dcache: Fix bug with forwarding of stores

We have two stages of forwarding to cover the two cycles of latency
between when something is written to BRAM and when that new data can
be read from BRAM.  When the writes to BRAM result from store
instructions, the write may write only some bytes of a row (8 bytes)
and not others, so we have a mask to enable only the written bytes to
be forwarded.  However, we only forward written data from either the
first stage of forwarding or the second, not both.  So if we have
two stores in succession that write different bytes of the same row,
and then a load from the row, we will only forward the data from the
second store, and miss the data from the first store; thus the load
will get the wrong value.

To fix this, we make the decision on which forward stage to use for
each byte individually.  This results in a 4-input multiplexer feeding
r1.data_out, with its inputs being the BRAM, the wishbone, the current
write data, and the 2nd-stage forwarding register.  Each byte of the
multiplexer is separately controlled.  The code for this multiplexer
is moved to the dcache_fast_hit process since it is used for cache
hits as well as cache misses.

This also simplifies the BRAM code by ensuring that we can use the
same source for the BRAM address and way selection for writes, whether
we are writing store data or cache line refill data from memory.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
Paul Mackerras 4 years ago
parent f812832ad7
commit 1a9834c506

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;

-- Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
-- Storage. Hopefully implemented in LUTs
signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
signal cache_tag_set : cache_tags_set_t;
signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t;
@ -386,12 +386,15 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
signal r0_stall : std_ulogic;

signal fwd_same_tag : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward_st : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward_rl : std_ulogic;
signal use_forward2 : std_ulogic;

-- Cache RAM interface
type cache_ram_out_t is array(way_t) of cache_row_t;
signal cache_out : cache_ram_out_t;
signal ram_wr_data : cache_row_t;
signal ram_wr_select : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE - 1 downto 0);

-- PLRU output interface
type plru_out_t is array(index_t) of std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
@ -903,12 +906,13 @@ begin
fwd_same_tag <= fwd_match;

-- Whether to use forwarded data for a load or not
use_forward <= '0';
use_forward_st <= '0';
use_forward_rl <= '0';
if r1.store_row = req_row and rel_match = '1' then
-- Use the forwarding path if last cycle was a write to this row
if (r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1') or
r1.write_bram = '1' then
use_forward <= '1';
-- Use the forwarding path if this cycle is a write to this row
use_forward_st <= r1.write_bram;
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
use_forward_rl <= '1';
end if;
end if;
use_forward2 <= '0';
@ -931,9 +935,9 @@ begin
-- For a store, consider this a hit even if the row isn't valid
-- since it will be by the time we perform the store.
-- For a load, check the appropriate row valid bit; but also,
-- if use_forward is 1 then we can consider this a hit.
-- if use_forward_rl is 1 then we can consider this a hit.
is_hit := not r0.req.load or r1.rows_valid(req_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) or
hit_way := replace_way;
end if;

@ -1101,6 +1105,13 @@ begin

end process;

-- RAM write data and select multiplexers
ram_wr_data <= r1.req.data when r1.write_bram = '1' else
wishbone_in.dat when r1.dcbz = '0' else
(others => '0');
ram_wr_select <= r1.req.byte_sel when r1.write_bram = '1' else
(others => '1');

-- Generate a cache RAM for each way. This handles the normal
-- reads, writes from reloads and the special store-hit update
@ -1134,7 +1145,7 @@ begin
rd_data => dout,
wr_sel => wr_sel_m,
wr_addr => wr_addr,
wr_data => wr_data
wr_data => ram_wr_data
@ -1150,37 +1161,13 @@ begin
-- For timing, the mux on wr_data/sel/addr is not dependent on anything
-- other than the current state.
wr_sel_m <= (others => '0');

do_write <= '0';
if r1.write_bram = '1' then
-- Write store data to BRAM. This happens one cycle after the
-- store is in r0.
wr_data <= r1.req.data;
wr_sel <= r1.req.byte_sel;
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(get_row(r1.req.real_addr), ROW_BITS));
if i = r1.req.hit_way then
do_write <= '1';
end if;
-- Otherwise, we might be doing a reload or a DCBZ
if r1.dcbz = '1' then
wr_data <= (others => '0');
wr_data <= wishbone_in.dat;
end if;
wr_sel <= (others => '1');

if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' and replace_way = i then
do_write <= '1';
end if;
end if;
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(r1.store_row, ROW_BITS));

-- Mask write selects with do_write since BRAM doesn't
-- have a global write-enable
if do_write = '1' then
wr_sel_m <= wr_sel;
wr_sel_m <= (others => '0');
if i = replace_way and
(r1.write_bram = '1' or
(r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1')) then
wr_sel_m <= ram_wr_select;
end if;

end process;
@ -1191,20 +1178,60 @@ begin
-- It also handles error cases (TLB miss, cache paradox)
dcache_fast_hit : process(clk)
variable j : integer;
variable sel : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
variable data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
if req_op /= OP_NONE then
report "op:" & op_t'image(req_op) &
" addr:" & to_hstring(r0.req.addr) &
" nc:" & std_ulogic'image(r0.req.nc) &
" idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
" tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
" way: " & integer'image(req_hit_way);
end if;
report "op:" & op_t'image(req_op) &
" addr:" & to_hstring(r0.req.addr) &
" nc:" & std_ulogic'image(r0.req.nc) &
" idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
" tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
" way: " & integer'image(req_hit_way);
end if;
if r0_valid = '1' then
r1.mmu_req <= r0.mmu_req;
end if;

-- Bypass/forwarding multiplexer for load data.
-- Use the bypass if are reading the row of BRAM that was written 0 or 1
-- cycles ago, including for the slow_valid = 1 cases (i.e. completing a
-- load miss or a non-cacheable load), which are handled via the r1.full case.
for i in 0 to 7 loop
if r1.full = '1' or use_forward_rl = '1' then
sel := '0' & r1.dcbz;
elsif use_forward_st = '1' and r1.req.byte_sel(i) = '1' then
sel := "01";
elsif use_forward2 = '1' and r1.forward_sel(i) = '1' then
sel := "10";
sel := "11";
end if;
j := i * 8;
case sel is
when "00" =>
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := wishbone_in.dat(j + 7 downto j);
when "01" =>
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := r1.req.data(j + 7 downto j);
when "10" =>
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := r1.forward_data(j + 7 downto j);
when others =>
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := cache_out(req_hit_way)(j + 7 downto j);
end case;
end loop;
r1.data_out <= data_out;

r1.forward_data <= ram_wr_data;
r1.forward_tag <= r1.reload_tag;
r1.forward_row <= r1.store_row;
r1.forward_sel <= ram_wr_select;
r1.forward_valid <= r1.write_bram;
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
r1.forward_valid <= '1';
end if;

-- Fast path for load/store hits. Set signals for the writeback controls.
r1.hit_way <= req_hit_way;
r1.hit_index <= req_index;
@ -1259,56 +1286,8 @@ begin
variable stbs_done : boolean;
variable req : mem_access_request_t;
variable acks : unsigned(2 downto 0);
variable data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable data_fwd : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable fwd_in : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable fwd_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable j : integer;
variable fwd_byte : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
fwd_sel := (others => '1');
if r1.write_bram = '1' then
fwd_in := r1.req.data;
fwd_sel := r1.req.byte_sel;
elsif r1.dcbz = '1' then
fwd_in := (others => '0');
fwd_in := wishbone_in.dat;
end if;

-- Use the bypass if are reading the row that was written 0 or 1 cycles
-- ago, including for the slow_valid = 1 cases (i.e. completing a load
-- miss or a non-cacheable load), which are handled via the r1.full case.
data_fwd := r1.forward_data;
fwd_byte := (others => '0');
if r1.full = '1' then
data_fwd := fwd_in;
fwd_byte := (others => '1');
elsif use_forward = '1' then
data_fwd := fwd_in;
fwd_byte := fwd_sel;
elsif use_forward2 = '1' then
fwd_byte := r1.forward_sel;
end if;
data_out := cache_out(req_hit_way);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
j := i * 8;
if fwd_byte(i) = '1' then
data_out(j + 7 downto j) := data_fwd(j + 7 downto j);
end if;
end loop;
r1.data_out <= data_out;

r1.forward_data <= fwd_in;
r1.forward_tag <= r1.reload_tag;
r1.forward_row <= r1.store_row;
r1.forward_sel <= fwd_sel;
r1.forward_valid <= r1.write_bram;
if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
r1.forward_valid <= '1';
end if;

ev.dcache_refill <= '0';
ev.load_miss <= '0';
ev.store_miss <= '0';
@ -1563,6 +1542,7 @@ begin
(req.op = OP_STORE_MISS or req.op = OP_STORE_HIT) then
r1.wb.stb <= '1';
stbs_done := false;
r1.store_way <= req.hit_way;
r1.store_row <= get_row(req.real_addr);
if req.op = OP_STORE_HIT then
r1.write_bram <= '1';
