@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ end entity execute1;
architecture behaviour of execute1 is
type reg_type is record
e : Execute1ToWritebackType;
cur_instr : Decode2ToExecute1Type;
busy: std_ulogic;
terminate: std_ulogic;
fp_exception_next : std_ulogic;
@ -60,17 +61,10 @@ architecture behaviour of execute1 is
prev_op : insn_type_t;
lr_update : std_ulogic;
next_lr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
resmux : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
submux : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
mul_in_progress : std_ulogic;
mul_finish : std_ulogic;
div_in_progress : std_ulogic;
cntz_in_progress : std_ulogic;
slow_op_insn : insn_type_t;
slow_op_dest : gpr_index_t;
slow_op_rc : std_ulogic;
slow_op_oe : std_ulogic;
slow_op_xerc : xer_common_t;
last_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
redirect : std_ulogic;
abs_br : std_ulogic;
@ -82,10 +76,10 @@ architecture behaviour of execute1 is
end record;
constant reg_type_init : reg_type :=
(e => Execute1ToWritebackInit,
cur_instr => Decode2ToExecute1Init,
busy => '0', lr_update => '0', terminate => '0',
fp_exception_next => '0', trace_next => '0', prev_op => OP_ILLEGAL,
mul_in_progress => '0', mul_finish => '0', div_in_progress => '0', cntz_in_progress => '0',
slow_op_insn => OP_ILLEGAL, slow_op_rc => '0', slow_op_oe => '0', slow_op_xerc => xerc_init,
next_lr => (others => '0'), last_nia => (others => '0'),
redirect => '0', abs_br => '0', do_intr => '0', vector => 0,
br_offset => (others => '0'), redir_mode => "0000",
@ -112,6 +106,7 @@ architecture behaviour of execute1 is
signal spr_result: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal result_mux_sel: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal sub_mux_sel: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal current: Decode2ToExecute1Type;
-- multiply signals
signal x_to_multiply: MultiplyInputType;
@ -294,10 +289,10 @@ begin
terminate_out <= r.terminate;
current <= e_in when r.busy = '0' else r.cur_instr;
-- Result mux
result_mux_sel <= e_in.result_sel when r.busy = '0' else r.resmux;
sub_mux_sel <= e_in.sub_select when r.busy = '0' else r.submux;
with result_mux_sel select alu_result <=
with current.result_sel select alu_result <=
adder_result when "000",
logical_result when "001",
rotator_result when "010",
@ -333,9 +328,12 @@ begin
variable a_inv : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable b_or_m1 : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable addg6s : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable isel_result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable darn : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable mfcr_result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable setb_result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable newcrf : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable sum_with_carry : std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0);
variable result_en : std_ulogic;
variable crnum : crnum_t;
variable crbit : integer range 0 to 31;
variable scrnum : crnum_t;
@ -375,7 +373,6 @@ begin
variable fv : Execute1ToFPUType;
sum_with_carry := (others => '0');
result_en := '0';
newcrf := (others => '0');
is_branch := '0';
taken_branch := '0';
@ -400,7 +397,7 @@ begin
-- (SO, OV[32] and CA[32]) are only modified by instructions that are
-- handled here, we can just forward the result being sent to
-- writeback.
if r.e.write_xerc_enable = '1' then
if r.e.write_xerc_enable = '1' or r.busy = '1' then
v.e.xerc := r.e.xerc;
v.e.xerc := e_in.xerc;
@ -422,7 +419,6 @@ begin
v.cntz_in_progress := '0';
v.mul_finish := '0';
misc_result <= (others => '0');
spr_result <= (others => '0');
spr_val := (others => '0');
@ -440,6 +436,8 @@ begin
sum_with_carry := ppc_adde(a_inv, b_or_m1,
decode_input_carry(e_in.input_carry, v.e.xerc));
adder_result <= sum_with_carry(63 downto 0);
carry_32 := sum_with_carry(32) xor a_inv(32) xor b_in(32);
carry_64 := sum_with_carry(64);
-- signals to multiply and divide units
sign1 := '0';
@ -513,7 +511,7 @@ begin
x_to_divider.divisor <= x"00000000" & std_ulogic_vector(abs2(31 downto 0));
end if;
case sub_mux_sel(1 downto 0) is
case current.sub_select(1 downto 0) is
when "00" =>
muldiv_result <= multiply_to_x.result(63 downto 0);
when "01" =>
@ -525,6 +523,117 @@ begin
muldiv_result <= divider_to_x.write_reg_data;
end case;
-- Compute misc_result
case current.sub_select is
when "000" =>
misc_result <= (others => '0');
when "001" =>
-- addg6s
addg6s := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to 14 loop
lo := i * 4;
hi := (i + 1) * 4;
if (a_in(hi) xor b_in(hi) xor sum_with_carry(hi)) = '0' then
addg6s(lo + 3 downto lo) := "0110";
end if;
end loop;
if sum_with_carry(64) = '0' then
addg6s(63 downto 60) := "0110";
end if;
misc_result <= addg6s;
when "010" =>
-- isel
crbit := to_integer(unsigned(insn_bc(e_in.insn)));
if cr_in(31-crbit) = '1' then
isel_result := a_in;
isel_result := b_in;
end if;
misc_result <= isel_result;
when "011" =>
-- darn
darn := (others => '1');
if random_err = '0' then
case e_in.insn(17 downto 16) is
when "00" =>
darn := x"00000000" & random_cond(31 downto 0);
when "10" =>
darn := random_raw;
when others =>
darn := random_cond;
end case;
end if;
misc_result <= darn;
when "100" =>
-- mfmsr
misc_result <= ctrl.msr;
when "101" =>
if e_in.insn(20) = '0' then
-- mfcr
mfcr_result := x"00000000" & cr_in;
-- mfocrf
crnum := fxm_to_num(insn_fxm(e_in.insn));
mfcr_result := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := (7-i)*4;
hi := lo + 3;
if crnum = i then
mfcr_result(hi downto lo) := cr_in(hi downto lo);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
misc_result <= mfcr_result;
when "110" =>
-- setb
bfa := insn_bfa(e_in.insn);
crbit := to_integer(unsigned(bfa)) * 4;
setb_result := (others => '0');
if cr_in(31 - crbit) = '1' then
setb_result := (others => '1');
elsif cr_in(30 - crbit) = '1' then
setb_result(0) := '1';
end if;
misc_result <= setb_result;
when others =>
misc_result <= (others => '0');
end case;
-- compute comparison results
-- Note, we have done RB - RA, not RA - RB
if e_in.insn_type = OP_CMP then
l := insn_l(e_in.insn);
l := not e_in.is_32bit;
end if;
zerolo := not (or (a_in(31 downto 0) xor b_in(31 downto 0)));
zerohi := not (or (a_in(63 downto 32) xor b_in(63 downto 32)));
if zerolo = '1' and (l = '0' or zerohi = '1') then
-- values are equal
trapval := "00100";
if l = '1' then
-- 64-bit comparison
msb_a := a_in(63);
msb_b := b_in(63);
-- 32-bit comparison
msb_a := a_in(31);
msb_b := b_in(31);
end if;
if msb_a /= msb_b then
-- Subtraction might overflow, but
-- comparison is clear from MSB difference.
-- for signed, 0 is greater; for unsigned, 1 is greater
trapval := msb_a & msb_b & '0' & msb_b & msb_a;
-- Subtraction cannot overflow since MSBs are equal.
-- carry = 1 indicates RA is smaller (signed or unsigned)
a_lt := (not l and carry_32) or (l and carry_64);
trapval := a_lt & not a_lt & '0' & a_lt & not a_lt;
end if;
end if;
ctrl_tmp <= ctrl;
-- FIXME: run at 512MHz not core freq
ctrl_tmp.tb <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.tb) + 1);
@ -577,38 +686,20 @@ begin
v.prev_op := e_in.insn_type;
end if;
if ctrl.irq_state = WRITE_SRR1 then
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR1);
v.e.exc_write_data := ctrl.srr1;
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_SF) <= '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_EE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_PR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_SE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_BE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FP) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FE0) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FE1) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_IR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_DR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_RI) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_LE) <= '1';
v.e.valid := '1';
v.trace_next := '0';
v.fp_exception_next := '0';
report "Writing SRR1: " & to_hstring(ctrl.srr1);
elsif valid_in = '1' and e_in.second = '0' and
((HAS_FPU and r.fp_exception_next = '1') or r.trace_next = '1') then
-- Determine if there is any exception to be taken
-- before/instead of executing this instruction
if valid_in = '1' and e_in.second = '0' then
if HAS_FPU and r.fp_exception_next = '1' then
-- This is used for FP-type program interrupts that
-- become pending due to MSR[FE0,FE1] changing from 00 to non-zero.
exception := '1';
v.vector := 16#700#;
ctrl_tmp.srr1(63 - 43) <= '1';
ctrl_tmp.srr1(63 - 47) <= '1';
elsif r.trace_next = '1' then
-- Generate a trace interrupt rather than executing the next instruction
-- or taking any asynchronous interrupt
exception := '1';
v.vector := 16#d00#;
ctrl_tmp.srr1(63 - 33) <= '1';
if r.prev_op = OP_LOAD or r.prev_op = OP_ICBI or r.prev_op = OP_ICBT or
@ -617,18 +708,13 @@ begin
elsif r.prev_op = OP_STORE or r.prev_op = OP_DCBZ or r.prev_op = OP_DCBTST then
ctrl_tmp.srr1(63 - 36) <= '1';
end if;
end if;
exception := '1';
elsif irq_valid = '1' and valid_in = '1' and e_in.second = '0' then
-- we need two cycles to write srr0 and 1
-- will need more when we have to write HEIR
elsif irq_valid = '1' then
-- Don't deliver the interrupt until we have a valid instruction
-- coming in, so we have a valid NIA to put in SRR0.
exception := '1';
elsif valid_in = '1' and ctrl.msr(MSR_PR) = '1' and
instr_is_privileged(e_in.insn_type, e_in.insn) then
elsif ctrl.msr(MSR_PR) = '1' and instr_is_privileged(e_in.insn_type, e_in.insn) then
-- generate a program interrupt
exception := '1';
v.vector := 16#700#;
@ -636,29 +722,24 @@ begin
ctrl_tmp.srr1(63 - 45) <= '1';
report "privileged instruction";
elsif not HAS_FPU and valid_in = '1' and e_in.fac = FPU then
elsif not HAS_FPU and e_in.fac = FPU then
-- make lfd/stfd/lfs/stfs etc. illegal in no-FPU implementations
illegal := '1';
elsif HAS_FPU and valid_in = '1' and ctrl.msr(MSR_FP) = '0' and e_in.fac = FPU then
elsif HAS_FPU and ctrl.msr(MSR_FP) = '0' and e_in.fac = FPU then
-- generate a floating-point unavailable interrupt
exception := '1';
v.vector := 16#800#;
report "FP unavailable interrupt";
end if;
end if;
elsif valid_in = '1' and e_in.unit = ALU then
if valid_in = '1' and exception = '0' and illegal = '0' and e_in.unit = ALU then
report "execute nia " & to_hstring(e_in.nia);
v.cur_instr := e_in;
v.next_lr := next_nia;
v.e.valid := '1';
v.e.write_reg := e_in.write_reg;
v.slow_op_insn := e_in.insn_type;
v.slow_op_dest := gspr_to_gpr(e_in.write_reg);
v.slow_op_rc := e_in.rc;
v.slow_op_oe := e_in.oe;
v.slow_op_xerc := v.e.xerc;
v.resmux := e_in.result_sel;
v.submux := e_in.sub_select;
case_0: case e_in.insn_type is
@ -689,10 +770,7 @@ begin
end if;
-- Do nothing
when OP_ADD | OP_CMP | OP_TRAP =>
carry_32 := sum_with_carry(32) xor a_inv(32) xor b_in(32);
carry_64 := sum_with_carry(64);
if e_in.insn_type = OP_ADD then
when OP_ADD =>
if e_in.output_carry = '1' then
if e_in.input_carry /= OV then
set_carry(v.e, carry_32, carry_64);
@ -707,43 +785,8 @@ begin
calc_ov(a_inv(63), b_in(63), carry_64, sum_with_carry(63)),
calc_ov(a_inv(31), b_in(31), carry_32, sum_with_carry(31)));
end if;
result_en := '1';
-- trap, CMP and CMPL instructions
-- Note, we have done RB - RA, not RA - RB
if e_in.insn_type = OP_CMP then
l := insn_l(e_in.insn);
l := not e_in.is_32bit;
end if;
zerolo := not (or (a_in(31 downto 0) xor b_in(31 downto 0)));
zerohi := not (or (a_in(63 downto 32) xor b_in(63 downto 32)));
if zerolo = '1' and (l = '0' or zerohi = '1') then
-- values are equal
trapval := "00100";
if l = '1' then
-- 64-bit comparison
msb_a := a_in(63);
msb_b := b_in(63);
-- 32-bit comparison
msb_a := a_in(31);
msb_b := b_in(31);
end if;
if msb_a /= msb_b then
-- Subtraction might overflow, but
-- comparison is clear from MSB difference.
-- for signed, 0 is greater; for unsigned, 1 is greater
trapval := msb_a & msb_b & '0' & msb_b & msb_a;
-- Subtraction cannot overflow since MSBs are equal.
-- carry = 1 indicates RA is smaller (signed or unsigned)
a_lt := (not l and carry_32) or (l and carry_64);
trapval := a_lt & not a_lt & '0' & a_lt & not a_lt;
end if;
end if;
if e_in.insn_type = OP_CMP then
when OP_CMP =>
-- CMP and CMPL instructions
if e_in.is_signed = '1' then
newcrf := trapval(4 downto 2) & v.e.xerc.so;
@ -758,7 +801,7 @@ begin
hi := lo + 3;
v.e.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) := newcrf;
end loop;
when OP_TRAP =>
-- trap instructions (tw, twi, td, tdi)
v.vector := 16#700#;
-- set bit 46 to say trap occurred
@ -768,22 +811,7 @@ begin
exception := '1';
report "trap";
end if;
end if;
end if;
when OP_ADDG6S =>
addg6s := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to 14 loop
lo := i * 4;
hi := (i + 1) * 4;
if (a_in(hi) xor b_in(hi) xor sum_with_carry(hi)) = '0' then
addg6s(lo + 3 downto lo) := "0110";
end if;
end loop;
if sum_with_carry(64) = '0' then
addg6s(63 downto 60) := "0110";
end if;
misc_result <= addg6s;
result_en := '1';
when OP_CMPRB =>
newcrf := ppc_cmprb(a_in, b_in, insn_l(e_in.insn));
bf := insn_bf(e_in.insn);
@ -802,7 +830,6 @@ begin
newcrf & newcrf & newcrf & newcrf;
result_en := '1';
when OP_B =>
is_branch := '1';
taken_branch := '1';
@ -812,12 +839,8 @@ begin
end if;
when OP_BC =>
-- read_data1 is CTR
v.e.write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_CTR);
bo := insn_bo(e_in.insn);
bi := insn_bi(e_in.insn);
if bo(4-2) = '0' then
result_en := '1';
end if;
is_branch := '1';
taken_branch := ppc_bc_taken(bo, bi, cr_in, a_in);
abs_branch := insn_aa(e_in.insn);
@ -827,12 +850,8 @@ begin
when OP_BCREG =>
-- read_data1 is CTR
-- read_data2 is target register (CTR, LR or TAR)
v.e.write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_CTR);
bo := insn_bo(e_in.insn);
bi := insn_bi(e_in.insn);
if bo(4-2) = '0' and e_in.insn(10) = '0' then
result_en := '1';
end if;
is_branch := '1';
taken_branch := ppc_bc_taken(bo, bi, cr_in, a_in);
abs_branch := '1';
@ -868,13 +887,6 @@ begin
v.cntz_in_progress := '1';
v.busy := '1';
when OP_ISEL =>
crbit := to_integer(unsigned(insn_bc(e_in.insn)));
if cr_in(31-crbit) = '1' then
misc_result <= a_in;
misc_result <= b_in;
end if;
result_en := '1';
when OP_CROP =>
cr_op := insn_cr(e_in.insn);
report "CR OP " & to_hstring(cr_op);
@ -927,27 +939,11 @@ begin
v.e.write_cr_data := newcrf & newcrf & newcrf & newcrf &
newcrf & newcrf & newcrf & newcrf;
when OP_DARN =>
if random_err = '0' then
case e_in.insn(17 downto 16) is
when "00" =>
misc_result <= x"00000000" & random_cond(31 downto 0);
when "10" =>
misc_result <= random_raw;
when others =>
misc_result <= random_cond;
end case;
misc_result <= (others => '1');
end if;
result_en := '1';
when OP_MFMSR =>
misc_result <= ctrl.msr;
result_en := '1';
when OP_MFSPR =>
report "MFSPR to SPR " & integer'image(decode_spr_num(e_in.insn)) &
"=" & to_hstring(a_in);
result_en := '1';
if is_fast_spr(e_in.read_reg1) then
if is_fast_spr(e_in.read_reg1) = '1' then
spr_val := a_in;
if decode_spr_num(e_in.insn) = SPR_XER then
-- bits 0:31 and 35:43 are treated as reserved and return 0s when read using mfxer
@ -982,7 +978,7 @@ begin
when others =>
-- mfspr from unimplemented SPRs should be a nop in
-- supervisor mode and a program interrupt for user mode
if ctrl.msr(MSR_PR) = '1' then
if is_fast_spr(e_in.read_reg1) = '0' and ctrl.msr(MSR_PR) = '1' then
illegal := '1';
end if;
end case;
@ -990,22 +986,6 @@ begin
spr_result <= spr_val;
when OP_MFCR =>
if e_in.insn(20) = '0' then
-- mfcr
misc_result <= x"00000000" & cr_in;
-- mfocrf
crnum := fxm_to_num(insn_fxm(e_in.insn));
misc_result <= (others => '0');
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := (7-i)*4;
hi := lo + 3;
if crnum = i then
misc_result(hi downto lo) <= cr_in(hi downto lo);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
result_en := '1';
when OP_MTCRF =>
v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
if e_in.insn(20) = '0' then
@ -1045,7 +1025,6 @@ begin
report "MTSPR to SPR " & integer'image(decode_spr_num(e_in.insn)) &
"=" & to_hstring(c_in);
if is_fast_spr(e_in.write_reg) then
result_en := '1';
if decode_spr_num(e_in.insn) = SPR_XER then
v.e.xerc.so := c_in(63-32);
v.e.xerc.ov := c_in(63-33);
@ -1073,16 +1052,7 @@ begin
if e_in.output_carry = '1' then
set_carry(v.e, rotator_carry, rotator_carry);
end if;
result_en := '1';
when OP_SETB =>
bfa := insn_bfa(e_in.insn);
crbit := to_integer(unsigned(bfa)) * 4;
misc_result <= (others => '0');
if cr_in(31 - crbit) = '1' then
misc_result <= (others => '1');
elsif cr_in(30 - crbit) = '1' then
misc_result(0) <= '1';
end if;
when OP_ISYNC =>
v.redirect := '1';
@ -1108,8 +1078,6 @@ begin
report "illegal";
end case;
v.e.rc := e_in.rc and valid_in;
-- Mispredicted branches cause a redirect
if is_branch = '1' then
if taken_branch = '1' then
@ -1126,26 +1094,7 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
-- Update LR on the next cycle after a branch link
-- If we're not writing back anything else, we can write back LR
-- this cycle, otherwise we take an extra cycle. We use the
-- exc_write path since next_nia is written through that path
-- in other places.
if e_in.lr = '1' then
if result_en = '0' then
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
v.e.exc_write_data := next_nia;
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_LR);
v.lr_update := '1';
v.next_lr := next_nia;
v.e.valid := '0';
report "Delayed LR update to " & to_hstring(next_nia);
v.busy := '1';
end if;
end if;
elsif valid_in = '1' then
elsif valid_in = '1' and exception = '0' and illegal = '0' then
-- instruction for other units, i.e. LDST
if e_in.unit = LDST then
lv.valid := '1';
@ -1164,23 +1113,28 @@ begin
-- valid_in = 0. Hence they don't happen in the same cycle as any of
-- the cases above which depend on valid_in = 1.
if r.redirect = '1' then
v.e.valid := '1';
end if;
if r.lr_update = '1' then
if ctrl.irq_state = WRITE_SRR1 then
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR1);
v.e.exc_write_data := ctrl.srr1;
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
v.e.exc_write_data := r.next_lr;
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_LR);
v.e.valid := '1';
-- Keep r.e.write_data unchanged next cycle in case it is needed
-- for a forwarded result (e.g. for CTR).
hold_wr_data := '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_SF) <= '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_EE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_PR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_SE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_BE) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FP) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FE0) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_FE1) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_IR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_DR) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_RI) <= '0';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_LE) <= '1';
v.trace_next := '0';
v.fp_exception_next := '0';
report "Writing SRR1: " & to_hstring(ctrl.srr1);
elsif r.cntz_in_progress = '1' then
-- cnt[lt]z always takes two cycles
result_en := '1';
v.e.write_reg := gpr_to_gspr(r.slow_op_dest);
v.e.rc := r.slow_op_rc;
v.e.xerc := r.slow_op_xerc;
v.e.valid := '1';
elsif r.mul_in_progress = '1' or r.div_in_progress = '1' then
if (r.mul_in_progress = '1' and multiply_to_x.valid = '1') or
@ -1190,23 +1144,21 @@ begin
overflow := divider_to_x.overflow;
end if;
if r.mul_in_progress = '1' and r.slow_op_oe = '1' then
if r.mul_in_progress = '1' and current.oe = '1' then
-- have to wait until next cycle for overflow indication
v.mul_finish := '1';
v.busy := '1';
result_en := '1';
v.e.write_reg := gpr_to_gspr(r.slow_op_dest);
v.e.rc := r.slow_op_rc;
v.e.xerc := r.slow_op_xerc;
v.e.write_xerc_enable := r.slow_op_oe;
v.e.write_xerc_enable := current.oe;
-- We must test oe because the RC update code in writeback
-- will use the xerc value to set CR0:SO so we must not clobber
-- xerc if OE wasn't set.
if r.slow_op_oe = '1' then
if current.oe = '1' then
v.e.xerc.ov := overflow;
v.e.xerc.ov32 := overflow;
v.e.xerc.so := r.slow_op_xerc.so or overflow;
if overflow = '1' then
v.e.xerc.so := '1';
end if;
end if;
v.e.valid := '1';
end if;
@ -1217,16 +1169,19 @@ begin
end if;
elsif r.mul_finish = '1' then
hold_wr_data := '1';
result_en := '1';
v.e.write_reg := gpr_to_gspr(r.slow_op_dest);
v.e.rc := r.slow_op_rc;
v.e.xerc := r.slow_op_xerc;
v.e.write_xerc_enable := r.slow_op_oe;
v.e.write_xerc_enable := current.oe;
v.e.xerc.ov := multiply_to_x.overflow;
v.e.xerc.ov32 := multiply_to_x.overflow;
v.e.xerc.so := r.slow_op_xerc.so or multiply_to_x.overflow;
if multiply_to_x.overflow = '1' then
v.e.xerc.so := '1';
end if;
v.e.valid := '1';
end if;
-- When doing delayed LR update, keep r.e.write_data unchanged
-- next cycle in case it is needed for a forwarded result (e.g. CTR).
if r.lr_update = '1' then
hold_wr_data := '1';
end if;
-- Generate FP-type program interrupt. fp_in.interrupt will only
-- be set during the execution of a FP instruction.
@ -1253,17 +1208,6 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
if do_trace = '1' then
v.trace_next := '1';
end if;
if hold_wr_data = '0' then
v.e.write_data := alu_result;
v.e.write_data := r.e.write_data;
end if;
v.e.write_enable := result_en and not exception;
-- generate DSI or DSegI for load/store exceptions
-- or ISI or ISegI for instruction fetch exceptions
if l_in.exception = '1' then
@ -1297,10 +1241,52 @@ begin
v.do_intr := '1';
end if;
if do_trace = '1' then
v.trace_next := '1';
end if;
if hold_wr_data = '0' then
v.e.write_data := alu_result;
v.e.write_data := r.e.write_data;
end if;
v.e.write_reg := current.write_reg;
v.e.write_enable := current.write_reg_enable and v.e.valid and not exception;
v.e.rc := current.rc and v.e.valid and not exception;
-- Update LR on the next cycle after a branch link
-- If we're not writing back anything else, we can write back LR
-- this cycle, otherwise we take an extra cycle. We use the
-- exc_write path since next_nia is written through that path
-- in other places.
if v.e.valid = '1' and exception = '0' and current.lr = '1' then
if current.write_reg_enable = '0' then
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
v.e.exc_write_data := next_nia;
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_LR);
v.lr_update := '1';
v.e.valid := '0';
report "Delayed LR update to " & to_hstring(next_nia);
v.busy := '1';
end if;
end if;
if r.lr_update = '1' then
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
v.e.exc_write_data := r.next_lr;
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_LR);
v.e.valid := '1';
end if;
-- Defer completion for one cycle when redirecting.
-- This also ensures r.busy = 1 when ctrl.irq_state = WRITE_SRR1
if v.redirect = '1' then
v.busy := '1';
v.e.valid := '0';
end if;
if r.redirect = '1' then
v.e.valid := '1';
end if;
-- Outputs to fetch1
f.redirect := r.redirect;