@ -122,11 +122,12 @@ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:id="VIPR.biendian">
vector double g = (vector double) { 3.5, -24.6 };</programlisting>
Current C compilers do not support literals for
<code>__int128</code> types. When constructing a <code>vector
__int128</code> constant from smaller literals such as
<code>int</code> or <code>long long</code>, you must test for
endianness and reverse the order of the smaller literals for
little-endian mode.
<code>__int128</code> types. A <code>vector __int128</code>
constant can be constructed from smaller literals
with appropriate cast-shift-or logic. For example,
vector unsigned __int128 x = { (((unsigned __int128)0x1020304050607080) << 64) | 0x90A0B0C0D0E0F000 };