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3 years ago
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
use work.iuq_pkg.all;
entity iuq_axu_fu_iss is
expand_type : integer := 2;
fpr_addr_width : integer := 5;
needs_sreset : integer := 1);
nclk : in clk_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
iu_au_is1_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_iu_is2_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
uc_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
i_iss_si : in std_ulogic;
i_iss_so : out std_ulogic;
an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_sg_2 : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
tc_ac_ccflush_dc :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is2_instr_match_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is2_instr_match_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is2_instr_match_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is2_instr_match_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_t0_instr_v : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_t1_instr_v : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_t2_instr_v : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_t3_instr_v : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_t0_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
i_afd_is2_t1_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
i_afd_is2_t2_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
i_afd_is2_t3_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
i_afd_is2_fra_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_fra_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_fra_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_fra_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frb_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frb_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frb_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frb_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frc_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frc_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frc_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frc_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frt_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frt_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frt_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_frt_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
i_afd_is2_fra_v_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_fra_v_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_fra_v_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_fra_v_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frb_v_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frb_v_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frb_v_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frb_v_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frc_v_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frc_v_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frc_v_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_frc_v_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_is2_bypsel_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
i_afd_is2_bypsel_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
i_afd_is2_bypsel_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
i_afd_is2_bypsel_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
i_afd_is2_ifar_t0 : in EFF_IFAR;
i_afd_is2_ifar_t1 : in EFF_IFAR;
i_afd_is2_ifar_t2 : in EFF_IFAR;
i_afd_is2_ifar_t3 : in EFF_IFAR;
i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t0_b : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t1_b : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t2_b : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t3_b : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_early_v_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_early_v_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_early_v_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_axu_is1_early_v_t3 : in std_ulogic;
ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t0 : in std_ulogic;
ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t1 : in std_ulogic;
ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t2 : in std_ulogic;
ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t3 : in std_ulogic;
iu_au_md_pri_mask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
iu_au_hi_pri_mask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
spr_fiss_pri_rand : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
spr_fiss_pri_rand_always : in std_ulogic;
spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush : in std_ulogic;
iu_is2_take_t : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
iu_fu_is2_tid_decode : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
iu_fu_rf0_instr_match : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_instr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
iu_fu_rf0_instr_v : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_is_ucode : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_fra : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
iu_fu_rf0_frb : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
iu_fu_rf0_frc : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
iu_fu_rf0_frt : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
iu_fu_rf0_fra_v : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_frb_v : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_frc_v : out std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul : out std_ulogic;
i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t3 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_config_iucr_t0 : in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 4);
i_afd_config_iucr_t1 : in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 4);
i_afd_config_iucr_t2 : in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 4);
i_afd_config_iucr_t3 : in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 4);
i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t0 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t1 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t2 : in std_ulogic;
i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t3 : in std_ulogic;
fu_iss_debug : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 23);
iu_fu_rf0_tid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
iu_fu_rf0_bypsel : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
iu_fu_rf0_ifar : out EFF_IFAR
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end iuq_axu_fu_iss;
architecture iuq_axu_fu_iss of iuq_axu_fu_iss is
signal act_dis : std_ulogic;
signal d_mode : std_ulogic;
signal mpw2_b : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal is2_issue_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_issue_sel_buf1_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_issue_sel_buf2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_issue_sel_buf3_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_issue_sel_buf4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal debug_reg_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal debug_reg_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal hi_n230, hi_n231, hi_n232 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_n220, hi_n221, hi_n210 : std_ulogic;
signal md_n230, md_n231, md_n232 : std_ulogic;
signal md_n220, md_n221, md_n210 : std_ulogic;
signal medpri_v, medpri_v_b, highpri_v, highpri_v_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_bubble_latch_scin: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal is2_bubble_latch_scout: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal is2_skip_latch_scin: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_skip_latch_scout: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf0_stage_latch_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 76+EFF_IFAR'length);
signal rf0_stage_latch_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 76+EFF_IFAR'length);
signal spare_unused : std_ulogic_vector(00 to 10);
signal spare_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(00 to 6);
signal skip_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_insert_one_bubble, is2_insert_two_bubbles, is2_insert_three_bubbles, is2_insert_seven_bubbles :std_ulogic;
signal single_step_mode, single_step_divsqrt_mode, divsqrt_mode :std_ulogic;
signal bubble_din, bubble_dout : std_ulogic_vector(2 to 4);
signal skip_din, skip_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal hi_mask_v_b, md_mask_v_b: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal hi_mask_v, md_mask_v: std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_v_t : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal iu_fu_is2_instr_match : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_instr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal iu_fu_is2_instr_v : std_ulogic;
signal is2_instr_v, disable_cgat : std_ulogic;
signal is2_act_din, is2_act_l2, is2_act : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_fra : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal iu_fu_is2_frb : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal iu_fu_is2_frc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal iu_fu_is2_frt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal iu_fu_is2_fra_v : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_frb_v : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_frc_v : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_ucfmul : std_ulogic;
signal iu_fu_is2_tid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal rf0_tid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal iu_fu_is2_bypsel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal iu_fu_is2_bypsel_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal is2_ifar : EFF_IFAR;
signal is2_ifar_t0 : EFF_IFAR;
signal is2_ifar_t1 : EFF_IFAR;
signal is2_ifar_t2 : EFF_IFAR;
signal is2_ifar_t3 : EFF_IFAR;
signal rf0_ifar : EFF_IFAR;
signal pc_iu_sg_0, pc_iu_sg_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0 , pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal forcee : std_ulogic;
signal is2_flush : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_is_ucode : std_ulogic;
signal is2_issue_sel_db : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_stall : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal dep_hit_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is1_v_din_premux : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_v_dout_premux : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is1_v_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2_v_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ignore_flush_is2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal is2v_scin, is2v_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mask_scin, mask_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal hi_pri_mask_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal md_pri_mask_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf0_took_latch_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal rf0_took_latch_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal hi_did0no1, hi_did0no2, hi_did0no3 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did1no0, hi_did1no2, hi_did1no3 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did2no1, hi_did2no0, hi_did2no3 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did3no1, hi_did3no2, hi_did3no0 : std_ulogic;
signal md_did0no1, md_did0no2, md_did0no3 : std_ulogic;
signal md_did1no0, md_did1no2, md_did1no3 : std_ulogic;
signal md_did2no1, md_did2no0, md_did2no3 : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no1, md_did3no2, md_did3no0 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_sel, hi_sel_b, md_sel, md_sel_b, hi_later, md_later : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal hi_did3no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did3no1_din : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did3no2_din : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did2no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did2no1_din : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did1no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no1_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no2_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did2no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did2no1_din : std_ulogic;
signal md_did1no0_din : std_ulogic;
signal pri_rand : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal hi_did3no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did3no1_d : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did3no2_d : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did2no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did2no1_d : std_ulogic;
signal hi_did1no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no1_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did3no2_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did2no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did2no1_d : std_ulogic;
signal md_did1no0_d : std_ulogic;
signal issselhi_b, issselmd_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal issselhi2_b, issselmd2_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal no_hi_v,no_hi_v_n01, no_hi_v_n23 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_l30, hi_l31, hi_l32 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_l23, hi_l20, hi_l21 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_l12, hi_l13, hi_l10 : std_ulogic;
signal hi_l01, hi_l02, hi_l03 : std_ulogic;
signal md_l30, md_l31, md_l32 : std_ulogic;
signal md_l23, md_l20, md_l21 : std_ulogic;
signal md_l12, md_l13, md_l10 : std_ulogic;
signal md_l01, md_l02, md_l03 : std_ulogic;
signal iu_is2_take_t_int_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal iu_is2_take_t_int : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tidn <= '0';
tiup <= '1';
act_dis <= '0';
d_mode <= '0';
mpw2_b <= '1';
auperv_2to1_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 2, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2,
din(1) => pc_iu_sg_2,
q(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1,
q(1) => pc_iu_sg_1);
auperv_1to0_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 2, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1,
din(1) => pc_iu_sg_1,
q(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0,
q(1) => pc_iu_sg_0);
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b );
ignore_flush_is2(0 to 3) <= (i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t0 and not xu_iu_is2_flush(0)) &
(i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t1 and not xu_iu_is2_flush(1)) &
(i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t2 and not xu_iu_is2_flush(2)) &
(i_afd_ignore_flush_is2_t3 and not xu_iu_is2_flush(3));
is2_stall(0 to 3) <= is2_v_t(0 to 3) and not is2_issue_sel(0 to 3);
dep_hit_b(0 to 3) <= i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t0_b & i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t1_b & i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t2_b & i_axu_is1_dep_hit_t3_b;
is1_v_din_premux(0 to 3) <= ((i_axu_is1_early_v_t0 & i_axu_is1_early_v_t1 & i_axu_is1_early_v_t2 & i_axu_is1_early_v_t3)
and not is2_stall(0 to 3))
and (not iu_au_is1_flush(0 to 3));
is1_v_din(0 to 3) <= (is1_v_din_premux(0 to 3) and dep_hit_b(0 to 3)) or
(is2_v_dout_premux(0 to 3) and is2_stall(0 to 3));
is2v_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 4)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => is2v_scin,
scout => is2v_scout ,
din(0 to 3) => is1_v_din(0 to 3),
dout(0 to 3) => is2_v_dout(0 to 3)
is2_v_dout_premux(0 to 3) <= is2_v_dout(0 to 3) and (not is2_flush(0 to 3) or ignore_flush_is2(0 to 3));
is2_v_t(0 to 3) <= is2_v_dout(0 to 3);
mask_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 8)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => mask_scin,
scout => mask_scout ,
din(0 to 3) => iu_au_hi_pri_mask(0 to 3),
din(4 to 7) => iu_au_md_pri_mask(0 to 3),
dout(0 to 3) => hi_pri_mask_q(0 to 3),
dout(4 to 7) => md_pri_mask_q(0 to 3)
is2_flush(0 to 3) <= xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3) or uc_flush(0 to 3);
skip_b(0) <= not skip_dout(0);
skip_b(1) <= not skip_dout(1);
skip_b(2) <= not skip_dout(2);
skip_b(3) <= not skip_dout(3);
hi_mask_v_nand2: hi_mask_v_b <= not(hi_pri_mask_q(0 to 3) and is2_v_dout(0 to 3));
md_mask_v_nand2: md_mask_v_b <= not(md_pri_mask_q(0 to 3) and is2_v_dout(0 to 3));
hi_mask_v_inv: hi_mask_v <= not hi_mask_v_b;
md_mask_v_inv: md_mask_v <= not md_mask_v_b;
highpri0v_nand2: highpri_v_b(0) <= not(hi_mask_v(0) and skip_b(0));
highpri1v_nand2: highpri_v_b(1) <= not(hi_mask_v(1) and skip_b(1));
highpri2v_nand2: highpri_v_b(2) <= not(hi_mask_v(2) and skip_b(2));
highpri3v_nand2: highpri_v_b(3) <= not(hi_mask_v(3) and skip_b(3));
medpri0v_nand2: medpri_v_b(0) <= not(md_mask_v(0) and skip_b(0));
medpri1v_nand2: medpri_v_b(1) <= not(md_mask_v(1) and skip_b(1));
medpri2v_nand2: medpri_v_b(2) <= not(md_mask_v(2) and skip_b(2));
medpri3v_nand2: medpri_v_b(3) <= not(md_mask_v(3) and skip_b(3));
highpri0v_inv: highpri_v(0) <= not highpri_v_b(0);
highpri1v_inv: highpri_v(1) <= not highpri_v_b(1);
highpri2v_inv: highpri_v(2) <= not highpri_v_b(2);
highpri3v_inv: highpri_v(3) <= not highpri_v_b(3);
hi_sel_nor23: hi_sel(3) <= not (highpri_v_b(3) or hi_later(3));
hi_sel_nand33: hi_later(3) <= not (hi_l30 and hi_l31 and hi_l32);
hi_sel_nand230: hi_l30 <= not (hi_did3no0 and highpri_v(0));
hi_sel_nand231: hi_l31 <= not (hi_did3no1 and highpri_v(1));
hi_sel_nand232: hi_l32 <= not (hi_did3no2 and highpri_v(2));
hi_sel_nor22: hi_sel(2) <= not (highpri_v_b(2) or hi_later(2)) ;
hi_sel_nand32: hi_later(2) <= not (hi_l23 and hi_l20 and hi_l21);
hi_sel_nand223: hi_l23 <= not (hi_did2no3 and highpri_v(3));
hi_sel_nand220: hi_l20 <= not (hi_did2no0 and highpri_v(0));
hi_sel_nand221: hi_l21 <= not (hi_did2no1 and highpri_v(1));
hi_sel_nor21: hi_sel(1) <= not (highpri_v_b(1) or hi_later(1)) ;
hi_sel_nand31: hi_later(1) <= not (hi_l12 and hi_l13 and hi_l10);
hi_sel_nand212: hi_l12 <= not (hi_did1no2 and highpri_v(2));
hi_sel_nand213: hi_l13 <= not (hi_did1no3 and highpri_v(3));
hi_sel_nand210: hi_l10 <= not (hi_did1no0 and highpri_v(0));
hi_sel_nor20: hi_sel(0) <= not (highpri_v_b(0) or hi_later(0)) ;
hi_sel_nand30: hi_later(0) <= not (hi_l01 and hi_l02 and hi_l03);
hi_sel_nand201: hi_l01 <= not (hi_did0no1 and highpri_v(1));
hi_sel_nand202: hi_l02 <= not (hi_did0no2 and highpri_v(2));
hi_sel_nand203: hi_l03 <= not (hi_did0no3 and highpri_v(3));
medpri0v_inv: medpri_v(0) <= not medpri_v_b(0);
medpri1v_inv: medpri_v(1) <= not medpri_v_b(1);
medpri2v_inv: medpri_v(2) <= not medpri_v_b(2);
medpri3v_inv: medpri_v(3) <= not medpri_v_b(3);
md_sel_nor23: md_sel(3) <= not (medpri_v_b(3) or md_later(3));
md_sel_nand33: md_later(3) <= not (md_l30 and md_l31 and md_l32);
md_sel_nand230: md_l30 <= not (md_did3no0 and medpri_v(0));
md_sel_nand231: md_l31 <= not (md_did3no1 and medpri_v(1));
md_sel_nand232: md_l32 <= not (md_did3no2 and medpri_v(2));
md_sel_nor22: md_sel(2) <= not (medpri_v_b(2) or md_later(2)) ;
md_sel_nand32: md_later(2) <= not (md_l23 and md_l20 and md_l21);
md_sel_nand223: md_l23 <= not (md_did2no3 and medpri_v(3));
md_sel_nand220: md_l20 <= not (md_did2no0 and medpri_v(0));
md_sel_nand221: md_l21 <= not (md_did2no1 and medpri_v(1));
md_sel_nor21: md_sel(1) <= not (medpri_v_b(1) or md_later(1)) ;
md_sel_nand31: md_later(1) <= not (md_l12 and md_l13 and md_l10);
md_sel_nand212: md_l12 <= not (md_did1no2 and medpri_v(2));
md_sel_nand213: md_l13 <= not (md_did1no3 and medpri_v(3));
md_sel_nand210: md_l10 <= not (md_did1no0 and medpri_v(0));
md_sel_nor20: md_sel(0) <= not (medpri_v_b(0) or md_later(0)) ;
md_sel_nand30: md_later(0) <= not (md_l01 and md_l02 and md_l03);
md_sel_nand201: md_l01 <= not (md_did0no1 and medpri_v(1));
md_sel_nand202: md_l02 <= not (md_did0no2 and medpri_v(2));
md_sel_nand203: md_l03 <= not (md_did0no3 and medpri_v(3));
hi_sel_inv0: hi_sel_b(0) <= not hi_sel(0);
hi_sel_inv1: hi_sel_b(1) <= not hi_sel(1);
hi_sel_inv2: hi_sel_b(2) <= not hi_sel(2);
hi_sel_inv3: hi_sel_b(3) <= not hi_sel(3);
hi_reordf_nand230: hi_did3no0_din <= not (hi_sel_b(3) and hi_n230);
hi_reordf_nand231: hi_did3no1_din <= not (hi_sel_b(3) and hi_n231);
hi_reordf_nand232: hi_did3no2_din <= not (hi_sel_b(3) and hi_n232);
hi_reord_nand230: hi_n230 <= not (hi_sel_b(0) and hi_did3no0);
hi_reord_nand231: hi_n231 <= not (hi_sel_b(1) and hi_did3no1);
hi_reord_nand232: hi_n232 <= not (hi_sel_b(2) and hi_did3no2);
hi_reordf_nand220: hi_did2no0_din <= not(hi_sel_b(2) and hi_n220);
hi_reord_nand220: hi_n220 <= not(hi_sel_b(0) and hi_did2no0);
hi_reordf_nand221: hi_did2no1_din <= not(hi_sel_b(2) and hi_n221);
hi_reord_nand221: hi_n221 <= not(hi_sel_b(1) and hi_did2no1);
hi_reord_inv23: hi_did2no3 <= not hi_did3no2;
hi_reordf_nand210: hi_did1no0_din <= not(hi_sel_b(1) and hi_n210);
hi_reord_nand210: hi_n210 <= not(hi_sel_b(0) and hi_did1no0);
hi_reord_inv12: hi_did1no2 <= not hi_did2no1;
hi_reord_inv13: hi_did1no3 <= not hi_did3no1;
hi_reord_inv01: hi_did0no1 <= not hi_did1no0;
hi_reord_inv02: hi_did0no2 <= not hi_did2no0;
hi_reord_inv03: hi_did0no3 <= not hi_did3no0;
md_sel_inv0: md_sel_b(0) <= not md_sel(0);
md_sel_inv1: md_sel_b(1) <= not md_sel(1);
md_sel_inv2: md_sel_b(2) <= not md_sel(2);
md_sel_inv3: md_sel_b(3) <= not md_sel(3);
md_reordf_nand230: md_did3no0_din <= not (md_sel_b(3) and md_n230);
md_reordf_nand231: md_did3no1_din <= not (md_sel_b(3) and md_n231);
md_reordf_nand232: md_did3no2_din <= not (md_sel_b(3) and md_n232);
md_reord_nand230: md_n230 <= not (md_sel_b(0) and md_did3no0);
md_reord_nand231: md_n231 <= not (md_sel_b(1) and md_did3no1);
md_reord_nand232: md_n232 <= not (md_sel_b(2) and md_did3no2);
md_reordf_nand220: md_did2no0_din <= not(md_sel_b(2) and md_n220);
md_reord_nand220: md_n220 <= not(md_sel_b(0) and md_did2no0);
md_reordf_nand221: md_did2no1_din <= not(md_sel_b(2) and md_n221);
md_reord_nand221: md_n221 <= not(md_sel_b(1) and md_did2no1);
md_reord_inv23: md_did2no3 <= not md_did3no2;
md_reordf_nand210: md_did1no0_din <= not(md_sel_b(1) and md_n210);
md_reord_nand210: md_n210 <= not(md_sel_b(0) and md_did1no0);
md_reord_inv12: md_did1no2 <= not md_did2no1;
md_reord_inv13: md_did1no3 <= not md_did3no1;
md_reord_inv01: md_did0no1 <= not md_did1no0;
md_reord_inv02: md_did0no2 <= not md_did2no0;
md_reord_inv03: md_did0no3 <= not md_did3no0;
nohi_nand21: no_hi_v_n01 <= not (hi_mask_v_b(0) and hi_mask_v_b(1));
nohi_nand22: no_hi_v_n23 <= not (hi_mask_v_b(2) and hi_mask_v_b(3));
nohi_nor2: no_hi_v <= not (no_hi_v_n01 or no_hi_v_n23);
isssel0_inv: issselhi_b(0) <= not (hi_sel(0));
isssel1_inv: issselhi_b(1) <= not (hi_sel(1));
isssel2_inv: issselhi_b(2) <= not (hi_sel(2));
isssel3_inv: issselhi_b(3) <= not (hi_sel(3));
isssel0_bnand2: issselmd_b(0) <= not (md_sel(0) and no_hi_v);
isssel1_bnand2: issselmd_b(1) <= not (md_sel(1) and no_hi_v);
isssel2_bnand2: issselmd_b(2) <= not (md_sel(2) and no_hi_v);
isssel3_bnand2: issselmd_b(3) <= not (md_sel(3) and no_hi_v);
isssel0_2inv: issselhi2_b(0) <= not (hi_sel(0));
isssel1_2inv: issselhi2_b(1) <= not (hi_sel(1));
isssel2_2inv: issselhi2_b(2) <= not (hi_sel(2));
isssel3_2inv: issselhi2_b(3) <= not (hi_sel(3));
isssel0_2bnand2: issselmd2_b(0) <= not (md_sel(0) and no_hi_v);
isssel1_2bnand2: issselmd2_b(1) <= not (md_sel(1) and no_hi_v);
isssel2_2bnand2: issselmd2_b(2) <= not (md_sel(2) and no_hi_v);
isssel3_2bnand2: issselmd2_b(3) <= not (md_sel(3) and no_hi_v);
isssel0_fnand2: iu_is2_take_t(0) <= not (issselhi2_b(0) and issselmd2_b(0));
isssel1_fnand2: iu_is2_take_t(1) <= not (issselhi2_b(1) and issselmd2_b(1));
isssel2_fnand2: iu_is2_take_t(2) <= not (issselhi2_b(2) and issselmd2_b(2));
isssel3_fnand2: iu_is2_take_t(3) <= not (issselhi2_b(3) and issselmd2_b(3));
iu_is2_take_t_int(0) <= not (issselhi_b(0) and issselmd_b(0));
iu_is2_take_t_int(1) <= not (issselhi_b(1) and issselmd_b(1));
iu_is2_take_t_int(2) <= not (issselhi_b(2) and issselmd_b(2));
iu_is2_take_t_int(3) <= not (issselhi_b(3) and issselmd_b(3));
fu_tid_invB0: iu_is2_take_t_int_b(0) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int(0);
fu_tid_invB1: iu_is2_take_t_int_b(1) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int(1);
fu_tid_invB2: iu_is2_take_t_int_b(2) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int(2);
fu_tid_invB3: iu_is2_take_t_int_b(3) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int(3);
fu_tid_invA0: iu_fu_is2_tid_decode(0) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int_b(0);
fu_tid_invA1: iu_fu_is2_tid_decode(1) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int_b(1);
fu_tid_invA2: iu_fu_is2_tid_decode(2) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int_b(2);
fu_tid_invA3: iu_fu_is2_tid_decode(3) <= not iu_is2_take_t_int_b(3);
is2_issue_sel(0 to 3) <= not (issselhi_b(0 to 3) and issselmd_b(0 to 3));
is2_issue_sel_buf1_b(0 to 3) <= not is2_issue_sel(0 to 3);
is2_issue_sel_buf2(0 to 3) <= not is2_issue_sel_buf1_b(0 to 3);
is2_issue_sel_buf3_b(0 to 3) <= not is2_issue_sel_buf2(0 to 3);
is2_issue_sel_buf4(0 to 3) <= not is2_issue_sel_buf3_b(0 to 3);
iu_fu_is2_instr(0 to 31) <= (i_afd_is2_t0_instr and (0 to 31 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_t1_instr and (0 to 31 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_t2_instr and (0 to 31 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_t3_instr and (0 to 31 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)));
is2_instr_v <= i_afd_is2_t0_instr_v or i_afd_is2_t1_instr_v or i_afd_is2_t2_instr_v or i_afd_is2_t3_instr_v;
iu_fu_is2_instr_v <= ((i_afd_is2_t0_instr_v and (not is2_flush(0) or ignore_flush_is2(0))) and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
((i_afd_is2_t1_instr_v and (not is2_flush(1) or ignore_flush_is2(1))) and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
((i_afd_is2_t2_instr_v and (not is2_flush(2) or ignore_flush_is2(2))) and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
((i_afd_is2_t3_instr_v and (not is2_flush(3) or ignore_flush_is2(3))) and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
iu_fu_is2_fra <= (i_afd_is2_fra_t0 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_t1 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_t2 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_t3 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_frb <= (i_afd_is2_frb_t0 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_t1 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_t2 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_t3 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_frc <= (i_afd_is2_frc_t0 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_t1 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_t2 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_t3 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_frt <= (i_afd_is2_frt_t0 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_frt_t1 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_frt_t2 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_frt_t3 and (0 to 6 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_fra_v <= (i_afd_is2_fra_v_t0 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_v_t1 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_v_t2 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
(i_afd_is2_fra_v_t3 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
iu_fu_is2_frb_v <= (i_afd_is2_frb_v_t0 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_v_t1 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_v_t2 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
(i_afd_is2_frb_v_t3 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
iu_fu_is2_frc_v <= (i_afd_is2_frc_v_t0 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_v_t1 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_v_t2 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
(i_afd_is2_frc_v_t3 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
iu_fu_is2_instr_match <= (i_axu_is2_instr_match_t0 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
(i_axu_is2_instr_match_t1 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
(i_axu_is2_instr_match_t2 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
(i_axu_is2_instr_match_t3 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
iu_fu_is2_ucfmul <= iu_fu_is2_instr(0 to 2) = "111" and iu_fu_is2_instr(4 to 5) = "11" and
iu_fu_is2_instr(26 to 30) = "10001";
is2_is_ucode <= (i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t0 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(0)) or
(i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t1 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(1)) or
(i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t2 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(2)) or
(i_afd_is2_is_ucode_t3 and is2_issue_sel_buf4(3)) ;
is2_ifar_t0 <= i_afd_is2_ifar_t0;
is2_ifar_t1 <= i_afd_is2_ifar_t1;
is2_ifar_t2 <= i_afd_is2_ifar_t2;
is2_ifar_t3 <= i_afd_is2_ifar_t3;
is2_ifar <= (is2_ifar_t0 and (0 to EFF_IFAR'length-1 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(is2_ifar_t1 and (0 to EFF_IFAR'length-1 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(is2_ifar_t2 and (0 to EFF_IFAR'length-1 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(is2_ifar_t3 and (0 to EFF_IFAR'length-1 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_tid(0) <= is2_issue_sel(2) or is2_issue_sel(3);
iu_fu_is2_tid(1) <= is2_issue_sel(1) or is2_issue_sel(3);
hi_did3no0_d <= pri_rand(0) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did3no0_din;
hi_did3no1_d <= pri_rand(1) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did3no1_din;
hi_did3no2_d <= pri_rand(2) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did3no2_din;
hi_did2no0_d <= pri_rand(3) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did2no0_din;
hi_did2no1_d <= pri_rand(4) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did2no1_din;
hi_did1no0_d <= pri_rand(5) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else hi_did1no0_din;
md_did3no0_d <= pri_rand(0) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did3no0_din;
md_did3no1_d <= pri_rand(1) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did3no1_din;
md_did3no2_d <= pri_rand(2) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did3no2_din;
md_did2no0_d <= pri_rand(3) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did2no0_din;
md_did2no1_d <= pri_rand(4) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did2no1_din;
md_did1no0_d <= pri_rand(5) when (spr_fiss_pri_rand_always or (spr_fiss_pri_rand_flush and or_reduce(xu_iu_is2_flush(0 to 3)))) = '1' else md_did1no0_din;
pri_rand(0 TO 5) <= "001000" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00000" else
"100111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00001" else
"110111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00010" else
"000001" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00011" else
"000110" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00100" else
"001001" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00101" else
"011000" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00110" else
"111101" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "00111" else
"100101" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01000" else
"010110" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01001" else
"101101" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01010" else
"111110" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01011" else
"110110" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01100" else
"101001" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01101" else
"000000" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01110" else
"111010" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "01111" else
"000111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10000" else
"111001" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10001" else
"111000" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10010" else
"011010" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10011" else
"111111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10100" else
"010010" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10101" else
"000010" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10110" else
"000101" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "10111" else
"111111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11000" else
"000000" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11001" else
"011010" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11010" else
"100101" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11011" else
"001001" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11100" else
"110110" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11101" else
"000111" when spr_fiss_pri_rand(0 to 4) = "11110" else
"111000" ;
rf0_took_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 65, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 12)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => rf0_took_latch_scin,
scout => rf0_took_latch_scout,
din(00) => hi_did3no0_d,
din(01) => hi_did3no1_d,
din(02) => hi_did3no2_d,
din(03) => hi_did2no0_d,
din(04) => hi_did2no1_d,
din(05) => hi_did1no0_d,
din(06) => md_did3no0_d,
din(07) => md_did3no1_d,
din(08) => md_did3no2_d,
din(09) => md_did2no0_d,
din(10) => md_did2no1_d,
din(11) => md_did1no0_d,
dout(00) => hi_did3no0,
dout(01) => hi_did3no1,
dout(02) => hi_did3no2,
dout(03) => hi_did2no0,
dout(04) => hi_did2no1,
dout(05) => hi_did1no0,
dout(06) => md_did3no0,
dout(07) => md_did3no1,
dout(08) => md_did3no2,
dout(09) => md_did2no0,
dout(10) => md_did2no1,
dout(11) => md_did1no0
is2_act <= is2_instr_v or is2_act_l2;
rf0_stage_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 77+EFF_IFAR'length)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => is2_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => rf0_stage_latch_scin,
scout => rf0_stage_latch_scout,
din(00 to 31) => iu_fu_is2_instr(0 to 31),
din(32 ) => iu_fu_is2_instr_v,
din(33 ) => is2_is_ucode,
din(34 ) => iu_fu_is2_fra_v,
din(35 to 41) => iu_fu_is2_fra(0 to 6),
din(42 ) => iu_fu_is2_frb_v,
din(43 to 49) => iu_fu_is2_frb(0 to 6),
din(50 ) => iu_fu_is2_frc_v,
din(51 to 57) => iu_fu_is2_frc(0 to 6),
din(58 ) => iu_fu_is2_ucfmul,
din(59 to 65) => iu_fu_is2_frt(0 to 6),
din(66 ) => spare_l2(0),
din(67 ) => spare_l2(1),
din(68 ) => iu_fu_is2_instr_match,
din(69 to 70) => iu_fu_is2_tid(0 to 1),
din(71 to 76) => iu_fu_is2_bypsel_din(0 to 5),
din(77 to 76+EFF_IFAR'length) => is2_ifar,
dout(00 to 31) => iu_fu_rf0_instr(0 to 31),
dout(32 ) => iu_fu_rf0_instr_v,
dout(33 ) => iu_fu_rf0_is_ucode,
dout(34 ) => iu_fu_rf0_fra_v,
dout(35 to 41) => iu_fu_rf0_fra(0 to 6),
dout(42 ) => iu_fu_rf0_frb_v,
dout(43 to 49) => iu_fu_rf0_frb(0 to 6),
dout(50 ) => iu_fu_rf0_frc_v,
dout(51 to 57) => iu_fu_rf0_frc(0 to 6),
dout(58 ) => iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul,
dout(59 to 65) => iu_fu_rf0_frt(0 to 6),
dout(66 to 67) => spare_l2(0 to 1),
dout(68 ) => iu_fu_rf0_instr_match,
dout(69 to 70) => rf0_tid(0 to 1),
dout(71 to 76) => iu_fu_rf0_bypsel(0 to 5),
dout(77 to 76+EFF_IFAR'length) => rf0_ifar
iu_fu_rf0_ifar <= rf0_ifar;
iu_fu_rf0_tid <= rf0_tid;
spare_unused(0 to 1) <= tidn & tidn;
rf0_wpc_sp_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 5)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scin,
scout => rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scout ,
din(0) => is2_act_din,
din(1) => spare_l2(2),
din(2) => spare_l2(3),
din(3) => spare_l2(4),
din(4) => spare_l2(5),
dout(0) => is2_act_l2,
dout(1) => spare_l2(2),
dout(2) => spare_l2(3),
dout(3) => spare_l2(4),
dout(4) => spare_l2(5)
disable_cgat <= i_afd_config_iucr_t0(4) or i_afd_config_iucr_t1(4) or i_afd_config_iucr_t2(4) or i_afd_config_iucr_t3(4);
is2_act_din <= is2_instr_v or disable_cgat;
spare_unused(2) <= d_mode;
spare_unused(3 to 6) <= tidn & tidn & tidn & tidn;
spare_unused(8) <= tidn;
debug_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 5)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => debug_reg_scin,
scout => debug_reg_scout,
din(0 to 3) => is2_issue_sel(0 to 3),
din(4) => spare_l2(6),
dout(0 to 3) => is2_issue_sel_db(0 to 3),
dout(4) => spare_l2(6)
spare_unused(7) <= tidn;
single_step_mode <= i_afd_config_iucr_t0(2) and i_afd_config_iucr_t1(2) and i_afd_config_iucr_t2(2) and i_afd_config_iucr_t3(2);
single_step_divsqrt_mode <= i_afd_config_iucr_t0(3) and i_afd_config_iucr_t1(3) and i_afd_config_iucr_t2(3) and i_afd_config_iucr_t3(3);
divsqrt_mode <= ((not i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t0) or
(not i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t1) or
(not i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t2) or
(not i_afd_in_ucode_mode_or1d_b_t3));
is2_insert_one_bubble <= '0';
spare_unused(09) <= is2_insert_one_bubble;
is2_insert_two_bubbles <= '0';
spare_unused(10) <= is2_insert_two_bubbles;
is2_insert_three_bubbles <= ((ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t0 and is2_issue_sel(0)) or
(ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t1 and is2_issue_sel(1)) or
(ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t2 and is2_issue_sel(2)) or
(ifdp_is2_est_bubble3_t3 and is2_issue_sel(3)));
is2_insert_seven_bubbles <= (single_step_mode and or_reduce(is2_issue_sel(0 to 3))) or
(single_step_divsqrt_mode and or_reduce(is2_issue_sel(0 to 3)) and divsqrt_mode);
skip_din(0) <= or_reduce(bubble_din(2 to 4));
skip_din(1) <= or_reduce(bubble_din(2 to 4));
skip_din(2) <= or_reduce(bubble_din(2 to 4));
skip_din(3) <= or_reduce(bubble_din(2 to 4));
bubble_din(2) <= (not is2_insert_three_bubbles and bubble_dout(2)
and bubble_dout(3)) or
(not is2_insert_three_bubbles and bubble_dout(2)
and bubble_dout(4)) or
( is2_insert_seven_bubbles);
bubble_din(3) <= ( bubble_dout(2) and not bubble_dout(3) and not bubble_dout(4)) or
( bubble_dout(3) and bubble_dout(4)) or
( is2_insert_three_bubbles) or
( is2_insert_seven_bubbles);
bubble_din(4) <= ( bubble_dout(2) and not bubble_dout(4)) or
( bubble_dout(3) and not bubble_dout(4)) or
( is2_insert_three_bubbles) or
( is2_insert_seven_bubbles);
is2_bubble_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 3)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => is2_bubble_latch_scin,
scout => is2_bubble_latch_scout,
din(0 to 2) => bubble_din,
dout(0 to 2) => bubble_dout
is2_skip_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => needs_sreset, width => 4)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
scin => is2_skip_latch_scin,
scout => is2_skip_latch_scout,
din(0 to 3) => skip_din,
dout(0 to 3) => skip_dout
iu_fu_is2_bypsel <= (i_afd_is2_bypsel_t0 and (0 to 5 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(0))) or
(i_afd_is2_bypsel_t1 and (0 to 5 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(1))) or
(i_afd_is2_bypsel_t2 and (0 to 5 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(2))) or
(i_afd_is2_bypsel_t3 and (0 to 5 => is2_issue_sel_buf4(3))) ;
iu_fu_is2_bypsel_din <= iu_fu_is2_bypsel;
fu_iss_debug(0 to 23) <= highpri_v(0 to 3) & medpri_v(0 to 3) &
hi_did3no0 &
hi_did3no1 &
hi_did3no2 &
hi_did2no1 &
hi_did2no0 &
hi_did1no0 &
md_did3no0 &
md_did3no1 &
md_did3no2 &
md_did2no1 &
md_did2no0 &
md_did1no0 &
is2_issue_sel_db(0 to 3);
is2v_scin(0 to 3) <= i_iss_si & is2v_scout(0 to 2);
mask_scin(0 to 7) <= is2v_scout(3) & mask_scout(0 to 6);
rf0_took_latch_scin(0 to 11) <= mask_scout(7) & rf0_took_latch_scout(0 to 10);
rf0_stage_latch_scin(0 to 76+EFF_IFAR'length) <= rf0_took_latch_scout(11) & rf0_stage_latch_scout(0 to 75+EFF_IFAR'length);
rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scin <= rf0_stage_latch_scout(76+EFF_IFAR'length) & rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scout(0 to 3);
debug_reg_scin(0 to 4) <= rf0_wpc_sp_latch_scout(4) & debug_reg_scout(0 to 3);
is2_bubble_latch_scin <= debug_reg_scout(4) & is2_bubble_latch_scout(0 to 1);
is2_skip_latch_scin <= is2_bubble_latch_scout(2) & is2_skip_latch_scout(0 to 2);
i_iss_so <= is2_skip_latch_scout(3) and an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b;
end iuq_axu_fu_iss;