test: check PowerFV specifications against OPV testcases.

- Testcases are translated to JSON by the OPV 'parsetst' script.

- A behavioral model of a single-threaded core is implemented by
  coupling PowerFV instruction specs to an execution context (i.e.
  registers, memory).

- Testcase traces are reproduced in simulation by the model, and
  results are compared to detect compliance bugs.
Jean-François Nguyen 3 years ago
parent 331e4b76ba
commit 319e65f43f

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
import inspect

from amaranth import *
from amaranth.lib.coding import Encoder

from power_fv import pfv
from power_fv.check.insn import InsnCheck
from power_fv.check.insn import all as all_checks
from power_fv.reg import *

__all__ = ["Context", "Model"]

def _all_specs(**kwargs):
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(all_checks):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, InsnCheck):
insn = obj.insn_cls(name=name.lower())
spec = obj.spec_cls(insn, **kwargs)
yield spec

class Context(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, *, mem_size, **kwargs):
self.gpr = Array(Signal(64, name=f"G{i}") for i in range(32))
self.mem = Array(Signal(64, name=f"M{i}") for i in range(mem_size*8//64))
self.iar = Record( _ea_layout)
self.cr = Record( cr_layout)
self.msr = Record( msr_layout)
self.lr = Record( lr_layout)
self.ctr = Record( ctr_layout)
self.tar = Record( tar_layout)
self.xer = Record( xer_layout)
self.srr0 = Record(srr0_layout)
self.srr1 = Record(srr1_layout)

self.pfv = pfv.Interface(**kwargs)

def connect_outputs(self, spec):
stmts = []

stmts += [spec.pfv.cia.eq(self.pfv.cia)]

for field in ("ra", "rb", "rs", "rt",
"cr", "msr", "lr", "ctr", "tar", "xer", "srr0", "srr1"):
self_field = getattr(self.pfv, field)
spec_field = getattr(spec.pfv, field)
stmts += [spec_field.r_data.eq(self_field.r_data)]

return stmts

def connect_inputs(self, spec):
stmts = []

stmts += [self.pfv.nia.eq(spec.pfv.nia)]

for gpr_field in ("ra", "rb", "rs", "rt"):
self_field = getattr(self.pfv, gpr_field)
spec_field = getattr(spec.pfv, gpr_field)
stmts += [
self_field.index .eq(spec_field.index ),
self_field.r_stb .eq(spec_field.r_stb ),
self_field.w_stb .eq(spec_field.w_stb ),

stmts += [
self.pfv.mem.addr .eq(spec.pfv.mem.addr),

for reg_field in ("cr", "msr", "lr", "ctr", "tar", "xer", "srr0", "srr1"):
self_field = getattr(self.pfv, reg_field)
spec_field = getattr(spec.pfv, reg_field)
stmts += [

return stmts

def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()

m.d.comb += [

self.pfv.ra .r_data.eq(self.gpr[self.pfv.ra.index]),
self.pfv.rb .r_data.eq(self.gpr[self.pfv.rb.index]),
self.pfv.rs .r_data.eq(self.gpr[self.pfv.rs.index]),
self.pfv.rt .r_data.eq(self.gpr[self.pfv.rt.index]),

self.pfv.cr .r_data.eq(self.cr ),
self.pfv.msr .r_data.eq(self.msr ),
self.pfv.lr .r_data.eq(self.lr ),
self.pfv.ctr .r_data.eq(self.ctr ),
self.pfv.tar .r_data.eq(self.tar ),
self.pfv.xer .r_data.eq(self.xer ),

with m.If(self.pfv.stb):
m.d.sync += self.iar.eq(self.pfv.nia)

for gpr_field in ("ra", "rb", "rs", "rt"):
port = getattr(self.pfv, gpr_field)
with m.If(port.w_stb):
m.d.sync += self.gpr[port.index].eq(port.w_data)

mem_value = self.mem[self.pfv.mem.addr]
m.d.sync += mem_value.eq(self.pfv.mem.w_data & self.pfv.mem.w_mask | mem_value & ~self.pfv.mem.w_mask)

for reg_field in ("cr", "msr", "lr", "ctr", "tar", "xer", "srr0", "srr1"):
port = getattr(self.pfv, reg_field)
shadow = getattr(self, reg_field)
m.d.sync += shadow.eq(port.w_data & port.w_mask | shadow & ~port.w_mask)

return m

class Model(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, *, mem_size, **kwargs):
self.specs = list(_all_specs(**kwargs))
self.ctx = Context(mem_size=mem_size)

self.stb = Signal()
self.insn = Signal(64)
self.err = Record([("insn", 1)])

def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()

# - `self.insn` is wired to the `pfv.insn` input of each spec. If the spec recognizes an
# instruction encoding, it asserts its `pfv.stb` output.
# - If the instruction is recognized by exactly one spec, then the context is updated
# according to its execution side-effects. Otherwise, `self.err.insn` is asserted.

m.submodules.ctx = self.ctx
m.submodules.enc = enc = Encoder(width=len(self.specs))

for j, spec in enumerate(self.specs):
m.submodules[f"spec_{spec.insn.name}"] = spec
m.d.comb += [
m.d.comb += enc.i[j].eq(spec.pfv.stb)

m.d.comb += [
self.ctx.pfv.stb .eq(self.stb & ~enc.n),

with m.Switch(enc.o):
for j, spec in enumerate(self.specs):
with m.Case(j):
m.d.comb += self.ctx.connect_inputs(spec)

with m.Default():
m.d.comb += self.err.insn.eq(1)

return m

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import argparse
import json
import pathlib

from amaranth import *
from amaranth.sim import *

from power_fv.test.model import Model

__all__ = ["simulate"]

def simulate(tests, *, vcd_file, mem_size=64):
dut = Model(mem_size=mem_size, mem_aligned=True, muldiv_altops=True)
sim = Simulator(dut)

def read_reg(name):
name = name.lower()
assert name != "mem"
if name.startswith("g"):
return dut.ctx.gpr[int(name[1:])]
elif hasattr(dut.ctx, name):
reg = getattr(dut.ctx, name)
return reg.as_value()
return None # unimplemented

def write_reg(name, value):
name = name.lower()
value = int(value, base=16)
assert name != "mem"
if name.startswith("g"):
return dut.ctx.gpr[int(name[1:])].eq(value)
elif hasattr(dut.ctx, name):
reg = getattr(dut.ctx, name)
return reg.eq(value)
return Delay() # unimplemented

def process():
for test in tests:
print("Running test {}...".format(test["name"]))

# Initialize context

if "inits" in test:
for reg in test["inits"]["regs"]:
yield write_reg(reg["name"], reg["val"])

if test["inits"]["mem"]:
raise NotImplementedError

yield Delay()

# Execute ops

for op in test["ops"]:
print(">", " ".join(op["text"]))

# Check EA

dut_ea = yield read_reg("IAR")
tst_ea = int(op["ea"], base=16)
if dut_ea != tst_ea:
raise ValueError("EA mismatch: expected {}, got {}"
.format(op["ea"], dut_ea))

# Check reads

for reg in op["regReads"]:
dut_val = yield read_reg(reg["name"])
tst_val = int(reg["val"], base=16)
if dut_val is None:
if dut_val != tst_val:
raise ValueError("Read {} mismatch: expected {:#x}, got {:#x}"
.format(reg["name"], tst_val, dut_val))

if op["memReads"]:
raise NotImplementedError

# Execute instruction

tst_opcode = Const(int(op["opcode"], base=16), 32)
# FIXME(ASAP): OPV testcases use LE=1, but we only support BE; let's try anyway
yield dut.insn.eq(Cat(tst_opcode.word_select(i, 8) for i in reversed(range(4))) << 32)
# yield dut.insn.eq(tst_opcode << 32)
yield dut.stb.eq(1)
yield Delay()

if (yield dut.err.insn):
raise ValueError("Unknown/conflicting opcode: {:#x}"

yield Tick()
yield Delay()

# Check writes

for reg in op["regWrites"]:
dut_val = yield read_reg(reg["name"])
tst_val = int(reg["val"], base=16)
if dut_val is None:
if dut_val != tst_val:
raise ValueError("Write {} mismatch: expected {:#x}, got {:#x}"
.format(reg["name"], tst_val, dut_val))

if op["memWrites"]:
raise NotImplementedError

# Check results

if "results" in test:
for reg in test["results"]["regs"]:
dut_val = yield read_reg(reg["name"])
tst_val = int(reg["val"], base=16)
if dut_val is None:
if dut_val != tst_val:
raise ValueError("Result {} mismatch: expected {:#x}, got {:#x}"
.format(reg["name"], tst_val, dut_val))

if test["results"]["mem"]:
raise NotImplementedError

yield dut.stb.eq(0)
yield Delay()


with sim.write_vcd(vcd_file):

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("input", type=pathlib.Path)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=argparse.FileType("w"))
args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.input, "r") as f:
tests = json.loads(f.read())

simulate(tests, vcd_file=args.output)