openpowerwtf 20b16f1810 testing full litex software build
unisims testing full litex software build
A2P_WB.v testing full litex software build
bios.s testing full litex software build
cmod7_rom.init testing full litex software build
readme.md testing full litex software build
soc.v testing full litex software build
tb_litex_soc.cpp testing full litex software build
wbuart32 testing full litex software build


Testing full Litex software build

  • manually update/install litex picolib for 32BE

  • fixes for BE in A2P_4K1W.v

  • cp A2P_4K1W.v A2P_WB.v and edit to rename to module A2P_WB

cd ../../build/litex
a2p_a2o_32.py --csr-csv csr.csv
powerpc-linux-gnu-objdump -d build/cmod7/software/bios/bios.elf > bios.d
powerpc-linux-gnu-objdump -s build/cmod7/software/bios/bios.elf > bios.s
bin2init build/cmod7/software/bios/bios.bin

#if rtl updated
#cp a2p/verilog/A2P_WB.v ../../../sim/soc/.
#cp build/cmod7/gateware/cmod.v ../../../sim/soc/soc.v
#sed -i "s/module cmod7/module soc/" soc.v   # keep consistent naming for top

cp bios.d ../../../sim/soc/.
cp bios.s ../../../sim/soc/.
cp build/cmod7/software/bios/bios.bin.hex ../../../sim/soc/cmod7_rom.init

cd ../../../sim/soc
#if rtl updated
#sed -i "s/module $top/module $mod/" $mod.v   # keep consistent naming for top

# build with or without tracing ###############

verilator -cc --exe --CFLAGS -DUART=2593 --trace --Mdir $dir --language 1364-2001 -Wno-fatal -Wno-LITENDIAN --error-limit 1 -Iunisims soc $mod tb_litex_$mod.cpp |& tee verilator_$mod.txt
make -j6 -C $dir -f V$mod.mk V$mod
$dir/V$mod | tee sim_soc.txt

verilator -cc --exe --CFLAGS -DUART=2593 --CFLAGS -DNO_TRACE=1 --Mdir $dir --language 1364-2001 -Wno-fatal -Wno-LITENDIAN --error-limit 1 -Iunisims soc $mod tb_litex_$mod.cpp |& tee verilator_$mod.txt
make -j6 -C $dir -f V$mod.mk V$mod


vcd2fst a2plitex.vcd soc.fst
rm a2p_soc.vcd
gtkwave soc.fst soc.gtkw