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3 years ago
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.all;
use work.a2x_pkg.all;
entity a2l2_axi is
generic (
threads : integer := 4;
xu_real_data_add : integer := 42;
st_data_32b_mode : integer := 1;
ac_st_data_32b_mode : integer := 1;
stores_32B : boolean := false;
lpid_width : integer := 8;
ld_queue_size : integer := 4;
st_queue_size : integer := 16;
C_m00_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_m00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32;
C_m00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32;
C_m00_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_m00_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_m00_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_m00_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_m00_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
err : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
ac_an_req_pwr_token : in std_logic;
ac_an_req : in std_logic;
ac_an_req_endian : in std_logic;
ac_an_req_ld_core_tag : in std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
ac_an_req_ra : in std_logic_vector(64-xu_real_data_add to 63);
ac_an_req_thread : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
ac_an_req_ttype : in std_logic_vector(0 to 5);
ac_an_req_user_defined : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
ac_an_req_wimg_g : in std_logic;
ac_an_req_wimg_i : in std_logic;
ac_an_req_wimg_m : in std_logic;
ac_an_req_wimg_w : in std_logic;
ac_an_st_data_pwr_token : in std_logic;
ac_an_st_byte_enbl : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15+(st_data_32b_mode*16));
ac_an_st_data : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127+(st_data_32b_mode*128));
an_ac_reld_data_coming : out std_logic;
an_ac_reld_core_tag : out std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
an_ac_reld_data : out std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
an_ac_reld_data_vld : out std_logic;
an_ac_reld_ecc_err : out std_logic;
an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue : out std_logic;
an_ac_reld_qw : out std_logic_vector(57 to 59);
an_ac_reld_crit_qw : out std_logic;
an_ac_reld_l1_dump : out std_logic;
an_ac_req_ld_pop : out std_logic;
an_ac_req_st_pop : out std_logic;
an_ac_req_st_gather : out std_logic;
an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd : out std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
an_ac_reservation_vld : out std_logic_vector(0 to threads-1);
an_ac_stcx_complete : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
an_ac_stcx_pass : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
an_ac_sync_ack : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
m00_axi_awid : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awaddr : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awlen : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
m00_axi_awsize : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_awburst : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awlock : out std_logic;
m00_axi_awcache : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_awprot : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_awqos : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_awuser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_awready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_wdata : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wstrb : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wlast : out std_logic;
m00_axi_wuser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_wready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_bid : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_bresp : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_buser : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_bvalid : in std_logic;
m00_axi_bready : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arid : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_araddr : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arlen : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
m00_axi_arsize : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_arburst : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arlock : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arcache : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_arprot : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_arqos : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_aruser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_rid : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rdata : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rresp : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rlast : in std_logic;
m00_axi_ruser : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rvalid : in std_logic;
m00_axi_rready : out std_logic
end a2l2_axi;
architecture a2l2_axi of a2l2_axi is
signal reload_d: A2L2RELOAD;
signal reload_q: A2L2RELOAD;
signal rld_seq_d : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal rld_seq_q : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal rld_dseq_d : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rld_dseq_q : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal req_pwr_d: std_logic;
signal req_pwr_q: std_logic;
signal store_pwr_d: std_logic;
signal store_pwr_q: std_logic;
signal load_queue_d: LOADQUEUE;
signal load_queue_q: LOADQUEUE;
signal ldq_head_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_head_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_send_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_send_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_data_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_data_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_tail_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_tail_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size)-1);
signal ldq_count_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size));
signal ldq_count_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size));
signal load_dep_d: LOADQUEUEDEP;
signal load_dep_q: LOADQUEUEDEP;
signal load_data_ready_d, load_data_ready_q : std_logic;
signal load_data_queue_d : LOADDATAQUEUE;
signal load_data_queue_q : LOADDATAQUEUE;
signal rdataq_head_d : std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size*16)-1);
signal rdataq_head_q : std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size*16)-1);
signal rdataq_tail_d : std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size*16)-1);
signal rdataq_tail_q : std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size*16)-1);
signal store_queue_d : STOREQUEUE;
signal store_queue_q : STOREQUEUE;
signal store_data_queue_d : STOREDATAQUEUE;
signal store_data_queue_q : STOREDATAQUEUE;
signal store_rsp_ready_d, store_rsp_ready_q : std_logic;
signal stq_head_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_head_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_send_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_send_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_data_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_data_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_tail_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_tail_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal stq_count_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size));
signal stq_count_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size));
signal st_data_xfer_d: std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
signal st_data_xfer_q: std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
signal store_pop_pending_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal store_pop_pending_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size)-1);
signal store_dep_d: STOREQUEUEDEP;
signal store_dep_q: STOREQUEUEDEP;
signal resv_d: RESVARRAY;
signal resv_q: RESVARRAY;
signal req_p1_d: A2L2REQUEST;
signal req_p1_q: A2L2REQUEST;
signal ld_p1_entry_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size));
signal ld_p1_entry_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size));
signal st_p1_entry_d: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size));
signal st_p1_entry_q: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size));
signal status_d: A2L2STATUS;
signal status_q: A2L2STATUS;
signal err_d, err_q: std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal axi_load_ready : std_logic;
signal axi_load_valid : std_logic;
signal axi_load_id : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_load_ra : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_load_ra_hi : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 6);
signal axi_load_ra_lo : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal axi_load_len : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal axi_load_mod : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal axi_load_data_ready : std_logic;
signal axi_load_data_valid : std_logic;
signal axi_load_data_id : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_load_data_resp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal axi_load_data_last : std_logic;
signal axi_load_data : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_valid : std_logic;
signal axi_store_id : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_ra : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_len : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal axi_store_mod : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal axi_store_data_ready : std_logic;
signal axi_store_data_valid : std_logic;
signal axi_store_data : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_data_be : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_rsp_ready : std_logic;
signal axi_store_rsp_valid : std_logic;
signal axi_store_rsp_id : std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal axi_store_rsp_resp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal store_complete : std_logic;
signal store_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal store_be_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 15);
signal req_in: A2L2REQUEST;
signal req_clr : A2L2REQUEST;
signal ld_req: A2L2REQUEST;
signal req_in_load : std_logic;
signal load_len : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal ldq_oflow : std_logic;
signal ldq_uflow : std_logic;
signal ldq_write_sel: std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ldq_count_sel: std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal axi_load_taken : std_logic;
signal load_queue_clr : A2L2REQUEST;
signal load_queue_fb : LOADQUEUE;
signal load_complete : std_logic;
signal ldq_valid_rst : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal ldq_sent_set : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal ldq_data_set : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal ldq_data_rst : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal rdataq_write_sel : std_logic_vector(0 to 63);
signal rld_single : std_logic;
signal rld_ready : std_logic;
signal rld_data_ready : std_logic;
signal rld_tag : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal rdataq_head_sel : std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal rld_complete : std_logic;
signal rld_crit_qw : std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal rld_data_0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_9 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_10 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_11 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_12 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_13 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_14 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_15 : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rld_data_qw0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal rld_data_qw1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal rld_data_qw2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal rld_data_qw3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal rld_seq_err : std_logic;
signal rld_dseq_err : std_logic;
signal rld_data_valid : std_logic;
signal start_rld_data : std_logic;
signal rld_data_qw : std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal st_req_send : A2L2REQUEST;
signal st_req_data : A2L2REQUEST;
signal req_in_store: std_logic;
signal store_queue_clr : A2L2REQUEST;
signal store_queue_fb : STOREQUEUE;
signal store_data_queue_clr : A2L2STOREDATA;
signal st_data : A2L2STOREDATA;
signal stq_count_sel: std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal axi_store_ready : std_logic;
signal store_taken : std_logic;
signal store_advance : std_logic;
signal axi_store_data_taken : std_logic;
signal axi_store_data_last : std_logic;
signal stq_valid_rst : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal stq_sent_set : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal stq_data_rst : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal st_data_last_xfer : std_logic;
signal st_data_xfer_hold : std_logic;
signal st_data_xfer_inc : std_logic;
signal st_data_xfer_done : std_logic;
signal stq_oflow : std_logic;
signal stq_uflow : std_logic;
signal req_in_spec: std_logic;
signal req_p1_addr_hit_lhs : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal req_p1_sync_lhs : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal req_p1_any_lhs: std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal req_p1_addr_hit_shl: std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal req_p1_sync_shl: std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal req_p1_any_shl: std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal ld_req_stall: std_logic;
signal st_req_stall: std_logic;
signal load_queue_set_dep : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal load_queue_rst_dep : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal store_queue_set_dep : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal store_queue_rst_dep : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal lhs_ordered : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal lhs_ordered_youngest : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal lhs_youngest : std_logic_vector(0 to st_queue_size-1);
signal lhs_entry : std_logic_vector(0 to 1+clog2(st_queue_size-1)-1);
signal shl_ordered : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal shl_ordered_youngest : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal shl_youngest : std_logic_vector(0 to ld_queue_size-1);
signal shl_entry : std_logic_vector(0 to 1+clog2(ld_queue_size-1)-1);
signal reload_clr : A2L2RELOAD;
signal resv_clr : A2L2RESV;
signal status_clr : A2L2STATUS;
signal req_ra_line : std_logic_vector(64-xu_real_data_add to 59);
signal larx_t : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal stcx_t : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal store_t : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal stcx_store_t : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal resv_ra_hit : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal resv_set : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal resv_rst : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal store_spec_valid : std_logic;
signal lwsync_complete : std_logic;
signal hwsync_complete : std_logic;
signal store_spec_complete : std_logic;
signal hwsync_valid : std_logic;
signal lwsync_valid : std_logic;
signal store_pop_delayed : std_logic;
signal store_rsp_complete : std_logic;
signal store_pop_pending_sel : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ld_dep: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(st_queue_size));
signal st_dep: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(ld_queue_size));
req_clr <= (valid => '0', sent => '0', data => '0', dseq => (others => '0'), endian => '0', tag => (others => '0'), len => (others => '0'),
ra => (others => '0'), thread => (others => '0'), ditc => '0', spec => '0', ttype => (others => '0'), user => (others => '0'), wimg => (others => '0'), hwsync => '0');
load_queue_clr <= req_clr;
reload_clr <= (valid => '0', coming => '0', tag => (others => '0'), data => (others => '0'), qw => (others => '0'), crit => '0', dump => '0', ee => '0', ue => '0');
store_queue_clr <= req_clr;
store_data_queue_clr <= (data => (others => '0'), be => (others => '0'));
status_clr <= (ld_pop => '0', st_pop => '0', st_pop_thrd => (others => '0'), gather => '0', res_valid => (others => '0'), stcx_complete => (others => '0'),
stcx_pass => (others => '0'), sync_ack => (others => '0'));
resv_clr <= (valid => '0', ra => (others => '0'));
FF: process(clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset_n = '0' then
req_pwr_q <= '0';
req_p1_q <= req_clr;
ld_p1_entry_q <= (others => '0');
st_p1_entry_q <= (others => '0');
rld_seq_q <= (others => '1');
rld_dseq_q <= (others => '1');
ldq_count_q <= (others => '0');
ldq_head_q <= (others => '0');
ldq_send_q <= (others => '0');
ldq_data_q <= (others => '0');
ldq_tail_q <= (others => '0');
for i in 0 to 63 loop
load_data_queue_q(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
rdataq_head_q <= (others => '0');
rdataq_tail_q <= (others => '0');
reload_q <= reload_clr;
store_pwr_q <= '0';
for i in 0 to 3 loop
load_queue_q(i) <= load_queue_clr;
load_dep_q(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 loop
store_queue_q(i) <= store_queue_clr;
store_data_queue_q(i) <= store_data_queue_clr;
store_dep_q(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
stq_count_q <= (others => '0');
stq_head_q <= (others => '0');
stq_send_q <= (others => '0');
stq_data_q <= (others => '0');
stq_tail_q <= (others => '0');
st_data_xfer_q <= (others => '0');
store_pop_pending_q <= (others => '0');
status_q <= status_clr;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
resv_q(i) <= resv_clr;
end loop;
load_data_ready_q <= '0';
store_rsp_ready_q <= '0';
err_q <= (others => '0');
req_pwr_q <= req_pwr_d;
req_p1_q <= req_p1_d;
ld_p1_entry_q <= ld_p1_entry_d;
st_p1_entry_q <= st_p1_entry_d;
rld_seq_q <= rld_seq_d;
rld_dseq_q <= rld_dseq_d;
ldq_count_q <= ldq_count_d;
ldq_head_q <= ldq_head_d;
ldq_send_q <= ldq_send_d;
ldq_data_q <= ldq_data_d;
ldq_tail_q <= ldq_tail_d;
for i in 0 to 63 loop
load_data_queue_q(i) <= load_data_queue_d(i);
end loop;
rdataq_head_q <= rdataq_head_d;
rdataq_tail_q <= rdataq_tail_d;
reload_q <= reload_d;
store_pwr_q <= store_pwr_d;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
load_queue_q(i) <= load_queue_d(i);
load_dep_q(i) <= load_dep_d(i);
end loop;
for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 loop
store_queue_q(i) <= store_queue_d(i);
store_data_queue_q(i) <= store_data_queue_d(i);
store_dep_q(i) <= store_dep_d(i);
end loop;
stq_count_q <= stq_count_d;
stq_head_q <= stq_head_d;
stq_send_q <= stq_send_d;
stq_data_q <= stq_data_d;
stq_tail_q <= stq_tail_d;
st_data_xfer_q <= st_data_xfer_d;
store_pop_pending_q <= store_pop_pending_d;
status_q <= status_d;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
resv_q(i) <= resv_d(i);
end loop;
load_data_ready_q <= load_data_ready_d;
store_rsp_ready_q <= store_rsp_ready_d;
err_q <= err_d;
end if;
end if;
end process FF;
req_pwr_d <= ac_an_req_pwr_token;
req_in.valid <= ac_an_req and req_pwr_q;
req_in.sent <= '0'; <= '0';
req_in.endian <= ac_an_req_endian;
req_in.tag <= ac_an_req_ld_core_tag;
req_in.len <= ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len;
req_in.ra <= ac_an_req_ra;
req_in.thread <= ac_an_req_thread(0 to 1);
req_in.ditc <= ac_an_req_thread(2);
req_in.spec <= req_in_spec;
req_in.ttype <= ac_an_req_ttype;
req_in.user <= ac_an_req_user_defined;
req_in.wimg <= ac_an_req_wimg_w & ac_an_req_wimg_i & ac_an_req_wimg_m & ac_an_req_wimg_g;
req_in.hwsync <= req_in.spec;
with req_in_load select
ldq_tail_d <= inc(ldq_tail_q) when '1',
ldq_tail_q when others;
ldq_write_sel <= req_in_load & ldq_tail_q;
gen_load_queue_fb: for i in 0 to 3 generate
load_queue_fb(i).valid <= load_queue_q(i).valid and not ldq_valid_rst(i);
load_queue_fb(i).sent <= (load_queue_q(i).sent or ldq_sent_set(i)) and not ldq_valid_rst(i);
load_queue_fb(i).data <= (load_queue_q(i).data or ldq_data_set(i)) and not ldq_data_rst(i);
load_queue_fb(i).dseq <= "000";
load_queue_fb(i).endian <= load_queue_q(i).endian;
load_queue_fb(i).tag <= load_queue_q(i).tag;
load_queue_fb(i).len <= load_queue_q(i).len;
load_queue_fb(i).ra <= load_queue_q(i).ra;
load_queue_fb(i).thread <= load_queue_q(i).thread;
load_queue_fb(i).ditc <= load_queue_q(i).ditc;
load_queue_fb(i).spec <= load_queue_q(i).spec;
load_queue_fb(i).ttype <= load_queue_q(i).ttype;
load_queue_fb(i).user <= load_queue_q(i).user;
load_queue_fb(i).wimg <= load_queue_q(i).wimg;
load_queue_fb(i).hwsync <= load_queue_q(i).hwsync;
load_dep_d(i) <= gate_and(load_queue_set_dep(i), lhs_entry) or
gate_and(not load_queue_set_dep(i) and not load_queue_rst_dep(i), load_dep_q(i));
end generate;
with ldq_write_sel select
load_queue_d(0) <= req_in when "100",
load_queue_fb(0) when others;
with ldq_write_sel select
load_queue_d(1) <= req_in when "101",
load_queue_fb(1) when others;
with ldq_write_sel select
load_queue_d(2) <= req_in when "110",
load_queue_fb(2) when others;
with ldq_write_sel select
load_queue_d(3) <= req_in when "111",
load_queue_fb(3) when others;
axi_load_id <= "0000";
with ldq_send_q select
ld_req <= load_queue_q(0) when "00",
load_queue_q(1) when "01",
load_queue_q(2) when "10",
load_queue_q(3) when others;
with ldq_send_q select
ld_dep <= load_dep_q(0) when "00",
load_dep_q(1) when "01",
load_dep_q(2) when "10",
load_dep_q(3) when others;
axi_load_valid <= ld_req.valid and not ld_req.sent and not ld_req_stall;
axi_load_ra_hi <= ld_req.ra(64-C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH to 57);
with ld_req.wimg(1) select
axi_load_ra_lo <= "000000" when '0',
ld_req.ra(58 to 63) when others;
axi_load_ra <= axi_load_ra_hi & axi_load_ra_lo;
axi_load_mod <= "000000000000";
with ld_req.len select
load_len <= "0000001" when "001",
"0000010" when "010",
"0000100" when "100",
"0001000" when "101",
"0010000" when "110",
"0100000" when others;
with ld_req.wimg(1) select
axi_load_len <= load_len when '1',
"1000000" when others;
axi_load_taken <= axi_load_valid and axi_load_ready;
ldq_sent_set(0) <= axi_load_taken and eq(ldq_send_q, "00");
ldq_sent_set(1) <= axi_load_taken and eq(ldq_send_q, "01");
ldq_sent_set(2) <= axi_load_taken and eq(ldq_send_q, "10");
ldq_sent_set(3) <= axi_load_taken and eq(ldq_send_q, "11");
with axi_load_taken select
ldq_send_d <= inc(ldq_send_q) when '1',
ldq_send_q when others;
ldq_data_set(0) <= axi_load_data_last and eq(ldq_data_q, "00");
ldq_data_set(1) <= axi_load_data_last and eq(ldq_data_q, "01");
ldq_data_set(2) <= axi_load_data_last and eq(ldq_data_q, "10");
ldq_data_set(3) <= axi_load_data_last and eq(ldq_data_q, "11");
with axi_load_data_last select
ldq_data_d <= inc(ldq_data_q) when '1',
ldq_data_q when others;
with load_complete select
ldq_head_d <= inc(ldq_head_q) when '1',
ldq_head_q when others;
ldq_count_sel <= req_in_load & load_complete;
with ldq_count_sel select
ldq_count_d <= inc(ldq_count_q) when "10",
dec(ldq_count_q) when "01",
ldq_count_q when others;
ldq_oflow <= eq(ldq_count_q, "100") and eq(ldq_count_sel, "10");
ldq_uflow <= eq(ldq_count_q, "000") and eq(ldq_count_sel, "01");
load_data_ready_d <= '1';
axi_load_data_ready <= load_data_ready_q;
with axi_load_data_valid select
rdataq_tail_d <= inc(rdataq_tail_q) when '1',
rdataq_tail_q when others;
gen_load_load_data_queue: for i in 0 to 63 generate
rdataq_write_sel(i) <= axi_load_data_valid and eq(rdataq_tail_q, i);
with rdataq_write_sel(i) select
load_data_queue_d(i) <= axi_load_data(7 downto 0) & axi_load_data(15 downto 8) & axi_load_data(23 downto 16) & axi_load_data(31 downto 24) when '1',
load_data_queue_q(i) when others;
end generate;
with ldq_head_q select
rld_data_valid <= load_queue_q(0).valid and load_queue_q(0).data when "00",
load_queue_q(1).valid and load_queue_q(1).data when "01",
load_queue_q(2).valid and load_queue_q(2).data when "10",
load_queue_q(3).valid and load_queue_q(3).data when others;
with ldq_head_q select
rld_tag <= load_queue_q(0).tag when "00",
load_queue_q(1).tag when "01",
load_queue_q(2).tag when "10",
load_queue_q(3).tag when others;
with ldq_head_q select
rld_single <= load_queue_q(0).wimg(1) when "00",
load_queue_q(1).wimg(1) when "01",
load_queue_q(2).wimg(1) when "10",
load_queue_q(3).wimg(1) when others;
with ldq_head_q select
rld_crit_qw <= load_queue_q(0).ra(58 to 59) when "00",
load_queue_q(1).ra(58 to 59) when "01",
load_queue_q(2).ra(58 to 59) when "10",
load_queue_q(3).ra(58 to 59) when others;
reload_d.tag <= rld_tag;
reload_d.ue <= '0'; <= '0';
reload_d.dump <= '0';
rld_ready <= axi_load_data_last or rld_data_valid;
ldq_data_rst(0) <= start_rld_data and eq(ldq_head_q, "00");
ldq_data_rst(1) <= start_rld_data and eq(ldq_head_q, "01");
ldq_data_rst(2) <= start_rld_data and eq(ldq_head_q, "10");
ldq_data_rst(3) <= start_rld_data and eq(ldq_head_q, "11");
load_complete <= rld_complete;
ldq_valid_rst(0) <= rld_complete and eq(ldq_head_q, "00");
ldq_valid_rst(1) <= rld_complete and eq(ldq_head_q, "01");
ldq_valid_rst(2) <= rld_complete and eq(ldq_head_q, "10");
ldq_valid_rst(3) <= rld_complete and eq(ldq_head_q, "11");
status_d.ld_pop <= rld_complete;
an_ac_reld_data_coming <= reload_q.coming;
an_ac_reld_data_vld <= reload_q.valid;
an_ac_reld_core_tag <= reload_q.tag;
an_ac_reld_qw <= reload_q.qw;
an_ac_reld_crit_qw <= reload_q.crit;
an_ac_reld_ecc_err <=;
an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue <= reload_q.ue;
an_ac_reld_l1_dump <= reload_q.dump;
an_ac_reld_data <=;
an_ac_req_ld_pop <= status_q.ld_pop;
an_ac_req_st_pop <= status_q.st_pop;
an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd <= status_q.st_pop_thrd;
an_ac_req_st_gather <= status_q.gather;
an_ac_reservation_vld <= status_q.res_valid;
an_ac_stcx_complete <= status_q.stcx_complete;
an_ac_stcx_pass <= status_q.stcx_pass;
an_ac_sync_ack <= status_q.sync_ack;
rdataq_head_sel <= rld_complete & rld_single;
with rdataq_head_sel select
rdataq_head_d <= inc(rdataq_head_q, 4) when "11",
inc(rdataq_head_q, 16) when "10",
rdataq_head_q when others;
rld_data_0 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, rdataq_head_q);
rld_data_1 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 1));
rld_data_2 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 2));
rld_data_3 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 3));
rld_data_4 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 4));
rld_data_5 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 5));
rld_data_6 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 6));
rld_data_7 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 7));
rld_data_8 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 8));
rld_data_9 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 9));
rld_data_10 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 10));
rld_data_11 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 11));
rld_data_12 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 12));
rld_data_13 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 13));
rld_data_14 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 14));
rld_data_15 <= mux_queue(load_data_queue_q, inc(rdataq_head_q, 15));
rld_data_qw0 <= rld_data_0 & rld_data_1 & rld_data_2 & rld_data_3;
rld_data_qw1 <= rld_data_4 & rld_data_5 & rld_data_6 & rld_data_7;
rld_data_qw2 <= rld_data_8 & rld_data_9 & rld_data_10 & rld_data_11;
rld_data_qw3 <= rld_data_12 & rld_data_13 & rld_data_14 & rld_data_15;
with rld_data_qw select <= rld_data_qw0 when "00",
rld_data_qw1 when "01",
rld_data_qw2 when "10",
rld_data_qw3 when others;
store_pwr_d <= ac_an_st_data_pwr_token;
with req_in_store select
stq_tail_d <= inc(stq_tail_q) when '1',
stq_tail_q when others;
gen_store_queue_fb: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
store_queue_fb(i).valid <= store_queue_q(i).valid and not stq_valid_rst(i);
store_queue_fb(i).sent <= store_queue_q(i).sent or stq_sent_set(i);
store_queue_fb(i).data <= (store_queue_q(i).data or stq_sent_set(i)) and not stq_data_rst(i);
store_queue_fb(i).dseq <= "000";
store_queue_fb(i).endian <= store_queue_q(i).endian;
store_queue_fb(i).tag <= store_queue_q(i).tag;
store_queue_fb(i).len <= store_queue_q(i).len;
store_queue_fb(i).ra <= store_queue_q(i).ra;
store_queue_fb(i).thread <= store_queue_q(i).thread;
store_queue_fb(i).ditc <= store_queue_q(i).ditc;
store_queue_fb(i).spec <= store_queue_q(i).spec;
store_queue_fb(i).ttype <= store_queue_q(i).ttype;
store_queue_fb(i).user <= store_queue_q(i).user;
store_queue_fb(i).wimg <= store_queue_q(i).wimg;
store_queue_fb(i).hwsync <= store_queue_q(i).hwsync;
store_dep_d(i) <= gate_and(store_queue_set_dep(i), shl_entry) or
gate_and(not store_queue_set_dep(i) and not store_queue_rst_dep(i), store_dep_q(i));
end generate;
gen_store_queue: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
store_queue_d(i) <= req_in when b(req_in_store and eq(stq_tail_q, i)) else store_queue_fb(i);
end generate;
axi_store_id <= "0000";
st_req_send <= mux_queue(store_queue_q, stq_send_q);
st_dep <= mux_queue(store_dep_q, stq_send_q);
axi_store_valid <= st_req_send.valid and not st_req_send.spec and not st_req_send.sent;
axi_store_mod <= "000000000000";
axi_store_ra <= st_req_send.ra(64-C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH to 59) & "0000";
gen_store_len_16B: if st_data_32b_mode = 0 generate
store_data_in <= ac_an_st_data;
store_be_in <= ac_an_st_byte_enbl;
end generate;
gen_store_len_32B: if st_data_32b_mode = 1 generate
with req_in.ra(59) select
store_data_in <= ac_an_st_data(128 to 255) when '1',
ac_an_st_data(0 to 127) when others;
with req_in.ra(59) select
store_be_in <= ac_an_st_byte_enbl(16 to 31) when '1',
ac_an_st_byte_enbl(0 to 15) when others;
end generate;
store_spec_valid <= st_req_send.valid and st_req_send.spec;
hwsync_valid <= store_spec_valid and st_req_send.hwsync;
lwsync_valid <= store_spec_valid and
(eq(st_req_send.ttype, LWSYNC) or
eq(st_req_send.ttype, MBAR) or
eq(st_req_send.ttype, TLBSYNC) or
eq(st_req_send.ttype, DCBI));
store_taken <= ((axi_store_valid and axi_store_ready) or store_spec_valid) and not st_req_stall;
gen_stq_sent: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
stq_sent_set(i) <= store_taken and eq(stq_send_q, i);
end generate;
store_advance <= (store_taken and not hwsync_valid) or hwsync_complete;
with store_advance select
stq_send_d <= inc(stq_send_q) when '1',
stq_send_q when others;
gen_store_data_queue: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
store_data_queue_d(i) <= (data => store_data_in, be => store_be_in) when b(req_in_store and eq(stq_tail_q, i)) else store_data_queue_q(i);
end generate;
st_req_data <= mux_queue(store_queue_q, stq_data_q);
st_data <= mux_queue(store_data_queue_q, stq_data_q);
axi_store_data_valid <= st_req_data.valid and and not st_req_data.spec;
axi_store_data_taken <= axi_store_data_valid and axi_store_data_ready;
st_data_xfer_inc <= axi_store_data_taken and not st_data_last_xfer;
st_data_xfer_done <= axi_store_data_taken and st_data_last_xfer;
st_data_xfer_hold <= not st_data_xfer_inc and not st_data_xfer_done;
st_data_xfer_d <= gate_and(st_data_xfer_inc, inc(st_data_xfer_q)) or
gate_and(st_data_xfer_done, "000") or
gate_and(st_data_xfer_hold, st_data_xfer_q);
gen_store_data_16B: if not stores_32B generate
axi_store_len <= "0010000";
st_data_last_xfer <= eq(st_data_xfer_q, "011");
with st_data_xfer_q select
axi_store_data <= to 31) & to 23) & to 15) & to 7) when "000", to 63) & to 55) & to 47) & to 39) when "001", to 95) & to 87) & to 79) & to 71) when "010", to 127) & to 119) & to 111) & to 103) when others;
with st_data_xfer_q select
axi_store_data_be <= 3) & 2) & 1) & 0) when "000", 7) & 6) & 5) & 4) when "001", & & 9) & 8) when "010", & & & when others;
end generate;
gen_store_data_32B: if stores_32B generate
axi_store_len <= "0100000";
st_data_last_xfer <= eq(st_data_xfer_q, "111");
with st_data_xfer_q select
axi_store_data <= to 31) & to 23) & to 15) & to 7) when "000", to 63) & to 55) & to 47) & to 39) when "001", to 95) & to 87) & to 79) & to 71) when "010", to 127) & to 119) & to 111) & to 103) when "011", to 159) & to 151) & to 143) & to 135) when "100", to 191) & to 183) & to 175) & to 167) when "101", to 223) & to 215) & to 207) & to 199) when "110", to 255) & to 247) & to 239) & to 231) when others;
with st_data_xfer_q select
axi_store_data_be <= 3) & 2) & 1) & 0) when "000", 7) & 6) & 5) & 4) when "001", & & 9) & 8) when "010", & & & when "011", & & & when "100", & & & when "101", & & & when "110", & & & when others;
end generate;
axi_store_data_last <= st_data_last_xfer;
with st_data_xfer_done or store_spec_complete select
stq_data_d <= inc(stq_data_q) when '1',
stq_data_q when others;
gen_store_data_rst: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
stq_data_rst(i) <= st_data_xfer_done and eq(stq_data_q, i);
end generate;
store_rsp_ready_d <= '1';
axi_store_rsp_ready <= store_rsp_ready_q;
lwsync_complete <= st_req_data.valid and and st_req_data.spec and not st_req_data.hwsync;
hwsync_complete <= st_req_data.valid and and st_req_data.spec and st_req_data.hwsync and not st_req_stall;
store_spec_complete <= lwsync_complete or hwsync_complete;
store_rsp_complete <= (axi_store_rsp_valid and eq(axi_store_rsp_resp, "00"));
store_complete <= store_rsp_complete or store_spec_complete;
store_pop_delayed <= or_reduce(store_pop_pending_q);
store_pop_pending_sel <= store_rsp_complete & store_spec_complete & store_pop_delayed;
with store_pop_pending_sel select
store_pop_pending_d <= dec(store_pop_pending_q) when "001",
inc(store_pop_pending_q) when "110",
inc(store_pop_pending_q) when "111",
store_pop_pending_q when others;
status_d.st_pop <= store_complete or store_pop_delayed;
status_d.st_pop_thrd <= "000";
status_d.gather <= '0';
with store_complete select
stq_head_d <= inc(stq_head_q) when '1',
stq_head_q when others;
stq_count_sel <= req_in_store & store_complete;
with stq_count_sel select
stq_count_d <= inc(stq_count_q) when "10",
dec(stq_count_q) when "01",
stq_count_q when others;
gen_stq_valid_rst: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
stq_valid_rst(i) <= store_complete and eq(stq_head_q, i);
end generate;
stq_oflow <= eq(stq_count_q, st_queue_size) and req_in_store;
stq_uflow <= eq(stq_count_q, 0) and store_complete;
stcx_store_t(0) <= stcx_t(0) or store_t(0);
stcx_store_t(1) <= stcx_t(1) or store_t(1);
stcx_store_t(2) <= stcx_t(2) or store_t(2);
stcx_store_t(3) <= stcx_t(3) or store_t(3);
req_ra_line <= req_in.ra(64-xu_real_data_add to 59);
resv_ra_hit(0) <= eq(req_ra_line, resv_q(0).ra);
resv_ra_hit(1) <= eq(req_ra_line, resv_q(1).ra);
resv_ra_hit(2) <= eq(req_ra_line, resv_q(2).ra);
resv_ra_hit(3) <= eq(req_ra_line, resv_q(3).ra);
resv_set(0) <= larx_t(0);
resv_set(1) <= larx_t(1);
resv_set(2) <= larx_t(2);
resv_set(3) <= larx_t(3);
resv_rst(0) <= resv_ra_hit(0) and (stcx_store_t(0) or stcx_store_t(1) or stcx_store_t(2) or stcx_store_t(3));
resv_rst(1) <= resv_ra_hit(1) and (stcx_store_t(0) or stcx_store_t(1) or stcx_store_t(2) or stcx_store_t(3));
resv_rst(2) <= resv_ra_hit(2) and (stcx_store_t(0) or stcx_store_t(1) or stcx_store_t(2) or stcx_store_t(3));
resv_rst(3) <= resv_ra_hit(3) and (stcx_store_t(0) or stcx_store_t(1) or stcx_store_t(2) or stcx_store_t(3));
resv_d(0).valid <= (resv_q(0).valid or resv_set(0)) and not resv_rst(0);
resv_d(1).valid <= (resv_q(1).valid or resv_set(1)) and not resv_rst(1);
resv_d(2).valid <= (resv_q(2).valid or resv_set(2)) and not resv_rst(2);
resv_d(3).valid <= (resv_q(3).valid or resv_set(3)) and not resv_rst(3);
with resv_set(0) select
resv_d(0).ra <= req_ra_line when '1',
resv_q(0).ra when others;
with resv_set(1) select
resv_d(1).ra <= req_ra_line when '1',
resv_q(1).ra when others;
with resv_set(2) select
resv_d(2).ra <= req_ra_line when '1',
resv_q(2).ra when others;
with resv_set(3) select
resv_d(3).ra <= req_ra_line when '1',
resv_q(3).ra when others;
status_d.res_valid(0) <= resv_q(0).valid;
status_d.res_valid(1) <= resv_q(1).valid;
status_d.res_valid(2) <= resv_q(2).valid;
status_d.res_valid(3) <= resv_q(3).valid;
status_d.stcx_complete(0) <= stcx_t(0);
status_d.stcx_complete(1) <= stcx_t(1);
status_d.stcx_complete(2) <= stcx_t(2);
status_d.stcx_complete(3) <= stcx_t(3);
status_d.stcx_pass(0) <= stcx_t(0) and resv_q(0).valid and resv_ra_hit(0);
status_d.stcx_pass(1) <= stcx_t(1) and resv_q(1).valid and resv_ra_hit(1);
status_d.stcx_pass(2) <= stcx_t(2) and resv_q(2).valid and resv_ra_hit(2);
status_d.stcx_pass(3) <= stcx_t(3) and resv_q(3).valid and resv_ra_hit(3);
status_d.sync_ack(0) <= hwsync_complete and eq(st_req_data.ttype, HWSYNC) and eq(st_req_data.thread, "00");
status_d.sync_ack(1) <= hwsync_complete and eq(st_req_data.ttype, HWSYNC) and eq(st_req_data.thread, "01");
status_d.sync_ack(2) <= hwsync_complete and eq(st_req_data.ttype, HWSYNC) and eq(st_req_data.thread, "10");
status_d.sync_ack(3) <= hwsync_complete and eq(st_req_data.ttype, HWSYNC) and eq(st_req_data.thread, "11");
req_p1_d <= req_in;
ld_p1_entry_d <= req_in_load & ldq_head_q;
st_p1_entry_d <= req_in_store & stq_head_q;
gen_dep_addr_cmp_l: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
req_p1_addr_hit_lhs(i) <= ld_p1_entry_q(0) and
address_check(req_p1_q, store_queue_q(i)) and
(not stq_valid_rst(i));
req_p1_sync_lhs(i) <= ld_p1_entry_q(0) and
store_queue_q(i).valid and
store_queue_q(i).hwsync and
(not stq_valid_rst(i));
req_p1_any_lhs(i) <= req_p1_addr_hit_lhs(i) or req_p1_sync_lhs(i);
end generate;
lhs_ordered <= rotl(req_p1_any_lhs, ldq_head_q);
lhs_ordered_youngest <= right_one(lhs_ordered);
lhs_youngest <= rotr(lhs_ordered_youngest, ldq_head_q);
lhs_entry <= gate_and(or_reduce(lhs_youngest), '1' & enc(lhs_youngest));
gen_dep_addr_cmp_s: for i in 0 to ld_queue_size-1 generate
req_p1_addr_hit_shl(i) <= st_p1_entry_q(0) and
not req_p1_q.spec and
address_check(req_p1_q, load_queue_q(i)) and
(not ldq_valid_rst(i));
req_p1_sync_shl(i) <= st_p1_entry_q(0) and
load_queue_q(i).valid and
req_p1_q.hwsync and
(not ldq_valid_rst(i));
req_p1_any_shl(i) <= req_p1_addr_hit_shl(i) or req_p1_sync_shl(i);
end generate;
shl_ordered <= rotl(req_p1_any_shl, stq_head_q);
shl_ordered_youngest <= right_one(shl_ordered);
shl_youngest <= rotr(shl_ordered_youngest, stq_head_q);
shl_entry <= gate_and(or_reduce(shl_youngest), '1' & enc(shl_youngest));
ld_req_stall <= lhs_entry(0) or ld_dep(0);
st_req_stall <= shl_entry(0) or st_dep(0) or
(st_req_data.hwsync and not eq(stq_send_q, stq_head_q));
gen_ldq_set_dep: for i in 0 to ld_queue_size-1 generate
load_queue_set_dep(i) <= ld_p1_entry_q(0) and eq(ld_p1_entry_q(1 to clog2(ld_queue_size)), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 2))) and lhs_entry(0);
end generate;
gen_stq_set_dep: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
store_queue_set_dep(i) <= st_p1_entry_q(0) and eq(st_p1_entry_q(1 to clog2(st_queue_size)), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 2))) and shl_entry(0);
end generate;
gen_ldq_rst_dep: for i in 0 to ld_queue_size-1 generate
load_queue_rst_dep(i) <= store_complete and load_dep_q(i)(0) and eq(load_dep_q(i)(1 to clog2(st_queue_size)), stq_head_q);
end generate;
gen_stq_rst_dep: for i in 0 to st_queue_size-1 generate
store_queue_rst_dep(i) <= load_complete and store_dep_q(i)(0) and eq(store_dep_q(i)(1 to clog2(ld_queue_size)), ldq_head_q);
end generate;
axi_load_ready <= m00_axi_arready;
m00_axi_arvalid <= axi_load_valid;
m00_axi_arid <= axi_load_id;
m00_axi_araddr <= axi_load_ra;
with axi_load_len select
m00_axi_arlen <= x"00" when "0000001",
x"00" when "0000010",
x"00" when "0000100",
x"01" when "0001000",
x"03" when "0010000",
x"07" when "0100000",
x"0F" when "1000000",
x"00" when others;
m00_axi_arsize <= "010";
m00_axi_arburst <= "01";
m00_axi_arlock <= '0';
m00_axi_arcache <= "0011";
m00_axi_arprot <= "000";
m00_axi_arqos <= x"0";
m00_axi_aruser <= (others => '1');
m00_axi_rready <= axi_load_data_ready;
axi_load_data_valid <= m00_axi_rvalid;
axi_load_data_id <= m00_axi_rid;
axi_load_data <= m00_axi_rdata;
axi_load_data_resp <= m00_axi_rresp;
axi_load_data_last <= m00_axi_rlast;
axi_store_ready <= m00_axi_awready;
m00_axi_awvalid <= axi_store_valid;
m00_axi_awid <= axi_store_id;
m00_axi_awaddr <= axi_store_ra;
with axi_store_len select
m00_axi_awlen <= x"03" when "0010000",
x"07" when "0100000",
x"00" when others;
m00_axi_awsize <= "010";
m00_axi_awburst <= "01";
m00_axi_awlock <= '0';
m00_axi_awcache <= "0010";
m00_axi_awprot <= "000";
m00_axi_awqos <= x"0";
m00_axi_awuser <= (others => '1');
axi_store_data_ready <= m00_axi_wready;
m00_axi_wvalid <= axi_store_data_valid;
m00_axi_wdata <= axi_store_data;
m00_axi_wstrb <= axi_store_data_be;
m00_axi_wlast <= axi_store_data_last;
m00_axi_wuser <= (others => '0');
m00_axi_bready <= axi_store_rsp_ready;
axi_store_rsp_valid <= m00_axi_bvalid;
axi_store_rsp_id <= m00_axi_bid;
axi_store_rsp_resp <= m00_axi_bresp;
err_d(0) <= ldq_uflow;
err_d(1) <= ldq_oflow;
err_d(2) <= stq_uflow;
err_d(3) <= stq_oflow;
err <= err_q;
req_in_load <=
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
req_in_store <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5));
req_in_spec <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5)) or
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and req_in.ttype(3) and req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5));
larx_t(0) <=
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
larx_t(1) <=
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
larx_t(2) <=
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
larx_t(3) <=
(req_in.valid and not req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
stcx_t(0) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
stcx_t(1) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
stcx_t(2) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
stcx_t(3) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
store_t(0) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
store_t(1) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and not req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
store_t(2) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and not req_in.thread(1));
store_t(3) <=
(req_in.valid and req_in.ttype(0) and not req_in.ttype(1) and not req_in.ttype(2) and not req_in.ttype(3) and not req_in.ttype(4) and not req_in.ttype(5) and req_in.thread(0) and req_in.thread(1));
rld_seq_d(0) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and not rld_ready) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and not rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and not rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_seq_d(1) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and not rld_ready) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_seq_d(2) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and not rld_ready) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_seq_d(3) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and not rld_ready) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and not rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_seq_d(4) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and not rld_ready) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_single) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4));
reload_d.coming <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and not rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and not rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4) and rld_ready and rld_single) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4));
reload_d.valid <=
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4));
reload_d.qw(58) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4));
reload_d.qw(59) <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4));
reload_d.crit <=
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
start_rld_data <=
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_seq_err <=
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and not rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(not rld_seq_q(0) and not rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and not rld_seq_q(3) and rld_seq_q(4)) or
(rld_seq_q(0) and rld_seq_q(1) and rld_seq_q(2) and rld_seq_q(3) and not rld_seq_q(4));
rld_dseq_d(0) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and not start_rld_data) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_single) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_dseq_d(1) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and not start_rld_data) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_dseq_d(2) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and not start_rld_data) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and not rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_single) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_dseq_d(3) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and not start_rld_data) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and not rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_single) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_data_qw(0) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and not rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_data_qw(1) <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and not rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_crit_qw(0) and rld_crit_qw(1) and not rld_single) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_complete <=
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3) and start_rld_data and rld_single) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
rld_dseq_err <=
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(not rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and not rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and not rld_dseq_q(2) and rld_dseq_q(3)) or
(rld_dseq_q(0) and rld_dseq_q(1) and rld_dseq_q(2) and not rld_dseq_q(3));
end a2l2_axi;