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// © IBM Corp. 2020
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Description: XU BCD to DPD Conversion
module xu0_bcd_bcdtd(
input [0:11] a,
output [0:9] y
assign y[0] = (a[5] & a[0] & a[8] & (~a[4])) | (a[9] & a[0] & (~a[8])) | (a[1] & (~a[0]));
assign y[1] = (a[6] & a[0] & a[8] & (~a[4])) | (a[10] & a[0] & (~a[8])) | (a[2] & (~a[0]));
assign y[2] = a[3];
assign y[3] = (a[9] & (~a[0]) & a[4] & (~a[8])) | (a[5] & (~a[8]) & (~a[4])) | (a[5] & (~a[0]) & (~a[4])) | (a[4] & a[8]);
assign y[4] = (a[10] & (~a[0]) & a[4] & (~a[8])) | (a[6] & (~a[8]) & (~a[4])) | (a[6] & (~a[0]) & (~a[4])) | (a[0] & a[8]);
assign y[5] = a[7];
assign y[6] = a[0] | a[4] | a[8];
assign y[7] = ((~a[4]) & a[9] & (~a[8])) | (a[4] & a[8]) | a[0];
assign y[8] = ((~a[0]) & a[10] & (~a[8])) | (a[0] & a[8]) | a[4];
assign y[9] = a[11];