@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ entity dcache is
d_in : in Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
d_out : out DcacheToLoadstore1Type;
m_in : in MmuToDcacheType;
m_out : out DcacheToMmuType;
stall_out : out std_ulogic;
wishbone_out : out wishbone_master_out;
@ -146,9 +149,6 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
attribute ram_style of dtlb_tags : signal is "distributed";
attribute ram_style of dtlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
signal r0 : Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
signal r0_valid : std_ulogic;
-- Record for storing permission, attribute, etc. bits from a PTE
type perm_attr_t is record
reference : std_ulogic;
@ -205,6 +205,15 @@ architecture rtl of dcache is
-- first stage emits a stall for a complex op.
-- Stage 0 register, basically contains just the latched request
type reg_stage_0_t is record
req : Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
tlbie : std_ulogic;
end record;
signal r0 : reg_stage_0_t;
signal r0_valid : std_ulogic;
-- First stage register, contains state for stage 1 of load hits
-- and for the state machine used by all other operations
@ -424,35 +433,61 @@ begin
assert (64 = wishbone_data_bits)
report "Can't yet handle a wishbone width that isn't 64-bits" severity FAILURE;
-- Latch the request in r0 as long as we're not stalling
-- Latch the request in r0.req as long as we're not stalling
stage_0 : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst = '1' then
r0.valid <= '0';
r0.req.valid <= '0';
elsif stall_out = '0' then
r0 <= d_in;
assert (d_in.valid and m_in.valid) = '0' report
"request collision loadstore vs MMU";
if m_in.valid = '1' then
r0.req.valid <= '1';
r0.req.load <= '0';
r0.req.dcbz <= '0';
r0.req.nc <= '0';
r0.req.reserve <= '0';
r0.req.virt_mode <= '0';
r0.req.priv_mode <= '1';
r0.req.addr <= m_in.addr;
r0.req.data <= m_in.pte;
r0.req.byte_sel <= (others => '1');
r0.tlbie <= m_in.tlbie;
assert m_in.tlbie = '1' report "unknown request from MMU";
r0.req <= d_in;
r0.tlbie <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- we don't yet handle collisions between loadstore1 requests and MMU requests
m_out.stall <= '0';
-- Hold off the request in r0 when stalling,
-- and cancel it if we get an error in a previous request.
r0_valid <= r0.valid and not stall_out and not r1.error_done;
r0_valid <= r0.req.valid and not stall_out and not r1.error_done;
-- TLB
-- Operates in the second cycle on the request latched in r0.
-- Operates in the second cycle on the request latched in r0.req.
-- TLB updates write the entry at the end of the second cycle.
tlb_read : process(clk)
variable index : tlb_index_t;
variable addrbits : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
if stall_out = '1' then
-- keep reading the same thing while stalled
index := tlb_req_index;
index := to_integer(unsigned(d_in.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1
downto TLB_LG_PGSZ)));
if m_in.valid = '1' then
addrbits := m_in.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ);
addrbits := d_in.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ);
end if;
index := to_integer(unsigned(addrbits));
end if;
tlb_valid_way <= dtlb_valids(index);
tlb_tag_way <= dtlb_tags(index);
@ -500,11 +535,11 @@ begin
variable hit : std_ulogic;
variable eatag : tlb_tag_t;
tlb_req_index <= to_integer(unsigned(r0.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1
tlb_req_index <= to_integer(unsigned(r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1
downto TLB_LG_PGSZ)));
hitway := 0;
hit := '0';
eatag := r0.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS);
eatag := r0.req.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS);
for i in tlb_way_t loop
if tlb_valid_way(i) = '1' and
read_tlb_tag(i, tlb_tag_way) = eatag then
@ -515,13 +550,13 @@ begin
tlb_hit <= hit and r0_valid;
tlb_hit_way <= hitway;
pte <= read_tlb_pte(hitway, tlb_pte_way);
valid_ra <= tlb_hit or not r0.virt_mode;
if r0.virt_mode = '1' then
valid_ra <= tlb_hit or not r0.req.virt_mode;
if r0.req.virt_mode = '1' then
ra <= pte(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ) &
r0.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto 0);
r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto 0);
perm_attr <= extract_perm_attr(pte);
ra <= r0.addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0);
ra <= r0.req.addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0);
perm_attr <= real_mode_perm_attr;
end if;
end process;
@ -540,9 +575,9 @@ begin
tlbia := '0';
tlbwe := '0';
if r0_valid = '1' and r0.tlbie = '1' then
if r0.addr(11 downto 10) /= "00" then
if r0.req.addr(11 downto 10) /= "00" then
tlbia := '1';
elsif r0.addr(9) = '1' then
elsif r0.req.addr(9) = '1' then
tlbwe := '1';
tlbie := '1';
@ -563,15 +598,16 @@ begin
repl_way := to_integer(unsigned(tlb_plru_victim(tlb_req_index)));
end if;
eatag := r0.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS);
eatag := r0.req.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS);
tagset := tlb_tag_way;
write_tlb_tag(repl_way, tagset, eatag);
dtlb_tags(tlb_req_index) <= tagset;
pteset := tlb_pte_way;
write_tlb_pte(repl_way, pteset, r0.data);
write_tlb_pte(repl_way, pteset, r0.req.data);
dtlb_ptes(tlb_req_index) <= pteset;
dtlb_valids(tlb_req_index)(repl_way) <= '1';
end if;
m_out.done <= r0_valid and r0.tlbie;
end if;
end process;
@ -628,8 +664,8 @@ begin
variable hit_way_set : hit_way_set_t;
-- Extract line, row and tag from request
req_index <= get_index(r0.addr);
req_row <= get_row(r0.addr);
req_index <= get_index(r0.req.addr);
req_row <= get_row(r0.req.addr);
req_tag <= get_tag(ra);
-- Only do anything if not being stalled by stage 1
@ -648,13 +684,13 @@ begin
-- the TLB, and then decide later which match to use.
hit_way := 0;
is_hit := '0';
if r0.virt_mode = '1' then
if r0.req.virt_mode = '1' then
for j in tlb_way_t loop
hit_way_set(j) := 0;
s_hit := '0';
s_pte := read_tlb_pte(j, tlb_pte_way);
s_ra := s_pte(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ) &
r0.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto 0);
r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto 0);
s_tag := get_tag(s_ra);
for i in way_t loop
if go = '1' and cache_valids(req_index)(i) = '1' and
@ -671,7 +707,7 @@ begin
hit_way := hit_way_set(tlb_hit_way);
end if;
s_tag := get_tag(r0.addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0));
s_tag := get_tag(r0.req.addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0));
for i in way_t loop
if go = '1' and cache_valids(req_index)(i) = '1' and
read_tag(i, cache_tags(req_index)) = s_tag then
@ -689,18 +725,18 @@ begin
-- work out whether we have permission for this access
-- NB we don't yet implement AMR, thus no KUAP
rc_ok <= perm_attr.reference and (r0.load or perm_attr.changed);
perm_ok <= (r0.priv_mode or not perm_attr.priv) and
(perm_attr.wr_perm or (r0.load and perm_attr.rd_perm));
rc_ok <= perm_attr.reference and (r0.req.load or perm_attr.changed);
perm_ok <= (r0.req.priv_mode or not perm_attr.priv) and
(perm_attr.wr_perm or (r0.req.load and perm_attr.rd_perm));
-- Combine the request and cache hit status to decide what
-- operation needs to be done
nc := r0.nc or perm_attr.nocache;
nc := r0.req.nc or perm_attr.nocache;
op := OP_NONE;
if go = '1' then
if valid_ra = '1' and rc_ok = '1' and perm_ok = '1' then
opsel := r0.load & nc & is_hit;
opsel := r0.req.load & nc & is_hit;
case opsel is
when "101" => op := OP_LOAD_HIT;
when "100" => op := OP_LOAD_MISS;
@ -723,7 +759,11 @@ begin
-- If we're stalling then we need to keep reading the last
-- row requested.
if stall_out = '0' then
if m_in.valid = '1' then
early_req_row <= get_row(m_in.addr);
early_req_row <= get_row(d_in.addr);
end if;
early_req_row <= req_row;
end if;
@ -741,17 +781,17 @@ begin
cancel_store <= '0';
set_rsrv <= '0';
clear_rsrv <= '0';
if r0_valid = '1' and r0.reserve = '1' then
if r0_valid = '1' and r0.req.reserve = '1' then
-- XXX generate alignment interrupt if address is not aligned
-- XXX or if r0.nc = '1'
if r0.load = '1' then
-- XXX or if r0.req.nc = '1'
if r0.req.load = '1' then
-- load with reservation
set_rsrv <= '1';
-- store conditional
clear_rsrv <= '1';
if reservation.valid = '0' or
r0.addr(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) /= reservation.addr then
r0.req.addr(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) /= reservation.addr then
cancel_store <= '1';
end if;
end if;
@ -765,7 +805,7 @@ begin
reservation.valid <= '0';
elsif set_rsrv = '1' then
reservation.valid <= '1';
reservation.addr <= r0.addr(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS);
reservation.addr <= r0.req.addr(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS);
end if;
end if;
end process;
@ -818,12 +858,6 @@ begin
d_out.valid <= '1';
end if;
-- tlbie is handled above and doesn't go through the cache state machine
if r1.tlbie_done = '1' then
report "completing tlbie";
d_out.valid <= '1';
end if;
-- Slow ops (load miss, NC, stores)
if r1.slow_valid = '1' then
-- If it's a load, enable register writeback and switch
@ -900,8 +934,8 @@ begin
if r1.state = IDLE then
-- In IDLE state, the only write path is the store-hit update case
wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(req_row, ROW_BITS));
wr_data <= r0.data;
wr_sel <= r0.byte_sel;
wr_data <= r0.req.data;
wr_sel <= r0.req.byte_sel;
-- Otherwise, we might be doing a reload or a DCBZ
if r1.req.dcbz = '1' then
@ -936,17 +970,17 @@ begin
dcache_fast_hit : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- If we have a request incoming, we have to latch it as r0.valid
-- If we have a request incoming, we have to latch it as r0.req.valid
-- is only set for a single cycle. It's up to the control logic to
-- ensure we don't override an uncompleted request (for now we are
-- single issue on load/stores so we are fine, later, we can generate
-- a stall output if necessary).
if req_op /= OP_NONE and stall_out = '0' then
r1.req <= r0;
r1.req <= r0.req;
report "op:" & op_t'image(req_op) &
" addr:" & to_hstring(r0.addr) &
" nc:" & std_ulogic'image(r0.nc) &
" addr:" & to_hstring(r0.req.addr) &
" nc:" & std_ulogic'image(r0.req.nc) &
" idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
" tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
" way: " & integer'image(req_hit_way);
@ -1018,7 +1052,7 @@ begin
when OP_LOAD_MISS =>
-- Normal load cache miss, start the reload machine
report "cache miss addr:" & to_hstring(r0.addr) &
report "cache miss addr:" & to_hstring(r0.req.addr) &
" idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
" way:" & integer'image(replace_way) &
" tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag);
@ -1053,7 +1087,7 @@ begin
r1.state <= RELOAD_WAIT_ACK;
when OP_LOAD_NC =>
r1.wb.sel <= r0.byte_sel;
r1.wb.sel <= r0.req.byte_sel;
r1.wb.adr <= ra(r1.wb.adr'left downto 3) & "000";
r1.wb.cyc <= '1';
r1.wb.stb <= '1';
@ -1061,10 +1095,10 @@ begin
r1.state <= NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK;
if r0.dcbz = '0' then
r1.wb.sel <= r0.byte_sel;
if r0.req.dcbz = '0' then
r1.wb.sel <= r0.req.byte_sel;
r1.wb.adr <= ra(r1.wb.adr'left downto 3) & "000";
r1.wb.dat <= r0.data;
r1.wb.dat <= r0.req.data;
if cancel_store = '0' then
r1.wb.cyc <= '1';
r1.wb.stb <= '1';