# A2L2 Interface
import cocotb
from cocotb . triggers import Timer , RisingEdge
from cocotb . binary import BinaryValue
from cocotb . handle import Force
from cocotb . handle import Release
from dotmap import DotMap
import itertools
from OPEnv import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Classes
Data return timings from spec :
* Reload Data Coming
Indicates that reload data is coming in three cycles . This signal is required for L2 designs that return data in consecutive cycles , but can be
tied to a logic ‘ 0 ’ for designs that return data in every other cycle . For L2 designs that return data in consecutive cycles , this signal should be
asserted three cycles ahead of the first of two paired data beats . If more than two data beats will be presented consecutively , this signal should be
asserted once for the first set of two ( paired ) data beats and once for the second set of two ( paired ) data beats . Each assertion
should be three cycles ahead of the first beat of the paired set of data beats . This signal allows the A2 core to insert an issue bubble for the second
reload data beat to avoid flushing the processor pipe . This signal is not required to be asserted as described above for DITC return data .
For non - cacheable ( I = 1 ) reloads of one or two beats , this signal should be asserted three cycles ahead of the first ( and possibly only ) data beat transfer .
* Reload Data Valid
Indicates that reload data is coming in two cycles . This signal qualifies the other reload interface signals sent in this cycle : reld_ditc , reld_core_tag , reld_crit_qw , and reld_qw .
If reld_data_vld is not active , then the qualified signals should be ignored .
* Reload Direct Inter - Thread Communication
Indicates that the reload data is associated with a DITC transfer instead of a standard load - ttype reload . This signal is qualified by reld_data_vld and determines the
interpretation of the reld_core_tag bus . DITC reload data transfers are always 64 - Byte transfers that follow the same consecutive cycle or every - other - cycle behavior
as standard load - ttype reloads for the attached L2 .
* * i believe this means ditc can use either 1 of2 / 2 of2 or 1 of2 / - / - / 2 of2 pattern , but never requires data_coming ( probs because pipe considerations not important for ditc ) * *
== == ==
Cycles :
* d - 3 ( reld_data_coming )
Loads :
1. I = 1 : assert 3 cycs ahead of first transfer ( two transfers only if 32 B allowed )
2. I = 0 data every other cycle : not asserted
3. I = 0 data consecutive cycles : assert 3 cycs ahead of the 1 of2 paired beats ; if more than 2 beats are consecutive , assert 3 cycs ahead of each paired beat
1. assertion not required * * ( or used by core ? ) * *
* d - 2 ( reld_data_vld and qualified signals )
Loads :
1. assert 2 cycs ahead of data
1. assert 2 cycs ahead of data and also assert reld_ditc
Cacheable Return Modes :
1. no back - to - back : coming = 0
2. all back - to - back : coming = 1 / 0 / 1
3. interleaved back - to - back : coming = 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1
4. mixed : legal cases for subxfers ( ? ) * * i think the ' mixed ' aren ' t valid - xucr0[52] selects b2b mode**
* 1 1 1 1 ( no b2b )
* 1 2 1 ( mixed )
* 1 1 2 ( mixed )
* 2 1 1 ( mixed )
* 2 2 ( full b2b )
5. between subxfers a delay or other transaction can be inserted
? ? xucr0 [ 52 ] definition selects b2b but also says crit first ; i guess this means crit first is allowed , but not required ? ? a2l2 spec says it is not required to send crit first
class A2L2Trans ( DotMap ) :
''' A2L2 Transaction '''
nextID = itertools . count ( )
def __init__ ( self , sim , tid , tt , tag = None , addr = None , length = 0 , wimg = 0 , cycD = None , be = None , data = None , le = False ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . sim = sim
self . id = next ( A2L2Trans . nextID )
self . tid = tid
self . tt = tt
self . tag = tag
self . addr = addr
if length == 0 or length == 3 :
raise Exception ( f ' A2L2Trans: bad length encode: { length } ' )
elif length == 5 :
self . len = 8
elif length == 6 :
self . len = 16
elif length == 7 :
self . len = 32
else :
self . len = length
self . wimg = wimg
self . xfers = 1
self . xferNum = 0
self . xferCrit = 1
self . beatNum = 1
if cycD is not None :
self . cycC = cycD - 3
self . cycV = cycD - 2
self . cycD = cycD
self . be = f ' { int ( be , 16 ) : 032b } ' if be is not None else None
self . data = data
self . LE = le
self . done = False
self . ieq1 = wimg & 0x4 == 0x4
self . load = tt == 0x00 or tt == 0x08 or tt == 0x22 or tt == 0x09 or tt == 0x0B # IF, LD, DITC, LARX, LARX_HINT
self . store = tt == 0x20 or tt == 0x29 # ST, STCX
if self . load :
self . addr = self . addr & 0xFFFFFFF0
elif self . store :
#self.addr = self.addr & 0xFFFFFFE0 #wtf definitely 16B-aligned occurring
#self.addr = self.addr & 0xFFFFFFF0 # keep low bits for 1B and 2B stores
if self . be == None or self . data == None :
raise Exception ( ' A2L2Trans: store must have BE and data ' )
else :
self . len = 0
self . storeStart = None
for i in range ( len ( self . be ) ) :
if self . be [ i ] == ' 1 ' :
if self . storeStart is None :
self . storeStart = i
self . len + = 1
elif self . storeStart is not None :
else :
raise Exception ( f ' A2L2Trans: unsupported ttype= { tt } ' )
self . ditc = tt == 0x22
if self . ieq1 :
if tt == 0x00 or tt == 0x08 : # IF, LD
if len == 7 :
self . xfers = 2
elif tt == 0x22 : # DITC
self . xfers = 4
else :
if self . load :
self . xfers = 4
self . xferCrit = ( ( self . addr & 0x30 ) >> 4 ) + 1
self . addr = self . addr & 0xFFFFFFC0
def readXfer ( self ) :
# read() returns this qw crit-first if cacheable!
w0 = self . sim . mem . read ( self . addr )
w1 = self . sim . mem . read ( self . addr + 4 )
w2 = self . sim . mem . read ( self . addr + 8 )
w3 = self . sim . mem . read ( self . addr + 12 )
beatNum = self . beatNum
if self . beatNum < self . xfers :
self . beatNum + = 1
self . cycD + = 1
self . addr + = 16 #wtf this is wrong - going to need to schedule the pattern when the trans is created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
return w0 , w1 , w2 , w3 , beatNum
def doStore ( self ) :
addr = ( ( ( self . addr & 0xFFFFFFF0 ) + self . storeStart ) >> 2 ) << 2 # word-align
dataStart = self . storeStart * 2
if self . len == 1 :
word = self . sim . mem . read ( addr )
byte = self . addr & 0x3
if self . LE :
if byte == 0 :
mask = 0xFFFFFF00
elif byte == 1 :
mask = 0xFFFF00FF
elif byte == 2 :
mask = 0xFF00FFFF
else :
mask = 0x00FFFFFF
word = ( word & mask ) | ( int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 2 ] , 16 ) << ( byte * 8 ) )
else :
if byte == 0 :
mask = 0x00FFFFFF
elif byte == 1 :
mask = 0xFF00FFFF
elif byte == 2 :
mask = 0xFFFF00FF
else :
mask = 0xFFFFFF00
print ( word , mask , dataStart , byte )
word = ( word & mask ) | ( int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 2 ] , 16 ) << ( ( 3 - byte ) * 8 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , word )
print ( addr , word )
elif self . len == 2 :
word = self . sim . mem . read ( addr )
hw = ( self . addr & 0x2 ) >> 1
if self . LE :
if hw == 0 :
mask = 0xFFFF0000
else :
mask = 0x0000FFFF
word = ( word & mask ) | ( int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 4 ] , 16 ) << ( hw * 16 ) )
else :
if hw == 0 :
mask = 0x0000FFFF
else :
mask = 0xFFFF0000
word = ( word & mask ) | ( int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 4 ] , 16 ) << ( ( 1 - hw ) * 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , word )
elif self . len == 4 :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 8 ] , 16 ) )
elif self . len == 8 :
if self . LE :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ dataStart + 16 : dataStart + 32 ] , 16 ) )
else :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ dataStart : dataStart + 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ dataStart + 16 : dataStart + 32 ] , 16 ) )
elif self . len == 16 :
if self . LE :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ 0 : 8 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ 8 : 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 8 , int ( self . data [ 16 : 24 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 12 , int ( self . data [ 24 : 32 ] , 16 ) )
else :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 12 , int ( self . data [ 0 : 8 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 8 , int ( self . data [ 8 : 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ 16 : 24 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ 24 : 32 ] , 16 ) )
elif self . len == 32 :
if self . LE :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ 0 : 8 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ 8 : 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 8 , int ( self . data [ 16 : 24 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 12 , int ( self . data [ 24 : 32 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 16 , int ( self . data [ 32 : 40 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 20 , int ( self . data [ 40 : 48 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 24 , int ( self . data [ 48 : 56 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 28 , int ( self . data [ 56 : 64 ] , 16 ) )
else :
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 28 , int ( self . data [ 0 : 8 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 24 , int ( self . data [ 8 : 16 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 20 , int ( self . data [ 16 : 24 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 16 , int ( self . data [ 24 : 32 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 12 , int ( self . data [ 32 : 40 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 8 , int ( self . data [ 40 : 48 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr + 4 , int ( self . data [ 48 : 56 ] , 16 ) )
self . sim . mem . write ( addr , int ( self . data [ 56 : 64 ] , 16 ) )
else :
raise Exception ( f ' A2L2Trans: unsupported store len= { self . len } ' )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tasks
async def A2L2Driver ( dut , sim ) :
""" A2L2 node interface """
transTypes = {
' 00 ' : ' IFETCH ' ,
' 08 ' : ' LOAD ' ,
' 20 ' : ' STORE '
ok = True
readPending = [ ]
countReads = 0
mem = { }
sim . msg ( ' A2L2 Driver: started. ' )
dut . an_ac_flh2l2_gate . value = 0
while ok and not sim . done :
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
dut . an_ac_req_ld_pop . value = 0
dut . an_ac_req_st_pop . value = 0
dut . an_ac_req_st_gather . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_data_coming . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_data_vld . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_ecc_err . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_ditc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_l1_dump . value = 0
dut . an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1 . value = 0
if sim . threads == 1 :
dut . an_ac_reservation_vld . value = 0
dut . an_ac_stcx_complete . value = 0
dut . an_ac_stcx_pass . value = 0
else :
for i in range ( sim . threads ) :
dut . an_ac_reservation_vld [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_stcx_complete [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_stcx_pass [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_sync_ack . value = 0
dut . an_ac_icbi_ack . value = 0
dut . an_ac_back_inv . value = 0
# bummer IndexError: Slice indexing is not supported
#dut.an_ac_reld_data[0:31].value = 0x48000000
#dut.an_ac_reld_data[32:63].value = 0x48000000
#dut.an_ac_reld_data[64:95].value = 0x48000000
#dut.an_ac_reld_data[96:127].value = 0x48000000
# bummer TypeError: Unsupported type for value assignment: <class 'str'> ('48000000480000004800000048000000')
#dut.an_ac_reld_data.value = '48000000480000004800000048000000'
#v = 0x48000000
# bummer TypeError: Unsupported type for value assignment: <class 'str'> ('01001000000000000000000000000000010010000000000000000000000000000100100000000000000000000000000001001000000000000000000000000000')
#dut.an_ac_reld_data.value = f'{v:0>32b}{v:0>32b}{v:0>32b}{v:0>32b}'
# otay!
#v1 = cocotb.binary.BinaryValue()
#dut.an_ac_reld_data.value = v1.value
if dut . ac_an_req . value : # should first check ac_an_req_pwr_token prev cyc
tt = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_ttype , 2 )
transType = transTypes [ tt ]
tid = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_thread )
ra = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_ra , 8 )
tag = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_ld_core_tag , 2 )
lenEnc = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len )
le = ' LE ' if dut . ac_an_req_endian . value else ' '
wimg_w = dut . ac_an_req_wimg_w . value
wimg_i = dut . ac_an_req_wimg_i . value
wimg_m = dut . ac_an_req_wimg_m . value
wimg_g = dut . ac_an_req_wimg_g . value
wimg = 0
if wimg_w :
wimg + = 8
if wimg_i :
wimg + = 4
if wimg_m :
wimg + = 2
if wimg_g :
wimg + = 1
if transType == ' IFETCH ' or transType == ' LOAD ' :
# when allowing out-of-order, schedule reld once added
if len ( readPending ) == 0 :
reldCyc = sim . cycle + 6 # const for now
else :
reldCyc = readPending [ - 1 ] . cycD + 4 # worst-case const for now
trans = A2L2Trans ( sim , tid , int ( tt , 16 ) , int ( tag , 16 ) , int ( ra , 16 ) , int ( lenEnc , 16 ) , wimg , reldCyc , le = le )
readPending . append ( trans )
sim . msg ( f ' T { tid } { transType } { ra } tag= { tag } len= { trans . len } { le } WIMG: { wimg : X } reld data: { trans . cycD } ' )
elif transType == ' STORE ' :
# should verify st_data_pwr_token prev cycle
be = hex ( dut . ac_an_st_byte_enbl , 8 )
data = hex ( dut . ac_an_st_data , 64 )
trans = A2L2Trans ( sim , tid , int ( tt , 16 ) , int ( tag , 16 ) , int ( ra , 16 ) , int ( lenEnc , 16 ) , wimg , None , be = be , data = data , le = le )
sim . msg ( f ' T { tid } { transType } { ra } tag= { tag } len= { trans . len } be= { be } data= { data } { le } WIMG: { wimg : X } ' )
trans . doStore ( )
dut . an_ac_req_st_pop . value = 1 #wtf can randomize, etc.
#assert False, 'got a store'
# data early indicator (d-3)
dut . an_ac_reld_data_coming . value = 0
for i in range ( len ( readPending ) ) :
trans = readPending [ i ]
if trans . cycC == sim . cycle :
dut . an_ac_reld_data_coming . value = 1
if trans . xferNum == 0 and trans . xfers == 4 : # 4 beats b2b - need diff scheduling for all modes
trans . cycC + = 2
# data valid indicator (d-2)
dut . an_ac_reld_data_vld . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reld_core_tag . value = 0x1F
dut . an_ac_reld_ditc . value = 1
dut . an_ac_reld_qw . value = 3
dut . an_ac_reld_crit_qw . value = 1
for i in range ( len ( readPending ) ) :
trans = readPending [ i ]
if trans . cycV == sim . cycle :
trans . xferNum + = 1
dut . an_ac_reld_data_vld . value = 1
dut . an_ac_reld_core_tag . value = trans . tag
dut . an_ac_reld_ditc . value = 1 if trans . ditc else 0
dut . an_ac_reld_qw . value = trans . xferNum - 1
dut . an_ac_reld_crit_qw . value = 1 if trans . xferNum == trans . xferCrit else 0
if trans . xferNum < 4 and trans . xfers == 4 :
trans . cycV + = 1
# data beat
if len ( readPending ) > 0 and readPending [ 0 ] . cycD == sim . cycle : # ordered
trans = readPending [ 0 ]
w0 , w1 , w2 , w3 , beatNum = trans . readXfer ( )
v1 = cocotb . binary . BinaryValue ( )
v1 . assign ( f ' { w0 : 0>32b } { w1 : 0>32b } { w2 : 0>32b } { w3 : 0>32b } ' )
dut . an_ac_reld_data . value = v1 . value
sim . msg ( f ' RELD tag= { trans . tag : 02X } { w0 : 08X } { w1 : 08X } { w2 : 08X } { w3 : 08X } { beatNum } of { trans . xfers } { " crit " if beatNum == trans . xferCrit else " " } ' )
if beatNum == trans . xfers :
trans . done = True
countReads + = 1 #wtf do this in monitor
if len ( readPending ) == 1 :
readPending = [ ]
else :
readPending = readPending [ 1 : ]
dut . an_ac_req_ld_pop . value = 1 #wtf can randomize, etc.
# A2L2 Checker
# check protocol, etc.
async def A2L2Checker ( dut , sim ) :
""" A2L2 interface checker """
me = ' A2L2 Checker '
ok = True
sim . msg ( f ' { me } : started. ' )
while ok :
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
# A2L2 Monitor
# count transactions, etc.
# fail on bad addresses
async def A2L2Monitor ( dut , sim ) :
""" A2L2 interface monitor """
me = ' A2L2 Monitor '
ok = True
start = len ( sim . config . a2l2 . badAddr ) > 0
sim . msg ( f ' { me } : started. ' )
while start and ok :
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
if dut . ac_an_req . value : # should first check ac_an_req_pwr_token prev cyc
tt = hex ( dut . ac_an_req_ttype , 2 )
if tt == ' 00 ' : #wtf someone should make this a enum/class
ra = dut . ac_an_req_ra . value . integer
for i in range ( len ( sim . config . a2l2 . badAddr ) ) :
blk = sim . config . a2l2 . badAddr [ i ]
if ' I ' in blk [ 2 ] . upper ( ) :
blkStart = int ( blk [ 0 ] , 16 )
blkEnd = int ( blk [ 1 ] , 16 )
if ra > = blkStart and ra < = blkEnd :
ok = False
assert False , ( f ' { me } : Bad IFetch @= { ra : 08X } ' ) #wtf want this to end back in main code for summary
class A2L2 :
driver = A2L2Driver
checker = A2L2Checker
monitor = A2L2Monitor
def __init__ ( self ) :