Organized VUnit testbenches into test cases.

Several of the testbenches have stimuli code divided into sections preceded with a header comment explaining
what is being tested. These sections have been made into VUnit test cases. The default behavior of VUnit is
to run each test case in a separate simulation which comes with a number of benefits:

* A failing test case doesn't prevent other test cases to be executed
* Test cases are independent. A test case cannot fail as a side-effect to a problem with another test case
* Test execution can be more parallelized and the overall test execution time reduced

Signed-off-by: Lars Asplund <>
Lars Asplund 3 years ago
parent 08c0c4c1b4
commit 0940b8a9d3

@ -49,75 +49,77 @@ begin

test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);

-- test with input = 0
report "test zero input";
rs <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
count_right <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert result = x"0000000000000040"
report "bad cntlzd 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
count_right <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
assert result = x"0000000000000040"
report "bad cnttzd 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
is_32bit <= '1';
count_right <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert result = x"0000000000000020"
report "bad cntlzw 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
count_right <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
assert result = x"0000000000000020"
report "bad cnttzw 0 = " & to_hstring(result);

report "test cntlzd/w";
count_right <= '0';
for j in 0 to 100 loop
r := rnd.RandSlv(64);
r(63) := '1';
for i in 0 to 63 loop
rs <= r;
while test_suite loop
if run("Test with input = 0") then
rs <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
count_right <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cntlzd " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
rs <= r(31 downto 0) & r(63 downto 32);
is_32bit <= '1';
assert result = x"0000000000000040"
report "bad cntlzd 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
count_right <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
if i < 32 then
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cntlzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = 32
report "bad cntlzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
end if;
r := '0' & r(63 downto 1);
end loop;
end loop;

report "test cnttzd/w";
count_right <= '1';
for j in 0 to 100 loop
r := rnd.RandSlv(64);
r(0) := '1';
for i in 0 to 63 loop
rs <= r;
is_32bit <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cnttzd " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
assert result = x"0000000000000040"
report "bad cnttzd 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
is_32bit <= '1';
count_right <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert result = x"0000000000000020"
report "bad cntlzw 0 = " & to_hstring(result);
count_right <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
if i < 32 then
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cnttzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = 32
report "bad cnttzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
end if;
r := r(62 downto 0) & '0';
end loop;
assert result = x"0000000000000020"
report "bad cnttzw 0 = " & to_hstring(result);

elsif run("Test cntlzd/w") then
count_right <= '0';
for j in 0 to 100 loop
r := rnd.RandSlv(64);
r(63) := '1';
for i in 0 to 63 loop
rs <= r;
is_32bit <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cntlzd " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
rs <= r(31 downto 0) & r(63 downto 32);
is_32bit <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
if i < 32 then
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cntlzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = 32
report "bad cntlzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
end if;
r := '0' & r(63 downto 1);
end loop;
end loop;

elsif run("Test cnttzd/w") then
count_right <= '1';
for j in 0 to 100 loop
r := rnd.RandSlv(64);
r(0) := '1';
for i in 0 to 63 loop
rs <= r;
is_32bit <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cnttzd " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
is_32bit <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
if i < 32 then
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = i
report "bad cnttzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
assert to_integer(unsigned(result)) = 32
report "bad cnttzw " & to_hstring(rs) & " -> " & to_hstring(result);
end if;
r := r(62 downto 0) & '0';
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;


@ -49,513 +49,485 @@ begin

test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);

rst <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
rst <= '0';

d1.valid <= '1';
d1.dividend <= x"0000000010001000";
d1.divisor <= x"0000000000001111";
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_modulus <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0';

d1.valid <= '0';

for j in 0 to 66 loop
while test_suite loop
rst <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
rst <= '0';

assert d2.valid = '1';
assert d2.write_reg_data = x"000000000000f001" report "result " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '0';
d1.is_modulus <= '0';
d1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0' report "valid";
if run("Test interface") then
d1.valid <= '1';
d1.dividend <= x"0000000010001000";
d1.divisor <= x"0000000000001111";

d1.valid <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0' report "valid";
d1.valid <= '0';

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;

for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';
assert d2.write_reg_data = x"000000000000f001" report "result " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);

assert d2.valid = '1';
assert d2.write_reg_data = x"000000000000f001" report "result " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0' report "valid";

wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0';
d1.valid <= '1';

-- test divd
report "test divd";
divd_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));
wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0' report "valid";

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.valid <= '1';
d1.valid <= '0';

for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"8000000000000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divd(ra, rb);
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divdu
report "test divdu";
divdu_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
assert d2.valid = '1';
assert d2.write_reg_data = x"000000000000f001" report "result " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);

wait for clk_period;
assert d2.valid = '0';

elsif run("Test divd") then
divd_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"8000000000000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divd(ra, rb);
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divdu(ra, rb);
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divde
report "test divde";
divde_loop : for vlength in 1 to 8 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_extended <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divdu") then
divdu_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divdu(ra, rb);
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(d128) / signed(rb));
if q128(127 downto 63) = x"0000000000000000" & '0' or
q128(127 downto 63) = x"ffffffffffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divde expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divdeu
report "test divdeu";
divdeu_loop : for vlength in 1 to 8 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divde") then
divde_loop : for vlength in 1 to 8 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_extended <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(d128) / signed(rb));
if q128(127 downto 63) = x"0000000000000000" & '0' or
q128(127 downto 63) = x"ffffffffffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divde expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb) > unsigned(ra) then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(d128) / unsigned(rb));
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdeu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divw
report "test divw";
divw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divdeu") then
divdeu_loop : for vlength in 1 to 8 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_extended <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb) > unsigned(ra) then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(d128) / unsigned(rb));
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdeu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"ffffffff80000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divw(ra, rb);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divwu
report "test divwu";
divwu_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divw") then
divw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"ffffffff80000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divw(ra, rb);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divwu(ra, rb);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divwe
report "test divwe";
divwe_loop : for vlength in 1 to 4 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 32)) & x"00000000";
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divwu") then
divwu_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divwu(ra, rb);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
q64 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) / signed(rb));
if q64(63 downto 31) = x"00000000" & '0' or
q64(63 downto 31) = x"ffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & q64(31 downto 0);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwe expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test divweu
report "test divweu";
divweu_loop : for vlength in 1 to 4 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 32)) & x"00000000";
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divwe") then
divwe_loop : for vlength in 1 to 4 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 32)) & x"00000000";
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63) xor rb(63);
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
q64 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) / signed(rb));
if q64(63 downto 31) = x"00000000" & '0' or
q64(63 downto 31) = x"ffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & q64(31 downto 0);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwe expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)) > unsigned(ra(63 downto 32)) then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) / unsigned(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divweu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test modsd
report "test modsd";
modsd_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63);
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '0';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test divweu") then
divweu_loop : for vlength in 1 to 4 loop
for dlength in 1 to vlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 32)) & x"00000000";
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)) > unsigned(ra(63 downto 32)) then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) / unsigned(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divweu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) rem signed(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test modud
report "test modud";
modud_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '0';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test modsd") then
modsd_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63);
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) rem signed(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) rem unsigned(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modud expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test modsw
report "test modsw";
modsw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63);
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test modud") then
modud_loop : for dlength in 1 to 8 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) rem unsigned(rb));
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modud expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
rem32 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra(31 downto 0)) rem signed(rb(31 downto 0)));
if rem32(31) = '0' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & rem32;
behave_rt := x"ffffffff" & rem32;
end if;
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;

-- test moduw
report "test moduw";
moduw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_signed <= '0';
d1.neg_result <= '0';
d1.is_extended <= '0';
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
elsif run("Test modsw") then
modsw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra when ra(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(ra));
d1.divisor <= rb when rb(63) = '0' else std_ulogic_vector(- signed(rb));
d1.is_signed <= '1';
d1.neg_result <= ra(63);
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
rem32 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra(31 downto 0)) rem signed(rb(31 downto 0)));
if rem32(31) = '0' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & rem32;
behave_rt := x"ffffffff" & rem32;
end if;
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';
end loop;

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra(31 downto 0)) rem unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)));
end if;
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad moduw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
elsif run("Test moduw") then
moduw_loop : for dlength in 1 to 4 loop
for vlength in 1 to dlength loop
for i in 0 to 100 loop
ra := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(dlength * 8)), 64));
rb := std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(rnd.RandSlv(vlength * 8)), 64));

d1.dividend <= ra;
d1.divisor <= rb;
d1.is_32bit <= '1';
d1.is_modulus <= '1';
d1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra(31 downto 0)) rem unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)));
end if;
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad moduw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;


@ -58,228 +58,232 @@ begin

test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);

wait for clk_period;
while test_suite loop
if run("Test interface") then
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= x"0000000000001000";
m1.data2 <= x"0000000000001111";
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= x"0000000000001000";
m1.data2 <= x"0000000000001111";

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.result = x"00000000000000000000000001111000";
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.result = x"00000000000000000000000001111000";

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';

m1.valid <= '1';
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';
wait for clk_period;
assert m2.valid = '0';

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.result = x"00000000000000000000000001111000";
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.result = x"00000000000000000000000001111000";

-- test mulld
mulld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mulld") then
mulld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulld(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mulld(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= absval(rb);
sign := ra(63) xor rb(63);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= absval(rb);
sign := ra(63) xor rb(63);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mulld expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mulld expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
end loop;

-- test mulhdu
mulhdu_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mulhdu") then
mulhdu_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulhdu(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mulhdu(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= ra;
m1.data2 <= rb;
m1.not_result <= '0';
m1.addend <= (others => '0');
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= ra;
m1.data2 <= rb;
m1.not_result <= '0';
m1.addend <= (others => '0');
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64))
report "bad mulhdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64))
report "bad mulhdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64));
end loop;

-- test mulhd
mulhd_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mulhd") then
mulhd_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulhd(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mulhd(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= absval(rb);
sign := ra(63) xor rb(63);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= absval(rb);
sign := ra(63) xor rb(63);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64))
report "bad mulhd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64))
report "bad mulhd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(127 downto 64));
end loop;

-- test mullw
mullw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mullw") then
mullw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mullw(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mullw(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= absval(ra(31 downto 0));
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= absval(rb(31 downto 0));
sign := ra(31) xor rb(31);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= absval(ra(31 downto 0));
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= absval(rb(31 downto 0));
sign := ra(31) xor rb(31);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mullw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mullw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
end loop;

-- test mulhw
mulhw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mulhw") then
mulhw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulhw(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mulhw(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= absval(ra(31 downto 0));
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= absval(rb(31 downto 0));
sign := ra(31) xor rb(31);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= absval(ra(31 downto 0));
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= absval(rb(31 downto 0));
sign := ra(31) xor rb(31);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32))
report "bad mulhw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " &
to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32))
report "bad mulhw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " &
to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32));
end loop;

-- test mulhwu
mulhwu_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);
elsif run("Test mulhwu") then
mulhwu_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
rb := rnd.RandSlv(rb'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulhwu(ra, rb);
behave_rt := ppc_mulhwu(ra, rb);

m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= ra(31 downto 0);
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= rb(31 downto 0);
m1.not_result <= '0';
m1.addend <= (others => '0');
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= (others => '0');
m1.data1(31 downto 0) <= ra(31 downto 0);
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(31 downto 0) <= rb(31 downto 0);
m1.not_result <= '0';
m1.addend <= (others => '0');
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32))
report "bad mulhwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " &
to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32));
end loop;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32))
report "bad mulhwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " &
to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 32) & m2.result(63 downto 32));
end loop;

-- test mulli
mulli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
si := rnd.RandSlv(si'length);
elsif run("Test mulli") then
mulli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
ra := rnd.RandSlv(ra'length);
si := rnd.RandSlv(si'length);

behave_rt := ppc_mulli(ra, si);
behave_rt := ppc_mulli(ra, si);

m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(15 downto 0) <= absval(si);
sign := ra(63) xor si(15);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= absval(ra);
m1.data2 <= (others => '0');
m1.data2(15 downto 0) <= absval(si);
sign := ra(63) xor si(15);
m1.not_result <= sign;
m1.addend <= (others => sign);
m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '0';
m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);

assert m2.valid = '1';
assert m2.valid = '1';

assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mulli expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0))
report "bad mulli expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(m2.result(63 downto 0));
end loop;
end if;
end loop;


@ -53,255 +53,244 @@ begin

test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);

-- rlwinm, rlwnm
report "test rlw[i]nm";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
extsw <= '0';
rlwnm_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rlwinm(rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rlwnm expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
while test_suite loop
if run("Test rlw[i]nm") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
extsw <= '0';
rlwnm_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rlwinm(rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rlwnm expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- rlwimi
report "test rlwimi";
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rlwimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
ra <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= "00" & rnd.RandSlv(5);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rlwimi(ra, rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rlwimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test rlwimi") then
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rlwimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
ra <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= "00" & rnd.RandSlv(5);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rlwimi(ra, rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rlwimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- rldicl, rldcl
report "test rld[i]cl";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '0';
rldicl_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldicl(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldicl expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test rld[i]cl") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '0';
rldicl_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldicl(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldicl expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- rldicr, rldcr
report "test rld[i]cr";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '1';
rldicr_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldicr(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_me(insn));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "insn me = " & to_hstring(insn_me(insn));
--report "result = " & to_hstring(result);
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldicr expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test rld[i]cr") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '1';
rldicr_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldicr(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_me(insn));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "insn me = " & to_hstring(insn_me(insn));
--report "result = " & to_hstring(result);
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldicr expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- rldic
report "test rldic";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rldic_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldic(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldic expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test rldic") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rldic_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldic(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldic expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- rldimi
report "test rldimi";
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rldimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
ra <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldimi(ra, rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test rldimi") then
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
rldimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
ra <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
insn <= x"00000" & '0' & rnd.RandSlv(10) & '0';
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_rldimi(ra, rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad rldimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- slw
report "test slw";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
slw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_slw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad slw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test slw") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
slw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_slw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad slw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- sld
report "test sld";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
sld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_sld(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad sld expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test sld") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
sld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_sld(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad sld expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- srw
report "test srw";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_srw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad srw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test srw") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_srw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad srw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- srd
report "test srd";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srd_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_srd(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad srd expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test srd") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srd_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := ppc_srd(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad srd expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;

-- sraw[i]
report "test sraw[i]";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '1';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
sraw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ca_ra := ppc_sraw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
report "bad sraw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test sraw[i]") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '1';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '1';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
sraw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ca_ra := ppc_sraw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
report "bad sraw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;

-- srad[i]
report "test srad[i]";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '1';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srad_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ca_ra := ppc_srad(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
report "bad srad expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;
elsif run("Test srad[i]") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '1';
arith <= '1';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
srad_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= rnd.RandSlv(7);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ca_ra := ppc_srad(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
report "bad srad expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;

-- extswsli
report "test extswsli";
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
extsw <= '1';
extswsli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := rs;
behave_ra(63 downto 32) := (others => rs(31));
behave_ra := std_ulogic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(behave_ra),
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad extswsli expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
elsif run("Test extswsli") then
ra <= (others => '0');
is_32bit <= '0';
right_shift <= '0';
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '0';
clear_right <= '0';
extsw <= '1';
extswsli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= rnd.RandSlv(64);
shift <= '0' & rnd.RandSlv(6);
wait for clk_period;
behave_ra := rs;
behave_ra(63 downto 32) := (others => rs(31));
behave_ra := std_ulogic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(behave_ra),
--report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
--report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
--report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
--report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
assert behave_ra = result
report "bad extswsli expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;

end process;
end behave;
