-- [74:83] - parity 10bits
dbg_group12b(0 to 83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(0 to 83); -- tag5 way epn
dbg_group12b(84) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(0) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(1) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(2) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(3) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- valid
dbg_group12b(85) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(8) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(9) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(10) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(11) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- iprot
dbg_group12b(86) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4); -- encoded lru way msb
dbg_group12b(87) <= (not(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4)) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(5)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(6)); -- encoded lru way lsb
dbg_group12 <= dbg_group12b when mmucr2(9)='1' else dbg_group12a;
-- unused tag bits for certain ops are re-purposed as below:
-- unused tagpos_is def is mas1_v, mas1_iprot for tlbwe, and is pte.valid & 0 for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_pt, tagpos_recform def are mas8_tgs, mas1_ts for tlbwe
-- unused tagpos_atsel | tagpos_esel used as indirect entry's thdid to update tlb_entry.thdid for ptereloads
-- unused tagpos_wq used as htw reserv write enab & dup bits (set in htw) for ptereloads
-- unused esel for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number (1 thru 5)
-- unused "is" for derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx becomes tlb_seq page size attempted number msb (9 thru 13, or 17 thru 21)
-- unused HES bit for snoops is used as mmucsr0.tlb0fi full invalidate of all non-protected entries
-- unused class is derat ttype for derat miss, 0=load,1=store,2=epid load,3=epid store
-- type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
--group13 (lrat match logic)
dbg_group13a(0) <= lrat_dbg_tag1_addr_enable; -- tlb_addr_cap_q(1)
dbg_group13a(1) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_valid;
dbg_group13a(2 to 3) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_thdid(0 to 1);
dbg_group13a(4 to 5) <= (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(0) and tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(1)) & (tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(0) and tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_type(2)); -- tlbsx,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
dbg_group13a(6) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_gs;
dbg_group13a(7) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_pr;
dbg_group13a(8) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag1_atsel;
dbg_group13a(9 to 11) <= lrat_tag3_hit_entry(0 to 2);
dbg_group13a(12 to 15) <= lrat_tag3_hit_status(0 to 3); -- hit_status to val,hit,multihit,inval_pgsize
debug_d(group13_offset+16) <= lrat_dbg_entry0_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+17) <= lrat_dbg_entry0_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+18) <= lrat_dbg_entry0_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+19) <= lrat_dbg_entry0_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+20 to group13_offset+23) <= lrat_dbg_entry0_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+24) <= lrat_dbg_entry1_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+25) <= lrat_dbg_entry1_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+26) <= lrat_dbg_entry1_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+27) <= lrat_dbg_entry1_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+28 to group13_offset+31) <= lrat_dbg_entry1_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+32) <= lrat_dbg_entry2_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+33) <= lrat_dbg_entry2_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+34) <= lrat_dbg_entry2_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+35) <= lrat_dbg_entry2_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+36 to group13_offset+39) <= lrat_dbg_entry2_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+40) <= lrat_dbg_entry3_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+41) <= lrat_dbg_entry3_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+42) <= lrat_dbg_entry3_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+43) <= lrat_dbg_entry3_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+44 to group13_offset+47) <= lrat_dbg_entry3_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+48) <= lrat_dbg_entry4_addr_match ; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+49) <= lrat_dbg_entry4_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+50) <= lrat_dbg_entry4_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+51) <= lrat_dbg_entry4_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+52 to group13_offset+55) <= lrat_dbg_entry4_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+56) <= lrat_dbg_entry5_addr_match ; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+57) <= lrat_dbg_entry5_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+58) <= lrat_dbg_entry5_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+59) <= lrat_dbg_entry5_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+60 to group13_offset+63) <= lrat_dbg_entry5_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+64) <= lrat_dbg_entry6_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+65) <= lrat_dbg_entry6_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+66) <= lrat_dbg_entry6_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+67) <= lrat_dbg_entry6_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+68 to group13_offset+71) <= lrat_dbg_entry6_size(0 to 3);
debug_d(group13_offset+72) <= lrat_dbg_entry7_addr_match; -- tag1
debug_d(group13_offset+73) <= lrat_dbg_entry7_lpid_match;
debug_d(group13_offset+74) <= lrat_dbg_entry7_entry_v;
debug_d(group13_offset+75) <= lrat_dbg_entry7_entry_x;
debug_d(group13_offset+76 to group13_offset+79) <= lrat_dbg_entry7_size(0 to 3);
dbg_group13a(16 to 79) <= debug_q(group13_offset+16 to group13_offset+79); -- tag2
dbg_group13a(80 to 87) <= lrat_dbg_tag2_matchline_q(0 to 7);
-- tlb_high_data
-- [84] - [0] - X-bit
-- [85:87] - [1:3] - reserved (3b)
-- [88:117] - [4:33] - RPN (30b)
-- [118:119] - [34:35] - R,C
-- [120:121] - [36:37] - WLC (2b)
-- [122] - [38] - ResvAttr
-- [123] - [39] - VF
-- [124] - [40] - IND
-- [125:128] - [41:44] - U0-U3
-- [129:133] - [45:49] - WIMGE
-- [134:135] - [50:51] - UX,SX
-- [136:137] - [52:53] - UW,SW
-- [138:139] - [54:55] - UR,SR
-- [140] - [56] - GS
-- [141] - [57] - TS
-- [142:143] - [58:59] - reserved (2b)
-- [144:149] - [60:65] - 6b TID msbs
-- [150:157] - [66:73] - 8b TID lsbs
-- [158:167] - [74:83] - parity 10bits
dbg_group13b(0 to 83) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(84 to 167); -- tag5 way rpn
dbg_group13b(84) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(0) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(1) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(2) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(3) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- valid
dbg_group13b(85) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(8) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(9) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(10) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(11) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- iprot
dbg_group13b(86) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4); -- encoded lru way msb
dbg_group13b(87) <= (not(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4)) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(5)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(6)); -- encoded lru way lsb
dbg_group13 <= dbg_group13b when mmucr2(9)='1' else dbg_group13a;
--group14 (htw control)
dbg_group14a(0 to 1) <= htw_dbg_seq_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group14a(2 to 3) <= htw_dbg_inptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group14a(4) <= htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q;
dbg_group14a(5 to 6) <= htw_dbg_lsuptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group14a(7) <= htw_lsu_ttype(1);
dbg_group14a(8 to 9) <= htw_dbg_lsu_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
dbg_group14a(10 to 51) <= htw_lsu_addr(22 to 63);
dbg_group14a(52 to 54) <= htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group14a(55 to 56) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group14a(57 to 59) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 60);
dbg_group14a(60 to 62) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group14a(63 to 66) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q(0 to 3); -- 4 beats of data per CL
dbg_group14a(67) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q;
dbg_group14a(68) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q;
dbg_group14a(69) <= htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q;
dbg_group14a(70 to 72) <= htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group14a(73 to 74) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group14a(75 to 77) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 60);
dbg_group14a(78 to 80) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group14a(81 to 84) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q(0 to 3); -- 4 beats of data per CL
dbg_group14a(85) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q;
dbg_group14a(86) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q;
dbg_group14a(87) <= htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q;
-- tlb_low_data
-- [0:51] - EPN
-- [52:55] - SIZE (4b)
-- [56:59] - ThdID
-- [60:61] - Class
-- [62] - ExtClass
-- [63] - TID_NZ
-- [64:65] - reserved (2b)
-- [66:73] - 8b for LPID
-- [74:83] - parity 10bits
-- tlb_high_data
-- [84] - [0] - X-bit
-- [85:87] - [1:3] - reserved (3b)
-- [88:117] - [4:33] - RPN (30b)
-- [118:119] - [34:35] - R,C
-- [120:121] - [36:37] - WLC (2b)
-- [122] - [38] - ResvAttr
-- [123] - [39] - VF
-- [124] - [40] - IND
-- [125:128] - [41:44] - U0-U3
-- [129:133] - [45:49] - WIMGE
-- [134:135] - [50:51] - UX,SX
-- [136:137] - [52:53] - UW,SW
-- [138:139] - [54:55] - UR,SR
-- [140] - [56] - GS
-- [141] - [57] - TS
-- [142:143] - [58:59] - reserved (2b)
-- [144:149] - [60:65] - 6b TID msbs
-- [150:157] - [66:73] - 8b TID lsbs
-- [158:167] - [74:83] - parity 10bits
dbg_group14b(0) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(0) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(1) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(2) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(3) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- valid
dbg_group14b(1) <= (tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(8) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(9) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(1)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(10) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(2)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(11) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(3)); -- iprot
dbg_group14b(2) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(140); -- gs
dbg_group14b(3) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(141); -- ts
dbg_group14b(4 to 11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(66 to 73); -- tlpid
dbg_group14b(12 to 25) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(144 to 157); -- tid, 14bits
dbg_group14b(26 to 45) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(32 to 51); -- epn truncated to lower 20b
dbg_group14b(46 to 49) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(52 to 55); -- size
dbg_group14b(50 to 53) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(56 to 59); -- thdid
dbg_group14b(54) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(84); -- xbit
dbg_group14b(55) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(40); -- ind
dbg_group14b(56 to 57) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(60 to 61); -- class
dbg_group14b(58 to 77) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(98 to 117); -- rpn truncated to lower 20b
dbg_group14b(78 to 81) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(130 to 133); -- imge
dbg_group14b(82 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(134 to 139); -- user/sup prot bits
dbg_group14 <= dbg_group14b when mmucr2(10)='1' else dbg_group14a;
--group15 (ptereload pte)
dbg_group15a(0 to 1) <= htw_dbg_seq_q(0 to 1);
dbg_group15a(2 to 4) <= htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group15a(5 to 7) <= htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q(0 to 2);
dbg_group15a(8) <= htw_lsu_req_valid;
dbg_group15a(9 to 21) <= htw_lsu_addr(48 to 60);
dbg_group15a(22) <= htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q;
dbg_group15a(23) <= ptereload_req_taken;
dbg_group15a(24 to 87) <= ptereload_req_pte(0 to 63); -- pte entry
dbg_group15b(0 to 73) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_way(0 to 73); -- tag5 way epn
dbg_group15b(74 to 77) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(0 to 3);
dbg_group15b(78 to 81) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(8 to 11);
dbg_group15b(82) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4); -- encoded lsu way msb
dbg_group15b(83) <= (not(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4)) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(5)) or
(tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(4) and tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(6)); -- encoded lsu way lsb
dbg_group15b(84 to 87) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_wayhit(0 to 3);
dbg_group15 <= dbg_group15b when mmucr2(10)='1' else dbg_group15a;
-- trigger group0
trg_group0(0) <= not(tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_idle);
trg_group0(1 to 2) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_thdid(0 to 1); -- encoded
trg_group0(3 to 5) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_tag0_type(0 to 2); -- encoded
trg_group0(6) <= not(inval_dbg_seq_idle);
trg_group0(7) <= inval_dbg_seq_snoop_inprogress; -- bus snoop
trg_group0(8) <= not(htw_dbg_seq_idle);
trg_group0(9) <= not(htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle);
trg_group0(10) <= not(htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle);
trg_group0(11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_any_exception; -- big or gate
-- trigger group1
trg_group1(0 to 5) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_q(0 to 5);
trg_group1(6 to 10) <= inval_dbg_seq_q(0 to 4);
trg_group1(11) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_any_done_sig or tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_abort or inval_dbg_seq_snoop_done or inval_dbg_seq_local_done or inval_dbg_seq_tlb0fi_done or inval_dbg_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done;
-- trigger group2
trg_group2(0) <= tlb_req_dbg_ierat_iu5_valid_q;
trg_group2(1) <= tlb_req_dbg_derat_ex6_valid_q;
trg_group2(2) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_any_tlb_req_sig;
trg_group2(3) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_any_req_taken_sig;
trg_group2(4) <= tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_any_done_sig or tlb_ctl_dbg_seq_abort;
trg_group2(5) <= inval_dbg_ex6_valid; ----------------> need tlbivax/erativax indication?
trg_group2(6) <= mmucsr0_tlb0fi;
trg_group2(7) <= inval_dbg_snoop_forme;
trg_group2(8) <= tlbwe_back_inv_valid;
trg_group2(9) <= htw_lsu_req_valid;
trg_group2(10) <= inval_dbg_seq_snoop_done or inval_dbg_seq_local_done or inval_dbg_seq_tlb0fi_done or inval_dbg_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done;
trg_group2(11) <= or_reduce(mm_xu_lsu_req);
-- trigger group3
trg_group3a(0) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int;
trg_group3a(1) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int;
trg_group3a(2 to 3) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int;
trg_group3a(4) <= spr_dbg_match_64b;
trg_group3a(5) <= spr_dbg_match_any_mmu; -- int phase
trg_group3a(6) <= spr_dbg_match_any_mas;
trg_group3a(7) <= spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 or spr_dbg_match_mmucr1 or spr_dbg_match_mmucr2 or spr_dbg_match_mmucr3;
trg_group3a(8) <= spr_dbg_match_pid or spr_dbg_match_lpidr;
trg_group3a(9) <= spr_dbg_match_lper or spr_dbg_match_lperu;
trg_group3a(10) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out;
trg_group3a(11) <= spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out;
trg_group3b(0) <= tlb_htw_req_valid;
trg_group3b(1 to 2) <= htw_dbg_seq_q(0 to 1);
trg_group3b(3 to 5) <= htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q(0 to 2);
trg_group3b(6 to 8) <= htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q(0 to 2);
trg_group3b(9) <= htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 or htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1;
trg_group3b(10) <= or_reduce(htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q or htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q);
trg_group3b(11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_any_exception;
trg_group3 <= trg_group3b when mmucr2(11)='1' else trg_group3a;
dbg_mux0: entity clib.c_debug_mux16
port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
select_bits => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q,
trace_data_in => debug_bus_in_q,
trigger_data_in => trace_triggers_in_q,
dbg_group0 => dbg_group0,
dbg_group1 => dbg_group1,
dbg_group2 => dbg_group2,
dbg_group3 => dbg_group3,
dbg_group4 => dbg_group4,
dbg_group5 => dbg_group5,
dbg_group6 => dbg_group6,
dbg_group7 => dbg_group7,
dbg_group8 => dbg_group8,
dbg_group9 => dbg_group9,
dbg_group10 => dbg_group10,
dbg_group11 => dbg_group11,
dbg_group12 => dbg_group12,
dbg_group13 => dbg_group13,
dbg_group14 => dbg_group14,
dbg_group15 => dbg_group15,
trg_group0 => trg_group0,
trg_group1 => trg_group1,
trg_group2 => trg_group2,
trg_group3 => trg_group3,
trace_data_out => trace_data_out_d,
trigger_data_out => trigger_data_out_d
trace_triggers_out <= trigger_data_out_q;
debug_bus_out <= trace_data_out_q;
debug_bus_out_int <= trace_data_out_int_q;
-- unused spare signal assignments
unused_dc(0) <= TLB_MAS_THDID(0);
unused_dc(1) <= LRAT_MAS_THDID(0);
unused_dc(2) <= LRAT_MAS_THDID(0);
unused_dc(3) <= INVAL_DBG_LSU_TOKENS_Q(0);
unused_dc(4) <= TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4(82); -- tagpos_derat, not used for type encoding of '0'
unused_dc(5) <= TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4(106); -- tagpos_lrat
unused_dc(6) <= or_reduce(TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4(0 TO 7)); -- tagpos_epn
unused_dc(7) <= or_reduce(TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG4(8 TO 15));
unused_dc(8) <= TLB_CMP_DBG_TAG5_WAYHIT(4);
unused_dc(9) <= DEBUG_Q(23);
unused_dc(10) <= or_reduce(TRIGGER_Q(0 to 47));
unused_dc(11) <= tlb_cmp_dbg_tag5_lru_dataout(7); -- lru parity bit
-- Latches
trace_bus_enable_latch : tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
scin => siv(trace_bus_enable_offset),
scout => sov(trace_bus_enable_offset),
din => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable,
dout => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q);
debug_mux1_ctrls_latch : tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
scin => siv(debug_mux1_ctrls_offset to debug_mux1_ctrls_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q'length-1),
scout => sov(debug_mux1_ctrls_offset to debug_mux1_ctrls_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q'length-1),
din => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls,
dout => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_q);
debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_latch : tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
scin => siv(debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset to debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q'length-1),
scout => sov(debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset to debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_offset + pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q'length-1),
din => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_d,
dout => pc_mm_debug_mux1_ctrls_loc_q);
trigger_data_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => trigger_data_out_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv(trigger_data_out_offset to trigger_data_out_offset + trigger_data_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov(trigger_data_out_offset to trigger_data_out_offset + trigger_data_out_q'length-1),
din => trigger_data_out_d,
dout => trigger_data_out_q);
trace_data_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => trace_data_out_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv(trace_data_out_offset to trace_data_out_offset + trace_data_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov(trace_data_out_offset to trace_data_out_offset + trace_data_out_q'length-1),
din => trace_data_out_d,
dout => trace_data_out_q);
trace_data_out_int_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => trace_data_out_int_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv(trace_data_out_int_offset to trace_data_out_int_offset + trace_data_out_int_q'length-1),
scout => sov(trace_data_out_int_offset to trace_data_out_int_offset + trace_data_out_int_q'length-1),
din => trace_data_out_d(0 to 7),
dout => trace_data_out_int_q);
debug_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => debug_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => debug_d,
dout => debug_q);
trigger_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => trigger_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => trigger_d,
dout => trigger_q);
debug_bus_in_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => debug_bus_in_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => debug_bus_in,
dout => debug_bus_in_q);
trace_triggers_in_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => trace_triggers_in_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => pc_mm_trace_bus_enable_q,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => trace_triggers_in,
dout => trace_triggers_in_q);
-- pervasive
perv_2to1_plat: tri_plat
generic map (width => 4, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2,
din(1) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
din(2) => pc_sg_2,
din(3) => pc_fce_2,
q(0) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1,
q(1) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1,
q(2) => pc_sg_1,
q(3) => pc_fce_1);
perv_1to0_plat: tri_plat
generic map (width => 4, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1,
din(1) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1,
din(2) => pc_sg_1,
din(3) => pc_fce_1,
q(0) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0,
q(1) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0,
q(2) => pc_sg_0,
q(3) => pc_fce_0);
perv_sl_lcbor: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_sg_0,
act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b);
perv_nsl_lcbor: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0,
sg => pc_fce_0,
act_dis => tidn,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b);
-- Scan
siv(0 to scan_right) <= sov(1 to scan_right) & scan_in;
scan_out <= sov(0);
end mmq_dbg;