
1176 lines
48 KiB

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
library work;
use work.wishbone_types.all;
use work.utils.all;
use work.helpers.all;
entity litedram_wrapper is
generic (
DRAM_ABITS : positive;
DRAM_ALINES : natural;
DRAM_DLINES : natural;
DRAM_PORT_WIDTH : positive;
-- Pseudo-ROM payload
PAYLOAD_SIZE : natural;
PAYLOAD_FILE : string;
-- L2 cache --
-- Line size in bytes
LINE_SIZE : positive := 128;
-- Number of lines in a set
NUM_LINES : positive := 64;
-- Number of ways
NUM_WAYS : positive := 4;
-- Max number of stores in the queue
STOREQ_DEPTH : positive := 8;
-- Don't send loads until all pending stores acked in litedram
NO_LS_OVERLAP : boolean := false;
-- Debug
LITEDRAM_TRACE : boolean := false;
TRACE : boolean := false
-- LiteDRAM generates the system clock and reset
-- from the input clkin
clk_in : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
system_clk : out std_ulogic;
system_reset : out std_ulogic;
core_alt_reset : out std_ulogic;
pll_locked : out std_ulogic;
-- Wishbone ports:
wb_in : in wishbone_master_out;
wb_out : out wishbone_slave_out;
wb_ctrl_in : in wb_io_master_out;
wb_ctrl_out : out wb_io_slave_out;
wb_ctrl_is_csr : in std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_is_init : in std_ulogic;
-- Misc
init_done : out std_ulogic;
init_error : out std_ulogic;
-- DRAM wires
ddram_a : out std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_ALINES-1 downto 0);
ddram_ba : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
ddram_ras_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cas_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_we_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cs_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_dm : out std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_dq : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES-1 downto 0);
ddram_dqs_p : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_dqs_n : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_clk_p : out std_ulogic;
ddram_clk_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cke : out std_ulogic;
ddram_odt : out std_ulogic;
ddram_reset_n : out std_ulogic
end entity litedram_wrapper;
architecture behaviour of litedram_wrapper is
component litedram_core port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
pll_locked : out std_ulogic;
ddram_a : out std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_ALINES-1 downto 0);
ddram_ba : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
ddram_ras_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cas_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_we_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cs_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_dm : out std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_dq : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES-1 downto 0);
ddram_dqs_p : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_dqs_n : inout std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DLINES/8-1 downto 0);
ddram_clk_p : out std_ulogic;
ddram_clk_n : out std_ulogic;
ddram_cke : out std_ulogic;
ddram_odt : out std_ulogic;
ddram_reset_n : out std_ulogic;
init_done : out std_ulogic;
init_error : out std_ulogic;
user_clk : out std_ulogic;
user_rst : out std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_dat_w : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_dat_r : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_sel : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_cyc : in std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_stb : in std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_ack : out std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_we : in std_ulogic;
wb_ctrl_cti : in std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_bte : in std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_err : out std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_cmd_valid : in std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_cmd_ready : out std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_cmd_we : in std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_cmd_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_ABITS-1 downto 0);
user_port_native_0_wdata_valid : in std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_wdata_ready : out std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_wdata_we : in std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
user_port_native_0_wdata_data : in std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
user_port_native_0_rdata_valid : out std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_rdata_ready : in std_ulogic;
user_port_native_0_rdata_data : out std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end component;
signal user_port0_cmd_valid : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_cmd_ready : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_cmd_we : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_cmd_addr : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_ABITS-1 downto 0);
signal user_port0_wdata_valid : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_wdata_ready : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_wdata_we : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
signal user_port0_wdata_data : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal user_port0_rdata_valid : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_rdata_ready : std_ulogic;
signal user_port0_rdata_data : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_PORT_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal wb_ctrl_adr : std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
signal wb_ctrl_dat_w : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_ctrl_dat_r : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_ctrl_sel : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal wb_ctrl_cyc : std_ulogic := '0';
signal wb_ctrl_stb : std_ulogic;
signal wb_ctrl_ack : std_ulogic;
signal wb_ctrl_we : std_ulogic;
signal wb_init_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_init_out : wb_io_slave_out;
-- DRAM data port width
constant DRAM_DBITS : natural := DRAM_PORT_WIDTH;
-- DRAM data port sel bits
constant DRAM_SBITS : natural := (DRAM_DBITS / 8);
-- WB geometry (just a few shortcuts)
constant WBL : positive := wb_in.dat'length;
constant WBSL : positive := wb_in.sel'length;
-- Select a WB word inside DRAM port width
constant WB_WORD_COUNT : positive := DRAM_DBITS/WBL;
constant WB_WSEL_BITS : positive := log2(WB_WORD_COUNT);
-- BRAM organisation: We never access more than wishbone_data_bits at
-- a time so to save resources we make the array only that wide, and
-- use consecutive indices for to make a cache "line"
-- ROW_SIZE is the width in bytes of the BRAM, ie, litedram port width
constant ROW_SIZE : natural := DRAM_DBITS / 8;
-- ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row (litedram transactions) in a line
constant ROW_PER_LINE : natural := LINE_SIZE / ROW_SIZE;
-- BRAM_ROWS is the number of rows in BRAM needed to represent the full
-- dcache
constant BRAM_ROWS : natural := NUM_LINES * ROW_PER_LINE;
-- Bit fields counts in the address
-- ROW_BITS is the number of bits to select a row
constant ROW_BITS : natural := log2(BRAM_ROWS);
-- ROW_LINEBITS is the number of bits to select a row within a line
constant ROW_LINEBITS : natural := log2(ROW_PER_LINE);
-- LINE_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for the offset in a cache line
constant LINE_OFF_BITS : natural := log2(LINE_SIZE);
-- ROW_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for the offset in a row
constant ROW_OFF_BITS : natural := log2(ROW_SIZE);
-- REAL_ADDR_BITS is the number of real address bits that we store
constant REAL_ADDR_BITS : positive := DRAM_ABITS + ROW_OFF_BITS;
-- INDEX_BITS is the number if bits to select a cache line
constant INDEX_BITS : natural := log2(NUM_LINES);
-- SET_SIZE_BITS is the log base 2 of the set size
constant SET_SIZE_BITS : natural := LINE_OFF_BITS + INDEX_BITS;
-- TAG_BITS is the number of bits of the tag part of the address
constant TAG_BITS : natural := REAL_ADDR_BITS - SET_SIZE_BITS;
-- WAY_BITS is the number of bits to select a way
constant WAY_BITS : natural := log2(NUM_WAYS);
subtype row_t is integer range 0 to BRAM_ROWS-1;
subtype index_t is integer range 0 to NUM_LINES-1;
subtype way_t is integer range 0 to NUM_WAYS-1;
subtype row_in_line_t is unsigned(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
-- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DBITS-1 downto 0);
-- The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set. Vivado is a pain and will
-- not handle a clean (commented) definition of the cache tags as a 3d
-- memory. For now, work around it by putting all the tags
subtype cache_tag_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t;
-- type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
constant TAG_RAM_WIDTH : natural := TAG_BITS * NUM_WAYS;
subtype cache_tags_set_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_RAM_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
-- The cache valid bits
subtype cache_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0);
type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
-- "Temporary" valid bits for the rows of the currently refilled line
type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
-- Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t;
attribute ram_style : string;
attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
-- Store queue signals
-- We store a single wishbone dword per entry (64-bit)
-- along with the wishbone sel bits and the necessary address
-- bits to select which part of DRAM port to write to.
constant STOREQ_BITS : positive := WBL + WBSL + WB_WSEL_BITS;
signal storeq_rd_ready : std_ulogic;
signal storeq_rd_valid : std_ulogic;
signal storeq_rd_data : std_ulogic_vector(STOREQ_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal storeq_wr_ready : std_ulogic;
signal storeq_wr_valid : std_ulogic;
signal storeq_wr_data : std_ulogic_vector(STOREQ_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- Cache management signals
-- Cache state machine
type state_t is (IDLE, -- Normal load hit processing
REFILL_CLR_TAG, -- Cache refill clear tag
REFILL_WAIT_ACK); -- Cache refill wait ack
signal state : state_t;
-- Latched WB request
signal wb_req : wishbone_master_out := wishbone_master_out_init;
-- Stashed WB request
signal wb_stash : wishbone_master_out := wishbone_master_out_init;
-- Read pipeline (to handle cache RAM latency)
signal read_ack_0 : std_ulogic := '0';
signal read_ack_1 : std_ulogic := '0';
signal read_wsl_0 : std_ulogic_vector(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal read_wsl_1 : std_ulogic_vector(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal read_way_0 : way_t;
signal read_way_1 : way_t;
-- Store ack pipeline
signal store_ack_0 : std_ulogic := '0';
signal store_ack_1 : std_ulogic := '0';
-- Async signals decoding latched request
type req_op_t is (OP_NONE,
signal req_index : index_t;
signal req_row : row_t;
signal req_hit_way : way_t;
signal req_tag : cache_tag_t;
signal req_op : req_op_t;
signal req_laddr : std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal req_wsl : std_ulogic_vector(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal req_we : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_SBITS-1 downto 0);
signal req_wdata : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DBITS-1 downto 0);
signal stall : std_ulogic;
-- Line refill command signals and latches
signal refill_cmd_valid : std_ulogic;
signal refill_cmd_addr : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_ABITS-1 downto 0);
signal refill_way : way_t;
signal refill_index : index_t;
signal refill_row : row_t;
signal refill_end_row : row_in_line_t;
signal refill_rows_vlid : row_per_line_valid_t;
-- Cache RAM interface
type cache_ram_out_t is array(way_t) of cache_row_t;
signal cache_out : cache_ram_out_t;
-- PLRU output interface
type plru_out_t is array(index_t) of std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal plru_victim : plru_out_t;
-- Helper functions to decode incoming requests
-- Return the DRAM real address from a wishbone address
function get_real_addr(addr: wishbone_addr_type) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable ra: std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
ra(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto wishbone_log2_width) :=
addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - wishbone_log2_width - 1 downto 0);
return ra;
-- Return the cache line index (tag index) for an address
function get_index(addr: wishbone_addr_type) return index_t is
return to_integer(unsigned(addr(SET_SIZE_BITS - wishbone_log2_width - 1 downto
LINE_OFF_BITS - wishbone_log2_width)));
-- Return the cache row index (data memory) for an address
function get_row(addr: std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0)) return row_t is
return to_integer(unsigned(addr(SET_SIZE_BITS - 1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS)));
-- Return the index of a row within a line
function get_row_of_line(row: row_t) return row_in_line_t is
variable row_v : unsigned(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
row_v := to_unsigned(row, ROW_BITS);
return row_v(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
-- Returns whether this is the last row of a line. It takes a DRAM address
function is_last_row_addr(addr: std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS);
last: row_in_line_t)
return boolean is
return unsigned(addr(LINE_OFF_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS)) = last;
-- Returns whether this is the last row of a line
function is_last_row(row: row_t; last: row_in_line_t) return boolean is
return get_row_of_line(row) = last;
-- Return the address of the next row in the current cache line. It takes a
-- DRAM address
function next_row_addr(addr: std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS))
return std_ulogic_vector is
variable row_idx : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS);
-- Is there no simpler way in VHDL to generate that 3 bits adder ?
row_idx := addr(LINE_OFF_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS);
row_idx := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(row_idx) + 1);
result := addr;
result(LINE_OFF_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS) := row_idx;
return result;
-- Return the next row in the current cache line. We use a dedicated
-- function in order to limit the size of the generated adder to be
-- only the bits within a cache line (3 bits with default settings)
function next_row(row: row_t) return row_t is
variable row_v : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
variable row_idx : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
row_v := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(row, ROW_BITS));
row_idx := row_v(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
row_v(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0) := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(row_idx) + 1);
return to_integer(unsigned(row_v));
-- Get the tag value from the address
function get_tag(addr: wishbone_addr_type) return cache_tag_t is
return addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - wishbone_log2_width - 1 downto
SET_SIZE_BITS - wishbone_log2_width);
-- Read a tag from a tag memory row
function read_tag(way: way_t; tagset: cache_tags_set_t) return cache_tag_t is
return tagset((way+1) * TAG_BITS - 1 downto way * TAG_BITS);
-- Write a tag to tag memory row
procedure write_tag(way: in way_t; tagset: inout cache_tags_set_t;
tag: cache_tag_t) is
tagset((way+1) * TAG_BITS - 1 downto way * TAG_BITS) := tag;
-- Sanity checks
assert LINE_SIZE mod ROW_SIZE = 0 report "LINE_SIZE not multiple of ROW_SIZE" severity FAILURE;
assert ispow2(LINE_SIZE) report "LINE_SIZE not power of 2" severity FAILURE;
assert ispow2(NUM_LINES) report "NUM_LINES not power of 2" severity FAILURE;
assert ispow2(ROW_PER_LINE) report "ROW_PER_LINE not power of 2" severity FAILURE;
report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE;
report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE;
report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE;
report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE;
-- alternate core reset address set when DRAM is not initialized.
core_alt_reset <= not init_done;
-- Init code BRAM memory slave
init_ram_0: entity work.dram_init_mem
generic map(
port map(
clk => system_clk,
wb_in => wb_init_in,
wb_out => wb_init_out
-- Control bus wishbone: This muxes the wishbone to the CSRs
-- and an internal small one to the init BRAM
-- Init DRAM wishbone IN signals
wb_init_in.adr <= wb_ctrl_in.adr;
wb_init_in.dat <= wb_ctrl_in.dat;
wb_init_in.sel <= wb_ctrl_in.sel;
wb_init_in.we <= wb_ctrl_in.we;
wb_init_in.stb <= wb_ctrl_in.stb;
wb_init_in.cyc <= wb_ctrl_in.cyc and wb_ctrl_is_init;
-- DRAM CSR IN signals. Extra latch to help with timing
csr_latch: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
if system_reset = '1' then
wb_ctrl_cyc <= '0';
wb_ctrl_stb <= '0';
-- XXX Maybe only update addr when cyc = '1' to save power ?
wb_ctrl_adr <= x"0000" & wb_ctrl_in.adr(13 downto 0);
wb_ctrl_dat_w <= wb_ctrl_in.dat;
wb_ctrl_sel <= wb_ctrl_in.sel;
wb_ctrl_we <= wb_ctrl_in.we;
wb_ctrl_cyc <= wb_ctrl_in.cyc and wb_ctrl_is_csr;
wb_ctrl_stb <= wb_ctrl_in.stb and wb_ctrl_is_csr;
-- Clear stb on ack otherwise the memory will latch
-- the write twice which breaks levelling. On the next
-- cycle we will latch an updated stb that takes the
-- ack into account.
if wb_ctrl_ack = '1' then
wb_ctrl_stb <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Ctrl bus wishbone OUT signals. XXX Consider adding latch on
-- CSR response to help timing
wb_ctrl_out.ack <= wb_ctrl_ack when wb_ctrl_is_csr = '1'
else wb_init_out.ack;
wb_ctrl_out.dat <= wb_ctrl_dat_r when wb_ctrl_is_csr = '1'
else wb_init_out.dat;
wb_ctrl_out.stall <= wb_init_out.stall when wb_ctrl_is_init else
'0' when wb_ctrl_in.cyc = '0' else not wb_ctrl_ack;
-- Generate a cache RAM for each way
rams: for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 generate
signal do_read : std_ulogic;
signal do_write : std_ulogic;
signal rd_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal wr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal wr_data : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DBITS-1 downto 0);
signal wr_sel : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE-1 downto 0);
signal wr_sel_m : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE-1 downto 0);
signal dout : cache_row_t;
way: entity work.cache_ram
generic map (
ADD_BUF => true
port map (
clk => system_clk,
rd_en => do_read,
rd_addr => rd_addr,
rd_data => dout,
wr_sel => wr_sel_m,
wr_addr => wr_addr,
wr_data => wr_data
-- Read port
do_read <= '1';
cache_out(i) <= dout;
rd_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(req_row, ROW_BITS));
-- Write mux: cache refills from DRAM or writes from Wishbone
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT and req_hit_way = i then
-- Write from wishbone
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(req_row, ROW_BITS));
wr_data <= req_wdata;
wr_sel <= req_we;
-- Refill from DRAM
wr_data <= user_port0_rdata_data;
wr_sel <= (others => '1');
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(refill_row, ROW_BITS));
end if;
-- Write enable logic
do_write <= '0';
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT and req_hit_way = i then
do_write <= '1';
elsif user_port0_rdata_valid = '1' and refill_way = i then
do_write <= '1';
end if;
-- Mask write selects with do_write since BRAM doesn't always
-- have a global write-enable (Vivado generates TDP instead
-- of SDP when using one, thus doubling cache BRAM usage).
for i in 0 to ROW_SIZE-1 loop
wr_sel_m(i) <= wr_sel(i) and do_write;
end loop;
if TRACE and rising_edge(system_clk) then
if do_write = '1' then
report "cache write way:" & integer'image(i) &
" addr:" & to_hstring(wr_addr) &
" sel:" & to_hstring(wr_sel_m) &
" data:" & to_hstring(wr_data);
end if;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
-- Generate PLRUs
maybe_plrus: if NUM_WAYS > 1 generate
plrus: for i in 0 to NUM_LINES-1 generate
-- PLRU interface
signal plru_acc : std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal plru_acc_en : std_ulogic;
signal plru_out : std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
plru : entity work.plru
generic map (
port map (
clk => system_clk,
rst => system_reset,
acc => plru_acc,
acc_en => plru_acc_en,
lru => plru_out
process(req_index, req_op, req_hit_way, plru_out)
-- PLRU interface
if (req_op = OP_LOAD_HIT or
req_op = OP_STORE_HIT) and req_index = i then
plru_acc_en <= '1';
plru_acc_en <= '0';
end if;
plru_acc <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(req_hit_way, WAY_BITS));
plru_victim(i) <= plru_out;
end process;
end generate;
end generate;
-- Wishbone request interface:
-- - Incoming wishbone request latch (to help with timing)
-- - Read response pipeline (to match BRAM output buffer delay)
-- - Stall generation
-- XXX TODO: Properly handle cyc drops before all acks are sent...
request_latch: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
-- Implement a stash buffer. If we are stalled and stash is
-- free, fill it up. This will generate a WB stall on the
-- next cycle.
if stall = '1' and wb_out.stall = '0' and wb_in.cyc = '1' and wb_in.stb = '1' then
wb_stash <= wb_in;
if TRACE then
report "stashed wb req ! addr:" & to_hstring(wb_in.adr & "000") &
" we:" & std_ulogic'image(wb_in.we) &
" sel:" & to_hstring(wb_in.sel);
end if;
end if;
-- We aren't stalled, see what we can do
if stall = '0' then
if wb_stash.cyc = '1' then
-- Something in stash ! use it and clear stash
wb_req <= wb_stash;
wb_stash.cyc <= '0';
if TRACE then
report "unstashed wb req ! addr:" & to_hstring(wb_stash.adr & "000") &
" we:" & std_ulogic'image(wb_stash.we) &
" sel:" & to_hstring(wb_stash.sel);
end if;
-- Grab request from WB
if wb_in.cyc = '1' then
wb_req <= wb_in;
wb_req.cyc <= wb_in.cyc;
wb_req.stb <= wb_in.stb;
end if;
if TRACE then
if wb_in.cyc = '1' and wb_in.stb = '1' then
report "latch new wb req ! addr:" & to_hstring(wb_in.adr & "000") &
" we:" & std_ulogic'image(wb_in.we) &
" sel:" & to_hstring(wb_in.sel);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Stall when stash is full
wb_out.stall <= wb_stash.cyc;
-- Read response pipeline
read_pipe: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
read_ack_0 <= '1' when req_op = OP_LOAD_HIT else '0';
read_wsl_0 <= req_wsl;
read_way_0 <= req_hit_way;
read_ack_1 <= read_ack_0;
read_wsl_1 <= read_wsl_0;
read_way_1 <= read_way_0;
if TRACE then
if req_op = OP_LOAD_HIT then
report "Load hit addr:" & to_hstring(wb_req.adr & "000") &
" idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
" tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
" way:" & integer'image(req_hit_way);
elsif req_op = OP_LOAD_MISS then
report "Load miss addr:" & to_hstring(wb_req.adr & "000");
end if;
if read_ack_0 = '1' then
report "read data:" & to_hstring(cache_out(read_way_0));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Store acks pipeline
store_ack_pipe: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
store_ack_1 <= store_ack_0;
end if;
end process;
-- Wishbone response generation
wb_rseponse: process(all)
variable rdata : std_ulogic_vector(DRAM_DBITS-1 downto 0);
variable store_done : std_ulogic;
variable accept_store : std_ulogic;
variable wsel : natural range 0 to WB_WORD_COUNT-1;
-- Can we accept a store ? This is set when the store queue & command
-- queue are not full.
-- This does *not* mean that we will accept the store, there are other
-- reasons to delay them (see OP_STORE_DELAYED).
-- A store is fully accepted when *both* req_op is not OP_STORE_DELAYED
-- and accept_store is '1'.
-- The reason for this split is to avoid a circular dependency inside
-- LiteDRAM, since cmd_ready from litedram is driven from cmd_valid (*)
-- we don't want to generate cmd_valid from cmd_ready. So we generate
-- it instead from all the *other* conditions that make a store valid.
-- (*) It's my understanding that user_port0_cmd_ready from LiteDRAM is
-- ombinational from user_port0_cmd_valid along with a bunch of other
-- internal signals. IE. we won't know that LiteDRAM cannot accept a
-- command until we try to send one.
accept_store := user_port0_cmd_ready and storeq_wr_ready;
-- Generate stalls. For stores we stall if we can't accept it.
-- For loads, we stall if we are going to take a load miss or
-- are in the middle of a refill and it isn't a partial hit.
if req_op = OP_STORE_MISS or req_op = OP_STORE_HIT then
stall <= not accept_store;
elsif req_op = OP_LOAD_MISS or req_op = OP_STORE_DELAYED then
stall <= '1';
stall <= '0';
end if;
-- Data out mux
rdata := cache_out(read_way_1);
-- Hard wired for 64-bit wishbone
wsel := to_integer(unsigned(read_wsl_1));
wb_out.dat <= rdata((wsel+1)*WBL-1 downto wsel*WBL);
-- Early-complete stores on wishbone.
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT or req_op = OP_STORE_MISS then
store_done := accept_store;
store_done := '0';
end if;
-- Pipeline store acks
store_ack_0 <= store_done;
-- Generate Wishbone ACKs on read hits and store complete
-- This can happen on store right behind loads ! This is why
-- we delay a store when a load ack is in the pipeline in the
-- request decoder below.
wb_out.ack <= read_ack_1 or store_ack_1;
assert read_ack_1 = '0' or store_ack_1 = '0' report
"Read ack and store ack collision !"
severity failure;
end process;
-- Cache request decode
request_decode: process(all)
variable valid : boolean;
variable is_hit : boolean;
variable store_delay : boolean;
variable hit_way : way_t;
-- Extract line, row and tag from request
req_index <= get_index(wb_req.adr);
req_row <= get_row(get_real_addr(wb_req.adr));
req_tag <= get_tag(wb_req.adr);
-- Calculate address of beginning of cache row, will be
-- used for cache miss processing if needed
req_laddr <= get_real_addr(wb_req.adr);
-- Do we have a valid request in the WB latch ?
valid := wb_req.cyc = '1' and wb_req.stb = '1';
-- Store signals (hard wired for 64-bit wishbone at the moment)
req_wsl <= wb_req.adr(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
for i in 0 to WB_WORD_COUNT-1 loop
if to_integer(unsigned(req_wsl)) = i then
req_we(WBSL*(i+1)-1 downto WBSL*i) <= wb_req.sel;
req_we(WBSL*(i+1)-1 downto WBSL*i) <= x"00";
end if;
req_wdata(WBL*(i+1)-1 downto WBL*i) <= wb_req.dat;
end loop;
-- Test if pending request is a hit on any way
hit_way := 0;
is_hit := false;
for i in way_t loop
if valid and
(cache_valids(req_index)(i) = '1' or
(state = REFILL_WAIT_ACK and
req_index = refill_index and i = refill_way and
refill_rows_vlid(req_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) = '1')) then
if read_tag(i, cache_tags(req_index)) = req_tag then
hit_way := i;
is_hit := true;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- We need to delay stores under some circumstances to avoid
-- collisions with the refill machine.
-- Corner case !!! The read acks pipeline takes two extra cycles
-- which means a store ack can collide with a previous load hit
-- ack. Thus we stall stores if we have a load ack pending.
if read_ack_0 = '1' or read_ack_1 = '1' then
-- Clash with pending read acks, delay..
store_delay := true;
elsif state /= IDLE then
-- If the reload machine is active, we cannot accept a store
-- for now.
-- We could improve this a bit by allowing stores if we have sent
-- all the requests down to litedram (we are only waiting for the
-- responses) *and* either of those conditions is true:
-- * It's a miss (doesn't require a write to BRAM) and isn't
-- for the line being reloaded (otherwise we might reload
-- stale data into the cache).
-- * It's a hit on a different way than the one being reloaded
-- in which case there is no conflict for BRAM access.
-- Otherwise we delay it...
store_delay := true;
store_delay := false;
end if;
-- Generate the req op. We only allow OP_LOAD_* when in the
-- IDLE state as our PLRU and ACK generation rely on this,
-- stores are allowed in IDLE state.
req_op <= OP_NONE;
if valid then
if wb_req.we = '1' then
if store_delay then
elsif is_hit then
req_op <= OP_STORE_HIT;
req_op <= OP_STORE_MISS;
end if;
if is_hit then
req_op <= OP_LOAD_HIT;
req_op <= OP_LOAD_MISS;
end if;
end if;
end if;
req_hit_way <= hit_way;
end process;
-- Store queue
-- For now, queue up to 16 stores
store_queue: entity work.sync_fifo
generic map (
port map (
clk => system_clk,
reset => system_reset,
rd_ready => storeq_rd_ready,
rd_valid => storeq_rd_valid,
rd_data => storeq_rd_data,
wr_ready => storeq_wr_ready,
wr_valid => storeq_wr_valid,
wr_data => storeq_wr_data
storeq_control : process(all)
variable stq_data : wishbone_data_type;
variable stq_sel : wishbone_sel_type;
variable stq_wsl : std_ulogic_vector(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
storeq_wr_data <= wb_req.dat & wb_req.sel &
wb_req.adr(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- Only queue stores if we can also send a command
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT or req_op = OP_STORE_MISS then
storeq_wr_valid <= user_port0_cmd_ready;
storeq_wr_valid <= '0';
end if;
-- Store signals (hard wired for 64-bit wishbone at the moment)
stq_data := storeq_rd_data(storeq_rd_data'left downto WBSL+WB_WSEL_BITS);
stq_sel := storeq_rd_data(WBSL+WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto WB_WSEL_BITS);
stq_wsl := storeq_rd_data(WB_WSEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
for i in 0 to WB_WORD_COUNT-1 loop
if to_integer(unsigned(stq_wsl)) = i then
user_port0_wdata_we(WBSL*(i+1)-1 downto WBSL*i) <= stq_sel;
user_port0_wdata_we(WBSL*(i+1)-1 downto WBSL*i) <= x"00";
end if;
user_port0_wdata_data(WBL*(i+1)-1 downto WBL*i) <= stq_data;
end loop;
-- Note: Current litedram ignores user_port0_wdata_valid. We
-- must make sure to always have the data available at the
-- output of the store queue when we send the write command.
-- Thankfully this is always the case with this design.
user_port0_wdata_valid <= storeq_rd_valid;
storeq_rd_ready <= user_port0_wdata_ready;
if TRACE then
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT then
report "Store hit to:" &
to_hstring(wb_req.adr(DRAM_ABITS downto 0) & "000") &
" data:" & to_hstring(req_wdata) &
" we:" & to_hstring(req_we) &
" V:" & std_ulogic'image(user_port0_cmd_ready);
report "Store miss to:" &
to_hstring(wb_req.adr(DRAM_ABITS downto 0) & "000") &
" data:" & to_hstring(req_wdata) &
" we:" & to_hstring(req_we) &
" V:" & std_ulogic'image(user_port0_cmd_ready);
end if;
if storeq_wr_valid = '1' and storeq_wr_ready = '1' then
report "storeq push " & to_hstring(storeq_wr_data);
end if;
if storeq_rd_valid = '1' and storeq_rd_ready = '1' then
report "storeq pop " & to_hstring(storeq_rd_data);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- LiteDRAM command mux
dram_commands: process(all)
if req_op = OP_STORE_HIT or req_op = OP_STORE_MISS then
-- For stores, forward signals directly. Only send command if
-- the FIFO can accept a store.
user_port0_cmd_addr <= wb_req.adr(DRAM_ABITS + ROW_OFF_BITS - wishbone_log2_width - 1 downto
ROW_OFF_BITS - wishbone_log2_width);
user_port0_cmd_we <= '1';
user_port0_cmd_valid <= storeq_wr_ready;
-- For loads, we route via a latch controlled by the refill machine
user_port0_cmd_addr <= refill_cmd_addr;
user_port0_cmd_valid <= refill_cmd_valid;
user_port0_cmd_we <= '0';
end if;
-- Note: litedram ignores this signal and assumes we are
-- always ready to accept read data.
user_port0_rdata_ready <= '1'; -- Always 1
end process;
-- LiteDRAM refill machine
-- This handles the cache line refills
refill_machine : process(system_clk)
variable tagset : cache_tags_set_t;
variable cmds_done : boolean;
variable wait_qdrain : boolean;
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
-- On reset, clear all valid bits to force misses
if system_reset = '1' then
for i in index_t loop
cache_valids(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
state <= IDLE;
refill_cmd_valid <= '0';
-- Main state machine
case state is
when IDLE =>
assert refill_cmd_valid = '0' report "refill cmd valid in IDLE state !"
severity failure;
-- Reset per-row valid flags, only used in WAIT_ACK
for i in 0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1 loop
refill_rows_vlid(i) <= '0';
end loop;
-- If NO_LS_OVERLAP is set, disallow a load miss if the store
-- queue still has data in it.
wait_qdrain := false;
wait_qdrain := storeq_rd_valid = '1';
end if;
-- We need to read a cache line
if req_op = OP_LOAD_MISS and not wait_qdrain then
-- Grab way to replace
refill_way <= to_integer(unsigned(plru_victim(req_index)));
-- Keep track of our index and way for subsequent stores
refill_index <= req_index;
refill_row <= get_row(req_laddr);
refill_end_row <= get_row_of_line(get_row(req_laddr)) - 1;
-- Prep for first DRAM read
-- XXX TODO: We could start a cycle early here by using
-- combo logic to generate the first command in
-- "dram_commands". In fact, we could make refill_cmd_addr
-- only contain the "counter" bits and wire it with the
-- other bits from req_laddr.
refill_cmd_addr <= req_laddr(DRAM_ABITS+ROW_OFF_BITS-1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS);
refill_cmd_valid <= '1';
if TRACE then
report "refill addr " & to_hstring(req_laddr);
end if;
-- Track that we had one request sent
state <= REFILL_CLR_TAG;
end if;
-- Delayed tag clearing to help timing on PLRU output
if state = REFILL_CLR_TAG then
-- Force misses on that way while refilling that line
cache_valids(req_index)(refill_way) <= '0';
-- Store new tag in selected way
for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop
if i = refill_way then
tagset := cache_tags(refill_index);
write_tag(i, tagset, req_tag);
cache_tags(refill_index) <= tagset;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Commands are all sent if user_port0_cmd_valid is 0
cmds_done := refill_cmd_valid = '0';
-- If we are still sending requests, was one accepted ?
if user_port0_cmd_ready = '1' and not cmds_done then
-- That was the last word ? We are done sending. Clear
-- command valid and set cmds_done so we can handle an
-- eventual last ack on the same cycle.
if TRACE then
report "got refill cmd ack !";
end if;
if is_last_row_addr(refill_cmd_addr, refill_end_row) then
refill_cmd_valid <= '0';
cmds_done := true;
if TRACE then
report "all refill cmds done !";
end if;
-- Calculate the next row address
refill_cmd_addr <= next_row_addr(refill_cmd_addr);
if TRACE then
report "refill addr " &
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Incoming read data processing
if user_port0_rdata_valid = '1' then
if TRACE then
report "got refill data ack !";
end if;
-- Mark partial line valid
refill_rows_vlid(refill_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) <= '1';
-- Check for completion
if cmds_done and is_last_row(refill_row, refill_end_row) then
if TRACE then
report "all refill data done !";
end if;
-- Cache line is now valid
cache_valids(refill_index)(refill_way) <= '1';
-- We are done
state <= IDLE;
end if;
-- Increment store row counter
refill_row <= next_row(refill_row);
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
may_trace: if LITEDRAM_TRACE generate
component litedram_trace_stub
end component;
litedram_trace: litedram_trace_stub;
end generate;
litedram: litedram_core
port map(
clk => clk_in,
rst => rst,
pll_locked => pll_locked,
ddram_a => ddram_a,
ddram_ba => ddram_ba,
ddram_ras_n => ddram_ras_n,
ddram_cas_n => ddram_cas_n,
ddram_we_n => ddram_we_n,
ddram_cs_n => ddram_cs_n,
ddram_dm => ddram_dm,
ddram_dq => ddram_dq,
ddram_dqs_p => ddram_dqs_p,
ddram_dqs_n => ddram_dqs_n,
ddram_clk_p => ddram_clk_p,
ddram_clk_n => ddram_clk_n,
ddram_cke => ddram_cke,
ddram_odt => ddram_odt,
ddram_reset_n => ddram_reset_n,
init_done => init_done,
init_error => init_error,
user_clk => system_clk,
user_rst => system_reset,
wb_ctrl_adr => wb_ctrl_adr,
wb_ctrl_dat_w => wb_ctrl_dat_w,
wb_ctrl_dat_r => wb_ctrl_dat_r,
wb_ctrl_sel => wb_ctrl_sel,
wb_ctrl_cyc => wb_ctrl_cyc,
wb_ctrl_stb => wb_ctrl_stb,
wb_ctrl_ack => wb_ctrl_ack,
wb_ctrl_we => wb_ctrl_we,
wb_ctrl_cti => "000",
wb_ctrl_bte => "00",
wb_ctrl_err => open,
user_port_native_0_cmd_valid => user_port0_cmd_valid,
user_port_native_0_cmd_ready => user_port0_cmd_ready,
user_port_native_0_cmd_we => user_port0_cmd_we,
user_port_native_0_cmd_addr => user_port0_cmd_addr,
user_port_native_0_wdata_valid => user_port0_wdata_valid,
user_port_native_0_wdata_ready => user_port0_wdata_ready,
user_port_native_0_wdata_we => user_port0_wdata_we,
user_port_native_0_wdata_data => user_port0_wdata_data,
user_port_native_0_rdata_valid => user_port0_rdata_valid,
user_port_native_0_rdata_ready => user_port0_rdata_ready,
user_port_native_0_rdata_data => user_port0_rdata_data
end architecture behaviour;