Generate doubled instructions in decode1 rather than decode2

This will allow us to read different source registers for the two
pieces, which will be needed for instructions like stq.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
Paul Mackerras 3 months ago
parent fa9df33f7e
commit d358981d43

@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ package common is
type Decode1ToDecode2Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
stop_mark : std_ulogic;
second : std_ulogic;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
prefixed: std_ulogic;
prefix: std_ulogic_vector(25 downto 0);
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ package common is
reg_c : gspr_index_t;
end record;
constant Decode1ToDecode2Init : Decode1ToDecode2Type :=
(valid => '0', stop_mark => '0', nia => (others => '0'),
(valid => '0', stop_mark => '0', second => '0', nia => (others => '0'),
prefixed => '0', prefix => (others => '0'), insn => (others => '0'),
illegal_suffix => '0', misaligned_prefix => '0',
decode => decode_rom_init, br_pred => '0', big_endian => '0',

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ architecture behaviour of decode1 is
signal decode_rom_addr : insn_code;
signal decode : decode_rom_t;

signal double : std_ulogic;

type prefix_state_t is record
prefixed : std_ulogic;
prefix : std_ulogic_vector(25 downto 0);
@ -485,6 +487,8 @@ architecture behaviour of decode1 is

double <= not r.second when (r.valid = '1' and decode.repeat /= NONE) else '0';

decode1_0: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
@ -497,10 +501,14 @@ begin
fetch_failed <= '0';
pr <= prefix_state_init;
elsif stall_in = '0' then
r <= rin;
fetch_failed <= f_in.fetch_failed;
if f_in.valid = '1' then
pr <= pr_in;
if double = '0' then
r <= rin;
fetch_failed <= f_in.fetch_failed;
if f_in.valid = '1' then
pr <= pr_in;
end if;
r.second <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if rst = '1' then
@ -511,12 +519,12 @@ begin
end if;
end process;

busy_out <= stall_in;
busy_out <= stall_in or double;

decode1_rom: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if stall_in = '0' then
if stall_in = '0' and double = '0' then
decode <= decode_rom(decode_rom_addr);
end if;
end if;
@ -646,33 +654,43 @@ begin
-- Work out GPR/FPR read addresses
-- Note that for prefixed instructions we are working this out based
-- only on the suffix.
maybe_rb := '0';
vr.reg_1_addr := '0' & insn_ra(f_in.insn);
vr.reg_2_addr := '0' & insn_rb(f_in.insn);
vr.reg_3_addr := '0' & insn_rs(f_in.insn);
if icode >= INSN_first_rb then
maybe_rb := '1';
if icode < INSN_first_frs then
if icode >= INSN_first_rc then
vr.reg_3_addr := '0' & insn_rcreg(f_in.insn);
end if;
-- access FRS operand
vr.reg_3_addr(5) := '1';
if icode >= INSN_first_frab then
-- access FRA and/or FRB operands
vr.reg_1_addr(5) := '1';
vr.reg_2_addr(5) := '1';
end if;
if icode >= INSN_first_frabc then
-- access FRC operand
vr.reg_3_addr := '1' & insn_rcreg(f_in.insn);
if double = '0' then
maybe_rb := '0';
vr.reg_1_addr := '0' & insn_ra(f_in.insn);
vr.reg_2_addr := '0' & insn_rb(f_in.insn);
vr.reg_3_addr := '0' & insn_rs(f_in.insn);
if icode >= INSN_first_rb then
maybe_rb := '1';
if icode < INSN_first_frs then
if icode >= INSN_first_rc then
vr.reg_3_addr := '0' & insn_rcreg(f_in.insn);
end if;
-- access FRS operand
vr.reg_3_addr(5) := '1';
if icode >= INSN_first_frab then
-- access FRA and/or FRB operands
vr.reg_1_addr(5) := '1';
vr.reg_2_addr(5) := '1';
end if;
if icode >= INSN_first_frabc then
-- access FRC operand
vr.reg_3_addr := '1' & insn_rcreg(f_in.insn);
end if;
end if;
end if;
vr.read_1_enable := f_in.valid;
vr.read_2_enable := f_in.valid and maybe_rb;
vr.read_3_enable := f_in.valid;
-- second instance of a doubled instruction
vr.reg_1_addr := r.reg_a;
vr.reg_2_addr := r.reg_b;
vr.reg_3_addr := r.reg_c;
vr.read_1_enable := '0'; -- (not actually used)
vr.read_2_enable := '0';
vr.read_3_enable := '1'; -- (not actually used)
end if;
vr.read_1_enable := f_in.valid;
vr.read_2_enable := f_in.valid and maybe_rb;
vr.read_3_enable := f_in.valid;

v.reg_a := vr.reg_1_addr;
v.reg_b := vr.reg_2_addr;

@ -377,6 +377,21 @@ begin
dec_b := decode_input_reg_b (d_in.decode.input_reg_b, d_in.insn, d_in.prefix);
dec_c := decode_input_reg_c (d_in.decode.input_reg_c, d_in.insn);
dec_o := decode_output_reg (d_in.decode.output_reg_a, d_in.insn);
case d_in.decode.repeat is
when DUPD =>
if d_in.second = '1' then
-- update-form loads, 2nd instruction writes RA
dec_o.reg := dec_a.reg;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
-- For the second instance of a doubled instruction, we ignore the RA
-- and RB operands, in order to avoid false dependencies on the output
-- of the first instance.
if d_in.second = '1' then
dec_a.reg_valid := '0';
dec_b.reg_valid := '0';
end if;
if d_in.valid = '0' or d_in.illegal_suffix = '1' then
dec_a.reg_valid := '0';
dec_b.reg_valid := '0';
@ -512,10 +527,10 @@ begin
end if;
v.e.dec_ctr := decctr;

v.repeat := d_in.decode.repeat;
if d_in.decode.repeat /= NONE then
v.e.repeat := '1';
end if;
v.e.second := d_in.second;

if decctr = '1' then
-- read and write CTR
@ -627,14 +642,6 @@ begin
v.e.prefix := d_in.prefix;
v.e.illegal_suffix := d_in.illegal_suffix;
v.e.misaligned_prefix := d_in.misaligned_prefix;

elsif dc2.e.valid = '1' then
-- dc2.busy = 1 and dc2.e.valid = 1, thus this must be a repeated instruction.
-- Set up for the second iteration (if deferred = 1 this will all be ignored)
v.e.second := '1';
-- DUPD is the only possibility here:
-- update-form loads, 2nd instruction writes RA
v.e.write_reg := dc2.e.read_reg1;
end if;

-- issue control
@ -723,7 +730,7 @@ begin

v.e.valid := control_valid_out;
v.e.instr_tag := instr_tag;
v.busy := valid_in and (not control_valid_out or (v.e.repeat and not v.e.second));
v.busy := valid_in and not control_valid_out;

stall_out <= dc2.busy or deferred;
