A tiny Open POWER ISA softcore written in VHDL 2008
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Paul Mackerras 7fe84220a5 decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports
This aims to simplify the logic between the instruction image and
the register file read address ports and reduce the size of the decode
tables.  With this patch, the input_reg_a column of the decode tables
can only select RA or zeroes, the input_reg_b column can only select
RB or a constant (0, -1, or an immediate value from the instruction),
and the input_reg_c columns can only select RS or zeroes.

That means that the rotate/shift/logical ops now have their first
input coming in via the input_reg_c column.  That means we need to
add a read_data3 field to the Decode2ToExecuteType record, but that
will go away again when we split out the rotate/mask/logical ops to
their own unit.

As a related but not tightly connected change, this patch also sets
the read1_enable signal to the register file be 0 when RA=0 and the
input_reg_a for the instruction is RA_OR_ZERO (previously it was 1).

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
fpga Improve PLL/MMCM clocks configuration 5 years ago
hello_world Rebuild hello world assuming a 50MHz clock 5 years ago
scripts New C based JTAG debug tool 5 years ago
sim-unisim Add a debug (DMI) bus and a JTAG interface to it on Xilinx FPGAs 5 years ago
tests Initial import of microwatt 5 years ago
.gitignore Add new files to git ignore 5 years ago
.travis.yml Allow a full make check on Travis 5 years ago
LICENSE Initial import of microwatt 5 years ago
Makefile decode: Push mtspr/mfspr register decoding down into execute1 5 years ago
README.md Remove gcc software divide patch 5 years ago
common.vhdl decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports 5 years ago
core.vhdl Merge branch 'divider' of https://github.com/paulusmack/microwatt 5 years ago
core_debug.vhdl Add core debug module 5 years ago
core_tb.vhdl Add core debug module 5 years ago
cr_file.vhdl Reformat CR file 5 years ago
crhelpers.vhdl Reformat crhelpers, and remove some stale code 5 years ago
decode1.vhdl decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports 5 years ago
decode2.vhdl decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports 5 years ago
decode_types.vhdl decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports 5 years ago
divider.vhdl divider: Do absolute-value ops in divider instead of decode 5 years ago
divider_tb.vhdl divider: Do absolute-value ops in divider instead of decode 5 years ago
dmi_dtm_dummy.vhdl Fix build issue in dmi_dtm_dummy.vhdl 5 years ago
dmi_dtm_tb.vhdl Wishbone debug module 5 years ago
dmi_dtm_xilinx.vhdl Don't reset JTAG request register asynchronously 5 years ago
execute1.vhdl decode: Avoid multiplexing from instruction reg fields to regfile address ports 5 years ago
execute2.vhdl Reformat execute2 5 years ago
fetch1.vhdl Simplify fetch1 5 years ago
fetch2.vhdl Reformat fetch2 5 years ago
glibc_random.vhdl Reformat glibc_random 5 years ago
glibc_random_helpers.vhdl Reformat glibc_random 5 years ago
helpers.vhdl Reformat helpers 5 years ago
icache.vhdl Add a simple direct mapped icache 5 years ago
icache_tb.vhdl Add an icache testbench 5 years ago
insn_helpers.vhdl Add MCRF instruction 5 years ago
loadstore1.vhdl Reformat loadstore1 5 years ago
loadstore2.vhdl loadstore2: Do data formatting after a register stage 5 years ago
microwatt.core Improve PLL/MMCM clocks configuration 5 years ago
multiply.vhdl Multiply needs to be 16 stages to fix all timing issues 5 years ago
multiply_tb.vhdl Reformat multiply_tb 5 years ago
ppc_fx_insns.vhdl Implement absolute branches 5 years ago
register_file.vhdl Reformat register file 5 years ago
sim_console.vhdl Reformat sim_console 5 years ago
sim_console_c.c Make sim poll non-blocking 5 years ago
sim_jtag.vhdl Add jtag support in simulation via a socket 5 years ago
sim_jtag_socket.vhdl Add jtag support in simulation via a socket 5 years ago
sim_jtag_socket_c.c Add jtag support in simulation via a socket 5 years ago
sim_uart.vhdl Share soc.vhdl between FPGA and sim 5 years ago
simple_ram_behavioural.vhdl Reformat simple_ram_behavioural 5 years ago
simple_ram_behavioural_helpers.vhdl Reformat simple_ram_behavioural 5 years ago
simple_ram_behavioural_helpers_c.c Silence some loadstore related debug 5 years ago
simple_ram_behavioural_tb.bin Initial import of microwatt 5 years ago
simple_ram_behavioural_tb.vhdl Reformat simple_ram_behavioural 5 years ago
soc.vhdl Add core debug module 5 years ago
wishbone_arbiter.vhdl Use a 3 way WB arbiter and cleanup fpga toplevel 5 years ago
wishbone_debug_master.vhdl Wishbone debug module 5 years ago
wishbone_types.vhdl Reformat wishbone code 5 years ago
writeback.vhdl Add a divider unit and a testbench for it 5 years ago



A tiny Open POWER ISA softcore written in VHDL 2008. It aims to be simple and easy to understand.

Simulation using ghdl

MicroPython running on Microwatt

  • Build micropython. If you aren't building on a ppc64le box you will need a cross compiler. If it isn't available on your distro grab the powerpc64le-power8 toolchain from https://toolchains.bootlin.com
git clone https://github.com/mikey/micropython
cd micropython
git checkout powerpc
cd ports/powerpc
make -j$(nproc)
cd ../../../
  • Microwatt uses ghdl for simulation. Either install this from your distro or build it. Next build microwatt:
git clone https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt
cd microwatt
  • Link in the micropython image:
ln -s ../micropython/ports/powerpc/build/firmware.bin simple_ram_behavioural.bin
  • Now run microwatt, sending debug output to /dev/null:
./core_tb > /dev/null

Synthesis on Xilinx FPGAs using Vivado

  • Install Vivado (I'm using the free 2019.1 webpack edition).

  • Setup Vivado paths:

source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
  • Install FuseSoC:
pip3 install --user -U fusesoc
  • Create a working directory and point FuseSoC at microwatt:
mkdir microwatt-fusesoc
cd microwatt-fusesoc
fusesoc library add microwatt /path/to/microwatt/
  • Build using FuseSoC. For hello world (Replace nexys_video with your FPGA board):
fusesoc run --target=nexys_video microwatt --memory_size=8192 --ram_init_file=/path/to/microwatt/fpga/hello_world.hex
  • To build micropython (currently requires 1MB of BRAM eg an Artix-7 A200):
fusesoc run --target=nexys_video microwatt


  • A simple test suite containing random execution test cases and a couple of micropython test cases can be run with:
make -j$(nproc) check


This is functional, but very simple. We still have quite a lot to do:

  • There are a few instructions still to be implemented
  • Need to add caches and bypassing (in progress)
  • Need to add supervisor state (in progress)