divider: Return 0 for invalid and overflow cases, like P9 does

This adds logic to detect the cases where the quotient of the
division overflows the range of the output representation, and
return all zeroes in those cases, which is what POWER9 does.
To do this, we extend the dividend register by 1 bit and we do
an extra step in the division process to get a 2^64 bit of the
quotient, which ends up in the 'overflow' signal.  This catches all
the cases where dividend >= 2^64 * divisor, including the case
where divisor = 0, and the divde/divdeu cases where |RA| >= |RB|.

Then, in the output stage, we also check that the result fits in
the representable range, which depends on whether the division is
a signed division or not, and whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit
division.  If dividend >= 2^64 or the result doesn't fit in the
representable range, write_data is set to 0 and write_cr_data to
0x20000000 (i.e. cr0.eq = 1).

POWER9 sets the top 32 bits of the result to zero for 32-bit signed
divisions, and sets CR0 when RC=1 according to the 64-bit value
(i.e. CR0.LT is always 0 for 32-bit signed divisions, even if the
32-bit result is negative).  However, modsw with a negative result
sets the top 32 bits to all 1s.  We follow suit.

This updates divider_tb to check the invalid cases as well as the
valid case.

This also fixes a small bug where the reset signal for the divider
was driven from rst when it should have been driven from core_rst.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
Paul Mackerras 6 years ago
parent 5c0ba90722
commit d4f51e08c8

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ begin
divider_0: entity work.divider
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rst => core_rst,
d_in => decode2_to_divider,
d_out => divider_to_writeback

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ entity divider is
end entity divider;

architecture behaviour of divider is
signal dend : std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
signal dend : std_ulogic_vector(128 downto 0);
signal div : unsigned(63 downto 0);
signal quot : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
@ -30,30 +30,11 @@ architecture behaviour of divider is
signal is_modulus : std_ulogic;
signal is_32bit : std_ulogic;
signal extended : std_ulogic;
signal is_signed : std_ulogic;
signal rc : std_ulogic;
signal write_reg : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);

function compare_zero(value : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); is_32 : std_ulogic)
return std_ulogic_vector is
if is_32 = '1' then
if value(31) = '1' then
return "1000";
elsif unsigned(value(30 downto 0)) > 0 then
return "0100";
return "0010";
end if;
if value(63) = '1' then
return "1000";
elsif unsigned(value(62 downto 0)) > 0 then
return "0100";
return "0010";
end if;
end if;
end function compare_zero;
signal overflow : std_ulogic;
signal did_ovf : std_ulogic;

divider_0: process(clk)
@ -67,9 +48,9 @@ begin
count <= "0000000";
elsif d_in.valid = '1' then
if d_in.is_extended = '1' and not (d_in.is_signed = '1' and d_in.dividend(63) = '1') then
dend <= d_in.dividend & x"0000000000000000";
dend <= '0' & d_in.dividend & x"0000000000000000";
dend <= x"0000000000000000" & d_in.dividend;
dend <= '0' & x"0000000000000000" & d_in.dividend;
end if;
div <= unsigned(d_in.divisor);
quot <= (others => '0');
@ -78,18 +59,20 @@ begin
is_modulus <= d_in.is_modulus;
extended <= d_in.is_extended;
is_32bit <= d_in.is_32bit;
is_signed <= d_in.is_signed;
rc <= d_in.rc;
count <= "0000000";
count <= "1111111";
running <= '1';
overflow <= '0';
signcheck <= d_in.is_signed and (d_in.dividend(63) or d_in.divisor(63));
elsif signcheck = '1' then
signcheck <= '0';
neg_result <= dend(63) xor (div(63) and not is_modulus);
if dend(63) = '1' then
if extended = '1' then
dend <= std_ulogic_vector(- signed(dend(63 downto 0))) & x"0000000000000000";
dend <= '0' & std_ulogic_vector(- signed(dend(63 downto 0))) & x"0000000000000000";
dend <= x"0000000000000000" & std_ulogic_vector(- signed(dend(63 downto 0)));
dend <= '0' & x"0000000000000000" & std_ulogic_vector(- signed(dend(63 downto 0)));
end if;
end if;
if div(63) = '1' then
@ -99,18 +82,19 @@ begin
if count = "0111111" then
running <= '0';
end if;
if dend(127) = '1' or unsigned(dend(126 downto 63)) >= div then
dend <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(dend(126 downto 63)) - div) &
dend(62 downto 0) & '0';
overflow <= quot(63);
if dend(128) = '1' or unsigned(dend(127 downto 64)) >= div then
dend <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(dend(127 downto 64)) - div) &
dend(63 downto 0) & '0';
quot <= quot(62 downto 0) & '1';
count <= count + 1;
elsif dend(127 downto 56) = x"000000000000000000" and count(5 downto 3) /= "111" then
elsif dend(128 downto 57) = x"000000000000000000" and count(6 downto 3) /= "0111" then
-- consume 8 bits of zeroes in one cycle
dend <= dend(119 downto 0) & x"00";
dend <= dend(120 downto 0) & x"00";
quot <= quot(55 downto 0) & x"00";
count <= count + 8;
dend <= dend(126 downto 0) & '0';
dend <= dend(127 downto 0) & '0';
quot <= quot(62 downto 0) & '0';
count <= count + 1;
end if;
@ -126,7 +110,7 @@ begin
d_out.write_reg_nr <= write_reg;

if is_modulus = '1' then
result <= dend(127 downto 64);
result <= dend(128 downto 65);
result <= quot;
end if;
@ -135,15 +119,40 @@ begin
sresult <= result;
end if;
d_out.write_reg_data <= sresult;
did_ovf <= '0';
if is_32bit = '0' then
did_ovf <= overflow or (is_signed and (sresult(63) xor neg_result));
elsif is_signed = '1' then
if overflow = '1' or
(sresult(63 downto 31) /= x"00000000" & '0' and
sresult(63 downto 31) /= x"ffffffff" & '1') then
did_ovf <= '1';
end if;
did_ovf <= overflow or (or (sresult(63 downto 32)));
end if;
if did_ovf = '1' then
d_out.write_reg_data <= (others => '0');
elsif (is_32bit = '1') and (is_modulus = '0') then
-- 32-bit divisions set the top 32 bits of the result to 0
d_out.write_reg_data <= x"00000000" & sresult(31 downto 0);
d_out.write_reg_data <= sresult;
end if;

if count(6) = '1' then
if count = "1000000" then
d_out.valid <= '1';
d_out.write_reg_enable <= '1';
if rc = '1' then
d_out.write_cr_enable <= '1';
d_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(0);
d_out.write_cr_data <= compare_zero(sresult, is_32bit) & x"0000000";
if (did_ovf = '1') or (or (sresult) = '0') then
d_out.write_cr_data <= x"20000000";
elsif (sresult(63) = '1') and not ((is_32bit = '1') and (is_modulus = '0')) then
d_out.write_cr_data <= x"80000000";
d_out.write_cr_data <= x"40000000";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ begin
variable si: std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
variable d128: std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
variable q128: std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
variable q64: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable rem32: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
rst <= '1';
wait for clk_period;
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ begin

d1.valid <= '0';

for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ begin

d1.valid <= '0';

for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -121,13 +123,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"8000000000000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divd(ra, rb);
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divd";
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divd";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -156,13 +159,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divdu(ra, rb);
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divdu";
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divdu";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -184,7 +188,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -192,18 +196,19 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(d128) / signed(rb));
if q128(127 downto 63) = x"0000000000000000" & '0' or
q128(127 downto 63) = x"ffffffffffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divde expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divde";
end if;
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divde expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divde";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -225,7 +230,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -233,15 +238,16 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb) > unsigned(ra) then
d128 := ra & x"0000000000000000";
q128 := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(d128) / unsigned(rb));
behave_rt := q128(63 downto 0);
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdeu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divdeu";
end if;
assert to_hstring(behave_rt) = to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data)
report "bad divdeu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divdeu";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -272,13 +278,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" and (ra /= x"ffffffff80000000" or rb /= x"ffffffffffffffff") then
behave_rt := ppc_divw(ra, rb);
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad divw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divw";
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divw";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -301,7 +308,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -309,13 +316,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := ppc_divwu(ra, rb);
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad divwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divwu";
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divwu";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -338,7 +346,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -346,15 +354,17 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) / signed(rb));
if behave_rt(63 downto 31) = x"00000000" & '0' or
behave_rt(63 downto 31) = x"ffffffff" & '1' then
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad divwe expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divwe";
q64 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) / signed(rb));
if q64(63 downto 31) = x"00000000" & '0' or
q64(63 downto 31) = x"ffffffff" & '1' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & q64(31 downto 0);
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divwe expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divwe";
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -378,7 +388,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -386,13 +396,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)) > unsigned(ra(63 downto 32)) then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) / unsigned(rb));
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad divweu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divweu";
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad divweu expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data) & " for ra = " & to_hstring(ra) & " rb = " & to_hstring(rb);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for divweu";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -416,7 +427,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -424,13 +435,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra) rem signed(rb));
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modsd";
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsd expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modsd";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -454,7 +466,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -462,13 +474,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra) rem unsigned(rb));
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modud expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modud";
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modud expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modud";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -492,7 +505,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -500,13 +513,19 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra(31 downto 0)) rem signed(rb(31 downto 0)));
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad modsw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modsw";
rem32 := std_ulogic_vector(signed(ra(31 downto 0)) rem signed(rb(31 downto 0)));
if rem32(31) = '0' then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & rem32;
behave_rt := x"ffffffff" & rem32;
end if;
end if;
assert behave_rt = d2.write_reg_data
report "bad modsw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for modsw";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
@ -530,7 +549,7 @@ begin
wait for clk_period;

d1.valid <= '0';
for j in 0 to 65 loop
for j in 0 to 66 loop
wait for clk_period;
if d2.valid = '1' then
@ -538,13 +557,14 @@ begin
end loop;
assert d2.valid = '1';

behave_rt := (others => '0');
if rb /= x"0000000000000000" then
behave_rt := x"00000000" & std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ra(31 downto 0)) rem unsigned(rb(31 downto 0)));
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad moduw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('0', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for moduw";
end if;
assert behave_rt(31 downto 0) = d2.write_reg_data(31 downto 0)
report "bad moduw expected " & to_hstring(behave_rt) & " got " & to_hstring(d2.write_reg_data);
assert ppc_cmpi('1', behave_rt, x"0000") & x"0000000" = d2.write_cr_data
report "bad CR setting for moduw";
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
