@ -239,12 +239,20 @@ architecture behaviour of soc is
signal slave_io_dbg : slave_io_type;
signal current_io_decode : slave_io_type;
signal io_cycle_none : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_syscon : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_uart : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_uart1 : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_icp : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_ics : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_spi_flash : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_gpio : std_ulogic;
signal io_cycle_external : std_ulogic;
function wishbone_widen_data(wb : wb_io_master_out) return wishbone_master_out is
variable wwb : wishbone_master_out;
@ -465,14 +473,20 @@ begin
-- Misc
variable has_top : boolean;
variable has_bot : boolean;
variable do_cyc : std_ulogic;
variable end_cyc : std_ulogic;
variable slave_io : slave_io_type;
variable match : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 12);
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
do_cyc := '0';
end_cyc := '0';
if (rst) then
state := IDLE;
wb_io_out.ack <= '0';
wb_io_out.stall <= '0';
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
wb_sio_out.stb <= '0';
end_cyc := '1';
has_top := false;
has_bot := false;
@ -488,7 +502,7 @@ begin
wb_io_out.stall <= '1';
-- Start cycle downstream
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '1';
do_cyc := '1';
wb_sio_out.stb <= '1';
-- Copy write enable to IO out, copy address as well
@ -551,8 +565,8 @@ begin
-- Wait for new ack
state := WAIT_ACK_TOP;
-- We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
-- We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstream
end_cyc := '1';
-- And ack & unstall upstream
wb_io_out.ack <= '1';
@ -576,7 +590,7 @@ begin
end if;
-- We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
end_cyc := '1';
-- And ack & unstall upstream
wb_io_out.ack <= '1';
@ -587,144 +601,149 @@ begin
end if;
end case;
end if;
-- Create individual registered cycle signals for the wishbones
-- going to the various peripherals
if do_cyc = '1' or end_cyc = '1' then
io_cycle_none <= '0';
io_cycle_syscon <= '0';
io_cycle_uart <= '0';
io_cycle_uart1 <= '0';
io_cycle_icp <= '0';
io_cycle_ics <= '0';
io_cycle_spi_flash <= '0';
io_cycle_gpio <= '0';
io_cycle_external <= '0';
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '0';
wb_ext_is_eth <= '0';
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '0';
end if;
if do_cyc = '1' then
-- Decode I/O address
-- This is real address bits 29 downto 12
match := "11" & wb_io_in.adr(26 downto 9);
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SYSCON;
if std_match(match, x"FF---") and HAS_DRAM then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
io_cycle_external <= '1';
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"F----") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SPI_FLASH;
io_cycle_spi_flash <= '1';
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C8---") then
-- Ext IO "chip selects"
if std_match(match, x"--00-") and HAS_DRAM then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
io_cycle_external <= '1';
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '1';
elsif (std_match(match, x"--02-") or std_match(match, x"--03-")) and
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
io_cycle_external <= '1';
wb_ext_is_eth <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"--04-") and HAS_SD_CARD then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
io_cycle_external <= '1';
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '1';
io_cycle_none <= '1';
end if;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0000") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SYSCON;
io_cycle_syscon <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0002") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART;
io_cycle_uart <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0003") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART1;
io_cycle_uart1 <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0004") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICP;
io_cycle_icp <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0005") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICS;
io_cycle_ics <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0006") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SPI_FLASH;
io_cycle_spi_flash <= '1';
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '1';
elsif std_match(match, x"C0007") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_GPIO;
io_cycle_gpio <= '1';
io_cycle_none <= '1';
end if;
current_io_decode <= slave_io;
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- IO wishbone slave intercon.
-- IO wishbone slave interconnect.
slave_io_intercon: process(wb_sio_out, wb_syscon_out, wb_uart0_out, wb_uart1_out,
wb_ext_io_out, wb_xics_icp_out, wb_xics_ics_out,
variable slave_io : slave_io_type;
variable match : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 12);
variable ext_valid : boolean;
slave_io_intercon: process(all)
-- Simple address decoder.
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_NONE;
match := "11" & wb_sio_out.adr(27 downto 10);
if std_match(match, x"FF---") and HAS_DRAM then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
elsif std_match(match, x"F----") then
elsif std_match(match, x"C0000") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SYSCON;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0002") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0003") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART1;
elsif std_match(match, x"C8---") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0004") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICP;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0005") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICS;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0006") then
elsif std_match(match, x"C0007") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_GPIO;
end if;
slave_io_dbg <= slave_io;
wb_uart0_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_uart0_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_uart0_in.cyc <= io_cycle_uart;
wb_uart1_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_uart1_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_uart1_in.cyc <= io_cycle_uart1;
wb_spiflash_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '0';
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= io_cycle_spi_flash;
-- Clear top bits so they don't make their way to the
-- flash chip.
wb_spiflash_in.adr(27 downto 26) <= "00";
wb_gpio_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_gpio_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_gpio_in.cyc <= io_cycle_gpio;
-- Only give xics 8 bits of wb addr (for now...)
wb_xics_icp_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_xics_icp_in.adr <= (others => '0');
wb_xics_icp_in.adr(5 downto 0) <= wb_sio_out.adr(5 downto 0);
wb_xics_icp_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_xics_icp_in.cyc <= io_cycle_icp;
wb_xics_ics_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_xics_ics_in.adr <= (others => '0');
wb_xics_ics_in.adr(9 downto 0) <= wb_sio_out.adr(9 downto 0);
wb_xics_ics_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_xics_ics_in.cyc <= io_cycle_ics;
wb_ext_io_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_ext_io_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_ext_io_in.cyc <= io_cycle_external;
wb_syscon_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_syscon_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '0';
wb_ext_is_eth <= '0';
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '0';
wb_syscon_in.cyc <= io_cycle_syscon;
-- Default response, ack & return all 1's
wb_sio_in.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_sio_in.ack <= wb_sio_out.stb and wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in.stall <= '0';
case slave_io is
case current_io_decode is
-- Ext IO "chip selects"
-- DRAM init is special at 0xFF* so we just test the top
-- bit. Everything else is at 0xC8* so we test only bits
-- 23 downto 16 (21 downto 14 in the wishbone addr).
ext_valid := false;
if wb_sio_out.adr(27) = '1' and HAS_DRAM then -- DRAM init is special
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"00" and HAS_DRAM then
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"02" and HAS_LITEETH then
wb_ext_is_eth <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"03" and HAS_LITEETH then
wb_ext_is_eth <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"04" and HAS_SD_CARD then
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
end if;
if ext_valid then
wb_ext_io_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_ext_io_out;
end if;
wb_sio_in <= wb_ext_io_out;
wb_syscon_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_syscon_out;
wb_uart0_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_uart0_out;
when SLAVE_IO_ICP =>
wb_xics_icp_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_xics_icp_out;
when SLAVE_IO_ICS =>
wb_xics_ics_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_xics_ics_out;
when SLAVE_IO_UART1 =>
wb_uart1_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_uart1_out;
-- Clear top bits so they don't make their way to the
-- fash chip.
wb_spiflash_in.adr(27 downto 26) <= "00";
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_spiflash_out;
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '1';
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_spiflash_out;
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '1';
wb_gpio_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_gpio_out;
when others =>
end case;
-- Default response, ack & return all 1's
if io_cycle_none = '1' then
wb_sio_in.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_sio_in.ack <= wb_sio_out.stb and wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in.stall <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Syscon slave