verilator litex

openpowerwtf 3 years ago
parent 5532d33b52
commit 5c12356d95

@ -74,4 +74,16 @@ verilator -cc --exe --trace --Mdir obj_dir --language 1364-2001 --timescale 1ns/
make -C obj_dir -f Va2owb


### core + node wb (litex)

* verilog/a2onode_litex

verilator -cc --exe --trace --Mdir obj_dir --language 1364-2001 -Wno-fatal -Wno-LITENDIAN --error-limit 1 -Iverilog/a2o_litex -Iverilog/work -Iverilog/trilib_clk1x -Iverilog/trilib -Iverilog/unisims a2owb.v tb_litex.cpp

make -C obj_dir -f Va2owb


@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
// simple verilator top
// uses a2owb with sim mem interface

#define TRACING

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "verilated.h"
#include "Va2owb.h"

// internal nets
#include "Va2owb___024root.h"
#include "Va2owb_a2owb.h"
#include "Va2owb_a2l2wb.h"

#ifdef TRACING
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
VerilatedVcdC *t;
unsigned int t = 0;

#include "uart/uartsim.h"

Va2owb* m;

vluint64_t main_time = 0; // in units of timeprecision used in verilog or --timescale-override
// what is it? it changed to 941621251 after calling loadmem()

double sc_time_stamp() { // $time in verilog
return main_time;

const int resetCycle = 10;
const int threadRunCycle = resetCycle + 5;
const int runCycles = 500;
const int hbCycles = 500;
const int threads = 1;
const std::string testFile = "../mem/test1/rom.init";

// Cythonize this and use it for cocotb too...

class Memory {
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> mem;
bool le;
bool logStores;
int defaultVal;
void loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr=0, bool le=false, std::string format="ascii");
int read(unsigned int adr);
void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat);
void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat);

Memory::Memory() {

this->defaultVal = 0;
this->le = false;
this->logStores = true;


void Memory::loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr, bool le, std::string format) {

unsigned int dat;
std::ifstream f;, std::fstream::in);
// "ascii"
//while (f.peek()!=EOF) {
//f >> std::hex >> dat;
// f >> dat;
while (f >> std::hex >> dat) {
this->write(adr, dat);
adr += 4;


// adr is word-aligned byte address
int Memory::read(unsigned int adr) {
if (this->mem.find(adr) != this->mem.end()) {
return this->mem[adr];
} else {
return this->defaultVal;

// adr is word-aligned byte address
void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat) {
unsigned int startDat = this->read(adr);
this->mem[adr] = dat;
if (this->logStores) {
std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::hex << " * Mem Update @" << adr << " " << startDat << "->" << dat << std::endl;

void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat) {
if (be == 0) return;

int mask, startDat;
if (be >= 8) {
be = be - 8;
mask = 0xFF000000;
} else {
mask = 0;
if (be >= 4) {
be = be - 4;
mask |= 0x00FF0000;
if (be >= 2) {
be = be - 2;
mask |= 0x0000FF00;
if (be = 1) {
mask |= 0x000000FF;

startDat = this->read(adr);
this->mem[adr] = (startDat & ~mask) | (dat & mask);
if (this->logStores) {
std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::hex << " * Mem Update @" << adr << " " << startDat << "->" << dat << std::endl;


Memory mem;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
using namespace std;

cout << setfill('0');

Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
m = new Va2owb;

#ifdef TRACING
t = new VerilatedVcdC;
m->trace(t, 99);
cout << "Tracing enabled." << endl;

bool resetDone = false;
unsigned int threadStop = 0x3;

unsigned int tick = 0;
unsigned int cycle = 1;
unsigned int readPending = 0;
unsigned int readAddr = 0;
unsigned int readTag = 0;
unsigned int readTID = 0;
unsigned int countReads = 0;
bool wbRdPending = false, wbWrPending = false;

//unsigned int iu0Comp = m->rootp->a2owb->c0->iu_lq_i0_completed;
//unsigned int iu0Comp = m->rootp->a2owb__DOT__c0__DOT__lq0__DOT__lsq__DOT__odq__DOT__iu_lq_i0_completed_itag_int;
iu0CompIFAR = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.cp2_i0_ifar
iu1Comp = sim.a2o.root.iu_lq_i1_completed
iu1CompIFAR = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.cp2_i1_ifar
iuCompFlushIFAR = sim.a2o.root.cp_t0_flush_ifar
cp3NIA = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.iuq_cpl_ctrl.cp3_nia_q # nia after last cycle's completions

mem.write(0xFFFFFFFC, 0x48000002);

m->rst = 1;
cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Resetting..." << endl;

//m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop;
//cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl;

const int clocks[4] = {0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x0}; // 1x, 2x
const int ticks1x = 4;

while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {

if (!resetDone && (cycle > resetCycle)) {
m->rst = 0;
cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Releasing reset." << endl;
resetDone = true;

if (threadStop && (cycle > threadRunCycle)) {
//threadStop = 0x0;
//m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop;
//cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl;

m->clk_1x = clocks[tick % ticks1x] >> 1;
m->clk_2x = clocks[tick % ticks1x] & 0x1;


// bus is 1x clock
if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) {

// wb
m->wb_ack = 0;
if (wbRdPending) {
m->wb_datr =>wb_adr);
m->wb_ack = 1;
wbRdPending = false;
} else if (wbWrPending) {
mem.write(m->wb_adr, m->wb_datw, m->wb_sel);
m->wb_ack = 1;
wbWrPending = false;

if (!wbRdPending && !wbWrPending && m->wb_cyc && m->wb_stb) {
if (!m->wb_we) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB RD RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << m->wb_adr << endl;
wbRdPending = true;
} else {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB WR RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << m->wb_adr <<
" SEL=" << m->wb_sel << " DATA=" << m->wb_datw << endl;
wbWrPending = true;


// finish clock stuff
if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) {
if ((cycle % hbCycles) == 0) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << cycle << " ...tick..." << endl;
#ifdef TRACING

// check for fails

// hit limit
if (cycle > runCycles) {


#ifdef TRACING

