title: "Join Our first #OpenPOWERChat on Twitter"
date: "2018-02-20"
- "blogs"
- "openpower"
- "openpower-summit"
- "openpower-foundation"
- "openpowerchat"
- "twitter-chat"
- "openpower-chat"
Hi OpenPOWER Foundation members,
We’re excited to announce our first Twitter chat on Thursday, March 1 at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Here are some of details you should know:
- The chat will be hosted right on our [@OpenPOWERorg](https://twitter.com/openpowerorg?lang=en) Twitter page
- We will have two special guest hosts, Hugh Blemings, Executive Director and Robbie Williamson, Chair of the Board.
- You can join the conversation using #[OpenPOWERchat](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=%23openpowerchat&src=typd)
The conversation will kick off at 3 PM ET, so please drop in and answer as many or as few questions as you can.
Our chat will focus on the upcoming [OpenPOWER Summit](https://openpowerfoundation.org/summit-2018-03-us/) and the innovations and collaboration that OpenPOWER members have developed for the conference.
[Click here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/puaeycvq94d7hos/%23OpenPOWERChat%20.ics?dl=0) to add this event to your calendar. We look forward to chatting with you on Twitter on March 1!