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3 years ago
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
-- Description: XU LSU Load Data Rotator
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
LIBRARY support;
USE support.power_logic_pkg.all;
LIBRARY tri; USE tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- ##########################################################################################
-- VHDL Contents
-- 1) 1 32Byte input
-- 2) 32 Byte Unaligned Rotate to the Right Rotator
-- ##########################################################################################
entity xuq_lsu_data_rot32_ru is
generic (expand_type : integer := 2 );
port (
opsize :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); -- (0)256 (1)128 (2)64 (3)32 (4)16 (5)8
le :in std_ulogic;
rotate_sel :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
data :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31); -- data to rotate
data_latched :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31); -- latched data, not rotated
data_rot :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31); -- rotated data out
nclk :in clk_logic;
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
func_sl_force :in std_ulogic;
func_sl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic;
sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
act :in std_ulogic;
scan_in :in std_ulogic;
scan_out :out std_ulogic
end xuq_lsu_data_rot32_ru;
architecture xuq_lsu_data_rot32_ru of xuq_lsu_data_rot32_ru is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal my_d1clk, my_d2clk :std_ulogic ;
signal my_lclk :clk_logic ;
signal di_lat_si, di_lat_so, di_q_b, di_q, di_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal shx16_gp0_lat_si, shx16_gp0_lat_so, shx16_gp0_q_b, shx16_gp0_q, shx16_gp0_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal shx16_gp1_lat_si, shx16_gp1_lat_so, shx16_gp1_q_b, shx16_gp1_q, shx16_gp1_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal shx04_gp0_lat_si, shx04_gp0_lat_so, shx04_gp0_q_b, shx04_gp0_q, shx04_gp0_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal shx04_gp1_lat_si, shx04_gp1_lat_so, shx04_gp1_q_b, shx04_gp1_q, shx04_gp1_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal shx01_gp0_lat_si, shx01_gp0_lat_so, shx01_gp0_q_b, shx01_gp0_q, shx01_gp0_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal shx01_gp1_lat_si, shx01_gp1_lat_so, shx01_gp1_q_b, shx01_gp1_q, shx01_gp1_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mask_lat_si, mask_lat_so, mask_q_b, mask_q, mask_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal mx1_0_b, mx1_1_b, mx1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal mx2_0_b, mx2_1_b, mx2 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal mx3_0_b, mx3_1_b, mx3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal do_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx1_d0, mx1_d1, mx1_d2, mx1_d3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx2_d0, mx2_d1, mx2_d2, mx2_d3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx3_d0, mx3_d1, mx3_d2, mx3_d3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx1_s0, mx1_s1, mx1_s2, mx1_s3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx2_s0, mx2_s1, mx2_s2, mx2_s3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mx3_s0, mx3_s1, mx3_s2, mx3_s3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
signal mask_en :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal shx16_sel , shx04_sel , shx01_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
-- #############################################################################################
-- Little Endian Rotate Support
-- Optype2 Optype4 Optype8
-- B31 => rot_data(248:255)
-- B30 => rot_data(240:247)
-- B29 => rot_data(232:239)
-- B28 => rot_data(224:231)
-- B31 => rot_data(248:255) B27 => rot_data(216:223)
-- B30 => rot_data(240:247) B26 => rot_data(208:215)
-- B31 => rot_data(248:255) B29 => rot_data(232:239) B25 => rot_data(200:207)
-- B30 => rot_data(240:247) B28 => rot_data(224:231) B24 => rot_data(192:199)
-- Optype16
-- B31 => rot_data(248:255) B23 => rot_data(184:191)
-- B30 => rot_data(240:247) B22 => rot_data(176:183)
-- B29 => rot_data(232:239) B21 => rot_data(168:175)
-- B28 => rot_data(224:231) B20 => rot_data(160:167)
-- B27 => rot_data(216:223) B19 => rot_data(152:159)
-- B26 => rot_data(208:215) B18 => rot_data(144:151)
-- B25 => rot_data(200:207) B17 => rot_data(136:143)
-- B24 => rot_data(192:199) B16 => rot_data(128:135)
-- Optype32
-- B31 => rot_data(248:255) B23 => rot_data(184:191) B15 => rot_data(120:127) B7 => rot_data(56:63)
-- B30 => rot_data(240:247) B22 => rot_data(176:183) B14 => rot_data(112:119) B6 => rot_data(48:55)
-- B29 => rot_data(232:239) B21 => rot_data(168:175) B13 => rot_data(104:111) B5 => rot_data(40:47)
-- B28 => rot_data(224:231) B20 => rot_data(160:167) B12 => rot_data(96:103) B4 => rot_data(32:39)
-- B27 => rot_data(216:223) B19 => rot_data(152:159) B11 => rot_data(88:95) B3 => rot_data(24:31)
-- B26 => rot_data(208:215) B18 => rot_data(144:151) B10 => rot_data(80:87) B2 => rot_data(16:23)
-- B25 => rot_data(200:207) B17 => rot_data(136:143) B9 => rot_data(72:79) B1 => rot_data(8:15)
-- B24 => rot_data(192:199) B16 => rot_data(128:135) B8 => rot_data(64:71) B0 => rot_data(0:7)
-- #############################################################################################
---- 0,1,2,3 byte rotation
--with rot_sel(3 to 4) select
-- rot3210 <= rot_data(232 to 255) & rot_data(0 to 231) when "11",
-- rot_data(240 to 255) & rot_data(0 to 239) when "10",
-- rot_data(248 to 255) & rot_data(0 to 247) when "01",
-- rot_data(0 to 255) when others;
---- 0-3,4,8,12 byte rotation
--with rot_sel(1 to 2) select
-- rotC840 <= rot3210(160 to 255) & rot3210(0 to 159) when "11",
-- rot3210(192 to 255) & rot3210(0 to 191) when "10",
-- rot3210(224 to 255) & rot3210(0 to 223) when "01",
-- rot3210(0 to 255) when others;
----0-12, 16 byte rotation
--with rot_sel(0) select
-- rot10 <= rotC840(128 to 255) & rotC840(0 to 127) when '1',
-- rotC840(0 to 255) when others;
-- ######################################################################
-- ######################################################################
-- Rotate Control
-- ----------------------------------
shx16_sel(0) <= not le and not rotate_sel(0);
shx16_sel(1) <= not le and rotate_sel(0);
shx16_sel(2) <= le and not rotate_sel(0);
shx16_sel(3) <= le and rotate_sel(0);
shx04_sel(0) <= not rotate_sel(1) and not rotate_sel(2);
shx04_sel(1) <= not rotate_sel(1) and rotate_sel(2);
shx04_sel(2) <= rotate_sel(1) and not rotate_sel(2);
shx04_sel(3) <= rotate_sel(1) and rotate_sel(2);
shx01_sel(0) <= not rotate_sel(3) and not rotate_sel(4);
shx01_sel(1) <= not rotate_sel(3) and rotate_sel(4);
shx01_sel(2) <= rotate_sel(3) and not rotate_sel(4);
shx01_sel(3) <= rotate_sel(3) and rotate_sel(4);
-- Opsize Mask Generation
-- ----------------------------------
mask_din(0) <= opsize(0) ;-- for 0:15
mask_din(1) <= opsize(1) or mask_din(0) ;-- for 16:23
mask_din(2) <= opsize(2) or mask_din(1) ;-- for 24:27
mask_din(3) <= opsize(3) or mask_din(2) ;-- for 28:29
mask_din(4) <= opsize(4) or mask_din(3) ;-- for 30
mask_din(5) <= opsize(5) or mask_din(4) ;-- for 31
-- Latch Inputs
-- ----------------------------------
di_din(0 to 31) <= data(0 to 31);
shx16_gp0_din(0 to 3) <= shx16_sel(0 to 3);
shx16_gp1_din(0 to 3) <= shx16_sel(0 to 3);
shx04_gp0_din(0 to 3) <= shx04_sel(0 to 3);
shx04_gp1_din(0 to 3) <= shx04_sel(0 to 3);
shx01_gp0_din(0 to 3) <= shx01_sel(0 to 3);
shx01_gp1_din(0 to 3) <= shx01_sel(0 to 3);
-- ######################################################################
-- ######################################################################
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- local latch inputs
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
u_di_q: di_q(0 to 31) <= not di_q_b(0 to 31) ;
u_shx16_gp0_q: shx16_gp0_q(0 to 3) <= not shx16_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) ;
u_shx16_gp1_q: shx16_gp1_q(0 to 3) <= not shx16_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) ;
u_shx04_gp0_q: shx04_gp0_q(0 to 3) <= not shx04_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) ;
u_shx04_gp1_q: shx04_gp1_q(0 to 3) <= not shx04_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) ;
u_shx01_gp0_q: shx01_gp0_q(0 to 3) <= not shx01_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) ;
u_shx01_gp1_q: shx01_gp1_q(0 to 3) <= not shx01_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) ;
mask_q(0 to 5) <= not mask_q_b(0 to 5) ;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- first level of muxing <le/be, shift 0/16 bytes>
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mx1_s0( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx16_gp0_q(0) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s1( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx16_gp0_q(1) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s2( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx16_gp0_q(2) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s3( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx16_gp0_q(3) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s0(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx16_gp1_q(0) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s1(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx16_gp1_q(1) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s2(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx16_gp1_q(2) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_s3(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx16_gp1_q(3) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx1_d0(0) <= di_q(0) ; mx1_d1(0) <= di_q(16) ; mx1_d2(0) <= di_q(31) ; mx1_d3(0) <= di_q(15) ;
mx1_d0(1) <= di_q(1) ; mx1_d1(1) <= di_q(17) ; mx1_d2(1) <= di_q(30) ; mx1_d3(1) <= di_q(14) ;
mx1_d0(2) <= di_q(2) ; mx1_d1(2) <= di_q(18) ; mx1_d2(2) <= di_q(29) ; mx1_d3(2) <= di_q(13) ;
mx1_d0(3) <= di_q(3) ; mx1_d1(3) <= di_q(19) ; mx1_d2(3) <= di_q(28) ; mx1_d3(3) <= di_q(12) ;
mx1_d0(4) <= di_q(4) ; mx1_d1(4) <= di_q(20) ; mx1_d2(4) <= di_q(27) ; mx1_d3(4) <= di_q(11) ;
mx1_d0(5) <= di_q(5) ; mx1_d1(5) <= di_q(21) ; mx1_d2(5) <= di_q(26) ; mx1_d3(5) <= di_q(10) ;
mx1_d0(6) <= di_q(6) ; mx1_d1(6) <= di_q(22) ; mx1_d2(6) <= di_q(25) ; mx1_d3(6) <= di_q(9) ;
mx1_d0(7) <= di_q(7) ; mx1_d1(7) <= di_q(23) ; mx1_d2(7) <= di_q(24) ; mx1_d3(7) <= di_q(8) ;
mx1_d0(8) <= di_q(8) ; mx1_d1(8) <= di_q(24) ; mx1_d2(8) <= di_q(23) ; mx1_d3(8) <= di_q(7) ;
mx1_d0(9) <= di_q(9) ; mx1_d1(9) <= di_q(25) ; mx1_d2(9) <= di_q(22) ; mx1_d3(9) <= di_q(6) ;
mx1_d0(10) <= di_q(10) ; mx1_d1(10) <= di_q(26) ; mx1_d2(10) <= di_q(21) ; mx1_d3(10) <= di_q(5) ;
mx1_d0(11) <= di_q(11) ; mx1_d1(11) <= di_q(27) ; mx1_d2(11) <= di_q(20) ; mx1_d3(11) <= di_q(4) ;
mx1_d0(12) <= di_q(12) ; mx1_d1(12) <= di_q(28) ; mx1_d2(12) <= di_q(19) ; mx1_d3(12) <= di_q(3) ;
mx1_d0(13) <= di_q(13) ; mx1_d1(13) <= di_q(29) ; mx1_d2(13) <= di_q(18) ; mx1_d3(13) <= di_q(2) ;
mx1_d0(14) <= di_q(14) ; mx1_d1(14) <= di_q(30) ; mx1_d2(14) <= di_q(17) ; mx1_d3(14) <= di_q(1) ;
mx1_d0(15) <= di_q(15) ; mx1_d1(15) <= di_q(31) ; mx1_d2(15) <= di_q(16) ; mx1_d3(15) <= di_q(0) ;
mx1_d0(16) <= di_q(16) ; mx1_d1(16) <= di_q(0) ; mx1_d2(16) <= di_q(15) ; mx1_d3(16) <= di_q(31) ;
mx1_d0(17) <= di_q(17) ; mx1_d1(17) <= di_q(1) ; mx1_d2(17) <= di_q(14) ; mx1_d3(17) <= di_q(30) ;
mx1_d0(18) <= di_q(18) ; mx1_d1(18) <= di_q(2) ; mx1_d2(18) <= di_q(13) ; mx1_d3(18) <= di_q(29) ;
mx1_d0(19) <= di_q(19) ; mx1_d1(19) <= di_q(3) ; mx1_d2(19) <= di_q(12) ; mx1_d3(19) <= di_q(28) ;
mx1_d0(20) <= di_q(20) ; mx1_d1(20) <= di_q(4) ; mx1_d2(20) <= di_q(11) ; mx1_d3(20) <= di_q(27) ;
mx1_d0(21) <= di_q(21) ; mx1_d1(21) <= di_q(5) ; mx1_d2(21) <= di_q(10) ; mx1_d3(21) <= di_q(26) ;
mx1_d0(22) <= di_q(22) ; mx1_d1(22) <= di_q(6) ; mx1_d2(22) <= di_q(9) ; mx1_d3(22) <= di_q(25) ;
mx1_d0(23) <= di_q(23) ; mx1_d1(23) <= di_q(7) ; mx1_d2(23) <= di_q(8) ; mx1_d3(23) <= di_q(24) ;
mx1_d0(24) <= di_q(24) ; mx1_d1(24) <= di_q(8) ; mx1_d2(24) <= di_q(7) ; mx1_d3(24) <= di_q(23) ;
mx1_d0(25) <= di_q(25) ; mx1_d1(25) <= di_q(9) ; mx1_d2(25) <= di_q(6) ; mx1_d3(25) <= di_q(22) ;
mx1_d0(26) <= di_q(26) ; mx1_d1(26) <= di_q(10) ; mx1_d2(26) <= di_q(5) ; mx1_d3(26) <= di_q(21) ;
mx1_d0(27) <= di_q(27) ; mx1_d1(27) <= di_q(11) ; mx1_d2(27) <= di_q(4) ; mx1_d3(27) <= di_q(20) ;
mx1_d0(28) <= di_q(28) ; mx1_d1(28) <= di_q(12) ; mx1_d2(28) <= di_q(3) ; mx1_d3(28) <= di_q(19) ;
mx1_d0(29) <= di_q(29) ; mx1_d1(29) <= di_q(13) ; mx1_d2(29) <= di_q(2) ; mx1_d3(29) <= di_q(18) ;
mx1_d0(30) <= di_q(30) ; mx1_d1(30) <= di_q(14) ; mx1_d2(30) <= di_q(1) ; mx1_d3(30) <= di_q(17) ;
mx1_d0(31) <= di_q(31) ; mx1_d1(31) <= di_q(15) ; mx1_d2(31) <= di_q(0) ; mx1_d3(31) <= di_q(16) ;
u_mx1_0: mx1_0_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx1_s0(0 to 31) and mx1_d0(0 to 31) ) or
(mx1_s1(0 to 31) and mx1_d1(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx1_1: mx1_1_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx1_s2(0 to 31) and mx1_d2(0 to 31) ) or
(mx1_s3(0 to 31) and mx1_d3(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx1: mx1(0 to 31) <= not( mx1_0_b(0 to 31) and mx1_1_b(0 to 31) );
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- second level of muxing <0,4,8,12 bytes>
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mx2_s0( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx04_gp0_q(0) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s1( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx04_gp0_q(1) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s2( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx04_gp0_q(2) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s3( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx04_gp0_q(3) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s0(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx04_gp1_q(0) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s1(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx04_gp1_q(1) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s2(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx04_gp1_q(2) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_s3(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx04_gp1_q(3) ) ; -- name reassign for select
mx2_d0(0) <= mx1(0) ; mx2_d1(0) <= mx1(28) ; mx2_d2(0) <= mx1(24) ; mx2_d3(0) <= mx1(20) ;
mx2_d0(1) <= mx1(1) ; mx2_d1(1) <= mx1(29) ; mx2_d2(1) <= mx1(25) ; mx2_d3(1) <= mx1(21) ;
mx2_d0(2) <= mx1(2) ; mx2_d1(2) <= mx1(30) ; mx2_d2(2) <= mx1(26) ; mx2_d3(2) <= mx1(22) ;
mx2_d0(3) <= mx1(3) ; mx2_d1(3) <= mx1(31) ; mx2_d2(3) <= mx1(27) ; mx2_d3(3) <= mx1(23) ;
mx2_d0(4) <= mx1(4) ; mx2_d1(4) <= mx1(0) ; mx2_d2(4) <= mx1(28) ; mx2_d3(4) <= mx1(24) ;
mx2_d0(5) <= mx1(5) ; mx2_d1(5) <= mx1(1) ; mx2_d2(5) <= mx1(29) ; mx2_d3(5) <= mx1(25) ;
mx2_d0(6) <= mx1(6) ; mx2_d1(6) <= mx1(2) ; mx2_d2(6) <= mx1(30) ; mx2_d3(6) <= mx1(26) ;
mx2_d0(7) <= mx1(7) ; mx2_d1(7) <= mx1(3) ; mx2_d2(7) <= mx1(31) ; mx2_d3(7) <= mx1(27) ;
mx2_d0(8) <= mx1(8) ; mx2_d1(8) <= mx1(4) ; mx2_d2(8) <= mx1(0) ; mx2_d3(8) <= mx1(28) ;
mx2_d0(9) <= mx1(9) ; mx2_d1(9) <= mx1(5) ; mx2_d2(9) <= mx1(1) ; mx2_d3(9) <= mx1(29) ;
mx2_d0(10) <= mx1(10) ; mx2_d1(10) <= mx1(6) ; mx2_d2(10) <= mx1(2) ; mx2_d3(10) <= mx1(30) ;
mx2_d0(11) <= mx1(11) ; mx2_d1(11) <= mx1(7) ; mx2_d2(11) <= mx1(3) ; mx2_d3(11) <= mx1(31) ;
mx2_d0(12) <= mx1(12) ; mx2_d1(12) <= mx1(8) ; mx2_d2(12) <= mx1(4) ; mx2_d3(12) <= mx1(0) ;
mx2_d0(13) <= mx1(13) ; mx2_d1(13) <= mx1(9) ; mx2_d2(13) <= mx1(5) ; mx2_d3(13) <= mx1(1) ;
mx2_d0(14) <= mx1(14) ; mx2_d1(14) <= mx1(10) ; mx2_d2(14) <= mx1(6) ; mx2_d3(14) <= mx1(2) ;
mx2_d0(15) <= mx1(15) ; mx2_d1(15) <= mx1(11) ; mx2_d2(15) <= mx1(7) ; mx2_d3(15) <= mx1(3) ;
mx2_d0(16) <= mx1(16) ; mx2_d1(16) <= mx1(12) ; mx2_d2(16) <= mx1(8) ; mx2_d3(16) <= mx1(4) ;
mx2_d0(17) <= mx1(17) ; mx2_d1(17) <= mx1(13) ; mx2_d2(17) <= mx1(9) ; mx2_d3(17) <= mx1(5) ;
mx2_d0(18) <= mx1(18) ; mx2_d1(18) <= mx1(14) ; mx2_d2(18) <= mx1(10) ; mx2_d3(18) <= mx1(6) ;
mx2_d0(19) <= mx1(19) ; mx2_d1(19) <= mx1(15) ; mx2_d2(19) <= mx1(11) ; mx2_d3(19) <= mx1(7) ;
mx2_d0(20) <= mx1(20) ; mx2_d1(20) <= mx1(16) ; mx2_d2(20) <= mx1(12) ; mx2_d3(20) <= mx1(8) ;
mx2_d0(21) <= mx1(21) ; mx2_d1(21) <= mx1(17) ; mx2_d2(21) <= mx1(13) ; mx2_d3(21) <= mx1(9) ;
mx2_d0(22) <= mx1(22) ; mx2_d1(22) <= mx1(18) ; mx2_d2(22) <= mx1(14) ; mx2_d3(22) <= mx1(10) ;
mx2_d0(23) <= mx1(23) ; mx2_d1(23) <= mx1(19) ; mx2_d2(23) <= mx1(15) ; mx2_d3(23) <= mx1(11) ;
mx2_d0(24) <= mx1(24) ; mx2_d1(24) <= mx1(20) ; mx2_d2(24) <= mx1(16) ; mx2_d3(24) <= mx1(12) ;
mx2_d0(25) <= mx1(25) ; mx2_d1(25) <= mx1(21) ; mx2_d2(25) <= mx1(17) ; mx2_d3(25) <= mx1(13) ;
mx2_d0(26) <= mx1(26) ; mx2_d1(26) <= mx1(22) ; mx2_d2(26) <= mx1(18) ; mx2_d3(26) <= mx1(14) ;
mx2_d0(27) <= mx1(27) ; mx2_d1(27) <= mx1(23) ; mx2_d2(27) <= mx1(19) ; mx2_d3(27) <= mx1(15) ;
mx2_d0(28) <= mx1(28) ; mx2_d1(28) <= mx1(24) ; mx2_d2(28) <= mx1(20) ; mx2_d3(28) <= mx1(16) ;
mx2_d0(29) <= mx1(29) ; mx2_d1(29) <= mx1(25) ; mx2_d2(29) <= mx1(21) ; mx2_d3(29) <= mx1(17) ;
mx2_d0(30) <= mx1(30) ; mx2_d1(30) <= mx1(26) ; mx2_d2(30) <= mx1(22) ; mx2_d3(30) <= mx1(18) ;
mx2_d0(31) <= mx1(31) ; mx2_d1(31) <= mx1(27) ; mx2_d2(31) <= mx1(23) ; mx2_d3(31) <= mx1(19) ;
u_mx2_0: mx2_0_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx2_s0(0 to 31) and mx2_d0(0 to 31) ) or
(mx2_s1(0 to 31) and mx2_d1(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx2_1: mx2_1_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx2_s2(0 to 31) and mx2_d2(0 to 31) ) or
(mx2_s3(0 to 31) and mx2_d3(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx2: mx2(0 to 31) <= not( mx2_0_b(0 to 31) and mx2_1_b(0 to 31) );
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- third level of muxing <0,1,2,3 bytes> , include mask on selects
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mask_en( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> mask_q(0) ); -- 256
mask_en(16 to 23) <= (16 to 23=> mask_q(1) ); -- 256,128
mask_en(24 to 27) <= (24 to 27=> mask_q(2) ); -- 256,128,64
mask_en(28 to 29) <= (28 to 29=> mask_q(3) ); -- 256,128,64,32
mask_en(30) <= ( mask_q(4) ); -- 256,128,64,32,16
mask_en(31) <= ( mask_q(5) ); -- 256,128,64,32,16,8 <not sure you really need this one>
mx3_s0( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx01_gp0_q(0) ) and mask_en( 0 to 15); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s1( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx01_gp0_q(1) ) and mask_en( 0 to 15); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s2( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx01_gp0_q(2) ) and mask_en( 0 to 15); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s3( 0 to 15) <= ( 0 to 15=> shx01_gp0_q(3) ) and mask_en( 0 to 15); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s0(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx01_gp1_q(0) ) and mask_en(16 to 31); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s1(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx01_gp1_q(1) ) and mask_en(16 to 31); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s2(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx01_gp1_q(2) ) and mask_en(16 to 31); -- name reassign for select
mx3_s3(16 to 31) <= (16 to 31=> shx01_gp1_q(3) ) and mask_en(16 to 31); -- name reassign for select
mx3_d0(0) <= mx2(0) ; mx3_d1(0) <= mx2(31) ; mx3_d2(0) <= mx2(30) ; mx3_d3(0) <= mx2(29) ;
mx3_d0(1) <= mx2(1) ; mx3_d1(1) <= mx2(0) ; mx3_d2(1) <= mx2(31) ; mx3_d3(1) <= mx2(30) ;
mx3_d0(2) <= mx2(2) ; mx3_d1(2) <= mx2(1) ; mx3_d2(2) <= mx2(0) ; mx3_d3(2) <= mx2(31) ;
mx3_d0(3) <= mx2(3) ; mx3_d1(3) <= mx2(2) ; mx3_d2(3) <= mx2(1) ; mx3_d3(3) <= mx2(0) ;
mx3_d0(4) <= mx2(4) ; mx3_d1(4) <= mx2(3) ; mx3_d2(4) <= mx2(2) ; mx3_d3(4) <= mx2(1) ;
mx3_d0(5) <= mx2(5) ; mx3_d1(5) <= mx2(4) ; mx3_d2(5) <= mx2(3) ; mx3_d3(5) <= mx2(2) ;
mx3_d0(6) <= mx2(6) ; mx3_d1(6) <= mx2(5) ; mx3_d2(6) <= mx2(4) ; mx3_d3(6) <= mx2(3) ;
mx3_d0(7) <= mx2(7) ; mx3_d1(7) <= mx2(6) ; mx3_d2(7) <= mx2(5) ; mx3_d3(7) <= mx2(4) ;
mx3_d0(8) <= mx2(8) ; mx3_d1(8) <= mx2(7) ; mx3_d2(8) <= mx2(6) ; mx3_d3(8) <= mx2(5) ;
mx3_d0(9) <= mx2(9) ; mx3_d1(9) <= mx2(8) ; mx3_d2(9) <= mx2(7) ; mx3_d3(9) <= mx2(6) ;
mx3_d0(10) <= mx2(10) ; mx3_d1(10) <= mx2(9) ; mx3_d2(10) <= mx2(8) ; mx3_d3(10) <= mx2(7) ;
mx3_d0(11) <= mx2(11) ; mx3_d1(11) <= mx2(10) ; mx3_d2(11) <= mx2(9) ; mx3_d3(11) <= mx2(8) ;
mx3_d0(12) <= mx2(12) ; mx3_d1(12) <= mx2(11) ; mx3_d2(12) <= mx2(10) ; mx3_d3(12) <= mx2(9) ;
mx3_d0(13) <= mx2(13) ; mx3_d1(13) <= mx2(12) ; mx3_d2(13) <= mx2(11) ; mx3_d3(13) <= mx2(10) ;
mx3_d0(14) <= mx2(14) ; mx3_d1(14) <= mx2(13) ; mx3_d2(14) <= mx2(12) ; mx3_d3(14) <= mx2(11) ;
mx3_d0(15) <= mx2(15) ; mx3_d1(15) <= mx2(14) ; mx3_d2(15) <= mx2(13) ; mx3_d3(15) <= mx2(12) ;
mx3_d0(16) <= mx2(16) ; mx3_d1(16) <= mx2(15) ; mx3_d2(16) <= mx2(14) ; mx3_d3(16) <= mx2(13) ;
mx3_d0(17) <= mx2(17) ; mx3_d1(17) <= mx2(16) ; mx3_d2(17) <= mx2(15) ; mx3_d3(17) <= mx2(14) ;
mx3_d0(18) <= mx2(18) ; mx3_d1(18) <= mx2(17) ; mx3_d2(18) <= mx2(16) ; mx3_d3(18) <= mx2(15) ;
mx3_d0(19) <= mx2(19) ; mx3_d1(19) <= mx2(18) ; mx3_d2(19) <= mx2(17) ; mx3_d3(19) <= mx2(16) ;
mx3_d0(20) <= mx2(20) ; mx3_d1(20) <= mx2(19) ; mx3_d2(20) <= mx2(18) ; mx3_d3(20) <= mx2(17) ;
mx3_d0(21) <= mx2(21) ; mx3_d1(21) <= mx2(20) ; mx3_d2(21) <= mx2(19) ; mx3_d3(21) <= mx2(18) ;
mx3_d0(22) <= mx2(22) ; mx3_d1(22) <= mx2(21) ; mx3_d2(22) <= mx2(20) ; mx3_d3(22) <= mx2(19) ;
mx3_d0(23) <= mx2(23) ; mx3_d1(23) <= mx2(22) ; mx3_d2(23) <= mx2(21) ; mx3_d3(23) <= mx2(20) ;
mx3_d0(24) <= mx2(24) ; mx3_d1(24) <= mx2(23) ; mx3_d2(24) <= mx2(22) ; mx3_d3(24) <= mx2(21) ;
mx3_d0(25) <= mx2(25) ; mx3_d1(25) <= mx2(24) ; mx3_d2(25) <= mx2(23) ; mx3_d3(25) <= mx2(22) ;
mx3_d0(26) <= mx2(26) ; mx3_d1(26) <= mx2(25) ; mx3_d2(26) <= mx2(24) ; mx3_d3(26) <= mx2(23) ;
mx3_d0(27) <= mx2(27) ; mx3_d1(27) <= mx2(26) ; mx3_d2(27) <= mx2(25) ; mx3_d3(27) <= mx2(24) ;
mx3_d0(28) <= mx2(28) ; mx3_d1(28) <= mx2(27) ; mx3_d2(28) <= mx2(26) ; mx3_d3(28) <= mx2(25) ;
mx3_d0(29) <= mx2(29) ; mx3_d1(29) <= mx2(28) ; mx3_d2(29) <= mx2(27) ; mx3_d3(29) <= mx2(26) ;
mx3_d0(30) <= mx2(30) ; mx3_d1(30) <= mx2(29) ; mx3_d2(30) <= mx2(28) ; mx3_d3(30) <= mx2(27) ;
mx3_d0(31) <= mx2(31) ; mx3_d1(31) <= mx2(30) ; mx3_d2(31) <= mx2(29) ; mx3_d3(31) <= mx2(28) ;
u_mx3_0: mx3_0_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx3_s0(0 to 31) and mx3_d0(0 to 31) ) or
(mx3_s1(0 to 31) and mx3_d1(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx3_1: mx3_1_b(0 to 31) <= not( (mx3_s2(0 to 31) and mx3_d2(0 to 31) ) or
(mx3_s3(0 to 31) and mx3_d3(0 to 31) ) );
u_mx3: mx3(0 to 31) <= not( mx3_0_b(0 to 31) and mx3_1_b(0 to 31) );
u_oi1: do_b(0 to 31) <= not( mx3(0 to 31) ) ;
u_oi2: data_rot(0 to 31) <= not( do_b(0 to 31) ) ;
u_oth_i: data_latched <= not di_q_b;
-- top funny physical placement to minimize wrap wires ... also nice for LE adjust
-- 0 31
-- 1 30
-- 2 29
-- 3 28
-- 4 27
-- 5 26
-- 6 25
-- 7 24
-- 8 23
-- 9 22
-- 10 21
-- 11 20
-- 12 19
-- 13 18
-- 14 17
-- 15 16
-- bot
-- ###############################################################
-- ## Latches
-- ###############################################################
di_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 32, init=>(1 to 32=>'0'), btr => "NLI0001_X4_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => di_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => di_lat_so ,
D => di_din(0 to 31) ,
QB => di_q_b(0 to 31) );
shx16_gp0_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X4_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx16_gp0_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx16_gp0_lat_so ,
D => shx16_gp0_din ,
QB => shx16_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) );
shx16_gp1_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X4_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx16_gp1_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx16_gp1_lat_so ,
D => shx16_gp1_din ,
QB => shx16_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) );
shx04_gp0_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx04_gp0_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx04_gp0_lat_so ,
D => shx04_gp0_din ,
QB => shx04_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) );
shx04_gp1_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx04_gp1_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx04_gp1_lat_so ,
D => shx04_gp1_din ,
QB => shx04_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) );
shx01_gp0_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx01_gp0_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx01_gp0_lat_so ,
D => shx01_gp0_din ,
QB => shx01_gp0_q_b(0 to 3) );
shx01_gp1_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 4, init=>(1 to 4=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => shx01_gp1_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => shx01_gp1_lat_so ,
D => shx01_gp1_din ,
QB => shx01_gp1_q_b(0 to 3) );
mask_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 6, init=>(1 to 6=>'0'),btr => "NLI0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
VD => vdd ,--inout
GD => gnd ,--inout
LCLK => my_lclk ,--lclk.clk
D1CLK => my_d1clk ,
D2CLK => my_d2clk ,
SCANIN => mask_lat_si ,
SCANOUT => mask_lat_so ,
D => mask_din ,
QB => mask_q_b(0 to 5) );
-- ###############################################################
-- ## Scan Chain Hookup
-- ###############################################################
di_lat_si(0) <= scan_in;
di_lat_si(1 to 31) <= di_lat_so(0 to 30);
shx16_gp0_lat_si(0) <= di_lat_so(31);
shx16_gp0_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx16_gp0_lat_so(0 to 2);
shx16_gp1_lat_si(0) <= shx16_gp0_lat_so(3);
shx16_gp1_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx16_gp1_lat_so(0 to 2);
shx04_gp0_lat_si(0) <= shx16_gp1_lat_so(3);
shx04_gp0_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx04_gp0_lat_so(0 to 2);
shx04_gp1_lat_si(0) <= shx04_gp0_lat_so(3);
shx04_gp1_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx04_gp1_lat_so(0 to 2);
shx01_gp0_lat_si(0) <= shx04_gp1_lat_so(3);
shx01_gp0_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx01_gp0_lat_so(0 to 2);
shx01_gp1_lat_si(0) <= shx01_gp0_lat_so(3);
shx01_gp1_lat_si(1 to 3) <= shx01_gp1_lat_so(0 to 2);
mask_lat_si(0) <= shx01_gp1_lat_so(3);
mask_lat_si(1 to 5) <= mask_lat_so(0 to 4);
scan_out <= mask_lat_so(5);
-- ###############################################################
-- ## LCBs
-- ###############################################################
my_lcb: tri_lcbnd generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc ,--in -- tidn ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b ,--in -- tidn ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b ,--in -- tidn ,
forcee => func_sl_force ,--in -- tidn ,
nclk => nclk ,--in
vd => vdd ,--inout
gd => gnd ,--inout
act => act ,--in
sg => sg_0 ,--in
thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b ,--in
d1clk => my_d1clk ,--out
d2clk => my_d2clk ,--out
lclk => my_lclk );--out
end architecture xuq_lsu_data_rot32_ru;