dcache: Add testbench

A very simple one for now...

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Benjamin Herrenschmidt 5 years ago
parent 742b21480e
commit cb4451498f

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ GHDL=ghdl
GHDLFLAGS=--std=08 -Psim-unisim GHDLFLAGS=--std=08 -Psim-unisim
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall

all = core_tb simple_ram_behavioural_tb soc_reset_tb icache_tb multiply_tb dmi_dtm_tb divider_tb \ all = core_tb simple_ram_behavioural_tb soc_reset_tb icache_tb dcache_tb multiply_tb dmi_dtm_tb divider_tb \
rotator_tb countzero_tb rotator_tb countzero_tb

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ plru_tb.o: plru.o
icache.o: common.o wishbone_types.o plru.o cache_ram.o icache.o: common.o wishbone_types.o plru.o cache_ram.o
icache_tb.o: common.o wishbone_types.o icache.o simple_ram_behavioural.o icache_tb.o: common.o wishbone_types.o icache.o simple_ram_behavioural.o
dcache.o: common.o wishbone_types.o plru.o cache_ram.o dcache.o: common.o wishbone_types.o plru.o cache_ram.o
dcache_tb.o: common.o wishbone_types.o dcache.o simple_ram_behavioural.o
insn_helpers.o: insn_helpers.o:
loadstore1.o: common.o helpers.o loadstore1.o: common.o helpers.o
logical.o: decode_types.o logical.o: decode_types.o
@ -81,6 +82,9 @@ fetch_tb: fetch_tb.o
icache_tb: icache_tb.o icache_tb: icache_tb.o
$(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) -Wl,simple_ram_behavioural_helpers_c.o $@ $(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) -Wl,simple_ram_behavioural_helpers_c.o $@

dcache_tb: dcache_tb.o
$(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) -Wl,simple_ram_behavioural_helpers_c.o $@

plru_tb: plru_tb.o plru_tb: plru_tb.o
$(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) $@ $(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) $@

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

library work;
use work.common.all;
use work.wishbone_types.all;

entity dcache_tb is
end dcache_tb;

architecture behave of dcache_tb is
signal clk : std_ulogic;
signal rst : std_ulogic;

signal d_in : Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
signal d_out : DcacheToWritebackType;

signal wb_bram_in : wishbone_master_out;
signal wb_bram_out : wishbone_slave_out;

constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
dcache0: entity work.dcache
generic map(
LINE_SIZE => 64,
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
d_in => d_in,
d_out => d_out,
wishbone_out => wb_bram_in,
wishbone_in => wb_bram_out

-- BRAM Memory slave
bram0: entity work.mw_soc_memory
generic map(
RAM_INIT_FILE => "icache_test.bin"
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
wishbone_in => wb_bram_in,
wishbone_out => wb_bram_out

clk_process: process
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2;
end process;

rst_process: process
rst <= '1';
wait for 2*clk_period;
rst <= '0';
end process;

stim: process
-- Clear stuff
d_in.valid <= '0';
d_in.load <= '0';
d_in.nc <= '0';
d_in.addr <= (others => '0');
d_in.data <= (others => '0');
d_in.write_reg <= (others => '0');
d_in.length <= (others => '0');
d_in.byte_reverse <= '0';
d_in.sign_extend <= '0';
d_in.update <= '0';
d_in.update_reg <= (others => '0');

wait for 4*clk_period;
wait until rising_edge(clk);

-- Cacheable read of address 4
d_in.load <= '1';
d_in.nc <= '0';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000004";
d_in.valid <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(clk);
d_in.valid <= '0';

wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.write_enable = '1';
assert d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.write_data = x"0000000100000000"
report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
"=" & to_hstring(d_out.write_data) &
" expected 0000000100000000"
severity failure;
-- wait for clk_period;

-- Cacheable read of address 30
d_in.load <= '1';
d_in.nc <= '0';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000030";
d_in.valid <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(clk);
d_in.valid <= '0';

wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.write_enable = '1';
assert d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.write_data = x"0000000D0000000C"
report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
"=" & to_hstring(d_out.write_data) &
" expected 0000000D0000000C"
severity failure;

-- Non-cacheable read of address 100
d_in.load <= '1';
d_in.nc <= '1';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000100";
d_in.valid <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(clk);
d_in.valid <= '0';

wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.write_enable = '1';
assert d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.write_data = x"0000004100000040"
report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
"=" & to_hstring(d_out.write_data) &
" expected 0000004100000040"
severity failure;

wait for clk_period*4;

assert false report "end of test" severity failure;

end process;