dcache: Move way selection and forwarding earlier

This moves the way multiplexer for the data from the BRAM, and the
multiplexers for forwarding data from earlier stores or refills,
before a clock edge rather than after, so that now the data output
from the dcache comes from a clean latch.  To do this we remove the
extra latch on the output of the data BRAM (i.e. ADD_BUF=false) and
rearrange the logic.  The choice whether to forward or not now depends
not on way comparisons but rather on a tag comparisons, for the sake
of timing.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
Paul Mackerras
parent 8bbb0018b4
commit f812832ad7

@ -317,15 +317,13 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
tlb_hit_way : tlb_way_t;
tlb_hit_index : tlb_index_t;

-- 2-stage data buffer for data forwarded from writes to reads
forward_data1 : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
forward_data2 : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
forward_sel1 : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
forward_valid1 : std_ulogic;
forward_way1 : way_t;
forward_row1 : row_t;
use_forward1 : std_ulogic;
-- data buffer for data forwarded from writes to reads
forward_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
forward_tag : cache_tag_t;
forward_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
forward_valid : std_ulogic;
forward_row : row_t;
data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);

-- Cache miss state (reload state machine)
state : state_t;
@ -387,8 +385,9 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
signal r0_valid : std_ulogic;
signal r0_stall : std_ulogic;

signal use_forward1_next : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward2_next : std_ulogic;
signal fwd_same_tag : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward2 : std_ulogic;

-- Cache RAM interface
type cache_ram_out_t is array(way_t) of cache_row_t;
@ -834,6 +833,8 @@ begin
variable hit_way_set : hit_way_set_t;
variable rel_matches : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0);
variable rel_match : std_ulogic;
variable fwd_matches : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0);
variable fwd_match : std_ulogic;
-- Extract line, row and tag from request
req_index <= get_index(r0.req.addr);
@ -849,8 +850,10 @@ begin
hit_way := 0;
is_hit := '0';
rel_match := '0';
fwd_match := '0';
if r0.req.virt_mode = '1' then
rel_matches := (others => '0');
fwd_matches := (others => '0');
for j in tlb_way_t loop
hit_way_set(j) := 0;
s_hit := '0';
@ -870,11 +873,15 @@ begin
if s_tag = r1.reload_tag then
rel_matches(j) := '1';
end if;
if s_tag = r1.forward_tag then
fwd_matches(j) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
if tlb_hit = '1' then
is_hit := hit_set(tlb_hit_way);
hit_way := hit_way_set(tlb_hit_way);
rel_match := rel_matches(tlb_hit_way);
fwd_match := fwd_matches(tlb_hit_way);
end if;
s_tag := get_tag(r0.req.addr);
@ -888,39 +895,27 @@ begin
if s_tag = r1.reload_tag then
rel_match := '1';
end if;
if s_tag = r1.forward_tag then
fwd_match := '1';
end if;
end if;
req_same_tag <= rel_match;

-- See if the request matches the line currently being reloaded
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and req_index = r1.store_index and
rel_match = '1' then
-- For a store, consider this a hit even if the row isn't valid
-- since it will be by the time we perform the store.
-- For a load, check the appropriate row valid bit.
is_hit := not r0.req.load or r1.rows_valid(req_row mod ROW_PER_LINE);
hit_way := replace_way;
end if;
fwd_same_tag <= fwd_match;

-- Whether to use forwarded data for a load or not
use_forward1_next <= '0';
if get_row(r1.req.real_addr) = req_row and r1.req.hit_way = hit_way then
-- Only need to consider r1.write_bram here, since if we are
-- writing refill data here, then we don't have a cache hit this
-- cycle on the line being refilled. (There is the possibility
-- that the load following the load miss that started the refill
-- could be to the old contents of the victim line, since it is a
-- couple of cycles after the refill starts before we see the
-- updated cache tag. In that case we don't use the bypass.)
use_forward1_next <= r1.write_bram;
use_forward <= '0';
if r1.store_row = req_row and rel_match = '1' then
-- Use the forwarding path if last cycle was a write to this row
if (r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1') or
r1.write_bram = '1' then
use_forward <= '1';
end if;
end if;
use_forward2_next <= '0';
if r1.forward_row1 = req_row and r1.forward_way1 = hit_way then
use_forward2_next <= r1.forward_valid1;
use_forward2 <= '0';
if r1.forward_row = req_row and fwd_match = '1' then
use_forward2 <= r1.forward_valid;
end if;

-- The way that matched on a hit
req_hit_way <= hit_way;

-- The way to replace on a miss
if r1.write_tag = '1' then
replace_way <= to_integer(unsigned(plru_victim(r1.store_index)));
@ -928,6 +923,23 @@ begin
replace_way <= r1.store_way;
end if;

-- See if the request matches the line currently being reloaded
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and req_index = r1.store_index and
rel_match = '1' then
-- Ignore is_hit from above, because a load miss writes the new tag
-- but doesn't clear the valid bit on the line before refilling it.
-- For a store, consider this a hit even if the row isn't valid
-- since it will be by the time we perform the store.
-- For a load, check the appropriate row valid bit; but also,
-- if use_forward is 1 then we can consider this a hit.
is_hit := not r0.req.load or r1.rows_valid(req_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) or
hit_way := replace_way;
end if;

-- The way that matched on a hit
req_hit_way <= hit_way;

-- work out whether we have permission for this access
-- NB we don't yet implement AMR, thus no KUAP
rc_ok <= perm_attr.reference and (r0.req.load or perm_attr.changed);
@ -1023,28 +1035,9 @@ begin
-- Return data for loads & completion control logic
writeback_control: process(all)
variable data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable data_fwd : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable j : integer;
-- Use the bypass if are reading the row that was written 1 or 2 cycles
-- ago, including for the slow_valid = 1 case (i.e. completing a load
-- miss or a non-cacheable load).
if r1.use_forward1 = '1' then
data_fwd := r1.forward_data1;
data_fwd := r1.forward_data2;
end if;
data_out := cache_out(r1.hit_way);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
j := i * 8;
if r1.forward_sel(i) = '1' then
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := data_fwd(j + 7 downto j);
end if;
end loop;

d_out.valid <= r1.ls_valid;
d_out.data <= data_out;
d_out.data <= r1.data_out;
d_out.store_done <= not r1.stcx_fail;
d_out.error <= r1.ls_error;
d_out.cache_paradox <= r1.cache_paradox;
@ -1052,7 +1045,7 @@ begin
-- Outputs to MMU
m_out.done <= r1.mmu_done;
m_out.err <= r1.mmu_error;
m_out.data <= data_out;
m_out.data <= r1.data_out;

-- We have a valid load or store hit or we just completed a slow
-- op such as a load miss, a NC load or a store
@ -1076,7 +1069,7 @@ begin
-- Request came from loadstore1...
-- Load hit case is the standard path
if r1.hit_load_valid = '1' then
report "completing load hit data=" & to_hstring(data_out);
report "completing load hit data=" & to_hstring(r1.data_out);
end if;

-- error cases complete without stalling
@ -1086,7 +1079,7 @@ begin

-- Slow ops (load miss, NC, stores)
if r1.slow_valid = '1' then
report "completing store or load miss data=" & to_hstring(data_out);
report "completing store or load miss data=" & to_hstring(r1.data_out);
end if;

@ -1132,7 +1125,7 @@ begin
generic map (
WIDTH => wishbone_data_bits,
ADD_BUF => true
ADD_BUF => false
port map (
clk => clk,
@ -1176,13 +1169,13 @@ begin
wr_data <= wishbone_in.dat;
end if;
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(r1.store_row, ROW_BITS));
wr_sel <= (others => '1');

if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' and replace_way = i then
do_write <= '1';
end if;
end if;
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(r1.store_row, ROW_BITS));

-- Mask write selects with do_write since BRAM doesn't
-- have a global write-enable
@ -1263,36 +1256,57 @@ begin
-- operates at stage 1.
dcache_slow : process(clk)
variable stbs_done : boolean;
variable stbs_done : boolean;
variable req : mem_access_request_t;
variable acks : unsigned(2 downto 0);
variable data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable data_fwd : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable fwd_in : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable fwd_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable j : integer;
variable fwd_byte : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
r1.use_forward1 <= use_forward1_next;
r1.forward_sel <= (others => '0');
if use_forward1_next = '1' then
r1.forward_sel <= r1.req.byte_sel;
elsif use_forward2_next = '1' then
r1.forward_sel <= r1.forward_sel1;
end if;

r1.forward_data2 <= r1.forward_data1;
fwd_sel := (others => '1');
if r1.write_bram = '1' then
r1.forward_data1 <= r1.req.data;
r1.forward_sel1 <= r1.req.byte_sel;
r1.forward_way1 <= r1.req.hit_way;
r1.forward_row1 <= get_row(r1.req.real_addr);
r1.forward_valid1 <= '1';
fwd_in := r1.req.data;
fwd_sel := r1.req.byte_sel;
elsif r1.dcbz = '1' then
fwd_in := (others => '0');
if r1.dcbz = '1' then
r1.forward_data1 <= (others => '0');
r1.forward_data1 <= wishbone_in.dat;
fwd_in := wishbone_in.dat;
end if;

-- Use the bypass if are reading the row that was written 0 or 1 cycles
-- ago, including for the slow_valid = 1 cases (i.e. completing a load
-- miss or a non-cacheable load), which are handled via the r1.full case.
data_fwd := r1.forward_data;
fwd_byte := (others => '0');
if r1.full = '1' then
data_fwd := fwd_in;
fwd_byte := (others => '1');
elsif use_forward = '1' then
data_fwd := fwd_in;
fwd_byte := fwd_sel;
elsif use_forward2 = '1' then
fwd_byte := r1.forward_sel;
end if;
data_out := cache_out(req_hit_way);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
j := i * 8;
if fwd_byte(i) = '1' then
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := data_fwd(j + 7 downto j);
end if;
r1.forward_sel1 <= (others => '1');
r1.forward_way1 <= replace_way;
r1.forward_row1 <= r1.store_row;
r1.forward_valid1 <= '0';
end loop;
r1.data_out <= data_out;

r1.forward_data <= fwd_in;
r1.forward_tag <= r1.reload_tag;
r1.forward_row <= r1.store_row;
r1.forward_sel <= fwd_sel;
r1.forward_valid <= r1.write_bram;
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
r1.forward_valid <= '1';
end if;

ev.dcache_refill <= '0';
@ -1488,17 +1502,17 @@ begin
end if;

-- Incoming acks processing
r1.forward_valid1 <= wishbone_in.ack;
if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
r1.rows_valid(r1.store_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) <= '1';
-- If this is the data we were looking for, we can
-- complete the request next cycle.
-- Compare the whole address in case the request in
-- r1.req is not the one that started this refill.
if req.valid = '1' and req.same_tag = '1' and
((r1.dcbz = '1' and req.dcbz = '1') or
(r1.dcbz = '0' and req.op = OP_LOAD_MISS)) and
r1.store_row = get_row(req.real_addr) then
-- (Cases where req comes from r0 are handled as a load
-- hit.)
if r1.full = '1' and r1.req.same_tag = '1' and
((r1.dcbz = '1' and req.dcbz = '1') or r1.req.op = OP_LOAD_MISS) and
r1.store_row = get_row(r1.req.real_addr) then
r1.full <= '0';
r1.slow_valid <= '1';
if r1.mmu_req = '0' then
@ -1506,8 +1520,6 @@ begin
r1.mmu_done <= '1';
end if;
r1.forward_sel <= (others => '1');
r1.use_forward1 <= '1';
end if;

-- Check for completion
@ -1551,6 +1563,7 @@ begin
(req.op = OP_STORE_MISS or req.op = OP_STORE_HIT) then
r1.wb.stb <= '1';
stbs_done := false;
r1.store_row <= get_row(req.real_addr);
if req.op = OP_STORE_HIT then
r1.write_bram <= '1';
end if;
@ -1592,8 +1605,6 @@ begin
r1.mmu_done <= '1';
end if;
r1.forward_sel <= (others => '1');
r1.use_forward1 <= '1';
r1.wb.cyc <= '0';
r1.wb.stb <= '0';
end if;
