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title: Accelerator TWG
wgtype: twg
image: thumb-5.jpg
- curtwollbrink
participation: Member
git: https://git.openpower.foundation/accelerator/
discussion: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/accelerator/
meetingminutes: https://meetingminutes.openpower.foundation/accelerator/
web: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/accelerator/31/l/calendar
ics: webcal://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/accelerator/l/calendar.ics
mattermost: https://chat.openpower.foundation/opf/channels/accelerator
slack: https://app.slack.com/client/T443QD9JA/C02GBQ657Q8
irc: '#openpower-accelerator on irc.libera.chat'
files: https://files.openpower.foundation/apps/files/?dir=/Accelerator&fileid=458
kanban: https://kanban.openpower.foundation/b/EeZfegyWesJfz6w4s/accelerator
date: 2022-03-14
draft: false
The Accelerator Technical Working Group will be a persistent, standing group that focuses on
memory acceleration, application acceleration and low level accelerator details.
It will work with other open standards such as the Open Compute Project (OCP), OpenCAPI Consortium, Compute Express Link (CXL)
and others to define POWER implementations of those standards.
Current activities include collaborating with the OCP HPC SubProject on the creations of a Power10 and Xilinx VP1802 HPCM Modules,
that both support OMI and OpenCAPI.
The objective is to create a Summit like supercomputer with a very large memory capacity and bandwidth.
It will get Power10 into an open community and help work to be done on Power10 with OMI, OpenCAPI using the HPCM module.