@ -139,28 +139,24 @@ architecture rtl of icache is
-- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
-- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(ROW_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(ROW_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set. Vivado is a pain and will
-- We define a cache tag RAM per way, accessed synchronously
-- not handle a clean (commented) definition of the cache tags as a 3d
-- memory. For now, work around it by putting all the tags
subtype cache_tag_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_BITS-1 downto 0);
subtype cache_tag_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t;
type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t;
-- type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tag_t;
constant TAG_RAM_WIDTH : natural := TAG_BITS * NUM_WAYS;
subtype cache_tags_set_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_RAM_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- Set of cache tags read on the last clock edge
type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
signal cache_tags_set : cache_tags_set_t;
-- Set of cache tags for snooping writes to memory
signal snoop_tags_set : cache_tags_set_t;
-- Flags indicating write-hit-read on the cache tags
signal tag_overwrite : std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0);
-- The cache valid bits
-- The cache valid bits
subtype cache_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0);
subtype cache_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0);
type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
-- Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t;
signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t;
attribute ram_style : string;
attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
-- L1 ITLB.
-- L1 ITLB.
constant TLB_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_SIZE);
constant TLB_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_SIZE);
constant TLB_EA_TAG_BITS : natural := 64 - (TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_BITS);
constant TLB_EA_TAG_BITS : natural := 64 - (TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_BITS);
@ -216,6 +212,9 @@ architecture rtl of icache is
end_row_ix : row_in_line_t;
end_row_ix : row_in_line_t;
rows_valid : row_per_line_valid_t;
rows_valid : row_per_line_valid_t;
stalled_hit : std_ulogic; -- remembers hit while stalled
stalled_way : way_sig_t;
-- TLB miss state
-- TLB miss state
fetch_failed : std_ulogic;
fetch_failed : std_ulogic;
end record;
end record;
@ -248,9 +247,11 @@ architecture rtl of icache is
signal plru_victim : way_sig_t;
signal plru_victim : way_sig_t;
-- Memory write snoop signals
-- Memory write snoop signals
signal snoop_valid : std_ulogic;
signal snoop_valid : std_ulogic;
signal snoop_index : index_sig_t;
signal snoop_index : index_sig_t;
signal snoop_hits : cache_way_valids_t;
signal snoop_tag : cache_tag_t;
signal snoop_index2 : index_sig_t;
signal snoop_hits : cache_way_valids_t;
signal log_insn : std_ulogic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal log_insn : std_ulogic_vector(35 downto 0);
@ -329,19 +330,6 @@ architecture rtl of icache is
return endian & addr(addr'left downto SET_SIZE_BITS);
return endian & addr(addr'left downto SET_SIZE_BITS);
-- Read a tag from a tag memory row
function read_tag(way: way_t; tagset: cache_tags_set_t) return cache_tag_t is
return tagset((way+1) * TAG_BITS - 1 downto way * TAG_BITS);
-- Write a tag to tag memory row
procedure write_tag(way: in way_t; tagset: inout cache_tags_set_t;
tag: cache_tag_t) is
tagset((way+1) * TAG_BITS - 1 downto way * TAG_BITS) := tag;
-- Simple hash for direct-mapped TLB index
-- Simple hash for direct-mapped TLB index
function hash_ea(addr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
function hash_ea(addr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable hash : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_BITS - 1 downto 0);
variable hash : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_BITS - 1 downto 0);
@ -423,7 +411,9 @@ begin
signal wr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal wr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal dout : cache_row_t;
signal dout : cache_row_t;
signal wr_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal wr_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal ic_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
-- Cache data RAMs, one per way
way: entity work.cache_ram
way: entity work.cache_ram
generic map (
generic map (
@ -451,6 +441,47 @@ begin
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(r.store_row);
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(r.store_row);
wr_sel(0) <= do_write;
wr_sel(0) <= do_write;
end process;
end process;
-- Cache tag RAMs, one per way, are read and written synchronously.
-- They are instantiated like this instead of trying to describe them as
-- a single array in order to avoid problems with writing a single way.
variable replace_way : way_sig_t;
variable snoop_addr : real_addr_t;
replace_way := to_unsigned(0, WAY_BITS);
if NUM_WAYS > 1 then
-- Get victim way from plru
replace_way := plru_victim;
end if;
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- Read tags using NIA for next cycle
if flush_in = '1' or i_in.req = '0' or (stall_in = '0' and stall_out = '0') then
cache_tags_set(i) <= ic_tags(to_integer(get_index(i_in.next_nia)));
-- Check for simultaneous write to the same location
tag_overwrite(i) <= '0';
if r.state = CLR_TAG and r.store_index = get_index(i_in.next_nia) and
to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = replace_way then
tag_overwrite(i) <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- Second read port for snooping writes to memory
if (wb_snoop_in.cyc and wb_snoop_in.stb and wb_snoop_in.we) = '1' then
snoop_addr := addr_to_real(wb_to_addr(wb_snoop_in.adr));
snoop_tags_set(i) <= ic_tags(to_integer(get_index(snoop_addr)));
end if;
-- Write one tag when in CLR_TAG state
if r.state = CLR_TAG and to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = replace_way then
ic_tags(to_integer(r.store_index)) <= r.store_tag;
end if;
if rst = '1' then
tag_overwrite(i) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
end generate;
-- Generate PLRUs
-- Generate PLRUs
@ -616,17 +647,24 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
for i in way_t loop
for i in way_t loop
if i_in.req = '1' and
if i_in.req = '1' and
(cache_valids(to_integer(req_index))(i) = '1' or
cache_valids(to_integer(req_index))(i) = '1' and
(r.state = WAIT_ACK and
tag_overwrite(i) = '0' and
req_index = r.store_index and
cache_tags_set(i) = req_tag then
to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = r.store_way and
hit_way := to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS);
r.rows_valid(to_integer(req_row(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0))) = '1')) then
is_hit := '1';
if read_tag(i, cache_tags(to_integer(req_index))) = req_tag then
hit_way := to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS);
is_hit := '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
if r.state = WAIT_ACK and r.store_valid = '1' and
req_index = r.store_index and
req_tag = r.store_tag and
r.rows_valid(to_integer(req_row(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0))) = '1' then
is_hit := '1';
hit_way := r.store_way;
end if;
if r.stalled_hit = '1' then
is_hit := '1';
hit_way := r.stalled_way;
end if;
-- Generate the "hit" and "miss" signals for the synchronous blocks
-- Generate the "hit" and "miss" signals for the synchronous blocks
if i_in.req = '1' and access_ok = '1' and flush_in = '0' and rst = '0' then
if i_in.req = '1' and access_ok = '1' and flush_in = '0' and rst = '0' then
@ -646,20 +684,22 @@ begin
-- I prefer not to do just yet as it would force fetch2 to know about
-- I prefer not to do just yet as it would force fetch2 to know about
-- some of the cache geometry information.
-- some of the cache geometry information.
insn := (others => '0');
icode := INSN_illegal;
icode := INSN_illegal;
if r.hit_valid = '1' then
if is_X(r.hit_way) then
assert not is_X(r.hit_way) severity failure;
insn := (others => 'X');
insn := read_insn_word(r.hit_nia, cache_out(to_integer(r.hit_way)));
insn := read_insn_word(r.hit_nia, cache_out(to_integer(r.hit_way)));
-- Currently we use only the top bit for indicating illegal
end if;
-- instructions because we know that insn_codes fit into 9 bits.
assert not (r.hit_valid = '1' and is_X(r.hit_way)) severity failure;
if is_X(insn) then
-- Currently we use only the top bit for indicating illegal
insn := (others => '0');
-- instructions because we know that insn_codes fit into 9 bits.
elsif insn(ICWORDLEN - 1) = '0' then
if is_X(insn) then
icode := insn_code'val(to_integer(unsigned(insn(ICWORDLEN-1 downto INSN_IMAGE_BITS))));
insn := (others => '0');
insn(31 downto 26) := recode_primary_opcode(icode);
elsif insn(ICWORDLEN - 1) = '0' then
end if;
icode := insn_code'val(to_integer(unsigned(insn(ICWORDLEN-1 downto INSN_IMAGE_BITS))));
end if;
insn(31 downto 26) := recode_primary_opcode(icode);
end if;
i_out.insn <= insn(31 downto 0);
i_out.insn <= insn(31 downto 0);
i_out.icode <= icode;
i_out.icode <= icode;
log_insn <= insn;
log_insn <= insn;
@ -672,7 +712,7 @@ begin
i_out.next_pred_ntaken <= r.pred_ntaken;
i_out.next_pred_ntaken <= r.pred_ntaken;
-- Stall fetch1 if we have a miss on cache or TLB or a protection fault
-- Stall fetch1 if we have a miss on cache or TLB or a protection fault
stall_out <= i_in.req and not (is_hit and access_ok);
stall_out <= i_in.req and not (is_hit and access_ok) and not flush_in;
-- Wishbone requests output (from the cache miss reload machine)
-- Wishbone requests output (from the cache miss reload machine)
wishbone_out <= r.wb;
wishbone_out <= r.wb;
@ -684,9 +724,17 @@ begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- keep outputs to fetch2 unchanged on a stall
-- keep outputs to fetch2 unchanged on a stall
-- except that flush or reset sets valid to 0
-- except that flush or reset sets valid to 0
if stall_in = '1' then
if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' then
if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' then
r.hit_valid <= '0';
r.hit_valid <= '0';
r.stalled_hit <= '0';
r.stalled_way <= to_unsigned(0, WAY_BITS);
elsif stall_in = '1' then
if r.state = CLR_TAG then
r.stalled_hit <= '0';
elsif req_is_hit = '1' then
-- if we have a hit while stalled, remember it
r.stalled_hit <= '1';
r.stalled_way <= req_hit_way;
end if;
end if;
-- On a hit, latch the request for the next cycle, when the BRAM data
-- On a hit, latch the request for the next cycle, when the BRAM data
@ -706,6 +754,7 @@ begin
" way:" & to_hstring(req_hit_way) &
" way:" & to_hstring(req_hit_way) &
" RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
" RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
end if;
end if;
r.stalled_hit <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if stall_in = '0' then
if stall_in = '0' then
-- Send stop marks and NIA down regardless of validity
-- Send stop marks and NIA down regardless of validity
@ -726,7 +775,6 @@ begin
variable tagset : cache_tags_set_t;
variable tagset : cache_tags_set_t;
variable tag : cache_tag_t;
variable tag : cache_tag_t;
variable snoop_addr : real_addr_t;
variable snoop_addr : real_addr_t;
variable snoop_tag : cache_tag_t;
variable snoop_cache_tags : cache_tags_set_t;
variable snoop_cache_tags : cache_tags_set_t;
variable replace_way : way_sig_t;
variable replace_way : way_sig_t;
@ -759,15 +807,14 @@ begin
snoop_valid <= wb_snoop_in.cyc and wb_snoop_in.stb and wb_snoop_in.we;
snoop_valid <= wb_snoop_in.cyc and wb_snoop_in.stb and wb_snoop_in.we;
snoop_addr := addr_to_real(wb_to_addr(wb_snoop_in.adr));
snoop_addr := addr_to_real(wb_to_addr(wb_snoop_in.adr));
snoop_index <= get_index(snoop_addr);
snoop_index <= get_index(snoop_addr);
snoop_tag := get_tag(snoop_addr, '0');
snoop_tag <= get_tag(snoop_addr, '0');
snoop_hits <= (others => '0');
snoop_hits <= (others => '0');
-- On the next cycle, match up tags with the snooped address
-- to see if any ways need to be invalidated
if snoop_valid = '1' then
if snoop_valid = '1' then
if is_X(snoop_addr) then
report "metavalue in snoop_addr" severity FAILURE;
end if;
snoop_cache_tags := cache_tags(to_integer(get_index(snoop_addr)));
for i in way_t loop
for i in way_t loop
tag := read_tag(i, snoop_cache_tags);
tag := snoop_tags_set(i);
-- Ignore endian bit in comparison
-- Ignore endian bit in comparison
tag(TAG_BITS - 1) := '0';
tag(TAG_BITS - 1) := '0';
if tag = snoop_tag then
if tag = snoop_tag then
@ -775,6 +822,7 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
snoop_index2 <= snoop_index;
-- Process cache invalidations
-- Process cache invalidations
if inval_in = '1' then
if inval_in = '1' then
@ -783,12 +831,12 @@ begin
end loop;
end loop;
r.store_valid <= '0';
r.store_valid <= '0';
-- Do invalidations from snooped stores to memory, one
-- Do invalidations from snooped stores to memory,
-- cycle after the address appears on wb_snoop_in.
-- two cycles after the address appears on wb_snoop_in.
for i in way_t loop
for i in way_t loop
if snoop_hits(i) = '1' then
if snoop_hits(i) = '1' then
assert not is_X(snoop_index) severity failure;
assert not is_X(snoop_index2) severity failure;
cache_valids(to_integer(snoop_index))(i) <= '0';
cache_valids(to_integer(snoop_index2))(i) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
@ -846,15 +894,6 @@ begin
assert not is_X(replace_way) severity failure;
assert not is_X(replace_way) severity failure;
cache_valids(to_integer(r.store_index))(to_integer(replace_way)) <= '0';
cache_valids(to_integer(r.store_index))(to_integer(replace_way)) <= '0';
-- Store new tag in selected way
for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop
if to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = replace_way then
tagset := cache_tags(to_integer(r.store_index));
write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag);
cache_tags(to_integer(r.store_index)) <= tagset;
end if;
end loop;
r.state <= WAIT_ACK;
r.state <= WAIT_ACK;
end if;
end if;