@ -23,15 +23,14 @@ This is a reminder that all OpenPOWER Foundation activities are subject to stric
Max believes Tosh is still working on editing the HUB web form and integration to OPF RT. Lance and Max scheduling time to look at OSL's RT. OPF on 5.0.2 - OSL on 4.0.4.
2. **AC922s Are Basically Ready**
Need to find more testers and work on OpenStack images still.
4. **OpenShift Status**
3. **OpenShift Status**
- OSU Foundation personnel to sign off on licensing. Still on vacation.
- Max starting on sectioning off IC922(s) in OpenStack for OpenShift.
5. **Anything else?**
4. **Anything else?**
- Filled Bob in on what was missed while he was on vacation.