parm experiments and cleanup

openpowerwtf 3 years ago
parent 9cca046fa4
commit 7256fa3539

@ -49,6 +49,17 @@ module a2l2wb #(
input rst,

input [0:31] cfg_dat,

// chg to cfg_cmd
// 000 nop
// 001
// 010
// 011
// 100 write
// 101 write mask set
// 110 write mask rst
// 111 write mask xor

input cfg_wr,
output [0:31] status,

@ -120,7 +131,7 @@ module a2l2wb #(
output an_ac_tb_update_pulse,
input [0:7] ac_an_lpar_id,
input [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_special_attn,
input [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_checkstop, //supposed to be 0:2 always?
input [0:2] ac_an_checkstop,
output an_ac_checkstop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_machine_check,
output [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_external_mchk,
@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ module a2l2wb #(
reg [0:31] cfg_q;

// depend on MEM_MODE
reg [0:127] mem[MEM_QW];
reg [0:127] mem[0:MEM_QW-1];
wire [0:127] mem_dat_int;
reg [0:3] wbseq_q;
wire [0:3] wbseq_d;
@ -629,10 +640,10 @@ endgenerate
assign an_ac_pm_thread_stop[0] = cfg_q[0];
assign an_ac_pm_fetch_halt[0] = cfg_q[1];

assign status = {ac_an_pm_thread_running[0], ac_an_special_attn[0], ac_an_machine_check[0], ac_an_checkstop[0],
ac_an_debug_trigger[0], ac_an_power_managed, ac_an_rvwinkle_mode, 1'b0,
assign status = {ac_an_pm_thread_running[0], ac_an_special_attn[0], ac_an_machine_check[0],
ac_an_debug_trigger[0], ac_an_power_managed, ac_an_rvwinkle_mode, 2'b0,
8'b0, 8'b0,
7'b0, err_q
4'b0, ac_an_checkstop[0:2], err_q

@ -60,140 +60,27 @@

module a2owb (

input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
input scan_in,
output scan_out,
input clk_1x,
input clk_2x,
input rst,

// Pervasive clock control
input an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8,
input an_ac_func_sl_thold_8,
input an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8,
input an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8,
input an_ac_sg_8,
input an_ac_fce_8,
input [0:7] an_ac_abst_scan_in,

//SCOM Satellite
input [0:3] an_ac_scom_sat_id,
input an_ac_scom_dch,
input an_ac_scom_cch,

output ac_an_scom_dch,
output ac_an_scom_cch,

// FIR and Error Signals
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_special_attn,
output [0:2] ac_an_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_local_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_recov_err,
output ac_an_trace_error,
output ac_an_livelock_active,

// Perfmon Event Bus
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus0,
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus1,

// Power Management
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_pm_thread_running,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_thread_stop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_fetch_halt,

// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
input an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc,
input an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc,
input an_ac_ccflush_dc,
input an_ac_ccenable_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_en_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ip_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc,
input an_ac_scan_diag_dc,
input an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,

//Thold input to clock control macro
input [0:8] an_ac_scan_type_dc,
// Pervasive
output ac_an_reset_1_request,
output ac_an_reset_2_request,
output ac_an_reset_3_request,
output ac_an_reset_wd_request,
input an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
// intr
input timerInterrupt,
input externalInterrupt,
input softwareInterrupt,
input externalInterruptS,

input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_ext_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_crit_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_perf_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_sleep_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_hang_pulse,
input an_ac_tb_update_enable,
input an_ac_tb_update_pulse,
input [0:3] an_ac_chipid_dc,
input [0:7] an_ac_coreid,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_machine_check,
input an_ac_debug_stop,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_debug_trigger,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_uncond_dbg_event,
output [0:31] ac_an_debug_bus,
output ac_an_coretrace_first_valid,
output ac_an_coretrace_valid,
output [0:1] ac_an_coretrace_type,
input an_ac_flh2l2_gate,
input an_ac_reset_1_complete,
input an_ac_reset_2_complete,
input an_ac_reset_3_complete,
input an_ac_reset_wd_complete,
output an_ac_checkstop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_external_mchk,
output ac_an_power_managed,
output ac_an_rvwinkle_mode,
// direct-attach mem
output [0:31] mem_adr,
input [0:127] mem_dat,
output mem_wr_val,
output [0:15] mem_wr_be,
output [0:127] mem_wr_dat,
// wishbone
output wb_stb,
output wb_cyc,
output [31:0] wb_adr,
output wb_we,
output [3:0] wb_sel,
output [31:0] wb_datw,
input wb_ack,
input [31:0] wb_datr
input clk_1x,
input clk_2x,
input rst,

input [0:31] cfg_dat,
input cfg_wr,
output [0:31] status,

input timerInterrupt,
input externalInterrupt,
input softwareInterrupt,
input externalInterruptS,

output wb_stb,
output wb_cyc,
output [31:0] wb_adr,
output wb_we,
output [3:0] wb_sel,
output [31:0] wb_datw,
input wb_ack,
input [31:0] wb_datr

wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk;
@ -284,25 +171,24 @@ wire an_ac_reset_2_complete;
wire an_ac_reset_3_complete;
wire an_ac_reset_wd_complete;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_uncond_dbg_event;
wire [0:2] ac_an_checkstop;
wire [0:127] mem_wr_dat;

// not connected
wire scan_out;
wire [0:31] ac_an_debug_bus;
wire [0:31] mem_adr;
wire mem_wr_val;
wire [0:15] mem_wr_be;
wire [0:127] mem_wr_dat;
wire [0:2] ac_an_checkstop;
wire [0:2] ac_an_local_checkstop;
wire [0:2] ac_an_recov_err;
wire ac_an_trace_err;
wire ac_an_livelock_active;
wire [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus0;
wire [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus1;
wire ac_an_reset_1_request;
wire ac_an_reset_2_request;
wire ac_an_reset_3_request;
wire ac_an_reset_wd_request;
//wire scan_out;
//wire [0:31] mem_adr;
//wire mem_wr_val;
//wire [0:15] mem_wr_be;
//wire [0:2] ac_an_local_checkstop;
//wire [0:2] ac_an_recov_err;
//wire ac_an_trace_err;
//wire ac_an_livelock_active;
//wire [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus0;
//wire [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus1;
//wire ac_an_reset_1_request;
//wire ac_an_reset_2_request;
//wire ac_an_reset_3_request;
//wire ac_an_reset_wd_request;

assign nclk = {clk_1x, rst, clk_2x, 3'b00};

@ -351,7 +237,7 @@ assign an_ac_uncond_dbg_event = 0;
c c0(

@ -406,14 +292,14 @@ c c0(



@ -435,10 +321,10 @@ c c0(
@ -477,6 +363,10 @@ a2l2wb n0(


@ -592,10 +482,10 @@ a2l2wb n0(

// direct-attach mem


@ -28,96 +28,286 @@

// Transaction limiting
// Experiments with downsizing
// ;tldr most dont work!

`ifndef _tri_a2o_vh_
`define _tri_a2o_vh_

`include "tri.vh"

// Use this line for 1 thread. Comment out for 2 thread design.
`define THREADS1
// Experiments with downsizing

`define RESET_VECTOR 32'h00000000
// normal settings
`define LQ_NORMAL
`define DC_32
`define IU_NORMAL // this one actually works if keep erat bypass
`define RN_CP_NORMAL
`define RV_NORMAL // needs rtl updates to support changes

`define gpr_t 3'b000
`define cr_t 3'b001
`define lr_t 3'b010
`define ctr_t 3'b011
`define xer_t 3'b100
`define spr_t 3'b101
`define axu0_t 3'b110
`define axu1_t 3'b111
`define EXPAND_TLB_TYPE 2 // 0 = erat-only, 1 = tlb logic, 2 = tlb array
//`define EXPAND_TLB_TYPE 0 // doesn't work in sim

/*wtf these are a mess; need to be doc'd and create dependency reqts and legal ranges;
shrinking values causes lots of bit sel vector problems, and sim fails

can ic size/ways be easily added?
can dc ways use parameter?

// ********************************************************************************************************
// Load/Store
`ifdef LQ_NORMAL

`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 16
`define STQ_ENTRIES 12
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 4 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 8
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 8
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4 // erat miss queue (d-only?)
`define IUQ_ENTRIES 4 // Instruction Fetch Queue Size (lq)
`define MMQ_ENTRIES 2 // MMU Queue Size (lq)

`ifdef THREADS1
`define THREADS 1
`define THREADS 2

// these values comp/elab and DON'T pass test3 (coco)
// and vivado still gets an elab error:
// ERROR: [Synth 8-524] part-select [0:4] out of range of prefix 'stq3_cmmt_ptr_q' [/data/projects/a2o/dev/build/litex/a2o/verilog/work/lq_stq.v:2171]
// not sure if it's a true requirement or the hardcoded 0:4 can use `STQ_ENTRIES
`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 4 // ?order?
`define STQ_ENTRIES 4
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 2 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 4
// above w/STQ_ENTRIES=5
// these values comp/elab and fail test3 (coco) with cp hang after 8700 cys
`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 4 // ?order?
`define STQ_ENTRIES 5
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 2 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 4
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 1 // erat miss queue (d-only?)
`define IUQ_ENTRIES 1 // Instruction Fetch Queue Size (lq)
`define MMQ_ENTRIES 1 // MMU Queue Size (lq)

`define EFF_IFAR_ARCH 62
`define EFF_IFAR_WIDTH 20
`define EFF_IFAR 20
`define FPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define REGMODE 6
`define FPR_POOL 64
`define REAL_IFAR_WIDTH 42
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define GPR_WIDTH 64
`define ITAG_SIZE_ENC 7
// ********************************************************************************************************

// ********************************************************************************************************
// DC Size
//wtf modify ways also?

`ifdef DC_32

`define STQ_DATA_SIZE 64 // 64 or 128 Bit store data sizes supported
`define DC_SIZE 15 // 14 => 16K L1D$, 15 => 32K L1D$
`define CL_SIZE 6 // 6 => 64B CLINE, 7 => 128B CLINE


//wtf this gets 8 vector size warnings in iverilog and hangs early in coco test3
`define STQ_DATA_SIZE 64 // 64 or 128 Bit store data sizes supported
`define DC_SIZE 14 // 14 => 16K L1D$, 15 => 32K L1D$
`define CL_SIZE 6 // 6 => 64B CLINE, 7 => 128B CLINE

// ********************************************************************************************************

// ********************************************************************************************************
// IU
//wtf NO IC SIZE
// iuq_ic_dir: parameter ways = 4;
// dir_rd_addr,dir_wr_addr hardcoded 0:6 - but somewhat easy change to use smaller IC? hold bits to 0 and change lookup

`ifdef IU_NORMAL

`define INCLUDE_IERAT_BYPASS 1 // 0 => Removes IERAT Bypass logic, 1=> includes (power savings)

`define IBUFF_DEPTH 16

`define BUILD_PFETCH 1 // 1=> include pfetch in the build, 0=> build without pfetch
`define PF_IAR_BITS 12 // number of IAR bits used by prefetch
`define PF_IFAR_WIDTH 12
`define PFETCH_INITIAL_DEPTH 0 // the initial value for the SPR that determines how many lines to prefetch
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE_ENC 3 // number of bits to address queue size (3 => 8 entries, 4 => 16 entries)
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE 8 // number of entries


// compiles and fails after first op executes in coco test3 - IERAT_BYPASS=0
`define INCLUDE_IERAT_BYPASS 1 // 0 => Removes IERAT Bypass logic, 1=> includes (power savings)

// these work so far!
`define IBUFF_DEPTH 6 //wtf 4 fails compile in iuq_ibuf equations using -5

`define BUILD_PFETCH 0 // 1=> include pfetch in the build, 0=> build without pfetch
`define PF_IAR_BITS 12 // number of IAR bits used by prefetch
`define PF_IFAR_WIDTH 12
`define PFETCH_INITIAL_DEPTH 0 // the initial value for the SPR that determines how many lines to prefetch
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE_ENC 3 // number of bits to address queue size (3 => 8 entries, 4 => 16 entries)
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE 8 // number of entries


// ********************************************************************************************************

// Rename-Completion

`define CPL_Q_DEPTH 32
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH_ENC 6
`define GPR_WIDTH_ENC 6
`define GPR_POOL_ENC 6

`define GPR_POOL 64
`define GPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define GPR_UCODE_POOL 4
`define CR_POOL_ENC 5
`define FPR_POOL 64
`define FPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define CR_POOL 24
`define CR_POOL_ENC 5
`define CR_WIDTH 4
`define CR_UCODE_POOL 1
`define BR_POOL_ENC 3
`define BR_POOL 8
`define CTR_POOL_ENC 3
`define CTR_POOL 8
`define CTR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define LR_POOL_ENC 3
`define LR_POOL 8
`define LR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define XER_POOL 12
`define XER_POOL_ENC 4
`define XER_WIDTH 10
`define XER_UCODE_POOL 0


`define CPL_Q_DEPTH 16 // 16/5: ok, 8/4, 4/3: fail
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH_ENC 5

`define GPR_POOL 64
`define GPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define GPR_UCODE_POOL 4
`define FPR_POOL 64
`define FPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define CR_POOL 24
`define CR_POOL_ENC 5
`define CR_WIDTH 4
`define CR_UCODE_POOL 1
`define BR_POOL_ENC 3
`define BR_POOL 8
`define CTR_POOL_ENC 3
`define CTR_POOL 8
`define CTR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define XER_POOL_ENC 4
`define LR_POOL_ENC 3
`define LR_POOL 8
`define LR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define XER_POOL 12
`define XER_POOL_ENC 4
`define XER_WIDTH 10
`define XER_UCODE_POOL 0
`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 16
`define STQ_ENTRIES 12
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 4 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define STQ_DATA_SIZE 64 // 64 or 128 Bit store data sizes supported
`define DC_SIZE 15 // 14 => 16K L1D$, 15 => 32K L1D$
`define CL_SIZE 6 // 6 => 64B CLINE, 7 => 128B CLINE
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 8
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 8
`define AXU_SPARE_ENC 3


// Reservation Stations

`ifdef RV_NORMAL

`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 16
`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_AXU1_ENTRIES 0
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 16
`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_AXU1_ENTRIES 0
`define FXU1_ENABLE 1


//wtf there are hardcoded bit 4's in enc eqs; try not touching the enc widths (the '4' DOES come from a
// parameter though (q_barf_enc_g) so may just need rewrite, or is dont-care cuz some are always 0).
// but eqs must be related - changing entry count still fails
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 16
`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_AXU1_ENTRIES 0



/* FXU*/
`define FXU1_ENABLE 1 //wtf don't see this except in dispatch; must need some other stuff (like if deleting mmu/fpu)

// Use this line for 1 thread. Comment out for 2 thread design.
`define THREADS1

`define RESET_VECTOR 32'h00000000

`ifdef THREADS1
`define THREADS 1
`define THREADS 2

`define LOAD_CREDITS 1
`define INIT_XUCR0 32'h00000C60 // 52:single-credit LS

`define REGMODE 6 // 32/64b
`define EFF_IFAR_ARCH 62
`define EFF_IFAR_WIDTH 20
`define EFF_IFAR 20
`define REAL_IFAR_WIDTH 42

`define gpr_t 3'b000
`define cr_t 3'b001
`define lr_t 3'b010
`define ctr_t 3'b011
`define xer_t 3'b100
`define spr_t 3'b101
`define axu0_t 3'b110
`define axu1_t 3'b111

`define ITAG_SIZE_ENC 7
`define GPR_WIDTH 64
`define GPR_WIDTH_ENC 6
`define AXU_SPARE_ENC 3
`define TYPE_WIDTH 3
`define IBUFF_DEPTH 16
`define PF_IAR_BITS 12 // number of IAR bits used by prefetch
`define FXU0_PIPE_START 1
`define FXU0_PIPE_END 8
`define FXU1_PIPE_START 1
@ -126,18 +316,6 @@
`define LQ_LOAD_PIPE_END 8
`define LQ_REL_PIPE_END 4
`define LOAD_CREDITS 1
`define IUQ_ENTRIES 4 // Instruction Fetch Queue Size
`define MMQ_ENTRIES 2 // MMU Queue Size
`define CR_WIDTH 4
`define BUILD_PFETCH 1 // 1=> include pfetch in the build, 0=> build without pfetch
`define PF_IFAR_WIDTH 12
`define PFETCH_INITIAL_DEPTH 0 // the initial value for the SPR that determines how many lines to prefetch
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE_ENC 3 // number of bits to address queue size (3 => 8 entries, 4 => 16 entries)
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE 8 // number of entries
`define INCLUDE_IERAT_BYPASS 1 // 0 => Removes IERAT Bypass logic, 1=> includes (power savings)
`define XER_WIDTH 10

//wtf: change for verilatorsim - didnt help
//`define INIT_BHT 1 // 0=> array init time set to 16 clocks, 1=> increased to 512 to init BHT
@ -145,7 +323,6 @@
//`define INIT_IUCR0 16'h0000 // BP disabled
`define INIT_IUCR0 16'h00FA // BP enabled

`define INIT_MASK 2'b10
`define RELQ_INCLUDE 0 // Reload Queue Included

@ -167,8 +344,6 @@
`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h000C0C00 // 0000 0000 000a aaaa 000b bbbb 0000 0000 credits: a=fx0 b=fx1 c=ls d=sq ---- um p.544 wrong!; was this in vlog: hex 000C0C00 = 789504
//`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h00010100 // 1/1

`define INIT_XUCR0 32'h00000C60 // 52:single-credit LS

// IERAT boot config entry values
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_0TO15 0
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_16TO31 0

@ -24,25 +24,26 @@ module bram_model (DIA, DIB, ENA, ENB, WEA, WEB, SSRA, SSRB, CLKA, CLKB, ADDRA,
reg [data_w-1:0] DOB_q;

initial begin
initial begin: init
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 2**addr_w; i = i + 1)
MEM[i] = 0;

always @(posedge CLKA, posedge CLKB) begin: BRAM_MODEL
always @(posedge CLKA) begin: BRAM_MODEL
if (ENA) begin
if (WEA) begin

always @(posedge CLKB) begin: BRAM_MODEL_B
if (ENB) begin
if (WEB) begin


always @(posedge CLKA) begin

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns

@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ module iuq_dec_top(

.fu_dec_debug(), // tied 0

@ -601,12 +601,17 @@ module iuq_dispatch(
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] iu_rv_iu6_t0_i1_s3_p,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] iu_rv_iu6_t0_i1_s3_itag,
output [0:2] iu_rv_iu6_t0_i1_s3_t,
`ifdef THREADS1
output iu_rv_iu6_t0_i1_s3_dep_hit
output iu_rv_iu6_t0_i1_s3_dep_hit,

`ifndef THREADS1
// Interface with rename

output iu_rv_iu6_t1_i0_vld,
output iu_rv_iu6_t1_i0_act,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] iu_rv_iu6_t1_i0_itag,
@ -749,9 +754,9 @@ module iuq_dispatch(
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] iu_rv_iu6_t1_i1_s3_p,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] iu_rv_iu6_t1_i1_s3_itag,
output [0:2] iu_rv_iu6_t1_i1_s3_t,
output iu_rv_iu6_t1_i1_s3_dep_hit,
output iu_rv_iu6_t1_i1_s3_dep_hit
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr2_we
//input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr2_we

localparam [0:31] value_1 = 32'h00000001;

@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ module iuq_ibuf(
assign buffer_valid_act = buffer_valid_flush | valid_in[0] | (buffer_valid_q[0] & (buffer_advance[1] | buffer_advance[2]));

//wtf update for IBUFF_DEPTH < 5
// still fails - the right-side here and below have a -5
assign buffer_valid_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] = (buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {4'b1111, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 5]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {3'b111, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {2'b11, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
@ -404,6 +405,7 @@ module iuq_ibuf(
assign buffer_head_act = buffer_valid_flush | valid_in[0];

//wtf update for IBUFF_DEPTH < 5
// still fails
assign buffer_head_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] = (buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :

@ -1058,6 +1058,7 @@ module iuq_ifetch(
for (i = 0; i < `THREADS; i = i + 1)
begin : bp_gen
iuq_bp iuq_bp0(
.bp_ic_iu3_hold(), // tied 0 in iuq_bp

@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[1] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0001001101001110);
}) == 16'b0001001101001110);
assign get_address_pt[2] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[2] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b1111110010000000);
}) == 16'b1111110010000000);
assign get_address_pt[3] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[3] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0111111000000000);
}) == 16'b0111111000000000);
assign get_address_pt[4] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[4] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111101011111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111101011111);
assign get_address_pt[5] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[5] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[30] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 16'b0111110000110110);
}) == 16'b0111110000110110);
assign get_address_pt[6] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[6] =
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 16'b0111111001101110);
}) == 16'b0111111001101110);
assign get_address_pt[7] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[7] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[30] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 16'b0111110101110111);
}) == 16'b0111110101110111);
assign get_address_pt[8] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[8] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111010110101);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111010110101);
assign get_address_pt[9] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[9] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 17'b01111101001101110);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 17'b01111101001101110);
assign get_address_pt[10] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[10] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111101101111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111101101111);
assign get_address_pt[11] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[11] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111111010111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111111010111);
assign get_address_pt[12] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[12] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100011111);
}) == 14'b01111100011111);
assign get_address_pt[13] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[4] ,
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[13] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b111111011000111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b111111011000111);
assign get_address_pt[14] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[14] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100001111);
}) == 14'b01111100001111);
assign get_address_pt[15] =
(({ next_instr[1] , next_instr[2] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[4] ,
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[15] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b11111110010110);
}) == 14'b11111110010110);
assign get_address_pt[16] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[16] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[30] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 16'b0111110101110110);
}) == 16'b0111110101110110);
assign get_address_pt[17] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[17] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111010101011);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111010101011);
assign get_address_pt[18] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[18] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111100010101);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111100010101);
assign get_address_pt[19] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[19] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0111110010010000);
}) == 16'b0111110010010000);
assign get_address_pt[20] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[20] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0111111101110111);
}) == 16'b0111111101110111);
assign get_address_pt[21] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[21] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0111110001110111);
}) == 16'b0111110001110111);
assign get_address_pt[22] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[22] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111101110111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111101110111);
assign get_address_pt[23] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[23] =
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 14'b01111100101111);
}) == 14'b01111100101111);
assign get_address_pt[24] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[24] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28]
}) === 14'b01111110100101);
}) == 14'b01111110100101);
assign get_address_pt[25] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[25] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111101001111);
}) == 14'b01111101001111);
assign get_address_pt[26] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[26] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 15'b011111001101111);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 15'b011111001101111);
assign get_address_pt[27] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[27] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100100111);
}) == 14'b01111100100111);
assign get_address_pt[28] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[28] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100001111);
}) == 14'b01111100001111);
assign get_address_pt[29] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[29] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 16'b0111110000010011);
}) == 16'b0111110000010011);
assign get_address_pt[30] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[30] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100101011);
}) == 14'b01111100101011);
assign get_address_pt[31] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[31] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111110101011);
}) == 14'b01111110101011);
assign get_address_pt[32] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[4] ,
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[32] =
next_instr[22] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 13'b1111100000000);
next_instr[30] }) == 13'b1111100000000);
assign get_address_pt[33] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[33] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29]
}) === 14'b01111110001011);
}) == 14'b01111110001011);
assign get_address_pt[34] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[34] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111000110101);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111000110101);
assign get_address_pt[35] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[35] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111110010110);
}) == 14'b01111110010110);
assign get_address_pt[36] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[36] =
next_instr[23] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111110110111);
}) == 14'b01111110110111);
assign get_address_pt[37] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[37] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111010110111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111010110111);
assign get_address_pt[38] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[38] =
next_instr[22] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 13'b1111111101110);
next_instr[30] }) == 13'b1111111101110);
assign get_address_pt[39] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[39] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29]
}) === 14'b01111110001010);
}) == 14'b01111110001010);
assign get_address_pt[40] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[40] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111101010101);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111101010101);
assign get_address_pt[41] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[41] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100001101);
}) == 14'b01111100001101);
assign get_address_pt[42] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[42] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 15'b011111111010111);
next_instr[30] }) == 15'b011111111010111);
assign get_address_pt[43] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[43] =
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111100110111);
}) == 14'b01111100110111);
assign get_address_pt[44] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ assign get_address_pt[44] =
next_instr[24] , next_instr[25] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 14'b01111110101111);
}) == 14'b01111110101111);
assign get_address_pt[45] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ assign get_address_pt[45] =
next_instr[21] , next_instr[24] ,
next_instr[25] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 13'b0111110001111);
next_instr[30] }) == 13'b0111110001111);
assign get_address_pt[46] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
next_instr[30] , next_instr[31] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 9'b111010010);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 9'b111010010);
assign get_address_pt[47] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
@ -1027,156 +1027,156 @@ assign get_address_pt[47] =
next_instr[21] , next_instr[22] ,
next_instr[26] , next_instr[27] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 13'b0111111010111);
next_instr[30] }) == 13'b0111111010111);
assign get_address_pt[48] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 8'b00000001);
}) == 8'b00000001);
assign get_address_pt[49] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[30]
}) === 8'b00000110);
}) == 8'b00000110);
assign get_address_pt[50] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28]
}) === 8'b00000111);
}) == 8'b00000111);
assign get_address_pt[51] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29]
}) === 8'b00000110);
}) == 8'b00000110);
assign get_address_pt[52] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 7'b1100110);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 7'b1100110);
assign get_address_pt[53] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[30] ,
next_instr[31] }) === 7'b1111001);
next_instr[31] }) == 7'b1111001);
assign get_address_pt[54] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 7'b1010010);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 7'b1010010);
assign get_address_pt[55] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
next_instr[30] , next_instr[31]
}) === 8'b11101010);
}) == 8'b11101010);
assign get_address_pt[56] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 7'b1010110);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 7'b1010110);
assign get_address_pt[57] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28] ,
next_instr[29] , next_instr[30]
}) === 10'b1111110010);
}) == 10'b1111110010);
assign get_address_pt[58] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[5] , iu3_2ucode_l2
}) === 6'b110010);
}) == 6'b110010);
assign get_address_pt[59] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[2] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[5] ,
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) === 5'b10010);
iu3_2ucode_l2 }) == 5'b10010);
assign get_address_pt[60] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[30]
}) === 6'b111100);
}) == 6'b111100);
assign get_address_pt[61] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5]
}) === 6'b100011);
}) == 6'b100011);
assign get_address_pt[62] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[4]
}) === 4'b1010);
}) == 4'b1010);
assign get_address_pt[63] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[3] , next_instr[5]
}) === 4'b1001);
}) == 4'b1001);
assign get_address_pt[64] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[2] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5]
}) === 4'b1001);
}) == 4'b1001);
assign get_address_pt[65] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[4] , next_instr[5] ,
next_instr[30] }) === 5'b11100);
next_instr[30] }) == 5'b11100);
assign get_address_pt[66] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[30]
}) === 8'b11111110);
}) == 8'b11111110);
assign get_address_pt[67] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4]
}) === 4'b1011);
}) == 4'b1011);
assign get_address_pt[68] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3]
}) === 4'b1101);
}) == 4'b1101);
assign get_address_pt[69] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[4] }) === 5'b10111);
next_instr[4] }) == 5'b10111);
assign get_address_pt[70] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[2] ,
next_instr[4] }) === 3'b100);
next_instr[4] }) == 3'b100);
assign get_address_pt[71] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[27] , next_instr[28]
}) === 8'b11111111);
}) == 8'b11111111);
assign get_address_pt[72] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[29]
}) === 8'b11111110);
}) == 8'b11111110);
assign get_address_pt[73] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[3] ,
next_instr[5] }) === 5'b10111);
next_instr[5] }) == 5'b10111);
assign get_address_pt[74] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[5]
}) === 4'b1101);
}) == 4'b1101);
assign get_address_pt[75] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4] ,
next_instr[5] , next_instr[26] ,
next_instr[28] , next_instr[30]
}) === 8'b11111110);
}) == 8'b11111110);
assign get_address_pt[76] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] }) === 3'b110);
next_instr[2] }) == 3'b110);
assign get_address_pt[77] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] }) === 3'b101);
next_instr[2] }) == 3'b101);
assign get_address_pt[78] =
(({ next_instr[0] , next_instr[1] ,
next_instr[2] , next_instr[4]
}) === 4'b1101);
}) == 4'b1101);
assign start_addr[0] =
(get_address_pt[1] | get_address_pt[5]
| get_address_pt[9] | get_address_pt[13]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -3325,7 +3325,9 @@ endgenerate

if (`BUILD_PFETCH == 0) begin : nopf
assign pf_dec_req_addr = {(63 - `CL_SIZE-64 - (2 ** `GPR_WIDTH_ENC))+1{1'b0}};
//assign pf_dec_req_addr = {(63 - `CL_SIZE-64 - (2 ** `GPR_WIDTH_ENC))+1{1'b0}}; //wtf failed trying downsizing: -70 repeat
// [64-(2**`GPR_WIDTH_ENC):63-`CL_SIZE]
assign pf_dec_req_addr = 0;
assign pf_dec_req_thrd = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign pf_dec_req_val = 1'b0;
assign func_scan_out_int[10] = spr_pf_func_scan;

@ -2167,7 +2167,9 @@ module lq_stq(
assign stq_push_down = stq7_cmmt_flushed_q | (stq7_cmmt_val_q & stq7_cmmt_ptr_q[0]);

// since the stq is pushed down in stq7, the stq3 commit pointer will never be higher than 4

/*wtf downsizing experiments - this is wrong if STQ_ENTRIES < 5; is this a real requirement?
wire [0:`STQ_ENTRIES-1] stq3_cmmt_ptr_q;
assign stq_arb_stq3_cTag[2:4] = (stq3_cmmt_ptr_q[0:4] == 5'b10000) ? 3'b000 :
(stq3_cmmt_ptr_q[0:4] == 5'b01000) ? 3'b001 :
(stq3_cmmt_ptr_q[0:4] == 5'b00100) ? 3'b010 :
@ -2366,11 +2368,11 @@ module lq_stq(
assign ex5_qHit_set_oth_q[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;
assign ex5_qHit_set_miss[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;

always @*
begin: dummy
stq_cp_next_itag[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;
set_stqe_odq_resolved[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;
//always @*
initial begin
stq_cp_next_itag[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;
set_stqe_odq_resolved[`STQ_ENTRIES] = 0;

always @(*)

@ -2480,119 +2480,119 @@ mmq_perv mmq_perv(
if (`EXPAND_TLB_TYPE == 0)
begin : eratonly_tieoffs_gen
assign mm_iu_ierat_rel_val_sig = {-3{1'b0}};
assign mm_iu_ierat_rel_data_sig = {`ERAT_REL_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_derat_rel_val_sig = {-3{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_derat_rel_data_sig = {`ERAT_REL_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_ierat_dup_val_sig = {-5{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_derat_dup_val_sig = {-5{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_erat_dup_wait_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_barrier_done_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_flush_req_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_illeg_instr_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_ex6_illeg_instr_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_itag_sig = {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
assign tlb_ctl_ord_type = {-1{1'b0}};
assign tlb_tag4_itag_sig = {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
assign tlb_tag5_itag_sig = {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
assign tlb_tag5_emq_sig = {`EMQ_ENTRIES{1'b0}};
assign tlb_tag5_except = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_iu_ierat_rel_val_sig = 0;
assign mm_iu_ierat_rel_data_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_derat_rel_val_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_derat_rel_data_sig = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_ierat_dup_val_sig = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_derat_dup_val_sig = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_erat_dup_wait_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_barrier_done_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_flush_req_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_illeg_instr_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_ex6_illeg_instr_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_ex2_itag_sig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_ord_type = 0;
assign tlb_tag4_itag_sig = 0;
assign tlb_tag5_itag_sig = 0;
assign tlb_tag5_emq_sig = 0;
assign tlb_tag5_except = 0;
assign tlb_req_quiesce_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b1}};
assign tlb_ctl_quiesce_sig = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
assign htw_quiesce_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b1}};
// missing perf count signals
assign tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0 = {10{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1 = {10{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_perf_state = {0{1'b0}};
assign derat_req0_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign derat_req0_emq_sig = {`EMQ_ENTRIES{1'b0}};
assign derat_req0_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req0_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req1_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign derat_req1_emq_sig = {`EMQ_ENTRIES{1'b0}};
assign derat_req1_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req1_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req2_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign derat_req2_emq_sig = {`EMQ_ENTRIES{1'b0}};
assign derat_req2_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req2_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req3_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign derat_req3_emq_sig = {`EMQ_ENTRIES{1'b0}};
assign derat_req3_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign derat_req3_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req0_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign ierat_req0_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req0_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req1_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign ierat_req1_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req1_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req2_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign ierat_req2_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req2_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req3_thdid_sig = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign ierat_req3_valid_sig = 1'b0;
assign ierat_req3_nonspec_sig = 1'b0;
assign tlb_tag0_thdid = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign tlb_tag0_type = {-6{1'b0}};
assign tlb_seq_idle = 1'b0;
assign htw_req0_valid = 1'b0;
assign htw_req0_thdid = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign htw_req0_type = {0{1'b0}};
assign htw_req1_valid = 1'b0;
assign htw_req1_thdid = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign htw_req1_type = {0{1'b0}};
assign htw_req2_valid = 1'b0;
assign htw_req2_thdid = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign htw_req2_type = {0{1'b0}};
assign htw_req3_valid = 1'b0;
assign htw_req3_thdid = {`THDID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign htw_req3_type = {0{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_indirect = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload_noexcep = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_request = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_miss = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_pt_fault = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_pt_inelig = 1'b0;
assign tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_resv = 1'b0;
assign tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_noresv = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0 = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1 = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_state = 0;
assign derat_req0_thdid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req0_emq_sig = 0;
assign derat_req0_valid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req0_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign derat_req1_thdid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req1_emq_sig = 0;
assign derat_req1_valid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req1_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign derat_req2_thdid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req2_emq_sig = 0;
assign derat_req2_valid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req2_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign derat_req3_thdid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req3_emq_sig = 0;
assign derat_req3_valid_sig = 0;
assign derat_req3_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req0_thdid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req0_valid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req0_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req1_thdid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req1_valid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req1_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req2_thdid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req2_valid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req2_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req3_thdid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req3_valid_sig = 0;
assign ierat_req3_nonspec_sig = 0;
assign tlb_tag0_thdid = 0;
assign tlb_tag0_type = 0;
assign tlb_seq_idle = 0;
assign htw_req0_valid = 0;
assign htw_req0_thdid = 0;
assign htw_req0_type = 0;
assign htw_req1_valid = 0;
assign htw_req1_thdid = 0;
assign htw_req1_type = 0;
assign htw_req2_valid = 0;
assign htw_req2_thdid = 0;
assign htw_req2_type = 0;
assign htw_req3_valid = 0;
assign htw_req3_thdid = 0;
assign htw_req3_type = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_indirect = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload_noexcep = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_request = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_miss = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_pt_fault = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_perf_pt_inelig = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_resv = 0;
assign tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_noresv = 0;
// missing debug signals
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4 = {`TLB_TAG_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit = {`TLB_WAYS+1{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4 = {`TLB_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_way = {`TLB_WAY_WIDTH{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_eratmiss_done_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_tlb_miss_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_lrat_miss_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_tlb_inelig_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_pt_fault_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_hv_priv_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_esr_pt_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_esr_data_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_esr_epid_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_esr_st_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_tlb_miss_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_lrat_miss_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_inelig_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_pt_fault_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_hv_priv_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_multihit_err_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_tlb_par_err_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_lru_par_err_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_ord_tlb_multihit_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_ord_tlb_par_err_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_xu_ord_lru_par_err_sig = {0{1'b0}};
assign mm_pc_tlb_multihit_err_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_pc_tlb_par_err_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign mm_pc_lru_par_err_ored_sig = 1'b0;
assign tlb_snoop_ack = 1'b0;
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4 = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_wayhit = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_addr4 = 0;
assign tlb_cmp_dbg_tag4_way = 0;
assign mm_xu_eratmiss_done_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_miss_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_lrat_miss_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_inelig_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_pt_fault_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_hv_priv_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_esr_pt_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_esr_data_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_esr_epid_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_esr_st_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_miss_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_lrat_miss_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_inelig_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_pt_fault_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_hv_priv_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_multihit_err_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_tlb_par_err_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_lru_par_err_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_ord_tlb_multihit_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_ord_tlb_par_err_sig = 0;
assign mm_xu_ord_lru_par_err_sig = 0;
assign mm_pc_tlb_multihit_err_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_pc_tlb_par_err_ored_sig = 0;
assign mm_pc_lru_par_err_ored_sig = 0;
assign tlb_snoop_ack = 0;

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:

@ -43,9 +43,16 @@

`include "tri_a2o.vh"
`include "mmu_a2o.vh"
`define LRAT_MAXSIZE_LOG2 40 // 1T largest pgsize
`define LRAT_MINSIZE_LOG2 20 // 1M smallest pgsize

`ifndef LRATE_MAXSIZE_LOG2 // 1T largest pgsize
`define LRAT_MAXSIZE_LOG2 40
`ifndef LRAT_MINSIZE_LOG2 // 1M smallest pgsize
`define LRAT_MINSIZE_LOG2 20

module mmq_tlb_lrat_matchline(

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:

// *!****************************************************************
// *! FILENAME : mmu_a2o.vh
@ -35,8 +35,15 @@

`ifndef _mmu_a2o_vh_
`define _mmu_a2o_vh_
`define EXPAND_TYPE 2 // 0 = ibm (Umbra), 1 = non-ibm, 2 = ibm (MPG)
`define EXPAND_TLB_TYPE 2 // 0 = erat-only, 1 = tlb logic, 2 = tlb array

// why not use main setting?
`define EXPAND_TYPE 1 // 0 = ibm (Umbra), 1 = non-ibm, 2 = ibm (MPG)

`define EXPAND_TLB_TYPE 2 // 0 = erat-only, 1 = tlb logic, 2 = tlb array

// Use this line for A2o core. Comment out for A2i design.
`define A2O
@ -63,8 +70,6 @@

`define THDID_WIDTH 4 // this is a pre-defined tag field width
`define PID_WIDTH 14
`define PID_WIDTH_ERAT 8
@ -111,9 +116,11 @@
`define CHECK_PARITY 1

`ifdef A2O
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define ITAG_SIZE_ENC 7
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define TLB_TAG_WIDTH 122
`define MESR1_WIDTH 24 // 4 x 6 bits, 1 of 64 events
`define MESR2_WIDTH 24
