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XL C/C++ and GPU Programming on Power Systems 2015-01-19

Presentation Objective

Provide information on the integration the nVidia Tesla GPU with IBMs POWER8 processor and details on how to develop on this platform using nVidias software stack and the POWER8 compilers.


The OpenPOWER foundation is an organization with a mandate to enable member companies to customize the POWER CPU processors and system platforms for optimization and innovation for their business needs. One such customization is the integration of graphics processing unit (GPU) technology with the POWER processor. IBM has recently announced the IBM POWER S824L system, a data processing powerhouse that integrates the nVidia Tesla GPU with IBM's POWER8 processor. This joint presentation with nVidia and IBM will contain details of the S824L System, including an overview of the Tesla GPU and how it interoperates with the POWER8 processor. It will also describe the nVidia software stack and how it works with the POWER8 compilers.

Speaker Bio:

Kelvin Li is an Advisory Software Developer at IBM Canada Lab in the compiler development area.  He has experiences in Fortran, C and C++ compiler development.  His interest is in parallel programming models and languages.  He is the IBM representative in OpenMP Architecture Review Board, a member of the language committee and the chair of the Fortran subcommittee.


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