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title: 'Home'
date: 2021-07-17
type: home
layout: single
promo-h1: OpenPOWER Foundation
promo-p1: Create the Future with POWER
promo-cta: Join us
header: OpenPOWER
lead-1: A Technical Workgroup (TWG)
p-1: is a workgroup that provides technical specifications and will help define next-generation of the specifications, definitions, and the compliance of these specifications with primary output being specification documents.
lead-2: A Special Integration Group (SIG)
p-2: is a workgroup that provides an implementation of technical
specifications with the goal to produce reference designs. A SIG will normally provide a reference design, a finished product, or help maintain project for direct usage.
header: OpenPOWER
lead-1: Industry Proven
By open sourcing and developing on the POWER ISA - one of the most sophisticated processor architectures
available - the OpenPOWER Foundation is democratizing access and extending the reach of the RISC-based
lead-2: Open for All
With more than 350 members collaborating regularly, the entire semiconductor industry - from global
organizations with deep expertise to individual creators with a new lens - can innovate with choice and build
and develop across the full Hardware and Software stack.
lead-3: Complete Equation
Open development of this scale enables unprecedented customization across applications, operating systems and
firmware - driving hundreds of innovations across artificial intelligence, supercomputing, hyperscale and
title: What are you building?
image: ./img/thumb-1.jpg
text: Libre BMC
url: /
image: ./img/thumb-2.jpg
text: Libre BMC
url: /
image: ./img/thumb-3.jpg
text: Libre BMC
url: /
p-1: With its open ecosystem approach, active participation from its global membership base and powerful foundation of the POWER ISA, the OpenPOWER Foundation is the premiere organization to facilitate truly effective collaboration and drive meaningful, accessible innovation across the open hardware industry.
cta: Libre BMC
title: Supporters of OpenPOWER
- title: image
image: 180x102.png
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image: 180x102.png
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image: 180x102.png
- title: image
image: 180x102.png
title: Subscribe to the OpenPOWER newsletter.
p-1: Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates.
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